Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (77 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories
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She lowered her eyes, swallowing hard. "I do," she said softly, for what else could she say but the truth?

"We are the disciplinary tribunal of the Secret Society of Saint Valentine," the man in the center said. "In our review of your case, we have found sufficient evidence of your need for discipline and dominance by the man you love to bring you here. Master Inquirer, please proceed."

The bearded man who sat to Maud's right said, "Maud Fredericks, you will now acknowledge your faults, and receive your just reward for them. Please tell us in your own words of your disobedience to the man you love, whose word should be law to you."

Maud found to her astonishment that she began speaking without even considering what to say, or whether she should speak at all. She had already admitted that she loved David, and wasn't it true—for her, at least, her body cried out—that she should obey him? "David—"

The man in the center interrupted her, though. "You will call him your master from henceforth, Maud, in this house and anywhere else he chooses. Begin again."

Startled again, she looked up for a second time, and saw that the man's gray eyes were regarding her severely. He spoke again. "Keep your eyes where they belong, girl."

To her dismay, Maud felt her body respond to the man's arrogant, commanding tone. Though she had resolved to try to obey, to try to be a good girl, confusion took hold of her for a moment at the feeling of warmth between her thighs. So when the man said, "Mr. Carroll, I think you should give your girl a proper sight to look upon," and David suddenly appeared in front of her, between the kneeling desk and the table, and began to unfasten the belt of his robe, Maud didn't understand right away what was taking place.

Then the sight of David's cock, rising from his loins towards her, framed in the strange shorts of black cotton that seemed to declare his erect penis and wrinkled scrotum the most important things in the world to the girl he claimed, made her gasp. She shook her head without meaning to, not refusing or denying but as if to say that she didn't feel ready to look at her master that way. Maud thought of herself as sexually active, but she had never had a man's cock so close to her face and the shame of it made her feel faint even as her helpless arousal continued to grow.

"This is my cock, Maud," David said. "From now on, you will please it as I command. Do you understand? Say,
yes, master.

"Yes, master," Maud whispered.

"When your master's cock is in front of you, Maud," said the man in the center, "you must look only at it, to show your respect for your master's rights. Now, keeping your eyes where they belong, please begin your confession again."

Maud looked at the hard phallus, swaying slightly in front of her. David held his hands at his sides and suddenly she longed to have those hands upon her, even if they were to hold her head still so he could thrust himself inside her mouth—the thing she had never done, with him or anyone, because it seemed too subservient, too shameful. As if he read her mind, his right hand reached out, but only to stroke her cheek. The tenderness of the gesture and the warmth of his knuckles seemed to fill her heart with light. She even thought she could hear David's beautiful voice in her mind, somehow:
You can do it. Now we both know that we want the same thing. Time to live happily ever after, as kinky and shameful as our happy ending will be.

"My master told me he was going to spank me, and have sex with me from behind," she said steadily, looking at her master's beautiful cock, "and I told him not to be silly. My master told me he would spank me, and I would have to please him with my mouth and have him in my bottom to help me learn respect, and I walked away."

The man on the right asked, "Did Mr. Carroll tell you why he was going to spank you?"

"Y–yes," Maud said, realizing how she was incriminating herself and suddenly terrified anew of what the consequences might be. "I didn't tell him something I should have told him, and I drank too much and ruined a special night we'd planned."

The man in the center said, "Master Instructor, please give your charge." Maud bit her lips and kept her eyes on David's cock. Now she felt that she wanted to have it in her mouth, wanted to please him, to make up for her infractions. A new sort of thought came to her:
Maybe if I pleasure him well enough, he won't spank me?

Now Officer Miller, the man on the left, spoke for the first time. "Maud Fredericks, you will be taken in hand now. After you are awarded, your master will spank you over his knee, to punish you for your failure to obey him and to teach you that from now on your bare bottom will receive regular discipline. Then you will go with him to his room and he will enjoy your bodily charms with all the thoroughness at his disposal, training you to please him as he possesses you along every path of pleasure you afford."

Inches away from Maud's face, David's cock seemed to leap at these words, and at last Maud felt herself give in, her own heart thrilling at the clear arousal of the man she loved, and her own pussy tingling and melting into the lacy black thong.

The man in the center took up the discourse. "We award Maud Fredericks to David Carroll, and we wish you all the joy of this St. Valentine's Day. Open your mouth, now, and receive your master."

Chapter Seven: Reward


hat?" Maud gasped. David's cock gave one of its little leaps, rising with a little jerk from the wiry brown fleece that—now by contrast with the new bareness between her own thighs—had begun to seem like almost as much a mark of his authority over her as his cock itself. She tried to keep her eyes there, where she knew David wanted them to be, adoring his rigid length, the fluting curves of its head, the special little eye at its very tip from which came the seed with which perhaps David would one day make her the mother of his child if she learned to please him.

Maud realized, though dimly, that all thoughts she now had about David's cock represented the emergence of a long-buried set of desires. She could no longer deny that although the shame and the fear continued, she also wanted these men to give her to David: award her so that he and she would always understand Maud's sacred duty to obey him and to please him. She wanted him to use her with his beautiful penis until he had not the slightest doubt that Maud knew that she existed to be his.

But to take it in her mouth... ever since she and her friends had begun to talk about sex, Maud had resolved that she would not be the kind of girl who did that. Sex needed to follow the patterns of nature, she had always reasoned whenever she felt the temptation to do something strange, no matter how her hidden desires urged her to shameful acts. When David had said in the hotel room on New Year's Day that when they got home to his apartment Maud would give him a blowjob and then offer her bottom for his use, she had felt she had no choice at all but to get up and walk away, because otherwise she would have said,
Yes, oh, God, yes.

Now, even so, to do it. To show David that her mouth would henceforth be a place for thrusting and filling with his penis, whenever he felt the urge to take his pleasure there... how could she? And with those three men watching?

David's voice came from above her, stern but calm, like a hammer in velvet. "Maud, is this your obedience? Do I need to whip you, even before I take you over my knee? Open your mouth and show me how good a girl you can be."

did it. The thought of the spanking over his knee, of the intimacy they would know when at last her master gave her the punishment fit for a naughty little girl who must learn how to behave. Whipping, paddling, caning: they all made Maud's heart leap not just with fear but also with excitement, she could confess to herself now. But the idea that to be taken in hand by David meant loving guidance given with a firm hand upon her bare bottom as she lay upended upon his masculine lap, and then, as he had outlined all the way back on Thanksgiving, sex according to his idea of how he should take her, sex from behind... that image, rejected with fright in November, claimed her so thoroughly that without even willing it Maud opened her mouth wide, and stuck out her tongue, knowing instinctively that what David would like would be to see her—again like a little girl—preparing to receive a new kind of candy, or communion.

He took his cock in his left hand, while he rested his right lightly on the back of her head, as if just to warn her that she would not be allowed to avoid what would now occur. No escape now from her master placing his penis on her tongue, and saying, "Good girl," and then thrusting inside her slowly, sheathing himself with a little grunt of pleasure that made Maud's pussy tingle.

The cock bulked very big inside her mouth. Maud's eyes began to water almost instantly, but that hidden part of her, strangely, loved that David didn't seem to care at all. He murmured encouragements, telling her how well she was doing, and that his cock felt good, but he did not change his steady rhythm when Maud gagged a little, and when, her jaw aching a little, she did try to move her head away, he gripped her firmly and would not allow it, but thrust in deeper, pressing the head of his cock against her palate, seeking the back of her throat.

"Shh, my good girl," he said. "You're learning. You'll get better."

Then he withdrew, leaving Maud gasping, the saliva feeling strange and tasting salty in her mouth, even foamy from the sticky semen that had leaked out like a foretaste of what David's manhood had in store for her. She bent her head and looked at the green padded top of the kneeling desk, recovering her breath. David had taken a step back.

"Please rise, now, Maud Fredericks, and walk to the other side of the kneeling desk. You will then bend over until your hands are upon the kneeler and your bottom, turned towards us, is well presented. We will then award to Mr. Carroll your cunt and your anus, once he has uncovered your nakedness before us.."

If her breath had returned to her lungs fully, she might have said it, and who knew what punishments might lie in store. But her mind stuck there, anyway, as she looked down at her forearms, resting on the upper part of the kneeling desk, where the chairman had just said she must present her bottom, raised and turned towards them, ready for... surely they wouldn't have David... surely David wouldn't, here in this room, with the three men watching?

"Miss Fredericks," said Officer Miller, the Master of Instruction. "We understand how difficult this can be for young ladies, even after they have taken their masters penises into their mouths. But as Mr. Carroll quite rightly instructed you a few moments ago, if you do not obey us he has every right to whip you until you do. So you had better do as you're told and present your backside for inspection and enjoyment, as Mr. Carroll will no doubt require of you on a daily basis once he has brought you home. You must begin to accustom yourself to obedience, no matter how great the shame you feel, Miss Fredericks. Your master's wishes, and his pleasures, are what matters now."

David's voice came, then, much gentler than that of the Master Instructor. "You may look me in the eye, Maud," he said. He had stepped forward again, so that his cock hung, glistening with Maud's saliva, right before her eyes.

She looked up, feeling her brow furrow and grow clouded, wishing two very different things: that she could cheerfully obey him and do his terrible bidding, show her naked bottom and her waxed pussy, even receive his beautiful cock there, because he wanted it; and at the same time that he would tell her that she need not do what the chairman said—that, yes, his pleasure mattered but, no, his will for her did not include this ultimate humiliation, this lowest of all abasements. David's mouth had turned up at the corners very slightly. In his eyes she saw... love.

He put his right hand out again, to cup her chin gently, to stroke her neck under her ear and make her shiver. Then he spoke. "Maud, I want you to do as the chairman has said. I want you to do it because I know that I love you, and you love me, and that this, as strange and new as it seems, is what we both want and need. I am taking you in hand today in every way, and although before today I wasn't sure that what I wanted from you, and for you, would be right for you, now I have not the slightest doubt."

Maud felt her eyes widen, even as the trouble vanished from her brow. She took a deep breath of the air of the tribunal room, with its ancient scent of masculine privilege: leather, and baize, and cigars of bygone years. That breath seemed to fill her with her first taste of the unalloyed joy of submission she had always known she craved, but never admitted to needing.

At the physical sensation of that joyous breath in her chest, Maud sobbed, "Yes." Without thinking about it, she dropped her eyes again to David's still hard cock, and she leaned forward and kissed it, to show him she wanted to be the kind of good girl who kisses her master's cock.

"Get up," he said in a more severe voice that Maud nevertheless found even more exciting than his gentle one, "and present your bottom to the tribunal. I want to show them what a treasure they're awarding me."

Maud got up, then, on shaking legs, and made her way the three steps to the other side of the kneeling desk. The blood rushed to her face to have to face the opposite wall, which bore a painting of some god having his way with a nymph over a fallen tree trunk where it appeared the god had made the nymph bend over just as Maud must now, while the four men behind her watched at their leisure, evaluating the quality of her little bottom.

"Spread your feet, and bend over, Maud," David said. "Hands on the kneeler and back arched to display everything I like to see."

Awkwardly, thinking with another flush of shame what the spreading of her feet would expose, Maud obeyed. The top of the desk, where her elbows had rested, came not uncomfortably against her naked tummy. The arching of her back seemed the worst part: to position herself over the furniture was one thing, but then to have to make that further gesture, assume that shameful pose...

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