Bound (The Guardians) (4 page)

Read Bound (The Guardians) Online

Authors: M.J. Stevens

Tags: #Sci-fi, #young adult, #adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Bound (The Guardians)
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The blond makes his way over to the closest tree. He leans against it and slides down to the ground. He sits uncomfortably, one leg out straight and the other tucked up a little from the pain.

‘No, I’ll stay… I guess.’

As I sit down near him, my hands feel clammy. I’m agonisingly aware that I’m sitting next to a Guardian. Yet abandoning him still feels wrong, he’s hurt. I don’t know how long his Sentry officers will take to arrive. Surely there’s no harm in waiting with him, just for a bit.

‘What is your name?’ Leo unexpectedly asks.

‘Mellea Wendorn,’ I say. I have no idea why I felt a need to throw in my last name. In fact I should have used a fake name. Geez I’m a moron.

Leo mumbles, ‘That is a very strange name. I do not really care for it.’

‘Excuse me?’

He quickly asks again, ‘Where do you live?’

‘Pekkin,’ I reply and then cringe. Man! I did it again. Why must I always tell the truth?

Leo puffs and glances away. ‘I have never heard of that place. It must be small and insignificant. I only travel to places worth my time.’

I grit my teeth and twist the other way, irritated. This guy doesn’t feel like royalty, he’s an arrogant jerk. Facing the other direction completely, I sit with my hands in my lap. ‘If you are going to make fun of me, and where I live, then let’s simply sit here in silence until your “personal officers” arrive.’

Leo says, ‘I was not trying to upset you.’

‘Well you did,’ I snap back. My nerves have started to disappear. Or rather, they’re covered by frustration.

‘You do realise who you are speaking to? Most people would be falling all over themselves to sit in private with me, a Successor, like this. I am a person of esteemed power. I am a descendant of the Guardian legacy.’

I roll my eyes. ‘Well
my apologies
for not kissing your feet, Oh Great One.’

‘Why aren’t you like the other women?’

I rapidly turn back to him. ‘What?’

‘Well, we have been speaking intimately for quite a few moments. Yet you have not tried to submit your suitability as a possible bride to me. Most girls do the moment they figure out I am a Successor, and an available one at that.’

I reply, ‘When you got shot, did you hit your head really hard or something? I can’t believe you would suggest I ask you to unite with me. That’s so weird. We’ve been talking for five minutes. Plus, I thought unitings were about love. You make it sound like a job.’

a job,’ Leo says straight-faced.

I mumble, ‘Yeah well, being united to
would be, wouldn’t it? If you’re fishing around for me to “submit my suitability” as a lame joke you will get off on, forget it.’

Silence creeps its way in. I remain with my head facing away. Perhaps my father was wrong about the Guardians. They’re not evil. They’re simply up themselves. It’s really no wonder that Leo’s single. He’s handsome, but he’s a jerk.

Leo abruptly makes a painful sound behind me. I quickly flick around. I see him, holding his belly. He looks weak, his eyes are fluttering.

Unexpectedly he topples from his seated position over to his side.

He hits hard. He doesn’t move. Not even a little.

‘Hey, Successor…guy?’ I call gently. There’s no response. ‘Leo?’ I say again, crawling over. I touch the side of his face with the back of my hand. He’s burning up. It seems his injuries are worse than he’s made out. I gently pat the side of his face. ‘Hey, don’t go to sleep… you might not wake up again!’

I reach over to his chest and tug the zipper down, trying to get some air in there. I undo the buttons on his blue undershirt very quickly, in case he regains consciousness and catches me.  As I move the collar on his shirt open, I see a silver necklace with a yellow stone pendent. The gem is beautiful and the deeper I look into it, the more it sparkles.

Covering my eyes with my hands I think
: snap out of it girl! We have a more important situation here than admiring his fancy jewellery!

I scramble over to my bag and take out my water bottle. I rush back and lean over him. There’s only a bit of liquid left. Quickly I splash his face with it.

Leo opens his blue eyes again. The colour is striking, but somehow soft. He has the blood of the royal Guardians within him. I can see that now. Yet somehow he seems so helpless. It contradicts everything I pictured about this illustrious family. In truth they’re mortals like everyone else.

I can’t help but think about what might have happened if I had left him as he wished. Maybe his story would have ended here today. That would be a shame. He’s clearly the kind of person that is destined for an amazing life. I wish I could know for sure what my calling is.

Leo’s eyes study me. But the uptight atmosphere from earlier has dissipated a little. I carefully reach over and push his wet blond hair from his face. He closes his eyes as I touch him and reopens them when I stop.

‘You know, for a Guardian, you sure are a lot of trouble,’ I say with a grin.

Leo glances back. Slowly, the corners of his mouth move. He gives me a very faint, genuine smile. It’s warm. I have a sudden feeling not many people get to see that sight. It’s enough to make a girl feel special.

A thunderous boom starts in the air above us. It’s followed by gushing wind. It’s strong; I cover my eyes with my arms to avoid the airborne dust. I can hear the trees around us swaying hard, the leaves smashing to the ground in large numbers. When the commotion settles, I lower my arms and unexpectedly hear a clicking sound behind me. I twist around.

Three Sentry officers in black and white body suits have emerged from a flyer. I’ve never been so close to one before. They’re like an egg with three sets of wings on each side. But my attention is not allowed to wander much further as a Sentry officer lunges at me, pointing a gun to my head.

‘Stand,’ he commands. With knees rattling I do as he says and slowly rise with my hands up. ‘Back away.’ I take a few steps away from Leo and wait.

One of the three men is much older than the others. He’s doesn’t wear a formal uniform. He has white hair and a patch over his left eye. His face is strong and intimidating.

The older man makes his way towards Leo. He stands over him, folding his arms tightly, his face is angry. The man says, ‘The next time you decide to throw a temper tantrum, Leo, you should simply go and hide in your room like you used to.’

Leo’s eyes narrow. His nose scrunches. His sweet smile is gone and the air is thick.

The older man says to the Sentry officers, ‘Get Leo into the flyer; discussions can wait.’

The man with the gun pointed at me lowers his weapon. He and the third man scoop up tall Leo. The man with the eye patch turns towards me. My hands go cold. As he approaches, his face is stern. I can only see one light blue visible eye. He is an older man, but still strong and dangerous. The way he looms over me makes my body shiver.

‘Tell me who you are,’ he commands loudly.

I blink and watch Leo getting carted to the nearby transport. I lower my eyes. ‘I’d better be going. My parents are waiting for me.’

The man reaches forward and stops my movements by grabbing my face. My cheekbones ache from the rough position. He lifts my head and my neck stings from the force.

‘I asked you to tell me who you are,’ he repeats angrily.

Through squished face I manage to say, ‘Mellea Wendorn…’

The man’s one eye widens for a moment after I say my name. But then he grins and asks with scepticism, ‘And you were simply “passing by” when Leo was shot down today, correct?’

I nod strongly several times.

‘Convenient, isn’t it, that you should appear from almost nowhere to aid a Successor?’ Glaring at me, he asks, ‘How do we know you were not with those attackers? Or perhaps even that you are a spy, attempting to gain information about the Guardians by forcing yourself on Leo?’

Though squished cheeks I say, ‘No. I-I was trying to help him.’

Abruptly the man lets go of my face before swiftly grabbing me around the neck. His strong grasp constricts my airflow. Tears roll down my face. It feels like they’re being squeezed out.

He shouts, ‘Do you think weeping is going to sway me, girl? Some of the best spies we have ever encountered have been women. They are seductive and traitorous. I know all their tricks, so you had best start talking now, before I snap your neck.’

I wheeze, ‘Please…I don’t…’

He clenches tighter and things start to go fuzzy. My heart beats faster than ever. I start thinking about my family and how I should’ve listened to my father. He was right; no good deed ever did go unpunished. I’m petrified that I’m going to die because of it.

The man’s hand is unexpectedly released from my throat, by Leo. He rushes in and pushes the man back. The Successor and I topple backwards and land on the ground. I cough a few times from the strain on my neck. Once the air is back in my lungs, I glance around slowly.

Leo wearily stands. ‘Enough, Grandfather! Leave her alone.’

My eyes stretch wide and my body becomes numb. Did Leo say
? That means that this man is no ordinary man. He’s the former Lord Guardian of Selestia, Sir Dorkarn Montarus. I slide back a little on the grass.

‘What do you think you are doing?’ Dorkarn asks Leo.

Leo stands as straight as he can manage, making his way closer to the older man. The two are almost the same height: tall and powerful. The Successor glances at me in silence. His expression is muddled and confused. Unexpectedly, he gives me a strong nod, although it seems as if he’s nodding to himself.

‘Grandfather…I chose her.’

Dorkarn stares at Leo with a shocked face. He shouts, ‘I cannot believe you! For the last six months you have been barking at me about how no one will ever be suitable enough for you. Then suddenly you find a little…country peasant and

What? What are they talking about?

Leo replies quickly, ‘You do not have to like my choice. You only have to accept it.’

Dorkarn makes a disgruntled noise and starts to walk my way. ‘Mark my words boy - we will be discussing this tonight when your father returns.’

The former Lord Guardian walks over to me with haste. I cringe as he reaches forward and gently places his hand over my eyes. All I can hear is the sound of my own heart pounding through my chest.

…And then, I remember only darkness.


My head is pounding as I gradually open my eyes. I scan around before pulling my torso up.

I’m in an unfamiliar place, a very posh and spacious room. I sit on top of the covers of a large bed with white silk sheets and one too many pillows.  Not far from me is a small table with four chairs. The walls behind it are lined with dark red wallpaper laced with gold trimmings. Beside me is a large window that stretches from the floor, right up to the high ceiling. Attached to the roof is a large glass chandelier.

There are no other walls; it’s all one big room. I’ve never been in a place so extravagant.

I fling my legs over the edge of the bed. The moment I rush forwards I feel my knees buckle. The next thing I know I’m hugging soft white carpet. I drag my body forward, reaching out to a nearby chair leg. I pull myself up and rest my elbows on the table. I rattle to my feet and look down. I’m still wearing my work pants and shirt, but my shoes and socks are gone. I pat around my pants pockets whilst scanning the room. My bag, phone and personal items are gone.

Swiftly I notice something on my wrist. I hold my left arm up and stare at it. It’s a beautiful, thick banded silver bracelet. It sparkles when I turn it. I quickly grab it with the opposite hand and pull as hard as I can. But it’s too tight to slip over my wrist.

What the abyss is going on here?

Feeling sturdier, I bolt to the door. It’s locked so I proceed to bang hard on the wooden surface. I call out, but silence is my reply. I half jog over to the only other door in the room. I rip it open. Dammit, it’s a bathroom. I slam it shut and move to the large window.  I press both hands against the glass and stare out, feeling quickly horrified.

This room is on a very high level of a building. It’s morning which means that I’ve been unconscious since yesterday. There is only
place that could possibly house this astonishing view of Poridos City from this particular angle.

I’m in the Guardian’s Tower.

I pull back from the window and scream, ‘I can’t believe this is happening. Why do bad things happen to good people?’ I smack the sturdy window with the base of my foot. This is all Leo’s fault. Why did he bring me here?

I run back over to the door and once again start beating on it. ‘Hey! Let me out of here!’

My thumps are stopped when the lock turns unexpectedly. I step back and watch it open. Leo emerges through it, shutting it behind him. I take three large steps back.

I observe him closely. Leo looks different to yesterday. His blond hair has been cut and tidied, lengthier on top and shorter around the sides. He wears a long sleeve blue shirt and black jeans. Around his neck that yellow stoned necklace sparkles again. If I had met him dressed like this to begin with, I would have known that he was more than a hurt stranger.

Leo moves towards me. He says, ‘You are awake and standing... I am glad. Sometimes the technique Grandfather uses can leave people drowsy for a couple of days. You keep surprising me.’

a huge surprise,’ I reply sarcastically.

I can feel my lips curling in anger. An uncontrollable hostility starts to build in my body. ‘Is this some kind of weird joke or… punishment for helping you yesterday? You guys have got to learn to loosen up. I was only doing what any normal person would.’

Leo responds, ‘No, this is not a punishment. Take a good look at your wrist. I have given you my engagement bracelet. We are to be united.’

I stare at the bracelet again. What he’s said takes a few moments to register. But when it does, I begin to laugh awkwardly. ‘Oh, I see now. You’re delusional; it’s perfectly understandable considering how hard you hit the dirt.’

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