Bound for Christmas (9 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Bound for Christmas
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“I’ve got
you. I’ll always have you, Bernie.”

He gave her
the protection she needed as well as the love she’d spent so long running away
from. “I’m not letting go.”
held onto her tighter than ever before. He was determined to keep her safe.

Once all
of her pain left and she was free to build herself again, he’d make sure to
never leave her alone. Bernice was his woman. He would help her every step of
the way.

The time
had no way of knowing how much time. She stayed in his arms until the sobs
quieted down,
stopped completely. Still, he kept
his arms banded around her like a Band-Aid.

She moved
her head. He loosened his hold with enough room to look at her.

you,” she said. Her voice was raw from all the crying.
caressed her cheek. “No one
has ever held me while I’ve lost control.”

“It was a

They were
both naked in the bathroom. The water running from the shower had steamed up
the room. Their bodies were covered in perspiration.

“I’m going
to wash you now.”

you, Master.”

Call me by my name.”

“I thought
you’d like your title.”

He shook
his head. “I want you to know that not only did your Master hold you, but so,
too, did
I’m here for you, Bernie.”

Her head
came up between them. She rubbed her nose, which he found to be the cutest


“As far as
I’m concerned, until the death do us part type of

He saw her eyes widen. The gasp of shock made him chuckle.

“Is that a
she asked.

He cupped
her cheek.
let her go then knelt on the floor in front of her. They were both naked. He
gazed up at her naked beauty. Her breasts were swollen from the clamps he had
used. The nipples looked darker from being constrained.

“I know
this is not the most conventional method of proposing, Bernie, but I’m crazy
about you. I never went to the library looking for books. I went looking for
you. I’m crazy in love with you.”
took her hand, pressing a kiss
to her knuckles. Tears shone in her eyes. They were the good kind. He saw the
smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“I’m not
the perfect sub,
Sandra told me you wanted a woman who could do this—”

what she thinks. I know what I wanted before I met you. I know what I want now
more than ever. I want you, Bernie. No man goes to the library like I did. Yes,
I want you for my sub, and from the way your body responds, you want me for you
Dom. I’ll never let a day go by where you don’t feel loved or cherished. I will
give you the world, Bernie.”

covered his lips, bending down to his level. “You don’t need to explain
everything to me, Leon.”

licked her lips. The action made his cock thicken. The emotion and the waiting
were killing him. Her next words could send him to the heavens with happiness
or to hell by tearing out his heart.

“I fell
for you the moment you said, ‘excuse me, Miss’,” she said.

recalling the first day he had gone to the library looking for a book. She’d
been standing in the corner putting books back on the shelves. The moment she
turned to him, he’d been hooked.

Love at
first sight must exist. He had fallen for her, and it sounded like the same had
happened to her.

“Is that a
yes?” he asked.

“That is a
‘hell, yes’.” She wrapped her arms around him.
closed his eyes holding her

He’d just
gotten engaged.



Chapter Eight


Bernie was
on cloud nine. The bubbles wrapped around her felt so warm and comforting.
helped her into the shower then spent twenty minutes washing every inch of her

When he
handed her the soap she was more than happy to give him the same kind of
torture he’d give her. He kept cupping her cheek and kissing her. The love she
felt coming from him filled her with so much joy. For the last five years she’d
been alone. Her parents had died, and there was no one to love or go home to. His
proposal had shocked her. How many men proposed to a woman they’d not had many
conversations with?

She knew
her heart was leading the decision. The man in front of her was the man she was
destined to be with.

had said, “I love you”. None of the words were necessary at the moment. They
would come in time. She knew it down to her very soul. The feelings she had for
him would never go away. The longer they spent together the stronger the
feelings grew.

He washed
her hair with care. The long length easily formed knots that made it difficult
to brush.

“Do you
think I should cut my hair?” she asked.

“Don’t you
If you ever cut this hair I’ll make sure you
can’t sit down for a week.” He pulled on her hair getting her to lean back. She
gazed up at him. “I can’t do this if you cut it.” She felt him wrap the length
around his fist then, spinning her around to face him. “Long hair has a lot of
benefits, and I have great plans for you.”

“Could you
tell me some?” she asked.

You’ll experience them all.” He kissed her lips then turned her back to face
the wall.

She waited
while he washed the length. He handed her the shampoo in order for her to do
his hair.

“I can’t
reach. I need you to kneel down.”

“With pleasure.”
He went to his knee in front of her, his head
coming below her breasts.

filled her hands with the soap then placed them on his head. He caught her
breasts in his hands. She yelped from the unexpectedness of his contact then
relaxed as he teased each nipple.

breasts were still sensitive from the clamps he’d used earlier. She moaned when
he tightened the bud between his finger and thumb. The pleasure made her stop
washing his hair for a second. Her legs turned to jelly while her thought
process ceased to exist.

All too soon
his touch stopped.

When she
was able to think and function, she washed the shampoo then the conditioner
from his hair.

easily distracted.”

“I’m not
used to having a guy paw at me when I’m washing his hair.”

got out
of the shower then caught her round the waist, swinging her around. “I’m your
Master as well, sweetheart. You better get used to thinking while I touch you.”

We’ll always be in private.”

“Will we?”

She stared
at his reflection. He looked like the devil incarnate.

“You are
bad,” she said.

“The worst.”
He nibbled her neck and ear, causing her to

loved his playful side. He was more open than she’d ever seen him. The change
in him was welcome. Most of the time at the club he’d seemed unapproachable.

“Come on,
I have a surprise for you.” He dried her body then walked her through to his
bedroom. He stood her at the end of the bed while he went to the wardrobe. She
watched him pull out a dress, and then he moved to the drawer to pull out some

“How come
I never feel cold?” she asked.

“I make
sure the cabin is warm at all times. It costs a small fortune, but I’ve got
enough to pay for it.”

At the
mention of work she realised they didn’t know a lot about each other. “I don’t
really know you,” she said.

“I know.
We’ll get to know each other soon. There is so much I want to know about you.
First, I want to get you dressed.” He came over to her holding a pair of
panties and a bra.

“I get to
get dressed?”

“Yes, I
want to take you somewhere, and I have other plans.”
He bent down in front of her. Bernice
couldn’t help but blush as he fitted the panties around her butt. They were the
perfect size.

“How did
you know my size?” she asked.

clothes were left in the dressing room at Kink. I had a look and noted down the

She didn’t
make any other comment about her size even though she wanted to.

He helped
her with the bra next. She shivered, trying to contain her moan when he
caressed her breasts to make sure it fit.

“I can’t
concentrate when you touch me like that.” He kissed her neck. His breath teased
the hairs at the base of her neck, and goose-bumps erupted along her arms.

“Good. I
don’t want you to think all the time. I need you to feel.”

“All I can
do is
when you’re close.”

He chuckled.
grabbed the dress. It was dark blue with long sleeves and fell to her knees.
The design at the front plunged. He got her to step into the dress.
moved it over her body. The neckline came to above her breasts exposing her
neck and chest. From the feel and style it looked like a casual evening dress.

He stepped
back then gave the motion with his finger for her to turn.

Unfortunately, outside is too cold. You’ll need to wear some tights, which I
also purchased for you.” She watched him move to another drawer along the far

“Did you
go shopping for me?” she asked.


“I have my
own clothes. You didn’t need to go spending all this money.”

She sat
down on the bed as he put the tights over her feet then up under her dress. “These
may not be the most flattering of items to wear, but they will keep you warm
when we go outside.”

away from her to grab a brush. “Here, I’ll let you brush your hair while I get

waited for him to answer. She knew he would in his own good time. He grabbed a
pair of jeans from the same wardrobe the dress had come from, along with a
wore no underwear as he pulled
the jeans on then the shirt.

panties grew moist when she saw him put a belt through the loops of the jeans.

“You don’t
buy flattering clothing. I was passing a shop, saw the
and I went in to buy it for you. When I was in the shop I saw many more clothes
and purchased them for you. Make no mistake, Bernie. I always intended to make you
mine. You coming to the club and giving yourself to me just simply sped up the

Her cunt
clenched at his words. The way he spoke made her think of ownership. The
thought of being completely owned and dominated by this man made her ache for

“Come on,
the roads should be clear enough for us to go out.” He took her hand leading
her down the stairs to the front door.

There was
another door next to the front. He opened the little cupboard and pulled out a

she’d seen so far had been of the highest quality.
helped her into her new jacket
then placed a hat on her head followed by some gloves for her hands.

never felt so cared for. Her parents had helped her as a little girl. Once she
was able to do it herself no one had even bothered to warn her to put them on.
His constant attention to detail shocked and delighted her. How anyone could
remember all the little details was beyond her.

had grabbed his own gloves they left the cabin. She waited for him to lock the
door. “While we’re out, I want you to stay by my side at all times. There is no
need to call me Master.”

followed him to the car. He opened the door, helped her inside,
bent to put her seatbelt on.

“I can do
this as well,” she said.

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