Bound by the Buccaneer (5 page)

Read Bound by the Buccaneer Online

Authors: Normandie Alleman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bound by the Buccaneer
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“We headed down this path because you don’t have the stomach for killing innocents, but there are consequences to every action. And the consequences for what we’ve done is that we’re the most hunted, most wanted pirates in the Caribbean.”

“Good deeds must be punished? Is that what you’re saying?” she asked, defiantly.

“Frederica, you are not a child. Do not behave as one. Pirates, as a rule, do not share your scruples. Perhaps I should never have gone along with your idea to raid other pirate ships, but I did, and there’s no sense in rehashing events from the past. What’s done is done.

“The answer is simple. We need protection, a larger force. There is strength in numbers and these three captains are willing to join us with their ships and their crews. That would make us four hundred strong, Frederica! Imagine that… The only snag is if they think me a dandy who dances to a woman’s tune, they will have no desire to be associated with the Ocean’s Knave.” He shook his head. “And no pirate worth his salt would blame them.”

Knowing he spoke the truth did little to quell her concerns. Her stomach tightened. “I still don’t understand why they must bed me,” she complained. Gaston was treating her as if she were a possession to be shared without a hint of concern for how his actions would affect her, and it hurt.

Running out of patience, he sighed. “My dear, if I offer you as a gift they will view you more as my property than as my shrew, thereby proving their concerns are unfounded.”

Rolling her eyes she repeated his words with a sneer. “Your

“Yes, my property,” he said in a no-nonsense tone.

“But…” she tried to find words. The idea of three men, strangers to her, taking her body as they wished frightened her. However, along with the fear, she felt a little glimmer of excitement and possibly curiosity. Gaston was the only man she’d ever been intimate with, and now she wondered what it would be like to be taken by another man.

“But what?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said slumping down on the bunk next to him.

“Ultimately, I will leave this as your decision.” He stroked her hair. “Not to put too fine a point on it, but consider the men, Frederica, our men. Each time we go into battle we take them with us. To a large degree their lives rest in our hands. If we do not provide them with the best protection possible, we’re sending them to their deaths, don’t you see?” He tilted her chin up so that she had no choice but to meet his gaze.

Staring into his dark, coffee-colored eye she let the information sink in. Guilt rose up inside her, that uncomfortable yet familiar emotion that had threatened to eat her alive after Cassandra’s death. No, she didn’t want the blood of their men on her hands. She’d suffered that enough.

Unfortunately, she knew Gaston was right. If it hadn’t been for her and her idealistic views, they would be plundering every ship they came upon, regardless of its passengers or their situation. In that case, they’d be no special threat to pirates and there would be no price on their heads. But now, resulting from their edict to only steal from other pirates, some of the most bloodthirsty men in the world were after them. She knew Gaston was right. Their men were loyal and good to her. She should sacrifice for their crew. But at what cost?

Making up her mind she set her jaw and asked bravely, “What do I need to do?”

Chapter Six



Gaston took an unopened bottle of rum out of the chest in the corner of the room and sliced the top off it with his cutlass. He handed the bottle to Frederica. “Drink.”

“What?” she asked.

He indicated the bottle. “Drink. You’ll likely need the courage.”

She took a sip.

“More,” he insisted.

With a groan she took a long draw from the neck of the bottle. The rum slid easily down her throat leaving a trail of warmth behind as it settled in her belly. “Happy?” she asked.

“That’s not exactly how I would describe my frame of mind, no.” He frowned.

“Pray tell, what has you so vexed?”

Gaston sat across from her on the chest and sighed. “My dear, before you rendezvous with Appling and the others—there are some things I need to prepare you for.”

Apprehension rising, she took another slug of rum and asked, “What things?”

Gaston steepled his fingers and rested his chin upon them. “Have you considered that the men might desire to all have you at the same time?”

Confused, she wrinkled her brow.

He shrugged. “They might decide to utilize all you have to offer.”

She laughed. “I’m certain that will be the case, but…”

He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Fill all your holes—”

Her eyes flew open.

“—at the same time.”

“You must be joking!” she spat. “I don’t even have…”

He nodded knowingly. “Ah, yes, you do.”

She stared at him agape.

Pointing at her mouth he said, “There’s one of them.”

“I don’t believe you! They wouldn’t…”

“Why wouldn’t they?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest. “Because they are upstanding citizens of the world with sophisticated sensibilities? Frederica, dear girl—they are pirates.”

Fear rose inside her and tears threatened to come. “Then how can I be safe? This sounds dangerous.”

“They will not harm you, Hatch will see to that.”

“Hatch? What does he have to do with all this?”

“I had them agree he was to be there, to protect you. If they attempt anything you cannot endure he will see that they stop.”

“Ugh! That will make it worse having Hatch there.”

“Why? He will ensure your safety.”

“Hatch will have to see me naked? Watch me have sex? Gaston, that is too embarrassing to bear!”

Gaston shook his head vehemently. “It won’t be like that. You know how Hatch is. He will only be there for your protection. You won’t even know he’s there. Anyway, Hatch does not partake in the ways of the flesh.”

Pursing her lips she asked, “How can you be so certain?”

“Have you ever known Hatch to visit the prostitutes when the men go ashore?”


“He doesn’t. The man avoids lust-filled pursuits.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It was his sister. She was raped repeatedly before she was killed. Ever since then he’s taken a vow of celibacy.”

“Oh, that’s terrible. You mean like to honor his sister?”

“Something like that. He doesn’t speak of it, but I’ve known the man for years and I’m telling you the truth. He will merely be a presence in the shadows in case you need him, a kind of insurance policy for my peace of mind, and yours.”

She absorbed his words and her thoughts drifted back to the idea of all three men taking her at once. Suddenly, she didn’t feel worldly anymore. Instead she felt as naïve as she had when Gaston had first taught her how to pleasure a man. “I don’t think I completely understand what is to be asked of me,” she admitted shyly.

“Take off your clothes,” Gaston said with a gleam in his eye.

She sighed a heavy sigh and began unlacing her boots. She was not modest anymore with Gaston, and she would have to learn to become even less modest if she were going to be naked in a room with four other men.

Once she had taken her boots off she stood, slipped out of her skirt and blouse, and offered her back to Gaston so he might unlace her corset. Standing behind her, he moved her lush curtain of hair to the side and kissed her neck. “You are incredibly beautiful, my love.”

She breathed in the scent of him, salt air mixed with leather and rum and tried to relax. He finished removing her underclothes but remained fully clothed.

“Take another sip of rum then bend over, girl,” he said firmly slapping her on the rear end.

She took two long sips of rum. Whatever he was going to do to her, she gathered it wouldn’t hurt to be tipsy for it. A warm, buzzy feeling reached down into her extremities and she bent over the bed, feet on the floor, holding herself up on her elbows.

“You have the most delectable ass,” he said, caressing her round globes with his hands.

“Mmm,” she uttered, the rum and his touch combined to put her in a blissful state.

“Spread those legs,” he said.

She moved her feet farther apart, feeling quite exposed. This was at the same time humiliating and exciting.

“Wider!” he barked and smacked her tush.

She began to shuffle her feet, but he took her legs and moved them several inches farther.

“That’s more like it,” he said, dipping a hand between her legs and stroking her already wet pussy.

A moan escaped her throat.

“You like that, don’t you?”

She whimpered an unintelligible response.

His hand crashed down on her bottom. “Let’s try that again. This time answer me properly.”

With a yelp she replied, “Yes, master.”

“Very good. Now we have two days to turn you into a proper whore so I need you to do your dead level best to cooperate.”

“Yes, master.”

Another blow rained down on her cheeks. The skin of her backside stung and it grew hotter with each smack. In an attempt to focus on her breathing, she drew in a deep breath and exhaled as she felt another thwack to her ass.

Relief flooded her as his hands rubbed the achy, blistered flesh of her rear. It felt so good that she toppled off her elbows and began to melt onto the bed.

“Back on your elbows,” he admonished, and she summoned the strength to prop herself up again.

“You will need endurance to take on three men.” His hand again searched out her cunt and he entered her with two fingers.

She groaned as he pounded into her at a rapid pace. Her muscles clamped down on him. She wanted more, wanted him inside her, wanted his hands and his mouth on her. But for now she must be content with what he gave her, and she could feel her juices sloshing out of her, pictured them running down his hand.

She felt his erection press against her lower back, between the dimples that rested atop her heart-shaped ass. It rubbed between her cheeks, the head pushed against her cleft, and she brazenly lifted her bottom toward him involuntarily, unable to stop herself.

Curling his hand in just the right way he slammed into that most sensitive spot at the top of her front interior wall. The sensations were enough to make her float away, and it took all her strength to stay up on her elbows. The world around her had disappeared, leaving only Gaston and her, and her animalistic urges, her desire to be taken.

As if he could read her mind, he withdrew his hand, grabbed her by the hips and sheathed himself inside her now-slick channel. With a dreamy smile she stretched her fingers out in front of her, preparing to enjoy a thorough fucking, the kind Gaston usually treated her to nightly.

Zing! An unexpected jolt of fire suddenly sprung up inside her asshole. Frederica let out a yowl, to which Gaston growled, “Quiet!”

The fiery pain continued as it felt as though he were forcing his two fingers inside her ass. The lower half of her body jumped, pitched, squirmed, trying to rid itself of the latest intruder.

“Stop it, Frederica!” Gaston said through clenched teeth. “Relax. You must relax or it will hurt worse.”

“But what are you doing? Why are you doing that? It hurts,” she sobbed.

“I know that it hurts. It is called anal training, my dear. But if you can relax your body will grow accustomed to it. It might even begin to feel pleasurable.”

“I doubt it,” she whimpered.

“Well if you do not grow accustomed to a few fingers I’m not sure how you’re going to accommodate a whole cock.”

The thought practically paralyzed her with fear, and all she could do was emit a whining noise. She realized she sounded like a puppy who’d been kicked.

He slowly moved the fingers farther into her ass. “Breathe,” he told her and she did.

“Now relax, pet. It will get easier. I promise.”

Screwing her eyes shut tight she gave up trying to hold herself up on her elbows and hugged herself tightly, her torso and cheek smooshed against the bed linens.

His cock thrust deeply inside her—in and out, and his fingers mimicked the same movement inside her tiny hole. At first the muscles around the edge of her opening screamed red, angry flares of agony. But after some focused breathing and several minutes, the pain seemed to give way to an interesting sensation.

Finally, the feel of his fingers fucking her ass began to feel good, and her cries went from moans of protest to moans of ecstasy.

Then as suddenly as it had begun, he withdrew his cock and his fingers. Curious, she looked back over her shoulder to see what had happened. Then she felt it, his cock thrummed at the door of her ass, and she tensed up.

“Stop doing that. You must relax. I’ve stretched you now, you will be able to take it. Relax,” he repeated.

She had felt his finger in her ass before but she had never taken his cock there. She hadn’t even considered it, but he expected her to, and as frightened as she was, she knew she would not risk disappointing him. His regard for her was too important. She wanted nothing more than to please him, so she did her best to relax.

The first inch was the most difficult. The pain took her breath away and she beat on the bed with her fists.

“You’re doing fine,” he encouraged her as he shoved himself farther into her smallest of holes. His cock was slick, covered in the juices from her pussy, which helped it slide in better. After he’d made some progress, he began to pull back slightly then push forward very slowly.

She felt her ass stretch around him and a strange heat permeated her tight little opening. Gaston reached around her and found her clit. He played with the swollen bud as he stroked her ass with his cock. After a few moments, he found a rhythm and Frederica found herself purring in time with his movements.

He leaned over, nibbled her shoulder and whispered, “See? Not so bad, is it mademoiselle?”

The tension in her body had begun to mount. At first she was unable to speak then her climax crashed over her body in waves. Her hips jerked, the sensations to her clit became too much to bear and she flopped under him like a fish out of water. “No!” was all she could manage.

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