Bound (Secrets of the Djinn) (25 page)

BOOK: Bound (Secrets of the Djinn)
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“Stop.”  Brielle’s breathless voice barely reaches him.  Her hands on his speak loudly, though.  “No,” she whispers.

“What?”  Malik’s voice is just as breathless, his mind foggy.

“We’re not having sex,” she says louder.  Her hands are more urgent, buttoning her jeans and pushing his hands away.

“Brielle,” Malik murmurs against her lips.  “Please, I’ve wanted you for so long.”

Turning her head away from him, she says, “I can’t.  Not now.  Not like this.”

Truly confused, Malik asks, “Like what?”  

Her face flushes a bright red.  “I want it to be…special.”

“You are special.”

“Gee, thanks.”  Putting her hands on his chest, she pushes him away. 

Sitting up, Malik stares down at her nonplussed.  “I thought you were enjoying this as much as I was.”  What a jackass thing to say, he thinks, wanting to take the words back.  Then another thought creeps into his mind.  It can’t be.  Could it?  Placing a hand on her cheek, he asks, “Have you done this before?”

The deep red in her cheeks is enough of an answer, but she lies.  “Yes,” she says hastily.

“Liar,” Malik says softly.  Leaning down, he kisses her gently.  “Someday, if you will let me, I will do this the right way, the way your first time should be.”

Turning her embarrassment into anger, Brielle pushes at him again until she’s able to sit up.  Swinging her legs off the bed, she growls, “Who says I want you to?”

Malik chuckles.  “Mostly my male ego.  You are right to chastise me for being such an ass.  I should not presume I am the one you wish to share such an experience with.”

“Can we talk about something else?  Like what we’re going to do about the army of djinn coming our way?”

“Perhaps we should join the others for that conversation.”

Pursing her lips, Brielle says, “It seems we’re out voted in regards to Jalynx, but she doesn’t need to be present for the entire conversation, right?  Can’t we make the plans and then tell her what she’s going to do afterwards?  That way, if she is a spy for your aunt, she won’t have all the information.”

Nodding, Malik says, “A wise suggestion, indeed.”






Chapter 31


“What did I miss?” Roman asks from the doorway of the sitting room.  His hair is still wet from a shower.  He has a bandage on his arm where I bit him.

“Death, destruction, malice, the usual,” Zane says.  He flops down in a chair and swings his leg over the arm feigning indifference.

With a half-smile, Roman comes farther into the room and says, “Can’t say I’m sorry to have missed all that.”  He glances Jalynx’s way.  “You look happy.”

“Shut up, Defiler,” she snarls.

His voice carries a warning when he says, “The name is Roman.”

“We have enough to worry about without you two going at it.  Jalynx, give it a rest.  Right now, everyone here trusts him more than they do you,” I remind her.  I ignore the crazy eyes Zane gives me. 

“Did you determined a plan of action?” Roman asks.  The question is for Zane, not me.

Zane shrugs.  “
About a hundred djinn are coming our way under the new moon with no other human witnesses for miles.  I figure we’ll just wing it.”

Roman chuckles.  “
Seems like a wise plan.”  Turning to Jalynx, he asks, “Are rebel reinforcements coming?”

“Barring discovery before then, they should be here tomorrow night.”

“Before or after the other djinn come?” I can’t help but ask. 

I get a dirty look for my comment.  “Presumably before.”

“Presumably is not an acceptable answer,” Zane says, suddenly serious.  “Are you in contact with these rebel djinn?”

Jalynx flushes and hesitates a moment before answering.  Finally, she admits, “I left word of where I was going and instructions for them to follow.”

This news makes Zane rise to his feet.  “You left word?  So, in other words, you have no fucking clue if anyone is coming to help, right?”

“The rebels are loyal to Malik.  They’ll come to his defense,” she counters, not really answering his question.

“Who did you leave word with?” Roman asks.

Jalynx glares at him.  “I will not give you that information.”

Mrs. Gregori shakes her head.  “Damn fools, all of you.  You’re going to get yourselves killed.”  Having spoken her mind, she motors her wheelchair to the door.  Hank leaves with her.

I sigh.  “She’s probably right.”

Zane wraps his arms around me and pulls me back against him.  “With that attitude, we just might.”

I smile up at him.  “Sorry.  I meant to say, we’re going to kick their asses tomorrow night.”

“Better.”  He leans down and kisses my lips softly.

“Get a room,” Brielle mutters, rejoining us.

Grinning, Zane replies, “Gladly.”

“Perhaps later would be better,” Roman says dryly.  “We have things to discuss right now.”

I am already tired of this conversation and we’ve barely even begun.  My brother follows Brielle into the sitting room and I turn to him.  “Malik, tell us what to expect tomorrow.  In detail this time.” 

Malik sits down on the couch with a sigh.  “This won’t be like the last attack.  These will mostly be Marid warriors.  That means the sine wave emitting around the property will not affect them.  They will be able to walk right up to the house.  Their first order of business will be to quiet the sine wave allowing the lesser djinn to surge forward.  They will not spread out around the property.  They will focus their attack on the house and its immediate surroundings. 
As I said before, they’ll go for Skye first, so she should be with me.  If they get her isolated they will have the advantage.  I will not let them harm my sister, even if that means surrender.”

“You will not surrender,” I spit out, angry.  “If they do manage to get me, you had better fight
to keep everyone else safe.  I would rather die opposing them than surrender in defeat.”

Zane’s brow wrinkles into deep lines.  “Skye, no one here is going to let them kill you.  Even if that means we surrender
,” he says, reiterating Malik’s words.

“So they can kill you guys, too?  No way.”  I rear around to my brother.  “If you let them hurt Zane or anyone else in this house, I’ll never forgive you.”

Malik is taken aback.  “Skye, this is war.  Your friends understand the risk they are taking.”

I shake my head.  “No, not goo
d enough.  You need to promise you’ll fight for them as hard as you will for me.”  It’s a lot to ask, but I don’t care.

Roman speaks up.  “I will help keep them safe.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Brielle says, “good to know you care.”  She sounds like she means it.

I smile in Roman’s direction.  “Thank you.”

Zane moves away me to lean against the back of the couch.  “I don’t like being talked about like I’m child who needs help crossing the street.  Brielle and I have fought the djinn for a very long time.”

Feeling sheepish, I’m about to apologize when Jalynx says, “You haven’t fought Marid warriors.  You’ve only fought lesser djinn.  The fighting style is different
, more calculated and certainly deadlier.”  Before Zane can retort, she says, “I could help you learn some defensive moves.”

“I’m game, as long as I don’t have to hold back,” Brielle says with a grin that promises pain.

“I would be disappointed if you did,” Jalynx says.

“Great,” I mutter, “you two will kill each other before the other djinn even get here.”

Zane, obviously still annoyed with me, says, “Well, I’d hate to be carried in a fight.  Let’s see what we’re up against.”  He walks to the door, presumably to go to the training room.  The others follow and even Roman seems eager to participate.  Personally, I’d rather crawl under the couch and stay there for the next three hundred years.  Instead, I walk my ass out of the room and down the hall to the training room.  I don’t even want to guess how many bruises I’ll have before the day is done.

By dinnertime, I’m sore, exhausted and somewhat satisfied with my fighting skills.  Things are coming back to me more quickly.  It has to be sparring with Jalynx that’s bringing the memories back.  One thing I’ve learned, I used to fight dirty. 
I pulled a few moves on Brielle that surprised the hell out of her.  I’ll probably pay for them later, but it was worth it at the time.  I won more spars than I lost today.

Dinner is simple, just sandwiches.  Afterwards, I head upstairs for a badly needed shower.  I don’t exactly smell like roses at the moment.

I am just finishing with my hair when hands reach for the soap.  I give it up willingly and close my eyes in pleasure as Zane washes the sweat from my body.  His soapy hands don’t miss an inch of flesh.  When he’s done, it’s my turn.  I take the soap from him and work it into a lather.  My hands glide over his chest and back.  As I move down his lean body, I begin to leave kisses in the wake of the suds until I am kneeling in front of him.

Rubbing the soap until my hands are completely covered in lather, I then drop it to the tiles.  I take him in my hands.  His
already erect cock gets even harder with my touch.  Zane’s head drops back and he moans softly.  I play for a moment, rubbing my soapy hands up and down his shaft, squeezing gently.  I cup my hand around his balls and massage them lightly until his moans turn to low growls of pleasure. 

Letting the water rinse the suds away, I take him into my mouth.  I pull him in deep, so deep my lips come close to the dark curls at the base of his cock.  He’s too big to go any farther.  I pull back, pressing my lips against the silky skin covering his hard
length.  I take him deep again, doing this over and over until he has to press his hands against the wall to keep his balance.  My hand squeezes the base of his cock, the other massaging his balls as my mouth works.  My own body is growing wet and agitated, wanting his cock buried inside of me.  Not yet.  First, I want to taste him.

“Skye,” he gasps, “I can’t hold back much longer.”

I smile around his cock.  I don’t want him to hold back.  I suck on the head of his cock, caressing him with my lips, gliding my tongue across it over and over while my hands work his shaft.  Zane’s body trembles as I bring him closer and closer to the edge.  When he explodes into my mouth, I take his salty juices into me, milking his cock with my mouth until his spasms quiet and his body falls back against the shower stall.

“Jesus, Skye,” he gasps.  “That was fucking amazing.”

Standing, I press my body to his.  His cock is still hard.  “Fuck me now,” I whisper into his ear.

Kicking open the shower door, Zane scoops me into his arms.  Dripping wet, he brings me to the bed and
lays me down.  With greedy hands and lips, he works his way along my thighs until he finds my center.  The heat of his breath when he touches my sensitive flesh has my body trembling in anticipation.  He starts low, dipping his tongue inside me, tasting me.  Slowly, he works his way to the tender flesh that I need him to touch, to caress.  My hands are in his hair, clutching him to me.  My legs fall farther apart and I give myself up to the pleasure, my hips bucking as he continues to lap and massage the precious nub until I’m practically screaming with joy.  He doesn’t stop until the final shudder of orgasm fades away. 

Zane moves over me and m
y body is ready for him.  His mouth captures my cries when he drives into me, filling me.  I stretch to accommodate him, envelop him.  His thrusts are hard and fast.  His hand slides under my ass to raise my hips up to him.  My legs wrap around his and I meet him thrust for thrust. 

It doesn’t take long for me to reach the edge.  I
haven’t come down from the first time.  Raising my hips high, I tumble over the edge, again milking his cock, pulling his seed inside me.  Zane’s orgasm follows mine with one last, hard thrust and it’s his cries now that are muffled by our joined mouths.  Afterwards, we slump exhausted on the bed.

When he’s able to catch his breath, Zane says, “Now that is worth fighting for.

I slap him lightly on the shoulder.  “You’re supposed to fight for love, not sex.”

“Not when the sex is this good.”

I laugh.  “Okay, maybe you have a point.”

“I knew you’d see it my way.”  He rolls onto his back, bringing me with him so I’m tucked against his side. 

“We got the bed all wet,” I just now notice.

“Mm hmm.  The shower’s still on, too.”

“You go turn
it off and I’ll get a dry blanket.”

good-naturedly, Zane gets out of bed to turn the water off.  I pull the wet comforter from the bed and grab a clean blanket from the closet.  Zane helps me cover the bed and we crawl under the covers.  I lay my head on his chest and am impressed by how soon his breaths even out into sleep.  Closing my eyes, my last conscious thought is that I hope this will be a devil free night.




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