Read Bound by Their Love Online

Authors: Nicole Flockton

Bound by Their Love (9 page)

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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‘I can't believe he'd do that.'

‘Trust me, he would.'

Life with her father was unfair. She'd learned a long time ago to accept the small offerings he gave her. It still didn't stop her from trying her hardest to get more than crumbs from him. She was beginning to wonder if, no matter what she did, it would ever be enough for her father.

Chapter 10

Jeffrey signed the credit card receipt and pushed his chair back. He wanted nothing more than to finally get his hands on Greta again. He wasn't ready for the evening to be over. She'd had a haunted look lurking in the depths of her hazel eyes after their conversation about her father. All through dinner the need to chase that look way had grown. To bring back the sparkle that had been present when they'd been flirting earlier in the evening.

‘Do you want to come back to the hotel for a drink?'

‘I'm not sure.' Her hesitation surprised him. He wasn't going to have a discussion about it in the middle of a restaurant.

‘Why don't you think about it while we walk back to the hotel. If you decide not to, I won't lie and say I'll be happy about it. But I will respect your wishes and take you back to your place.'

She smiled. ‘Okay.'

Pleased the evening wasn't over, Jeffrey kept Greta close to his side as they weaved their way through the tables and toward the lift.

While waiting for the lift to arrive, he looked out the window. He'd been so focused on Greta he hadn't paid any attention to the view that had been revolving around them. The city was awash with evening lights. People living, loving and, a few, maybe arguing. What would it be like to be in a committed relationship where it was true love? Not like the false love he'd had with Kelly.

Silence surrounded them as they walked back to the hotel. Both lost in their own thoughts.

Jeffrey resigned himself to hailing a taxi and delivering Greta to her house. He had another two days in Perth before he was headed back to his own home. While he'd been here, he'd received a couple more commissioned orders to start on when he arrived home.

The thought of returning to what was his haven held little appeal at the moment. He couldn't let himself get too caught up in the woman beside him. Confuse the lust he felt for Greta to be anything more meaningful or lasting.

Even though she hadn't said anything, he sensed Greta was the same as him. Not looking to do long-term relationships. After their discussions over dinner he could tell she wanted to focus on her career. That suited him fine. Though he did think she was short-sighted in wanting to stay working for a man who clearly didn't appreciate her talent. Even if it was her father.

‘Well, here we are.'

Her soft voice broke into his thoughts. ‘Yes, here we are.'

Jeffrey gathered her loosely in his arms, wondering if this was going to be the last time he held her. Once she started working in earnest on his jewellery campaign, public displays like this would be inappropriate.

He brushed away a piece of her silky hair that had blown across her face. ‘So what's your answer, Angel?

‘Yes.' The word whispered out of her and he knew she wasn't just saying yes to a drink. He was about to break the promise he made to himself and he didn't care.

‘Let's go.'

He swept her through the opened glass doors and headed straight for the bank of lifts. Impatience sliced through him. When the doors opened, he waited for a couple to exit the cart before ushering Greta inside.

‘Thank you. I'm not used to all these gentlemanly gestures,' she teased.

‘I like being a gentleman with you.' He swiped his key card and pressed the button for the penthouse.

‘Are you saying you're not normally a gentleman? And if that's the case, what makes you think I even like, or want you to be, a gentleman? Maybe I want you to be a bad boy.'

Her words fired his blood. He'd always held the door open for the women he dated. Let them enter a room first. ‘No, I'm always a gentleman.'

Once the doors slid shut, he grabbed her by the shoulders and walked her backward, until they had no place to go. He brought his mouth down until it was almost touching hers. ‘But I can also be as bad as you want me to be, Angel. I'm breaking a promise I made right now.'

‘Really? What promise was that?'

Jeffrey angled his hips until his cock rested between her thighs. ‘Not to do this.' He closed the gap and fused his lips to her.


He was in heaven.

Her taste alone was an aphrodisiac. One touch and all sensibilities flew out of his mind. He could taste the hint of chocolate on her lips from her dessert. His hand roamed down her back to cup her arse, bringing her flush against him. Her arms slipped around his neck.

The sound of the bell announcing they'd arrived at his floor filtered through to him. Scooping Greta up in his arms, he turned around and walked out of the lift, straight into the foyer of the penthouse. His lips never leaving hers.

Jeffrey knew he should walk to the bedroom, lay her down on the bed so he could savour every taste and touch. Bring her to orgasm over and over. But his need for her was too much.

He pulled his lips from hers.

‘Hard and fast, Angel.' He repeated the words from the first encounter as he nuzzled her neck, nipping and licking at her lightly perfumed flesh. ‘I can't slow down this time. I need you, now.'

‘Take me. I'm yours.' She sighed as her hands pushed at his jacket to get it off his shoulders. A light thump sounded as her purse joined his jacket on the ground.

His hands went back to her arse, moulding the flesh. His fingers bunched into her dress, the lace rough beneath his fingers. He pushed it up and traced the band of her panties until he found what he was seeking. He slipped a finger beneath the elastic and rested it against her wet folds.

God, he hoped he lasted and didn't come inside of her the moment he entered her.

His desire for her was strong. So much stronger than the last time they'd been together.

Jeffrey grabbed the top of her panties and pushed them down. He felt Greta lift one foot then another as she stepped out of them. Her fingers busy at his belt, undoing it quickly: impatience had her pulling his zipper down with more force than necessary.

His breath hissed out and his hands closed over hers. He guided them to the band of his boxer briefs. Greta didn't need any encouragement. She gripped his hard length, stroking him while he divested himself of the material.

Jeffrey once again bunched her dress up around her waist and found her slick folds, slipping inside. He maneuvered her so her back rested against the wall, both of them stroking each other. He couldn't take much more, pulling her hands away and placing them on his shoulders. He then used one hand to position himself at her entrance.

‘Now, Jeff, now. I need you to be inside of me.'

‘Yes, Angel.' He squatted before pushing up and into her. His cock throbbed inside of her. She felt so good, her muscles immediately stretching to accommodate him. Her warmth welcoming him as he started to move within her.

Her lips fired kisses all over him. His cheeks. His jaw. His neck. Her lips sucked on his skin in sync with him as he stroked in and out of her. Soon the sensations were engulfing them both, sending him over the edge and her with him.

The muscles inside his thighs burned at the exertion of taking her against the wall. The only sound in the room was their harsh breathing. Her legs loosened around his waist and slid down his legs until her feet hit the floor.

The urgency of having her may be subsiding, but he was far from satisfied. He needed to have her again. This time in a bed; where he could kiss every inch of her. Taste every inch of her. Worship every inch of her, like she deserved.

He rested his forehead lightly against hers as his breathing slowed down.

‘I think we need a bed.'

Greta woke, her heart racing as she remnants of the dream faded away. In her dream she'd been back in the lift but instead of being stuck, it was plummeting to the floor, only to stop abruptly. Then she was in Jeff's arms with him kissing her. Telling her he'd keep her safe. Was her subconscious trying to tell her something? That she could believe him when he told her he'd keep her safe?

A hand moved across her stomach. Her skin trembled beneath the soft caress. She turned her head and saw Jeff's sleeping form. After slaking some of their desire against the wall in the foyer, they'd moved to the bedroom and continued their exploration of each other's bodies.

As much as she wanted to stay curled up next Jeff, she couldn't. She couldn't go to work in the dress she'd worn to dinner. If she turned up in the dress she'd worn last night, everyone would know exactly what she'd been up to. Thankfully they wouldn't know who she'd spent the night with.

Watching Jeff sleep made her want to stay. Wake up in the morning with him. Maybe make love again and then share breakfast. Not go into the office. The temptation to follow through on that dream was hard to fight. But she couldn't give in. She'd just landed the account of a lifetime. An account centred on the man lying next to her.

This would have to be the last time they slept together. There was no way she could effectively work on the account and sleep with Jeff at the same time.

She reached out and placed a hand on his cheek, the touch waking him.

‘The sweet touch of an angel,' he murmured, his voice heavy with sleep.

‘I have to go.'

His jaw clenched under her touch and she wondered if he was going to argue with her. Instead a look of resignation filled his eyes, as if he knew the reason.

‘I'll see you home.'

Greta sat up, pulling the sheet around her. ‘You don't have to. It won't be too difficult to get a cab to take me home.'

His hand snaked out and cupped her head, pulling her toward him to kiss her.

A sigh erupted from her and, unlike their previous kisses, this one was slow, seductive and tempting. A meeting of lips in a final kiss goodbye. It had to be goodbye. She had no other choice.

Reluctantly she pulled away before she threw caution to the wind and begged Jeff to possess her again. Her body never felt so alive as when Jeff touched her. Made love to her.

‘Angel, there's no way I'm going to let you go home by yourself at this hour of the morning.'

Greta knew there was no point in arguing with him. It would only waste time.

‘Thank you. I'd like that.'


Jeff kissed her again before he slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. She couldn't help but admire his taut butt. In the faint moonlight she could make out the criss-cross network of scars on his legs. She'd run her fingers over them during the night. Tracing the path they took. She hadn't asked him about them. She hadn't wanted to jeopardise the spell of enchantment that had fallen over them. Greta knew if she asked, the enchantment would be shattered.

As the bathroom door closed, she reached out and switched the lamp on the bedside table on. Her eyes blinking rapidly as bright light filled the room. Flinging back the covers, she got out of bed and picked up her bra and dress, putting both on. She knew her panties were in the foyer of the suite. She picked up her shoes, smiling as she remembered once again Jeff's request for her to leave them on. She couldn't help but wonder if the man had a shoe fetish. If she was being truthful, she'd chosen them specifically because they were sexy and she felt gorgeous in them.

‘Do you have everything?'

She whirled around, gasping at the sight of a casually dressed Jeff. His jeans and tight polo shirt had her wanting to rip her dress off so she could beg him to take her again. Every time she'd seen him he'd either been dressed in a suit or wearing a sports jacket and button-down shirt over chinos.

The man looked like sin. He could have any woman he wanted. She ignored the pang of distress stabbing her heart. Saying goodbye to him was going to be hard.

‘Yeah, I think I've got everything.'

He nodded brusquely, his hand clenching at his side. She knew, if it were possible, he'd be reaching to put his sunglasses on. Instead he brushed past her.

Greta closed her eyes, wishing things were different. She was being pulled in two directions and she didn't know how to deal with it. It wasn't anything she'd ever expected to happen.

‘Are you coming?'

Pulling herself out of her stupor, she moved through the darkened hotel suite. She spied her panties lying with her purse. She picked them both up, tucking the lace into her bag.

The lift arrived and they both entered the car. Part of her wanted Jeff to take her in his arms and kiss her all the way down, like he had on the upward journey.

‘You don't have to take me home, Jeff. It's really late, or really early if you want to look at that way.' She tried to laugh but failed miserably.

‘I said I would see you home and I will.' Each word spoken precisely and brooked no argument.

The doors parted and she walked out. When his hand landed on the small of her back she softened into his touch, slowing her steps so she could lean into him. Jeff's arm wrapped around her and she sighed in happiness. For a few more minutes she could savour this closeness. For a few more minutes she could put aside the conflict building inside her. For a few more minutes she could feel she belonged to someone special.

As they walked out the door, a hotel car pulled up in front of them. Jeff walked over and opened the door for her.

She looked at him in surprise.

‘I requested the car while I was in the bathroom.' He winked. ‘One of the perks of staying in the penthouse. Press a button on the phone to get a car.'

‘How the other half lives.' She leaned forward and gave the driver her address.

For once she wished she lived out of the city, so the drive could last longer than five minutes.

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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