Bound by Love (35 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Rogers

BOOK: Bound by Love
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“Mr. Riddle?”


“Is he badly hurt?”

“He has broken both legs.”

“Oh, no. The poor man.” Her concern deepened at Stefan’s grim expression. “Will he walk again?”

“According to Edmond he should make a full recovery.”

“Thank goodness.”

He nodded, his thoughts seemingly distracted. Leonida wrapped her arms around her waist, beginning to sense his presence in the garden was not just to reveal his steward’s accident.

“I must return to Meadowland.”

Even knowing this moment was bound to come, Leonida was shocked by the crippling pain his words caused.

To never see his beautiful face again. Never to hear his low, seductive voice whispering in her ear. Never to feel his warm, hungry kiss demanding a response.

She abruptly turned to stare blindly at the water spouting from the marble nymph in the middle of the fountain.


His hands gripped her shoulders, the heat of his body burning through the back of her muslin gown.

“Leonida, I have no choice.”

“When do you leave?”

“As soon as possible.”

She curled her hands into fists, her nails biting into her palms until they drew blood. She would not to cry. Not yet.

What did she have left but her pride?

“Of course.” She kept her voice low, carefully controlled. “I hope you will give Lord and Lady Summerville my regards.”

“That is all you have to say?”

“I wish you a safe journey.”

His fingers tightened on her shoulders, and with a sharp jerk, he turned her around to meet his scorching gaze.

“Dammit, Leonida.”

“What do you want?” She wildly shook her head. “Tears? For me to beg you to remain?”

“You know what I want.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to meet the brilliant demand of his gaze.

“No, Stefan.”

“Leonida, I have no time for these games,” he rasped, pulling her hard against his chest. “I intend to be on the first ship to England. And you will be with me.”

“This is no game.” She struggled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. A futile effort. “I have told you
over and over that I will not be your mistress. Why will you not accept my decision?”

He lowered his head to whisper directly into her ear. “Perhaps because you
my mistress.”


“Shall I take you to your bedchamber and prove otherwise?”

She steeled herself not to shiver, but the potent pleasure was undeniable. He was leaving and her body ached to know him one last time.


He buried his face in the curve of her neck. “You make me crazed.”

“Then you should be pleased to leave me behind.”


It was the absolute certainty in his voice that had her struggling out of his grasp. The man was insufferable.

“You cannot force me to accompany you.”

Their gazes tangled in a battle of wills.

“Is that a challenge?” he gritted out.

“It is the truth.” She tilted her chin, refusing to be intimidated. “As you well know.”

“What I know is that you need me, whether you are willing to admit the truth or not.”

She ignored the painful ache in the center of her heart. “Surely you don’t mean to imply that I cannot survive without you? I assure you that I have done quite well on my own.”

“Have you?” he taunted.


His eyes darkened with a loneliness that was echoed deep within her.

“No, my dove, you have hidden from your life, pretending to be a part of the world while always keeping yourself separate.”

She sharply turned away, hiding her expression from his penetrating gaze.

“That is absurd.”

“I have watched you,” he relentlessly persisted. “I have seen how you smile and mouth the proper words, but remain careful to hold others at a distance.”

She flinched. How did he always know where she was the most vulnerable?

“Just because I do not care for society does not mean I do not have a full and happy life.”


“I am…” The lie would not pass her stiff lips. “Content.”

“You are alone.”

“I have my family.”

“Family?” he mocked. “They are no doubt the reason you push everyone away.”

She spun back to stab him with an angry glare. “What is that supposed to mean?”

He cupped her chin in his hand, his expression hard, despite his surprisingly gentle touch.

“You have been disappointed on too many occasions. You fear that if you allow another into your heart they will only use you for their own selfish advantage.”

Her humorless laugh filled the garden. “A fear well founded with most gentlemen.”

A faint color touched his cheeks as her thrust hit its target. “I only want to take care of you.”

“No, you desire to use my body until you weary of it.”

His gaze slid downward with a tangible force, lingering on the gentle swell of her breasts before at last returning to her heated face.

“You forget, in return I am offering you full and complete use of my body. You may take advantage of me whenever and wherever you want.” His voice thickened. “Surely that is a fair trade?”

Heat curled through the pit of her stomach, threatening to undermine her determination. She took an instinctive step backward. “Not for me.”

Her words snapped his fragile control, his eyes blazing with frustration. “Christ, what will it take to make you admit you desire this affair as much as I do?”

“More than you can offer.”

“So you keep saying. How the hell can you know if you will not even tell me what it is?”

She wrapped her arms around her waist. What would he say if she told him that she wanted nothing less than his heart?

A pain lanced through her. She knew the answer without even asking.

It was the one thing he would never offer her.

“You claimed that I live in loneliness, but you are no different,” she charged, eager to divert his attention. “When was the last time you enjoyed London society or filled Meadowland with guests?”

“I have duties…”

“Oh yes, your precious duties.” She did her own share of mocking. “You hide behind them so you do not have to search your soul and realize how empty it is.”


, S
reined in his temper.

Damn. Why did he allow this woman to stir his anger with such ease? It was not as if he possessed a volatile nature. Quite the opposite. But the moment he was in Leonida’s company he was suddenly at the mercy of emotions he did not even know he possessed.

No wonder he too often lost the upper hand in dealing with the aggravating female.

Moodily, Stefan studied Leonida’s beautiful alabaster face. Her expression was set in stubborn lines, but he did not miss the hint of tears that shimmered in her eyes. She was clearly troubled at the thought of his departure. So why the hell did she continue to fight him?

“Do you intend to drive me away by stirring my anger?” he abruptly demanded. “Is that your last defense when another comes too close?”

She wrapped her arms around her waist in a protective gesture.

“But you are not close.”

He laughed at the ludicrous words. “I would say that we have been as close as two people can possibly be.”

“Physical intimacy can occur between complete strangers. It is meaningless.”

“If you truly believed that then you would have had a dozen lovers.” His gut twisted with savage fury at the mere thought of Leonida in the arms of another. He would quite
likely kill the bastard. “Instead you have given yourself only to me.”

“While you have had any number of lovers, no doubt,” she snapped.

He smiled, fiercely pleased by the edge of jealousy in her voice. “I will have no other while we are together.”

“Do not restrain yourself on my behalf.” She sniffed, pretending an indifference he did not believe for a moment. “You are at liberty to take as many lovers as you want.”

“I need only one. Return with me to Meadowland and I will prove just how insatiable that need is.”

He stepped forward to pull her back into his arms, but with a swift movement she was darting out of his reach. Did the blasted woman expect him to chase her around the garden?

“Enough, Stefan.” Her unsteady voice was harsh. “I will not be traveling to England and that is the end of the matter.”

The end? He shook his head. The woman might be stubborn, but not even she could deny the ruthless need that bound them together.

“You truly will allow me to leave without a hint of regret?”

Her eyes darkened. “It is for the best.”


“Stefan, please…just go.”

For a crazed moment his frustrated anger threatened to overcome his rational mind. She wanted him. That much he knew beyond a doubt. And if she were too stubborn to admit it, then by God, he would toss her into his carriage and haul her to the ship by force if necessary.

It was the memory of Vanya’s words that halted him in his tracks.

It is not a matter of a man knowing what a woman wants, but whether he is prepared to offer what she needs

His jaw tightened. Of course. How could he have been blind for so long?

Leonida Karkoff might be a fascinating combination of
sweet innocence and fierce courage, but at heart she was a woman like any other.

Abruptly he turned on his heel to pace toward the nearby fountain.

“You intend to force my hand, do you not?” he rasped.

“Now what are you implying?”

“As usual I have been embarrassingly dim-witted when it comes to you.” He turned to meet her puzzled gaze. “Odd, considering that women have been angling to become my bride since I inherited my title.”

For all her undoubted intelligence, it took Leonida a long moment to at last comprehend his meaning.

“Mon Dieu,”
she breathed, pretending shock at his accusation. “You think…you honestly believe I…”

“That in return for continuing our delicious affair you expect me to make you the next Duchess of Huntley,” he smoothly completed.

Without warning she had launched herself forward, beating her fists against his chest with a shocking anger.

“You bastard.”

Startled, Stefan grasped her wrists and glared down at her flushed face.

What the devil was wrong with the woman now?

Was he not making the ultimate sacrifice? How dare she act as if he had just insulted her?

“If I were a bastard then we would not be in this particular situation,” he growled. “No one could expect Miss Leonida Karkoff to wed a commoner.”

“Your arrogance is beyond belief,” she hissed.

“There is no arrogance in knowing the worth of my position.”

“Perhaps the women in England are blinded by your grand Dukedom, your Grace, but I have spent my entire life surrounded by royalty.” Her eyes glittered like sapphires in the sunlight. “If I desired a title I could have wed two counts, three barons, a French
, and half dozen princes.”

His jaw clenched. “All of them no doubt as poor as paupers, not to mention old enough to be your father.”

“Ah.” A tight, angry smile curved her lips. “So you are not only a duke, but you are wealthy and handsome, as well. How could I possibly resist?”

“I do not expect you to.”

Her eyes darkened with an emotion that was perilously close to pain as she jerked her arms out of his grasp.

“Are you…” She was forced to halt and clear her throat. “Truly asking me to marry you?”

Was he?

Ridiculously, his mouth was dry and his heart thundered in his chest.

For years he had refused to consider the thought of installing a duchess at Meadowland. Oh, he had briefly flirted with the notion of taking Brianna as his bride. She had, after all, been a part of life for years and she loved the estate as much as he did. More importantly, he had known his parents would surely have approved of such a choice.

Now, however, he could not pretend that his need for Leonida had anything to do with Meadowland. Or the future of the Huntley family.

It was pure, selfish desire.

“I have told you that I will not return to England without you,” he said, his voice rough. “If I must wed you, then so be it.”

An unnerving silence filled the garden as Stefan waited for Leonida to respond. He did not expect her to swoon. Or even to cry out in joy. She possessed too much pride for such overemotional displays.

But he assumed that there would be a measure of satisfaction in her expression. She had what she wanted, after all.

Instead her expression hardened, a glint of grim resolution chasing away the lingering hurt in her eyes.

“‘Then so be it’?” She threw his words back in his face. “What a romantic proposal. I am quite swept off my feet.”

Stefan stiffened in outrage. “If you expect me to get on my knee then you are sadly mistaken. I have no need to beg for my bride.”

Her chin tilted. “I cannot imagine how Edmond managed to win Brianna if he possesses your lack of finer feelings.”

“He kidnapped her,” Stefan gritted.

Mon Dieu
. Are all Englishmen such barbarians?”

He clenched his hands at his side. It was that or shaking some sense into her thick skull.

“When it comes to overly stubborn females.”

She instinctively backed away, as if sensing his violent mood. Wise woman. At the moment the scorching anger that raced through him made a mockery of his usual calm composure.

“I can only hope you are jesting,” she muttered.

“You have demanded I give you more,” he grated. “If it is not to become my wife then what the bloody hell do you want?”

“The fact you even have to ask proves you are incapable of giving me what I need.”

He shoved his fingers through his hair. The woman was destined to put him in an early grave.

Or more likely Bedlam.

“I have offered you everything I possess.”

“Yes, I suppose you have.” Her voice was low, resigned. “Goodbye, Stefan.”

In shocked disbelief, Stefan watched as she walked toward the house with a stiff dignity.

Christ. She was leaving.

Standing motionless for several long moments, Stefan ignored the crushing urge to follow in her wake. He had offered her his name and his pride on a platter, only to have it tossed back into his face.

He was done dancing to Miss Leonida Karkoff’s tune.

Spinning on his heel, Stefan stormed from the garden, collecting his carriage from the mews behind the house.
If the wretched woman thought she could manipulate him with her ridiculous games then she was in for a rude awakening. His days of chasing after her like a hound in heat were done.

Despite the heavy traffic, Stefan returned to Vanya’s house with admirable speed. Of course, he had left behind several furious Russian pedestrians who had hurled curses when he had near run them down and a number of grooms who had been forced to swerve their vehicles out of his path or risk a collision.

Once at the townhouse, he tossed the reins to the waiting footman and charged up the steps. During the brief journey he had nurtured the smoldering sense of betrayal at Leonida’s rejection. He wanted to be in a blazing fury.

His anger was certainly preferable to acknowledging his aching sense of loss.

Ignoring the butler who pulled open the door at his approach, Stefan crossed the foyer, intending to head directly to his rooms. The sooner he was out of Russia the better.

Of course, it could not be so simple.

He had just reached the sweeping staircase when Vanya appeared from a side parlor.

“Stefan.” She came to an abrupt halt as she caught sight of his tousled appearance. “I assume from your expression that your business with Leonida did not go well?”

“The woman is…” He snapped his lips shut. Surely he had made enough of a fool of himself for one day? “It no longer matters. Has Boris returned?”

“Yes. He said he would wait for you in your chambers.”

He stepped toward the stairs. “Thank you.”


It was the thick concern in the older woman’s voice that halted his retreat. Turning, he regarded her with an impatient frown.

“I am in rather a hurry, Vanya.”

“Tell me what happened between you and Leonida.”

“I asked her to accompany me back to England and she declined.”

She flinched at his raw tone. “Did you tell her of your feelings?”

His humorless laugh echoed sharply through the foyer. “I asked her to be my bloody wife.”

Absurdly, the older woman shook her head in resignation. “But did you speak to her of love?”

A jolt of alarm shot through his heart. He was not about to discuss his confused jumble of emotions toward Leonida. He had ignored them for weeks. He intended to keep ignoring them.

“I appreciate your hospitality, Vanya, but I must see to my packing. With any luck I shall soon be on a ship to England.” His lips twisted. “And sanity.”


Vanya’s plea fell on deaf ears as Stefan grimly climbed the stairs and made his way to his chambers. He would not waste another moment on Leonida Karkoff.

She was a mistake he intended to scrub from his memories.

Shoving open the door, Stefan entered his private parlor. Boris was seated on a settee near the window, sipping from a silver flask as he stepped over the threshold, but with a grimace the servant rose to his feet and tossed the flask in Stefan’s direction.

“You look in need of refreshment, Huntley.”

Without hesitation, Stefan took a deep drink from the flask. The vodka seared down his throat, landing in his stomach with a fiery explosion.

“Good God,” he rasped, tossing the flask back to his companion. A few more sips and Boris would have to carry him onto the ship. “Do you have the schedule?”

Boris nodded. “There is a ship that leaves in two hours.”

“Can we get passage?”

The servant grimaced. “For the proper price.”

It was what Stefan had expected. What sea captain
didn’t feather his own nest by accepting bribes? As a rule, Stefan deplored such behavior. It was always the poorest passengers that suffered. Today, however, he would have bought the whole damned ship and tossed everyone aside if it meant being rid of this demented country.

“The cost does not matter.”

Boris pocketed the flask and folded his arms over his barrel chest.

“So I suppose the only question is how many tickets will I need to purchase?”

Stefan clenched his jaw at the deliberately provocative question.

“I will make a bargain with you, Boris.”

“I am listening.”

“I will buy you as many barrels of vodka as you desire for the journey so long as I never have to hear the name Leonida Karkoff again.”

Boris slowly smiled. “Never heard of the woman.”


to charge out of the mews at a breakneck speed, Leonida returned to the garden.

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