Bound in Blood (16 page)

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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Bound in Blood
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Frank sighed and stared at his buddy for a moment or two. He felt a strange twinge of compassion.
The stupid s.o.b. looks like shit
, he thought.
Maybe he’s learned his lesson and will stick
to robbing old ladies instead of chasing imaginary vampires

“Sure, I guess. Make yourself to home—but just for tonight, okay?”

“Thanks, Frank,” Billy murmured and fell asleep.



Martin, holding an ice pack to his swollen face, stared angrily at his reflection in the mirror. Twice now he had failed—thwarted again by the kid from the club. More than he hated vampires, he now hated that kid. He was going to make him suffer—big time. Time he knew just what he was dealing with. Time to burst his pretty balloon and tell him the party’s over.

,” Martin said aloud, “the man you’re so in love with is a vampire.

And before I’m finished with you, you’ll believe it, just in time to see him crumble to dust in front of your stupid, infatuated eyes.”

And Billy
. The idiot responsible for this evening’s disaster. If he hadn’t followed Martin, hadn’t been there, the vampire wouldn’t have been alerted to his presence, wouldn’t have had his senses on fire with the imminent danger surrounding him. Martin could have been in control, struck the vampire down quickly, and it would have been over before Chris had even realised what was going on.


J. P. Bowie



He’d like to take Billy and beat him within an inch of his life. Martin glared at his livid expression, breathing hard, trying to control his rage. He couldn’t afford to let his emotions get in the way of what he still had to do. He needed a clear head, a calm mind, and he was going to have to be much more careful next time. The vampire was strong—stronger than any he had encountered before. Yet Martin was loath to call for help. He could contact Vince, his old partner—someone to act as a decoy then a back up once they had the vampire cornered. But he was in no frame of mind to split the bounty he’d earn on a vampire kill with Vince. He figured the best way to get to the vampire was still through Chris. He just had to get the kid alone—and the best time for that was during the day. His vampire buddy wouldn’t be around then—and, Martin thought ruefully, he’d make damned sure the kid didn’t have access to hot coffee or bricks!

Still scowling, he examined the damage Chris had done to his face. It would be a couple of days before the swelling was gone, and he’d feel like going on the hunt again. Muttering to himself, he paced the small rented room. He paused to pull a flask containing whisky from his travelling bag and splashed a sizeable amount into a plastic glass.

Two or three of these might ease the pain.

Slumping onto the room’s narrow bed and trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his head, he began to devise a new plan.



Carlos raised an eyebrow as Roger entered the living room carrying a big bowl of potato chips and another containing some kind of dip.

“Smells awful, huh?” Roger grinned at him. “Garlic. Can’t believe I used to love this kind of thing. Chris will think it’s yummy though.”

“Ugh, garlic breath,” Carlos said, chuckling. “You’re ruining my plans for some goodnight kissing.”

“Eh, you can handle it,” Roger told him. He glanced at his watch. “Almost eight, he should be arriving any minute now.”

Carlos nodded. “I sense him approaching the driveway. Shall I let him in, or did you want to act the perfect host?”


J. P. Bowie



“Let Marcus do it. He enjoys welcoming new guests to his home.” He looked across the room to where Micah and Joseph sat by the fireplace, their arms about one another. “Just look at those two, will you? Together for over a year and they still act like lovesick teens.”

“They’ve been through a lot of hard times in that year,” Carlos said quietly. “Marcus told me of their encounter with Darius.”

“Yeah.” Roger looked over again at his friends. “Micah really had an initiation by fire at the hands of that bastard, Darius. Funny how we never hear anything of the Dark Forces since he was executed.”

“I understand the new leaders believe in keeping a low profile.” Carlos followed Roger’s gaze. “Joseph and Micah truly deserve the happiness they have found together.”

“Just as you deserve happiness with Chris.” Roger absently bit into a potato chip then gagged. “Yuck! Did I mention I used to like this stuff?”

Carlos laughed. “You did and garlic dip.”

Roger shuddered. “So, when do you plan on telling him?”

“I don’t know.” Carlos poured himself a glass of wine. “I know I must, sooner rather than later, but I fear it might just be too much for him to comprehend.”

Roger’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “I could drop a few more of those pointed remarks that Marcus loves so much. Chris might just start to put two and two together.”

“Roger, imagine how he would feel if he suddenly realised he was sitting in a room full of vampires.” Carlos shook his head. “Please don’t try to help me here.”

“I shall be the soul of tact and discretion.” Roger giggled and kissed Carlos on the cheek. “Now, I can hear him talking to Marcus. Off you go and give him a big sloppy kiss—

before he gets garlic breath!”



The evening went smoothly enough. Chris seemed at ease in everyone’s company and Carlos found himself relaxing as they sat together on the couch watching the movie. Chris rested his head on Carlos’ shoulder and surreptitiously slipped his hand inside Carlos’ shirt to tease his nipples. Chris found himself thinking that even the studly Hugh Jackman had a lot of competition in the looks department right there in the room.


J. P. Bowie



Marcus, curled up with Roger in one of the large armchairs, groaned a few times during the movie, but otherwise was quiet, while Micah and Joseph seemed more interested in one another than in the movie.

“Where on earth did the notion that a werewolf could kill a vampire come from?”

Marcus demanded when the movie had finished and Roger had turned some of the lights back on.

“From the screenwriter’s imagination I should think,” Carlos said quickly.

“Oh, of course.” Marcus had caught the warning in Carlos’ voice.

Roger chuckled and punched Marcus lightly on the arm. “A slip of the tongue?”

, Roger.”

“Yeah, I wondered about that bit,” Chris said, getting everyone’s attention. “I’d never heard that before. And wouldn’t Bram Stoker be surprised to learn that Van Helsing was a werewolf.”

“A bit of a stretch,” Roger agreed. “And Dracula seemed a bit wimpy to me. I mean, a real vampire could never be put down quite as easy.”

Chris laughed lightly. “A

“Roger,” Marcus interrupted. “Why don’t you pour everyone a glass of wine, and let’s talk about something else.”

“Like what?” Roger asked ,walking over to the bar for a bottle of wine.

“For instance, Christopher’s new position in Carlos’ export company.”

“Well, I haven’t really started that yet,” Chris said. “But I’m really looking forward to it.” He smiled shyly. “Knowing the boss as well as I do is a definite perk.”

“And you’ll be working quite closely with Joseph.” Carlos hugged Chris to him.

“Joseph takes care of my investment portfolio,” he added by way of explanation, “so you and he will confer from time to time on acquisitions and the like.”

“Sounds exciting.” Chris smiled across at Joseph then at Micah. “What do you do, Micah?”

Micah’s smile was a tad rueful. “I used to manage a bookstore, but I got fired for running off to Paris with Joseph, so I’m kind of looking for something.”

“Half-heartedly looking,” Roger interjected, chuckling. “For almost a year.”


J. P. Bowie



Chris got the idea neither of these two young men had to work for a living—their lovers were obviously very wealthy. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Carlos was wealthy too, but the idea of being kept by him was not something Chris could entertain. Not that it meant he thought less of Micah and Roger because of it.

He was suddenly aware that all the men were looking at him as though they knew exactly what was going through his mind. Damn. Roger had even said he was clairvoyant.

What if he hadn’t been joking?

“Well,” he said weakly, “jobs aren’t that easy to find these days. I’m very lucky Carlos offered me this great job.”

“Let’s drink to that,” Roger said cheerfully, filling Chris’ wine glass. “To Chris’ new job and, may I be the first to say it, to his new life with Carlos.”

Chris blushed and smiled happily at the toast. A life with Carlos. He couldn’t ask for anything more wonderful than that.



“I hope you weren’t embarrassed by Roger’s toast to our future together,” Carlos remarked as Chris drove them to his apartment.

“I liked it,” Chris said at once. “I hope you did, too.”

“I very much like the idea of you and I spending the rest of our lives together, Christopher.” Carlos hesitated, then said, “Of course there will have to be some adjustments made. I mean, my home is not here in LA.”

“Right. I understand.” Chris didn’t like the idea of Carlos being away for long periods of time, but surely they could work something out. “And I do have my parents’ business accounting to attend to.”

“Have you ever been to Madrid, Christopher?”

“Never. The only foreign travel I’ve done is to France. My parents took me there five years ago. We did a tour of the vineyards in Southern France.”

“Is your passport still valid?”

“Oh, yeah. Good for another five years or so.”


J. P. Bowie



“Good. I may have to ask that you accompany me at short notice, so a valid passport is a must.”

“Wow. You and me in Madrid. Could life get any sweeter?”

Carlos smiled and squeezed Chris’ thigh then ran his hand up to Chris’ crotch. “I can think of infinite ways my life can be made sweeter—just by being with you.” He leant over and nuzzled Chris’ neck.

Chris groaned. “Oh, man. Wait ‘til I park this thing, will you? I’d hate like hell to ruin what’s coming by wrecking the car.” He swung the car into the apartment parking lot, cut the engine then launched himself into Carlos’ arms. “You drive me wild,” he muttered before taking his lover’s lips with his own.

“This is nice,” Carlos said when they came up for air, “but there’s more room in your apartment.”

“True.” Chris give him a quick peck on the lips. “Let’s go.”

Hand in hand, they ran up the steps to Chris’ front door then stopped short as they caught sight of a sheet of paper pinned to the door.

“What the hell?” Chris tore it free and stared at the two words printed on the paper.

Vampire Bait
. His eyes met Carlos’ dark-green gaze. “That crazy man from the club must have put this here. How did he know where I lived?” He balled the paper in his fist and threw it to one side in disgust.

“Let’s go inside,” Carlos said quietly.

“Shit.” Chris unlocked the door. “I don’t like the idea of him snooping around here.

That guy gave me the creeps.”

Carlos took his arm. “Wait while I check inside.”

But Chris entered the apartment alongside Carlos. “I’m not having you walk into some trap alone.” He flicked on the light and locked the door behind him. The apartment gave no sign of having been entered or anything touched in his absence.

“What the hell is his fixation with vampires, anyway? The guy must be totally insane.”

Carlos checked out the bedroom then came back into the living room and gazed at Chris for a long moment in silence. Roger’s words echoed in his mind.
When are you going to
tell him
? He hadn’t wanted it to be like this, but the vampire hunter was a very real and present danger and had now made it plain that Christopher was no longer safe.


J. P. Bowie



“Christopher…” The words he had to say seemed unwilling to be forced from his lips.

“The man who confronted you in the club is a vampire hunter, and he is hunting—me.”

“What?” The expression on Chris’ face changed from one of incredulity to a slow smile as he imagined Carlos was joking. “Okay, that’s funny, but the fact he was here isn’t too cool.

Should I call the cops and report it, do you think?”

Carlos took one step nearer. “Listen to me, Christopher. What I am telling you is the truth. Two nights ago, the man attacked me right here on your balcony. Had it not been for your quick action of hitting him with a brick, he might have succeeded in killing me.”

Chris closed his eyes, shook his head then opened his eyes and stared at Carlos. “Okay, it’s really you telling me this. I’m not hallucinating, but what you just said makes no sense whatsoever. There was a guy on the balcony attacking you, and I hit him—with a brick. How come I have absolutely no memory of that?” He grinned suddenly. “You’re still joking, right?

Is this a little role playing thing you want to get into? You want to wrestle or something?”

Chris laughed. “I can be up for that.”

“I am not joking, Christopher. All of what I have just said is the truth. The vampire hunter was here.”


“Remember when Marcus and Roger arrived unexpectedly the other night?”


“They came because I called to them for help.”

“Oh, so they’re vampires, too?”


“Oh, for Pete’s sake! Carlos, why are you doing this?”

Carlos sighed, his eyes filled with concern. “Believe me, I didn’t want to have to tell you like this. I’ve never been sure of how I would tell you what I am. There are ways of course that make the telling easier for me—and for you hearing it, less of a shock. I could put you in my thrall and ease the pain that usually follows the revelation, but there is always the fear that follows, regardless of how it’s done. Eventually, in the cold light of day, you would come to realise the truth.”

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