Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (45 page)

Read Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories
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“It’s not fair. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to know...wanted you to know...” I sniffled and damned the tears brimming in my eyes.

“You wanted me to know
?” he asked gently. His warm hand roved up and down my bottom cheeks, caressing and squeezing.

By now, my stupid tears were streaming down my face. Not that he could see. My shoulders heaved, and I turned my head to the side, feeling vulnerable over the confession I was about to make. “I wanted you to know that I am coming to care for you. That I honestly believe I will wake up one day and realize I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Nora.” His voice sounded strained, and he turned me over and kissed my forehead. “You’re a sweet girl, and I am grateful you are my wife. Do you want to know why your stepfather arranged our marriage? God, I should have told you by now.”


“I’d been set to marry a woman several years ago, but she skipped town with another man two days before our wedding.”

Guilt assailed me. I straightened and cupped his face. “Oh, Luke. I’m so sorry. God, I did the same thing to you. I mean, disappearing before our wedding. I feel awful.”

“I already forgave you for that, little one. Besides, your reasons for running off were much different than hers. She led me on and got me to give her family large sums of money, only to run off with her secret lover and all the money that had been intended to help her family.” He stroked my hair and continued. “On the night of our wedding, I went to a bar and ended up meeting your stepfather. He was the only man in the bar who didn’t know why I was so down, and the whole time he talked about his family. Your mother. You and your stepsisters. He showed me a tiny painting of you that he kept in his pocket, and the moment I saw it, I got a feeling.”

“A feeling?”

“Your blue eyes called to me. The sweet expression on your face, the slight smile and your pretty auburn waves. I felt at peace when I looked upon your painting. Then, to make a long story short, after your father and I began doing business together, once he mentioned that he was looking for a suitor for his stepdaughter, I asked for your hand in marriage.”

“I had a traveling painter make the miniature as a Christmas present one year.” I peered into his gentle gaze and sank further into his arms.

“It was a lovely painting, however, you are much more beautiful in person, Nora.”

I flushed. “Thank you, Luke, and thank you for finally telling me of your history and how our marriage came to be arranged. I worried you had a more ominous reason for not already having taken a wife.”

He held me as the sun dimmed, the room darkening slowly as another day drew to a close. His arms were my refuge from the world, the steady beating of his heart my home.

“I would never run from you again, Luke. I swear it.”

“I believe you, Nora,” he murmured at my ear. “Still, you disobeyed me, and I must see to your discipline now.”

I hadn’t believed he would excuse me from the punishment I’d earned, and I didn’t protest as he turned me back over his knee, once again securing my wrists. Pulling my skirts up and baring my bottom, he set about spanking me with rapid, hard swats that soon brought tears to my eyes.

“You will follow my rules, little one, even when you don’t agree with them.”
Smack smack smack.
“You will talk with me if you don’t agree with a rule, rather than going behind my back to break it.”
Smack smack smack.

His scolding deepened the shame I felt over displeasing him. Even when he landed sharp blows to my tender upper thighs, I remained as still as possible, accepting my chastisement and aching for his forgiveness. He stopped spanking sooner than I expected, but his purpose became clear when he next spoke.

“Get up and bend over the bed, Nora. You’ll be getting my cock in your bottom hole. I want to make sure you think twice before you disobey me again,” he said in a gentle, patient tone. “We live in a dangerous world, and while Marystown is safer than most villages, there are still dangers here sometimes. If you don’t respect my authority and follow my guidance, it will be more difficult for me to keep you safe.”

I gulped and moved into position, bending over the bed and spreading my legs slightly as I raised my backside, offering him my ass even as I trembled and feared his hugeness might not fit into my snug hole.

“Reach back and pull your bottom apart. Show me that naughty hole I’m about to punish.”

My face flaming, I reached around and drew my cheeks apart. Heated desire had my pussy clenching, and arousal trickled down my inner thigh.

“Look at that naughty, pink puckered hole of yours, little one.” He placed a hand on my lower back and trickled something cool down my crevice. The lubrication. I shuddered and struggled to remain in position, holding my backside wide open to his attentions. “Someone’s about to get a big cock shoved in her naughty hole, isn’t she, Nora?”

“Yes, sir.” I was panting hard and impossibly turned on by his highhandedness and crass words.

He rubbed the cool ointment around my entrance, and, strangely, his touch relaxed me. I trusted him not to really hurt me, and I’d been thinking about this moment since he’d threatened me with anal punishment.

“Take a deep breath and hold it in, little one. Good girl. Now,” he said, pressing the head of his cock inside, stretching me wider than the plug had, “close your eyes and exhale.”

The moment I obeyed, he pushed inside the rest of the way. I cried out and attempted to stand up, but he grasped my hips and withdrew from my passage only to thrust deeper. This stilled my movements, and I clutched at the covers for support. With each rapid drive into my ass, my toes lifted off the floor.

“Are you going to be a good girl from now on, Nora?”

“Oh! Yes, sir!”

“Ask me to come in your naughty hole.” His palm cracked across my right cheek.

“Please, wi-will you come in m-my na-naughty hole?”

A growl rumbled from him, and his pumping increased until I felt the warmth of his seed spurting into my tightness. I expected him to withdraw from me at once, but he instead reached around and swirled a finger over my throbbing clit.

Vibrant colors exploded behind my eyelids. I gyrated my hips and rode the dizzying waves of ecstasy, pressing myself against him as heated spasm after heated spasm rippled through me.

He pulled his length from my ass and turned me in his arms, holding me to his chest as he stroked my hair. The brush of his lips on my forehead warmed my insides. I felt treasured each time he kissed me there.

“I’m sorry I disobeyed you, Luke.”

“All is forgiven, little one.” He wiped away the last of my tears with his thumb. “Come. Let’s get cleaned up and spend the rest of the evening celebrating Valentine’s Day.”

“Sounds perfect.”

About Sue Lyndon

Sue Lyndon is the author of dozens of naughty spanking romances in a variety of genres, from contemporary to historical to fantasy. She's a #1 Amazon bestseller in multiple categories, including BDSM Erotica and Sci-Fi Erotica. She also writes non-bdsm sci-fi romance under the name Sue Mercury. When she's not busy working on her next book, you'll find her hanging out with her family, watching sci-fi movies, reading, or sneaking chocolate.






huge thank you to all the authors in this box set for writing such fabulous stories and for being so chill to work with. This was a super fun project!

Another huge thank you to my editor, Kate Richards, as well as my awesome beta readers, Celeste Jones and Katherine Deane.

Also, a special thank you to Renee Rose, for all your hard work planning the promo for this project.

Rose’s Are Red by Ashe Barker


Chapter One


hit! I know him." I judder to a halt and stand rooted to the floor, staring at the tableau being played out on the other side of the dungeon.

"What? Who?" Melanie, my friend and mentor in this latest endeavour of mine, crashes into my back. She peers around my shoulder to see what the hold-up is.

I can appreciate her concern at the delay. Mel's more than a little anxious to find herself draped across a spanking bench enjoying the delicate touch of one Jerry Douglas, a Dom she's been considering playing with for weeks now. He gave her his mobile number and she finally got around to texting him to let him know she was interested. He agreed to scene with her, so here we are.

I'm tagging along mainly to fulfil Mel's desire for an audience, though I confess the whole atmosphere and vibe of the Darkroom Club has me hooked. This is my third visit, and I love it here. Since I finally screwed up the courage and self-awareness to indulge my long-repressed desire to experiment with a dose of kink in my life, I've sampled the delights of two or three clubs in the area. This one is the best, by far. The music upstairs in the club area is thumpy enough to create the buzz, but doesn't drown conversation. And they serve alcohol. Not a lot, no one gets stupid, but you can get your hands on a decent glass of chardonnay.

Down here, on the lower ground floor, the dungeon is nicely lit: not so dim I fall over my feet but the ambiance is still soft, warm, very sexy. There's plenty of equipment, and I've found something new each time I visited. My favourite toy so far has been the St Andrew's cross, but I intend to make it my business to have a go at everything. Well, almost everything – the inverted cross might take some working up to.

And therein lies my problem. I don't have time. My new job starts in just over three weeks. It's in New York. Exciting stuff, a brilliant career move for me, and I don't doubt they'll have equally exciting fetish clubs in the Big Apple for me to get my kink on. But I won't have Mel there to ride shotgun, and I expect to be fiendishly busy for the first few weeks, at least. Kinky sex will be taking a backseat to sheer hard graft, so I'm determined to have a good time while I'm still in the UK.

The Darkroom is a sure bet for a good time. There are usually a couple of unattached Doms in the dungeon, no doubt planted there by the club management, so a decent spanking can be relied upon. That's great for submissives like me, who don't have a regular Dom and tend to come alone, or with another subbie friend. That's my plan for the evening. After I've satisfied Mel's exhibitionist urges, I'm going to seek out someone I like the look of and request a play session of my own. It's a system that works for me. I always select a Dom who doesn't have a submissive with him and who isn't obviously occupied, and I've yet to be turned down.

A not especially gentle punch to the back of my shoulder gets my attention. Mel hisses in my ear, "Who are you looking at? Where?"

"Him, over there. The tall Dom, blond-haired guy wearing jeans and a white T-shirt."

"Ah, right. That's Iain McCain. He's looking mighty fine tonight, I grant you. Have you scened with him somewhere else, then? Lucky cow."

"No, not scened. I know him in real life."

Mel gives an unladylike snort. "I don’t know about you, Rose, but last time I checked this
real life."

"You know what I mean, outside the lifestyle."

"Right, so?"

"He was my form tutor in year eleven. Mr McCain. Sir."

Mel lets out a low whistle. "Sir's about right. Shit, did he ever, you know?"

This time it's my turn to nudge her in the ribs. "No! Did he fuck. Never so much as a hint. He was a teacher, for Christ's sake."

"Yeah, well, you hear all sorts of stories."

"Not about Mr McCain. He was lovely. God, I had a monster crush on him when I was fifteen. Now I know why."

Mel grins at me. "Was he strict? I bet he was."

"No, he wasn't, not really. You didn't mess with him though. But he was nice. Well, I always thought so."

Mel runs her gaze over the object of my fascination, her expression betraying her appreciation. I can't say I blame her, though I'm minded to point out that I did see him first. And she already has her entertainment for tonight sorted. That doesn't stop her from passing comment, though.

"He still is nice. Check out that T shirt. Those muscles didn't come from handing out pencils."

"He taught IT, they don't use pencils. And you can stop leering, you've got yours lined up for tonight."

"Rose Hawkins, you
have designs of your own on Mr McCain. Pity, he looks to be a bit busy right now."

He does indeed. He's administering a more than decent paddling to a submissive he has dangling from the ceiling.

"Don't be ridiculous. That'd be just weird. He was my teacher."

"I don't see why. You're not at school now."

"Well, I don't have any designs on him. It was just a surprise, to see him here, that's all. After all this time." I pause, still staring at my old teacher. "He hasn't changed a bit."

"I bet you have. He probably wouldn't recognise you in your fetish gear. Wait until he's finished with Maria, then make a move. He can only say no."

"Maria? Is that what she's called?" I cast a jaundiced eye over the undeniably pretty submissive.

Mel nods. "Yup. That's her regular Dom standing behind them. They're married, but Maria likes to scene with other Doms and he enjoys watching. Her Master'll probably handle the aftercare, so you could nip in there."

My tone is sharper than I intend. "And you could keep your nose out. Don't you have somewhere you need to be?"

Mel grins at me, not fooled for a moment. She shrugs. "Just saying. But since you mention it, have you seen Jerry anywhere? He should be here by now." She starts craning her neck, peering around the place.

I'm the first to spot her Dom for the evening, lounging against the far wall. I give her a nudge. "Over there. Looks like he's got everything ready for you." Jerry has commandeered a spanking bench, and alongside it he has several implements arranged on a portable trolley. Like most Doms, he has his own collection of stuff he likes to use

"Right, thanks. Come on then, I don't want to keep him waiting. Well, not any longer than I have already. I heard he has a heavy hand and my bottom will get the brunt of it if I piss him off."

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