Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (71 page)

Read Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories
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He gritted his teeth and smacked away until she’d nearly squirmed off of his lap. Then he stopped to readjust himself, lifting one leg out from under her and then pinning hers down with it.

“Tick! Tick, he’s hurting me!” she cried out, reaching her arm out toward Tick’s direction.

Tick frowned, crossed his arms decisively, and then sat back in his chair.

“Dax!” she tried next, as she desperately tried to reach behind her to cover her bottom. Malo had to use one hand to pin her arm behind her as he continued her punishment.

“Do you want
to spank you instead?” Dax asked in response, leaning forward threateningly.

Somehow, she began to struggle even harder when Dax said this, now that she was realizing that she was the only one in the room who didn’t want to see her get soundly spanked.

“Malo, let me go or else I swear to God I will make you pay!” she demanded in a screech.

Not exactly liking the lack of regret in her voice, he grabbed for the top of her pants and easily pulled them down. It had been Dax’s idea to have her dress in something that would be easy for the men to shuck off, and he was grateful for it now. Her pink, lacy panties were now holding all of his attention. Underneath the hem, he could see the globes of her bottom beginning to turn a hot-pink color.

Before now, he hadn’t truly discovered how erotic this could be. Now, the idea of her being made to submit to his authority and the sight of her well-chastened bottom were so intense that he wanted to drop her to the floor, pull down those pink panties, and press himself deep inside her.

Now that her pajama bottoms were out of the way, her cries took on a whole new tone, as did her struggle. Holding her tight, he continued his volley of spanks until he felt teeth on his calf.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, lifting her off of his lap to inspect his leg. There was, indeed, a spot of blood where she had sunk in her teeth. He looked down at Chloe to be met with two shimmery, rebellious blue eyes glaring ruefully back at him.

She didn’t have long to glare. Dax and Tick both stood up at the same time, but Dax got to her first, grabbed her arm, and hauled her back up into standing, then put one of his boots on the sofa and pulled her whole body over his leg, her pants now dangling around her ankles. He grabbed her panties and tugged them down as Chloe finally changed her strategy.

“Dax, no! I’m sorry, okay? Malo—I’m sorry! It hurt! I didn’t know what to do!” she began apologizing well before Dax actually started slapping his large palm across her squirming backside. The way she was dangling over his knee kept her from having anything to grab, scratch, or bite, and was surely more uncomfortable for her as well.

He saw Tick adjusting himself in his pants as he watched, a more and more satisfied expression crossing his face every moment. Tick was surely enjoying this as much as Malo, and Malo would put money on the fact that he was hard for all the same reasons, especially now that Chloe’s beautiful, bare pussy was on display along with her rapidly reddening bottom. It was more than enough to get Malo’s attention off of the pain in his leg.

“Please!” she was yelping now as her helplessness apparently began to really sink in. “I’ll do anything! Just stop!”

“We expect you to behave. And when you earn yourself a spanking, you need to accept it gracefully!” Dax immediately demanded with fervor, giving harder slaps to drive home his scolding.

“Fine!” she gritted. “I will!”

“Good!” He dropped his leg down and as soon as her feet made contact with the floor, she grabbed her bottom protectively with both hands and turned her whole body away, eyeing them one by one with a look of betrayal. Dax quickly continued, “Then bend over the back of the sofa, girl! And I mean

It was finally dawning on her that she had only added to the punishment they had chosen for her. She looked toward the sofa, but then stuck out her bottom lip ever so slightly in a pout, whining, “Haven’t I been punished enough?”

“Clearly not!” Dax replied, void of anything that might be interpreted as sympathy. “And I’m going to think you need more warmup if you don’t start moving in five... four... three...”

She scrambled to the back of the sofa clumsily, with her pajama bottoms and panties still around her ankles. “I hate you!” she sniveled bitterly, tears beginning to leak down her face, which was scrunched up in anger.

“Bend over,” Dax demanded, meeting her at the sofa and pressing down on her back. He began to unbuckle his belt at once, but Tick stood up.

“I’ve got this,” Tick assured Dax as he began to unfasten his own belt and stepped toward her. Dax, without argument, gestured at her bottom as if to say, “Be my guest.”

“Please, don’t do this to me,” came a whimper near the sofa’s seat cushions, followed by a sniffle. “I won’t do anything like that again. I promise I’ll listen to you guys next time. I was just excited about seeing someplace new! But next time it won’t have that allure, so I wouldn’t have done it anyway! This is totally unnecessary!” she cried, her words flowing out quickly and her voice quavering.

Tick doubled his belt over in his hand and then approached her. He rubbed his hand over her red backside gently and said, “Baby, you’ve been banging heads with us since the beginning. You’ve been the victim, and we’ve been the bad guys. We’re not the bad guys. We’re trying to protect you. From what’s outside the ship, inside the ship, and yourself, since you have the smallest regard for your own safety of any female I’ve ever known. Now assure me that you understand that you need to start respecting us and our experience by counting these out.”

Her whole body trembled at that, obviously unhappy about the prospect of playing a role in her own chastisement.

His hand left her bottom and he swung the belt back, looking extremely focused before he swung forward and the belt landed across the center of her bottom cheeks with a loud

“Fuck!” she hollered, standing straight up with alarm until Tick, with a hand on her lower back, pressed her back down.

“Count, Chloe,” Tick ordered inflexibly.

“One!” she whimpered, and then her body tensed to take the next blow.
! “T-two!” she yelped.

By ‘ten’, Dax and Malo exchanged looks. She was halfway through, but now she was beginning to actually sob. Her whole body was shaking. Malo walked around by Tick and saw what he saw—a very red, well-spanked bottom. But it wasn’t as bad as other men’s mates he’d seen in the past when they’d done half of what Chloe’d gotten up to. She wasn’t bruised, and he could barely see welts, despite the belting. He calmed, realizing that this was just the first time she’d ever been disciplined. Perhaps for anything, ever.

“I’m sorry! I’m just so sorry!” she whimpered over and over again as Tick continued to give strokes. Tick looked less worried about her making it through, and Malo suspected he was going far lighter than he might have if this had been a more frequent occurrence. He kept the process from going on too long, moving in even rhythms and consistently prompting her for the count.

“One more, Chloe,” he finally announced. “Are we going to behave and do what we’re told?” he asked pedantically.

“Yes!” she promised with no small degree of enthusiasm. Malo wasn’t sure if she was actually going to behave, but he did feel like she meant it for now. Either way, it was better for her to have some understanding that this could happen in the future if she kept blowing off all their warnings and concerns.

The last stroke of the belt hit louder and harder than the others, and Chloe, in response, gripped at the cushions under her head and sobbed harder.

Tick was quick to pull her back from the sofa, not letting her sit there with her bright red bottom on display to cry it out. He wrapped his arms around her. To Malo’s surprise, she didn’t try to pull back. In fact, she wrapped her arms tightly around him and cried with her face buried in his chest.

Malo was just beginning to feel extremely jealous when she slowly parted from Tick and turned directly toward him, arms outstretched. “I’m sorry I bit you,” she said, glancing up at him and then getting on her tiptoes to kiss him. It was innocent at first—just a peck—but it quickly turned into another and another, each gaining length and sensuality as they continued.

He could easily tell that she was just as sexually excited now as she’d ever been, possibly more so. He pulled her pajama top over her head hurriedly and threw it behind him before he gripped her hot ass with both of his hands and then put her on the couch, ignoring her pain-filled squeak when he put his fingers on her sore, swollen flesh. He then moved his hand to her mound, checking her wetness with his fingers.

She wasn’t just excited, she was
. It was astounding—Earth women were the strangest. How she could go from sobbing to completely excited was beyond his ability to understand—but he wasn’t complaining!

As he was sliding his fingers into her, she writhed under him but did something even more surprising: she gestured for Tick and Dax to come over.

“Are you sure?” he said in her ear as he reached down and began to unfasten his trousers.

“Yeah,” she said breathily. “But I think you’re the one who should be in my bottom, since I bit you,” she added, kissing and then biting his lower lip seductively.

Tick said something hushed in their own language, which could only be translated to, “Fuck, yes. Amazing things are happening,” and stepped forward, stripping his own clothes off as quickly as he could.

“I’ll go slow,” Malo whispered back in her ear, but it was extremely hard to play this scene off casually. He leaned down and took her breasts in his mouth one at a time, kissing them at first but eventually sucking hungrily on them, even nipping them with his teeth until she moaned loudly with pleasure.

“Get her on the floor,” Dax directed, pulling his own clothes off. Malo brought her to the floor where Dax quickly lay down underneath her. His hands and mouth also found her breasts, pawing her hungrily as she leaned back.

As soon as Tick stood close to her, she reached out, taking his length with her hand and beginning to rub it, even as she ground impatiently on Dax until Dax lifted her easily, positioned his cock beneath her entrance, and let her sink down. Then, just as it seemed like Tick couldn’t be enjoying anything more than the attention of her hands, she leaned forward, already moaning, and put her pink lips around the head of his thick cock.

In similar situations in the past, Malo would have to get himself extremely hard before positioning himself behind the woman so that he could slide in more easily, but at the moment he didn’t have to even touch his cock. With all this going on in front of him, he knew he’d be lucky if he didn’t explode before he even got inside of her.

“Oh, baby...” Tick groaned, balling up her hair to the nape of her neck and then holding it tight to keep her head still while he fucked her mouth. “You feel so fucking good...” She looked like she was loving it; her eyes were rolling back in her head with pleasure. He knew his cock would be a bit of a jolt, because she had told him several times that she’d only had a lover take that particular entrance one time before, and that wasn’t when her pussy was already stuffed full.

Slowly, Malo came up behind her, and Dax held her hips so that she wouldn’t keep bouncing on him. Tick stopped fucking her mouth and pulled out for a moment as Malo slowly bent her further over, pushing her bottom out a bit, until he could line his cock up to her puckered rosebud. Using some of her own wetness that was dripping from her, he lubricated her entrance then slowly pushed forward.

He heard her take a deep breath. “Push out and relax,” Dax was instructing her, still gripping her bottom tightly with both of his hands.

Malo could feel the incredible tightness subside a little as he pressed deeper into her. “That’s a good girl,” he sighed, then kissed the back of her neck.

“I’m going to explode,” Dax panted on the other side of her. “God, her pussy feels incredible...”

She was quiet and still, until suddenly Malo felt all the muscles inside her clench, over and over. Dax and he swore in unison, both trying to keep from spilling their seed as her orgasm pulsed on and on. Finally, it subsided and she was merely panting. Dax slowly began thrusting, and then so did Malo, carefully moving and feeling every sensation of their movements until Tick grabbed her hair again and pressed his cock back into her mouth.

“You look so hot right now,” Tick was telling her. “You’re the sexiest goddamned woman in the universe.”

Malo could hear her moan around Tick’s member. They had shared women in brothels before, so they all had a certain rhythm they fell easily into, but Malo knew it couldn’t last too long. She was obviously building up into another orgasm, and he didn’t know if either Dax or he could last through the next one.

“Fuck,” Tick gritted. He was the first one to come, and when Malo looked up, he could see Chloe swallowing down his seed just as her muscles began to clench again. She whimpered around Tick’s cock until she had drained him and then she released him and groaned loudly.

Malo was releasing his own cum inside of her tight little ass, being milked just like she was milking Dax, who was groaning loudly and thrusting his hips up from underneath her.

As the storm subsided, they all stayed where they were, panting loudly and breathlessly. Nobody moved or said anything at all until Tick’s communicator started to buzz. “Shit!” he hissed, turning quickly to grab his pants. “I totally forgot about the thing.”

Chloe turned her head to watch Tick sprint out of the room, but then she looked down. “Where’s he running off to?”

Dax sighed wearily as he slipped out of her. “You’ll see.”

Malo kissed the back of her neck once more before he pulled himself out of her warmth. He felt weak in his knees after coming as hard as he had. He slapped her on the ass before he pulled himself all the way up, grinning at her when she chirped with displeasure and turned her head to glare at him. “You’re such a bully,” she told him with a teasing roll of her eyes.

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