Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (23 page)

Read Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

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“I can’t hold out much longer,” Alex grunted behind her.

“Neither can she,” Joe answered.

“Let’s do it.”

Alex drove in deeper than ever before, and now they matched their thrusts. Alex plowed her ass, which shoved her over Joe’s cock, so she took them both at once.

Impossibly full, overstimulated, desperate, she wailed, tears spilling down her face.

They continued, working in concert to fuck her to shreds.

As if she needed more stimulation, Joe worked the screw on one nipple clamp. When the bars parted, the blood rushed back with a shooting pain.

She disintegrated, blown to bits. Her internal muscles clamped down on both cocks in rippling waves that shook her entire body and sent her mind even further into the void of outer space.

Alex withdrew and plunged one last time, grasping a fistful of her hair and pulling it as he tensed.

Joe released her other nipple clamp. A second, harder wave of release rushed through her.

Alex came with a roar. Joe arrived two thrusts later, his thighs flexing beneath her, his fingers digging into her arms.

She shook, unable to move, suspended by her own arms above Joe, stuffed full by both men. Her entire body vibrated with the energy of their mutual climax. She continued to snivel.

Joe’s touch turned gentle. He cupped her face and thumbed away her tears, tenderness in his eyes.

Her breath continued to shudder and rasp in sobs.

Alex eased out of her and lifted her off Joe, rolling them both to the side so she lay sandwiched between the two men, still facing Joe with Alex at her back.

Alex leaned up on an elbow and stroked her hair back from her face. She wanted to hide it, turn to face the pillow or pull the covers up over herself. She’d never felt so raw and exposed in her life. Or so unmoored. If she could speak, which she doubted was even possible, she wouldn’t be able to utter her own name, and not just because the sex had scrambled her brain.

Her identity had dissolved.

She didn’t know who in the hell she was or what she was doing here in this bed between two incredibly sexy brothers. She didn’t know what would happen to her Sunday when they turned her loose.

She had no profession, no calling in life. Granted, she had money, so a career hadn’t been necessary, but she’d never felt so without purpose. Without the goal—albeit, a stupid one—of stealing from her stepmother, she had no plans. Her friends were all thieves and martial artists and most weren’t in this country.

“She’s coming down hard,” Joe murmured to Alex. His words sounded far away, and the meaning barely registered.

“Let’s get her into the bath.” Alex knelt beside her and scooped her up in his arms like a baby, walking on his knees to climb off the bed.

Joe walked ahead, buck naked, his muscled ass and sinewy movement beautiful. They brought her into the bathroom, where Joe filled the tub and Alex climbed in with her, cradling her against his chest. Joe handed him a washcloth, and he dragged it sensuously across her flesh, the warm water easing the tremors still racking her body.

Joe knelt beside the tub, gazing into her face with concern. He brushed her cheek with his thumb. “Skye, baby, you okay?”

“I’m good,” she mumbled. Because, really, she was. What she’d just experienced would forever be on the top of her list of the most exciting, intense, incredible, and savored moments of her life. But she knew he saw through her pat answer, too. Somehow, he always seemed to see straight into her soul.

“We’re not going to let you fall, baby girl. We’re right here with you. I know we took you to a scary place.”

She shook her head, her brain beginning to unfog. “I wasn’t scared.” She leaned her head back on Alex’s shoulder. “It was incredible.”

Joe smiled. “Good. I’ll go order us some food, then. That will help. You’re a steak and eggs kind of girl?”

She smiled weakly. Now that he mentioned it, she was starving. “You know it,” she said.

Alex’s arms came around her, strong and assuring.

She wondered how she got lucky enough to land in the lap of these two mind-blowing and generous men. What was supposed to be punishment, retribution for her crime against their casino, had turned into earth-shattering orgasms and disconcerting tenderness—neither of which she’d ever experienced before.

Now if she could just find her footing again and figure out where to go from here...

Chapter Four


n his private workout gym, Alex lunged and caught Skye around the waist, yanking her back against his front, one hand covering both her nose and mouth to restrict her breath.

He expected the elbow to the ribs and twisted to avoid it. The heel to his knee hurt—bad. Instinctively, he tightened his hold, but then his brain kicked back into gear, and he let her go, pushing her away from him to put space between them.

She spun around, her brows knitted, a question on her face. “Sorry—” she began.

“I’ll live.” She was playing dirty now, but so was he. Suffocating one’s opponent wasn’t taught in most dojos. Neither was taking out an knee joint. Getting his hands on Skye in a violent context had him harder than a rock, and, from the look of her steepled nipples, rang her bell, too. He wondered if she always looked like this when she fought, and the thought made him want to snap the necks of every man she’d ever sparred with.

She attacked, nearly throwing him backward to the floor, but he caught her with a sweep of his arm and flipped her over his knee. She landed on the mats on her belly with a hand slap. Her mastery of judo was top notch; she just hadn’t had the years of street fighting or mixed martial arts he had.

He stood over her and offered a hand. When she moved to get up without his help, he interceded, catching her wrist and hauling her up, giving her another taste of his greater strength. She stumbled forward, falling against his chest, and he stilled her with a kiss.

“It’s nice sparring with you, little ninja,” he said.

After breakfast, he’d brought her to the fortieth floor, where he had his own private workout gym, complete with mats for martial arts practice. She’d looked so lost after they’d had sex that he and Joe decided she needed a break before they went dom on her again.

Skye Taylor was like a raw egg—hard shell on the outside but, inside, complete goo. They’d taken responsibility for her when they’d decided to make her their slave this weekend, and that meant that when they cracked her walls, they had to take care of anything that seeped out.

Joe had called her their little lost lamb. Right now, back in her ninja pants and a sports bra, she looked capable of taking on the world, but Joe was right. She needed careful handling, especially upon departure. Not that he wanted to think about their weekend together ending.

If he had his druthers, he’d keep this girl forever.

The door opened and Kathleen, an assistant from the spa, came in. She always had a nervous, eager-to-please energy around him, and this time was no exception.

Skye coolly watched her come toward them.

“Hi Kathleen. This is Skye Taylor. She’ll be down t for hair and makeup this evening, but we wanted you to take her measurements and find a dress for her to wear to the ball.”

Kathleen pulled a measuring tape out of her purse and unwound it.

Skye gaped at him. “Are you guys still serious about me going to this ball? I don’t really think I’m an appropriate date.”

Inspiration hit him. “I need you on security detail,” he informed her.

Her expression sharpened with interest. “You do?”

“Yes. As you know, this ball is a fundraiser to benefit Democratic presidential hopeful Jesse Thomas. We’ve already had trouble with someone trying to steal from our VIP guests”—he kept a totally straight face saying this—“and I will need someone like you on my team to keep an eye on things.”

Her eyes narrowed, considering him. “Are you serious?”

He met the gaze. “Yes.”

The corners of her mouth lifted. “Cool.”

He grinned. “So you’ll cooperate, little ninja?”

She held her arms out to make room for Kathleen’s tape measure to wrap around her bust.

“Shoe size?” Kathleen asked.


“So do I understand correctly that you need a dress you can fight or run in but still looks like a ball gown?”


Kathleen smiled, clearly enjoying the project. She moved to measure Skye’s waist, hips, and inseam. “I’ll come up with something perfect. Any need to conceal a weapon?”

He shook his head quickly. Not that he didn’t think Skye could handle herself with a gun, but he wasn’t going to put her in that position. “No.”

After Kathleen left, he twisted a lock of Skye’s hair between his fingers. “All right, little slave. I have work to do, and Joe is tied up, too. Can I trust you not to bolt if we leave you to your own devices for a few hours?”

She nodded, but he thought he caught disappointment in her expression.

He took her hand and led her toward the door. “Or do you want to help me with my business duties?”

“Sure.” The enthusiasm in her voice wrenched his heart. Was their little cat burglar so lonely? Or just adrift after they’d demanded her surrender? Either way, he was ready to slay dragons to keep her safe and happy.

He smiled down at her. “Great. Come on.”


lex took her everywhere with him over the next two hours, introducing her as an employee. They handled the fallout from a skirmish down on the floor, the interrogation of a croupier accused of stealing from the house, and briefing his staff on the security plan for the ball. During the latter conversation, he introduced her as his chief assistant for security and outfitted her with an earpiece and comms unit.

He handled everything with ease, using his arsenal of confidence, charm, or stern demeanor, according to what was needed in the moment. With each passing moment, she fell more in love with the man, especially when he gripped her hand or touched her back or held the door for her.

But that was stupid because they weren’t dating. They were having an
together—one which would end in less than twenty-four hours’ time.

He took her to his office and made her kneel on the floor beside him, absently shoving a hand down the front of her shirt and tweaking her nipples while he reviewed some reports on his computer. By the time Joe stopped in to collect her, she was creaming for both of them again, never mind that both her pussy and her anus were sore from earlier.

“Hi, little ninja,” Joe said, leaning in the doorway, melting her panties with his debonair good looks. “It’s time for your spanking.”

She didn’t move from her kneeling position beside Alex. He had mentioned caning earlier, and while she didn’t mind the hand spanking, or even the belt, she wasn’t so sure how she’d feel about a cane slicing across her bare ass.

Joe sauntered over and hooked a finger through the metal ring on her collar, tugging her to stand. Alex had insisted she wear it, despite her concern about what his employees would think. As it turned out, no one blinked an eye. Apparently fetish wear was just fashion in Vegas.

Yes, sir
is the only correct reply, ninja girl.” He smacked her ass. “Are you forgetting your manners?”

“Yes, sir.”

He smirked. “
, you’re forgetting your manners or
yes, sir
, you understand your ass belongs to me now?”

She flushed and stared at the top of his collar, not wanting to answer.

He grasped her hand. “Let’s go, ninja. I have a cane with your name on it.”

She made him tug her along, a half-step behind him. He dragged her to the elevator, helped her inside, and put his key in to activate the button for their private floor. Nerves sent tingles up and down her spine. Her skin practically crawled with anticipation. She closed her eyes, imagining what a cane stroke would feel like. Her bottom clenched.

As if he knew her thoughts—or, God forbid, had noticed her butt clench—Joe’s lips quirked up for a moment. The smile disappeared, though, replaced by a cool demeanor—a punisher persona, she supposed. It had its intended effect, sending her pussy into spasms of excitement, while her belly knotted in fear.

But that was silly—she could take pain. She had mastered discomfort in the early years of her training—way back when she still was in boarding school and her father thought he was paying for ballet lessons.

When they entered Joe’s side of the penthouse floor, he led her to the bedroom. On the dresser stood a vase with two dozen red roses. “Those are for you, since it’s Valentine’s day. I’m going to whip you with the thorny canes later.”

Her eyes traveled to the bed, where a thin rattan cane lay, its handle wrapped in leather. A large round bolster lay near the edge of the bed.

“Take off your clothes, slave.”

Her eyes darted to the cane and bolster then back to Joe. She didn’t like blindly obeying. She preferred when they took charge and forced her to do things, took away all her control.

What would he do if she refused? Force her? No, she had a safe word, after all. But the contract didn’t exactly say it would bring everything to a halt. Just that he would listen to her concerns.

“I’m not the brother who chases when you run,” he said, once again reading her mind. “I’m the one who asks you to obey because you have this spanking coming. And because you know you need it, and on some level, you want it.” He unbuttoned the cuff of his shirtsleeve and started to roll it up.

She took a step backward.

He gave a slight shake of his head, the corners of his mouth turning down in disapproval.

Her insides turned to liquid, and a shiver ran through her. Yes, he was right. She didn’t want to be let off the hook on this, no matter how humiliating it might be to take her clothes off and offer her bare ass up for his discipline.

Still, she didn’t move.

Skye.” Definite annoyance now.

Her fingers flew to the hem of her shirt, and she peeled it off and tossed it on the floor.

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