Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (37 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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She b
eat on his door again. The door opened and Ashley wedged herself halfway inside the doorway. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had someone in here. I apologize.”

I could faintly hear Gavin’s response to Ashley’s intrusion.
“Oh, it’s quite all right. Dr. Moore was just leaving.”

I s
cooted out into the hallway.

Amy emerged
from Gavin’s doorway. Her face was cherry red, her eyebrows were pulled down and her lips were tightly closed, forming a rigid line across her mouth.

She was

her designer bag over her shoulder, Amy swiftly made her way down the hallway. She didn’t even look at me as she passed by me. I heard the door open and slam shut.

I came to Gavin’s doorway and Ashley was
propped up against the wall inside his office, picking her cuticles.

“You’re both welcome!”
she said, leaving the room and heading back to her office.

“What in the hell?”
I asked.

“Oh, I managed to royally piss her off.
” He sat back down in his chair and placed his arm behind his head.

stared at Gavin, wanting a little bit more of an explanation.

“She kept hounding Scott about putting her on the study as a Co-Investigator. I finally just told him I refused to work with her. He insisted I give him a good reason and I told him that she was a lunatic.”

“I’m sure he wanted a better explanation than that,” I mumbled as I crossed my arms at my waist and rested against the doorframe.

nodded. “Of course he did. I told him we’d had a brief ‘relationship’ and when I’d tried to break it off with her she’d gone mad, calling me all hours of the day, sending me lewd photos of herself, and for that reason I refused to work with her. I explained that I felt her interest was with me, not the research.”

Hearing Gavin
say that made me cringe.

“What did Dr. Knight say?”

“He agreed that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Of course, when Amy found out, it embarrassed her, which is why she came over here.” He laughed to himself. “Oh, she brought you up too.”

“What did she say
? Do I even want to know?” I rolled my eyes back in my head just imagining what ridiculous things she’d most likely said to him.

She asked if I had grown tired of you yet. I, of course, responded that I had not and that I believed it to be impossible to grow tired of such a flawless creature as yourself.” He cast a brief look at me and grinned as he raised his brow and nodded. “She really liked that.”

, she’s crazy.” I turned to walk out of the doorway. “What time are we going to dinner?”

Six-thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.”

After dinner Gavin took me back to his house.
Leading me into his living room, he sat me on the couch.

He slipped his S
perry’s off and pulled his collared shirt over his head. “Stay there,” he instructed me as he made his way back to his bedroom.

I sat on his couch and
kicked my heels off, looking down at my right hand and adjusting the ring Gavin had given me at dinner. The design of it appeared to be ancient and Grecian. It was two snakes that were knotted together to create the eternity symbol. In the middle of the symbol was an emerald. The body of the snakes looked like they were slithering around my finger with their heads pointing in opposite directions.

I heard
Gavin walk into his kitchen and turn his surround sound on. Then I heard his footsteps stop behind the couch. He leaned over the arm of the couch and grabbed my hand. “You like it?”

“I do. You never told me where you
got it.”

One corner of his mouth
drew up and he let out a short, almost viscous sounding laugh as he looked down at the ring, running his thumb over it. “All you need to know is that it was made for you,” he said, his gaze lifting from my hand and meeting my eyes. “Come on, love.” He pulled me up and escorted me back to his bedroom.

There was
an amber glow dancing on the wall opposite the bedroom. We stopped in the entrance of his room and the bedroom was littered with candles. He massaged my shoulders and gently pushed me inside the room.

bent down and kissed me sweetly. One hand swept through my hair, and his other hand slowly caressed my jaw. He wrapped his fingers around my chin and pulled his lips away from me.

Ed Sheeran’s
Kiss Me
was playing softly in the background. I smiled.

“What?” His eyes crinkled up as he smiled
back down at me.

“The song, it’s a little cliché-ish
. Don’t you think?” I laughed and pulled him close to me.

Well, you like cliché.”

kissed my neck gently and pulled the strap of my dress off my shoulder.

“I do. You know me so well.” I t
ilted my head to the side as he continued to trail my neck with his warm lips.

heat from his breath rushed across my skin and sent a weakness tearing through me.

He moved his lips to my ear. “You are so beautifu
l, Brooke,” he breathed into my ear as he wiggled the other strap of my dress down.

I ran my hands over his chest
and down his swollen arms. “You’re an Adonis.” I looked at him, soaking up his undeniably sexy body.

His touch, his words,
his presence caused a feeling of possession to splinter through my body. The slightest touch from Gavin did something to me that I’d never experienced before in my life. It was almost like there was a transfer of energy any time he touched my body. His kisses devoured me. He was the most addictive thing I’d ever experienced. It was as though this man
possessed me.

Gavin unzipped my dress
and it fell to the floor. I stepped out of the material crumpled around my feet. Reaching down, I unzipped his pants, shoving them down along with his boxers.

He unfastened my bra
and ran his hands across my breasts and then down my sides as his mouth covered mine.

“Sinfully alluring
,” he embraced my mouth with his again, his lips brushing against mine as the words poured into my mouth, “tempting, bewitching…”

laid me down on his bed; his hands grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them off. Gavin ran his hands down between my legs and rubbed across me with his fingers. He slid a finger inside of me, his tongue tracing along the inside of my mouth as he gently massaged my tongue with his, every so often pulling away and locking his gaze on me.

I reached down and rubbed my fingers
over him, lightly dragging the tips of my nails across his delicate skin.

“I want you so badly
. Let me have you. Let me own this part of you,” he begged as he placed himself on top of me. The heat from his skin intensified the need I had to feel him close to me.

“You have me,
” I said, running my hands along his shoulder blades. “I’m all yours.”

placed himself at my opening. He gently pushed himself inside of me, moving slowly and deliberately. Continuing to kiss me gently on my lips, he moved down across my neck. I closed my eyes, enjoying this new feeling of him moving so slowly and tenderly within me.

I opened
my eyes to Gavin staring intently into them. The amber glow from the candles that surrounded us gave him a warm shadowing and accentuated his defined, masculine features.

had propped himself up, his hands placed directly above my shoulders. He ran his thumb along the side of my neck and opened his mouth to say something but bit his lip. He stared into me, the flicker from the flames reflecting off his bright green irises.

His lips melted into mine and then he
pulled his face a few inches away from me. I could feel him pushing deeper inside of me and I grabbed onto his biceps, digging my nails into his skin.

owering his head toward the side of my face, he let out a sigh. His breathing grew heavy and he said, “I love you, Brooke.”

My pulse skipped. An overwhelming sensation crept over me and I could feel warm tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

“I love you,” he said again, this time louder and more certain.

out a quick breath, I confessed, “I love you too.” I felt crazy for feeling so strongly toward someone in such a short time.

“God, I love you
… I need you,” he groaned as he thrust into me a little faster.

His motions jarred the liquid from my eyes and
my body tensed up. Grabbing onto his back, I arched mine and pulled him deeper into me. The intense, satisfying tremor shook through my core and sent a warm rush all over my body. My arms felt numb and fell from his back, my entire body felt weightless.

“You’re mine. You belong with me,” he said. “Nothing could keep me from you.” He pushed into me and
his arms stiffened by my head. Holding himself over me, the anticipation melted from his face and he collapsed on top of me.

I stared up at his ceiling
. I‘d been told I love you by former boyfriends; I’d told them I loved them too, but this was entirely different. The way I felt about Gavin was unlike any emotion I’d ever had.


I thought about him constantly and I needed him in a way I couldn’t even comprehend. Everything seemed surreal with him. The smell of his cologne made me feel secure, the feel of his skin gave me such a strong desire, and the only thing that could quench it was his touch. I felt as though my life would cease to exist if I ever lost him.

He rolled off of me and propped his head up on his hand.
Reaching over, I pushed back the loose hair that was dangling so seductively in front of his face.

narrowed me eyes, studying his expression. “I really do love you,” I said. “I do — I love you. You have no idea,” I whispered.

in, he kissed me. “Well, good, because I’m afraid I’m desperately in love with you. Have been for some time now.”

I laid my head back against
his pillow. “I couldn’t be any happier than I am when I’m with you.”

wrapped his arm tightly around me, spooning me from behind. He kissed the nape of my neck and said, “Love you, my darling love.”

shut my eyes and cherished the feeling of having him hold me so closely; knowing now that he really was completely mine.

He loves me.

The next morning I texted Constance on my way into work.

He told me he loves me!!!! I think I may just die! I’m so happy.

I knew I wouldn’t get a reply from her until at least ten o’clock when she’d wake up.

ying to hear somebody’s reaction, I ran into Ashley’s office as soon as I got to work.

I pushed
past Nicole on my way down the hall. I opened Ashley’s door with a ridiculously large smile plastered on my face. “He told me he loves me!” I sighed and leaned myself against her wall.

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