Read Bound & Teased Online

Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Bound & Teased (21 page)

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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Katie couldn’t breathe, let alone think, after Jed released her mouth. Love for these two men flowed through her veins. And the sex was great, too. Her lips twitched.

It was so much more. She wasn’t sure how to explain it even to herself. All she knew was she felt safe and protected with them. Yet more. She wanted to cook for them, to make sure their needs were taken care of, and to just be with them.

Oh, God, how she loved these two men. The words filtered through her brain, she wasn’t surprised by the thought. Not anymore. These two men would always take care of her. Her love would only make that caring so much more sweeter.

Katie drew in some much needed oxygen. This was the new beginning she wanted with Ry and Jed. Two pairs of arms encircled her body, and without breaking contact, they rolled onto their sides. Jed faced her with his cock inside her throbbing pussy. Ry was behind her, his arms around her, and his fingers playing with her breasts.

“Rest, Kitty Kat,” Jed whispered.

His cock slipped from her and she sighed. Maybe after a little nap, they could do this again. But this time she would lead and show them her love.

Chapter Eleven

Katie blew out a breath. Two and a half weeks had passed since the vandalism with her car. Everything seemed to have calmed down. But everyone in town was on alert, so maybe that was what made whatever was happening stop.

She shifted in her chair. She wished her father and ex would stop calling, but at least it was down to one call a day.

Now she was getting hang up calls from a number she didn’t recognize. At first she just thought it was a wrong number, but it kept happening several times a day. She had thought about changing her number again, but didn’t want to go through the hassle.

Enough of those depressing thoughts. Katie grinned. It was Friday night, and she was able to spend time with Ry and Jed. She shifted again. In the last two weeks, the two had decided it was time to work on her ass.

They had started slowly at first, using their fingers and anal beads, then worked their way up to butt plugs. Right now a glass butt plug rested in her ass and drove her crazy. At least it would come out tonight.

After Gran had left for her tea shop, Jed had stopped by this morning to insert the largest one in for her. When she stared at the glass plug, he explained it would be more comfortable than plastic, and if she experienced any pain or cramping to remove it and let him know.

Then he informed her Ry had the weekend off and to tell Gran not to expect her home.

Even with everything going on, the more time she spent with them, the more she realized how much she loved these two men. Two men. Part of her wondered if she was crazy, but the other part knew she’d loved them since before she was eighteen.

Losing eight years with them still made her sad, but it was something she had to do. And she still hadn’t told them the whole story, mainly because her father was such a jerk and she had fallen for it. Maybe another time. Not this weekend. This time was for them. She would be completely theirs this weekend as they took her together. One in her pussy and one in her ass. She didn’t want to distract them or herself with talk of her father.

Glancing at the clock told her it was three. Good. She could close up for the day, as most of her clients were already gone for the weekend, and those few who were around could wait until Monday. She shut down her computer and left her office. She wanted to be ready for tonight, so she was going to shower and shave at her house.

She doubled checked the front door before going up stairs to her bathroom. It was a shame this crime spree or whatever it was, was happening. It had shaken the residents of Felton’s Creek, but they were a resilient bunch.

The annual June celebration held in honor of Felton’s Creek’s founder was still going ahead full speed, and she couldn’t wait. It had been a long time since she could attend. The booths and attractions were fun for kids and adults alike. Jed would be there with ponies for the kids to ride. She would be helping Gran at her stand, and Ry would be there with the sheriff’s SUV for kids and adults to look at.

Katie sighed as she stepped under the hot water of the shower. The water beating down on her shoulders helped relieve some of the tension there from sitting at her desk all day. But she had to smile. Business was good. She’d picked up several new clients, so she had no complaints.

She raised her leg to shave it, and the butt plug shifted again. Arousal shot from her ass to her clit to her breasts. Her fingers strayed to her pussy lips.

Wetness, not just from the water, greeted her. Shifting her stance, she braced one hand against the shower wall and began stroking her fingers along her folds before plunging one into her pussy. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back.

Ry stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching Katie through the clear shower doors. He’d stopped by to talk with her about tonight. The front door was locked, and Katie’s car was in the driveway, so he’d used the key Miss Mazie had given him and had let himself in. Once he’d seen the little vixen masturbating in the shower, his cock had gone hard within a second.

She had her hand buried between her legs, her harsh breathing filling the air along with steam. Her mouth was parted and her skin flushed. A groan of pleasure left her lips.

He was sure they had told her no pleasuring herself. His little one was going to be punished for this. Of course, she probably hadn’t thought about that. He hadn’t told her he was going to stop by.

A grin formed over his lips. Oh, tonight was going to be fun, along with the rest of the weekend. This weekend he and Jed would take her together. One in her ass, one in her pussy. Ry rested his shoulder against the door frame and watched Katie as she stroked herself.

Her head was thrown back, and she moaned. “Yes, Ry, that’s it. Stroke me. Harder. Faster.”

Her hips began to move in time with her hand. “Oh, Jed, you feel so good in my ass.”

Ry almost swallowed his tongue. Jed had called him to let him know he’d put the largest plug in Katie’s ass this morning, so they could both take her this weekend. And here she was, fantasizing about them.

He kept his gaze on her as she kept talking and stroking herself. Her body went rigid, and she cried out, “Yes! I’m coming.” Her head fell forward, her hand braced against the shower tile. After a minute or two, she straightened.

Ry toyed with joining her, but decided no, he would wait. Anticipation would make the night all the sweeter. He silently backed away. Wait until he told Jed about this. They would decide together how to punish their naughty submissive.


Jed pushed open the door to Miss Mazie’s tea shop. Miss Mazie had called him a little while ago and asked him to stop by. The small shop had tables scattered around with chairs that looked too dainty to hold his weight. A counter and display case were near the back wall.

“Thanks for coming by, Jed,” Miss Mazie said, walking toward him.

“Not a problem, Miss Mazie. What can I do for you?”

“Let’s sit down.” She waved in the direction of an empty table just big enough for two. Jed held her chair for her before taking his own. Miss Maize looked worried.

“Is something bothering you?” He reached across the table and patted the back of her wrinkled hand.

“You’re such a dear boy, and so is Ry.” She gave him a sad smile.

It took everything Jed had not to stiffen and demand to know what she meant. Hell, were there rumors going around about the three of them? It wouldn’t be the first time he and Ry were the topic of the gossip mill, but he didn’t want Katie involved.

“I’m thinking my Katie didn’t tell you about what is happening?” Miss Mazie asked.

Jed froze. What the hell hadn’t Katie told them? “What is it?” He fought to keep his tone even and not demand that Miss Mazie tell him everything.

“Well after the incident at the house, she’s been getting hang up calls on her cell.”

“Since the vandalism incident?” Jed rubbed his chin, relaxing slightly. Ry hadn’t mentioned anything which meant Katie was keeping information from them. That was not good.

“Well, I noticed it about four days ago, and I know they’re still continuing.”

“Have you told Ry about this?”

Miss Mazie shook her head. “I called him and left him a message then called you.”

“Thank you, Miss Mazie. We’ll both talk to Katie about the calls.” Jed didn’t like this at all.

“I knew I could count on you boys to take care of my girl.” Miss Mazie stood up, and Jed automatically rose. “Have fun this weekend.” With that, she moseyed back to the counter.

Jed shook his head. Miss Mazie never failed to amaze him. Most grandmothers would be livid at their granddaughter for being with two men, but not Miss Mazie. She was always accepting of them.

He made his way out of the tea shop to his truck. Once there, he pulled out his cell and called Ry. “Hey, you on your way home?”

“Yeah,” Ry answered. “We need to talk before Katie comes over tonight.”

“Yes we do. Be there in ten.”


Katie glanced at the clock as she hurried into her bedroom to dress. Four-fifteen. Her shower had taken her longer than she expected because of the damn butt plug. Every time she moved, it aroused her more.

Masturbating had taken the edge off, but not by much. She was going to be more than aroused when she got to Ry and Jed’s house tonight.

She dressed quickly in the clothes Jed asked her to wear for the evening. Nothing special, just a skirt and T-shirt. But no bra and no panties. She stopped in the kitchen to check the meal in the slow cooker and left Gran a note, telling her when dinner would be ready. She’d already told Gran she wouldn’t be home tonight.

At the front door of her house, Katie paused. She’d planned on walking to Ry and Jed’s house, but that would be torture with the butt plug and no underwear. She preferred to walk so the presence of her car wouldn’t make people wonder, but not tonight. It wasn’t like they were hiding their relationship, but as Ry had said in the beginning they didn’t flaunt their lifestyle, either. She’d put her car in their garage so it wasn’t sitting in the driveway all weekend.

She walked down the porch stairs, and a sensual quiver sparked out from her pussy to her clit to her nipples. Her breath hiccupped. Oh damn. She was already on edge, and she couldn’t wait until they allowed her to climax. With slow measured steps, she made it to her car.

Her lips tilted up. She never would have thought she’d enjoy their brand of dominance, but she did. It was different than anything she’d ever experienced. Even in the New York clubs she’d gone to, she’d watched Dominants and submissives play and rarely had she seen the affection she had with Ry and Jed. It was that elusive total power exchange she’d heard about but never really saw. Her pleasure was their pleasure. Her pain was their pain. And the aftercare…they took care of her after every scene, be it a short or long one.

She loved cuddling with both men, and they talked about anything and everything. Hell, last weekend they had her telling them her favorite fantasies. Her stomach fluttered. She’d never been so open and honest with any man in her life. Now she had two of them.

It excited her that they could have a relationship like that. Not at all like the relationship with Walter. Walter hadn’t really been interested in her but in what her father could give him. Fame, money, and connections—that’s what Walter wanted.

And then she had her old need to win her dysfunctional father’s love. It had taken her years to realize her father would never love her like he loved himself. She sighed. Between the hang up calls and the calls from her ex and father, her nerves were getting worn down.

Katie pushed all those negative thoughts away. She was looking forward to a relaxing weekend with her men.

After parking her car, she strode up the walkway to the house. It was time to put everything out of her mind but Ry and Jed. She opened the door with her key then locked it behind her. After dropping her purse on the small table, she went to the dungeon door, punched in the code, and opened the door.

She frowned. The lights were already on. Oh, they must have forgotten to turn them off. She made her way down the stairs, wondering what Ry and Jed had planned for her. Her feet sank onto the soft padded floor, and she went still.

Ry and Jed were standing by the bed, arms crossed over their chests and feet apart in their “We are your Doms” pose. Oh, shit. What had she done to set them off?

“Hi, guys,” she said, trying to inject a note of cheerfulness into her voice.

They both stared at her, their glares hard and unyielding. A shiver of apprehension slithered through her veins. Oh, this was so not good.

She opened her mouth.


Katie stiffened at Ry’s sharp tone.

“No excuses, Kitty Kat,” Jed said, his voice much less harsh. “Tonight you will only voice your pleasure and answer our questions.”

Ry strode over to her, and it took everything Katie had in her to hold her place. He cupped her chin and raised her face to his. “Safewords?”

She swallowed. “Red and yellow.”

“Good girl.” He brushed a kiss across her lips before he started undressing her. When he finished stripping her, Jed approached with a blindfold. Damn, she hated the loss of her sight. She fought down her anxiety. Ry and Jed would take care of her. Once it was on, they lifted her and carried her across the room.

Katie battled with her instincts to struggle. Then they shifted her in their embrace and set her down on her knees. A loud click sounded in the room and coolness encased her ankles. Before she could take a breath, they were pushing her down until her elbows rested on padded mats and her wrists were enclosed into metal as well.

Her ass was raised in the air, and she shivered with the thought of what she looked like, ankles and wrists restrained and her ass sticking up, begging for attention.

“We haven’t restrained your neck, so don’t make us,” Jed said, and the blindfold was removed.

She sighed in relief at the return of her sight. She turned her head and realized she was in a kneeling stockade of sorts. Her legs were spread, as were her arms. Her breath hiccupped in her throat.

BOOK: Bound & Teased
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