Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (41 page)

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Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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“But Angus did.” Fiona smiled. “It all worked out in the end. We were bound, and although the conversion was uncomfortable, you were right about it being easier on me than you.”

“Good. I have to admit, I downplayed the pain a bit. Kade was entirely freaked out by the whole ordeal, so I didn’t want to be too honest.”

“I think he figured it out, Sam. He was more on edge than normal,” Fiona said.

Sam grimaced. “I know. What did you find out about your gifts?”

“I have taken on Angus’s healing, which is amazing, and apparently, something that happens with all mates.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Really? So, I’ll be able to heal, too?”

Fiona nodded. “You should be able to. According to the book, the longer you’re bound, the more gifts you share. My personal gift seems to be telekinesis, but Angus hasn’t taken it on, yet. I’m assuming more will show up as time goes by.”

“Very cool,” Sam said. “With that good news, I think we should have some fun tonight.”

“What do you suggest?” Payton asked.

“I say we pick Pepper up from work and head on over to the Tin Ear Saloon for drinks.”

“What’s the Tin Ear Saloon?” Fiona asked.

“The best karaoke in town.”

“I can’t sing!” Fiona exclaimed.

Sam laughed. “But Pepper can, and we can drink while she entertains us.”

Payton clapped her hands. “Love it.”

Sam pulled out her phone. “Now I just have to talk Pepper into it.”

* * *

The night at the Tin Ear wrapped up just before midnight, when Pepper insisted she needed to get up early the next morning. Samantha hugged her friend, reluctant to let her leave.

“I’m fine, Sam,” Pepper insisted.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ll text you when I get home, okay?”

“Fine.” Sam raised an eyebrow. “But I want to know you’re all tucked in and comfy.”

Pepper laughed. “Okay, Mom.” She turned to Fiona and Payton. “It was really nice to meet you both.”

“You too,” they chimed in simultaneously.

Pepper climbed into her VW Rabbit, affectionately called “Thumper,” and peeled out of the parking lot.

Fiona squeezed Sam’s arm with a hiss. “Something’s off.”

“What do you mean?” she whispered.

Samantha, where are you, love?

I’m at a club.

, Kade pressed.

The Tin Ear Saloon on Lincoln.

I need you to go back inside. Right now.

Are you here?

Aye. Go back into the building.

“Kade wants us to go back inside.”

“So does Angus,” Fiona said.

Before they could move an inch, an eerily familiar voice sounded in the dark.

“Well, well, well.”

Sam found herself looking at Shannon Fraser, followed by Alexander Baird and another man she didn’t recognize. The men had guns aimed at Payton and Fiona.

Payton gasped. “Baldvin.”

“Who?” Sam asked.

“My brother-in-law.”

“Alex?” Sam said, surprised the young IT expert would be involved in this.

“I’m truly sorry, Sam,” he said. “I liked you. But Kade has to learn.”

“Enough!” Shannon snapped. “You’re difficult to corner, Samantha.”

Sam stood a little taller. “What do you want, Shannon?”

“I thought that would be obvious.”

You may see things that frighten you. I need you to stay behind Payton and Fiona.

Sam took a deep breath.
I am
hiding behind anyone, Kade

“Enlighten me, Shannon, because even you aren’t stupid enough to think you had a snowball’s chance in hell with Kade.”

She sneered. “I thought you and I might be friends, Samantha. I’m disappointed.”

“And I’m disappointed you haven’t bowed before your queen.”

A quiet gasp sounded behind her. Sam forced herself not to look at Payton as she tried to keep her bravado intact. She was completely out of her element here, but something within her began to awaken and she was determined to see where it led her.

“Consider us revolutionaries taking a stand against a dictatorship,” Shannon said.

“And what were your plans for the chemicals, Shannon? A lot of innocent people could have been killed.”

“Are humans really ever innocent?” Shannon let out a sigh of irritation. “Besides, only a few would have ultimately died. We had an iron-clad plan until you arrived. You were an unforeseen problem.”

Sam snorted. “I think the real problem here is that my mate has been entirely too nice to you.”

She noticed Baldvin move out of the corner of her eye and before she could react, Payton slumped to the ground. Alex headed toward Fiona and Sam shouted, “Don’t!”

Alex froze. Sam blinked and focused on Shannon, whose eyes expressed fear.

You have the gift of suggestion, love. Use it.

What do you mean, “suggestion?”

You can make them do what you ask them to do. You are their queen, they must listen to you.

Sam bit her lip.
Kade, I don’t know how I feel about this.

Sweetheart, I need you
to feel right now. I just need you to keep them from hurting you. We can discuss your feelings later. We’re almost there.

Payton’s hurt.

I know. Just stay calm.

Sam forced herself not to swear.
Stay calm. Thanks, honey. Great advice.

She stayed locked onto the three adversaries while Fiona saw to Payton.

Fiona let out a curse. “You’re a real bitch, Shannon.”

“What is it, Fi?” Sam asked.

“Red Fang.”

Shannon’s hand twitched, but when Sam snapped, “Don’t move,” she froze again.

The plodding sound of feet distracted Sam and she found herself slammed to the ground, staring up at the sneering face of Shannon. A shot rang out, but before Sam could react, Shannon was hauled off her and Sam was lifted into Kade’s arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed. “Hi.”

He gave her a gentle squeeze. “Are you hurt?”

“No. Who got shot?”

“No one. They missed.”

She tried to push out of his arms. “Let me check on Payton.”

He shook his head. “Brodie has her and Angus is administering the antidote.”

“Will she be okay?”

“Aye,” he rasped. “Be still, love. I need to make sure you’re all right.”

Sam took the time to finally look at him. The worry in his eyes made her heart stutter. She stroked his cheek. “I’m fine, honey. I promise.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sam stayed quiet, offering her whole heart to him. He relaxed after a few seconds and opened his eyes again. “I was terrified.”

She smiled. “I know.”

“I didn’t think we’d make it in time.”

“I know, honey. But you did and I’m fine,” she said. “Put me down, hmm?”

He gently lowered her to the ground, but kept an arm firmly around her waist. She felt his emotion, the heaviness of it, and laid her palm against his chest, willing him to calm. “I really need to check on Payton. Okay?”

He took another deep breath and gave her a curt nod. She stepped away from him, not surprised that he followed.

Brodie was on the ground, cradling Payton in his arms. Her eyes were wide and she appeared frightened, but the rest of her body was limp. Tears slid down her cheeks and Brodie wiped them away gently as Angus stuck a needle into her arm and pressed the plunger in.

Connall and a man Samantha didn’t recognize were in a deep discussion, while the security detail secured the three “revolutionaries.”

A deep, frightened groan from Payton had Sam’s heart racing, but Brodie pulled her closer and Sam smiled when Payton wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest. She would be fine. Brodie would make sure of it.

Kade grasped her hand, and Sam sighed as he pulled her back into the safety of his arms. “Everything’s secure now. Connall and Max are going to remove Shannon and the others, and we’ll head back to the hotel.”

“So, that’s Max?” Sam nodded toward the handsome, athletic man with dark hair and ice-blue eyes.

He nodded. “Aye.”

“He’s on the Council, right?”


She smiled up at him. “Just putting a face to the name.”

“You’ll meet him later. Right now, I want you all to myself.”

She linked her fingers with his and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He forced a smile, but she could feel his stress. “Hey. I’m okay.”

He nodded.

“Did you get everything done in Iceland?”

He scowled.

Baby, tell me.

He closed his eyes and gripped her hand tighter.
Iceland was a decoy.

In order to get to me here?

He nodded again.


They knew that if they could kill you, they could move forward with their plan, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop them.

Sam frowned.
Yes you would.

No. I. Wouldn’t.
“If you were to die, Sam, I would follow.”

“Don’t say that, Kade. Lots of people survive the loss of a spouse and you’re needed here.”

Kade’s sudden rage was so strong, Sam jumped away from him just before he slammed his fist into the car next to them, forcing it sideways with a screech of its tires.

A collective gasp sounded from the group as Connall rushed to Samantha, pushing her behind his back, and holding a palm out to Kade. “My lord.”

Sam stepped out from behind Connall and approached her mate. “Kade. Honey, I’m so sorry.”

Kade’s eyes burned red as he stood drawing deep breaths into his lungs.

“Sam, careful,” Connall warned.

Kade turned toward Connall and his eyes narrowed. Sam swallowed, but continued toward Kade.
Baby, I’m here. I’m safe. The danger’s over.

He didn’t seem to understand her, so she tried again.

Kade. Honey.
Despite her fear, she reached out and laid a hand on his arm. He stared down at her hand and Sam gave his arm a gentle squeeze.
Shhh. Everything’s okay.

Kade blinked several times and Sam relaxed when she saw the flame recede and his eyes return to normal. He pulled her against him and buried his face in her hair. Sam wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tightly.

Fyrirgefðu ef ég hræddur þig, elska.
(I’m sorry if I scared you, love.)

What? That little display? Pishaw.

He chuckled and Sam felt the rest of the group relax. Her familial bond with Kade’s siblings was made more remarkable by the fact that she could feel their stress.

I need you. Now.

Sam nodded and let him lead her to the car. Another large Saxon-looking man held the back door open for her. She didn’t recognize him, but that didn’t surprise her. Kade probably had hundreds of large, fierce, wrestler-types at his disposal. She slid into the seat and secured her seatbelt. Kade did the same and quickly grasped her hand.

You okay?

He nodded.
I should have known this was going to happen.

How could you have possibly known?

Because my mother set it up.

Sam gasped. “Really?”

He nodded.
She betrayed us all.

Before she could respond, the car pulled up to the hotel and Kade ushered her out of the car, into the hotel, and up to their room. He closed and locked the door, then rushed her. She was lifted off her feet and had to wrap her arms around his neck in order not to fall backward. His lips covered hers and she responded without thought.

* * *

Samantha licked her lips and tried to catch her breath. She pushed her hair away from her face and turned towards Kade. “My word, honey. I think you need to go away more often.”

Kade growled. “Never again, Samantha.”

“Sorry.” Sam giggled. “Too soon?”

He pulled her close and kissed her. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

“I know.” She stroked his chest. “But whatever this gift is came at just the right time.”

He nodded. “You’ll find more abilities manifest as time goes on.”

“That’s what Fiona said. Kind of cool, because I thought this might be the only one I get. Not that I’m complaining. It’s really kind of cool, but I’m not sure the ability to make people do what I want them to do is a good thing. I would never want to abuse it.”

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