Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (23 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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why he kept asking all those questions,” she hissed.

“What did you tell him?”

“Nothing!” She slapped her hand on the counter. “Damn it! Why do you assume I’m going to spill my guts to everyone?”

“I don’t. I just need to determine what you said, so I can figure out what he might infer from it. Whether it’s no information or vague.”

“Well, it was neither. I told him that I would not discuss you or the company with him and it didn’t matter what he said, my relationship with you was off limits. Nothing vague about that.” Sam crossed her arms. “Why is there an investigation, anyway?”

“Not sure. Connall’s looking into it at the moment. It’s probably nothing, but I’ll know more in the next couple of days.”

Samantha rubbed her forehead.

Kade closed the distance between them and pulled her close. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t want to be right about Cole.”

She let out a snort. “Yes you did.”

“Okay, maybe I did.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and settled her cheek against his chest. “I wish I knew what his agenda was.”

“Can I ask you to keep your distance?”

She shook her head. “Nope, but I will. Because
want to.”

“Thank you.”

She pulled away from him and started to do the dishes. “Can you answer something for me?”

“Of course.”

“Why did you have a protective detail on me tonight?”

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t. Cole figured it out.”

“Maybe I should give him a job,” Kade retorted.

Sam turned from the sink and leaned a hip against the counter. “Right.”

“I was trying to keep you safe without making you feel like you were being watched.” He pulled the plate from her hand and set it in the dishwasher before closing it and handing her a towel. “Leave those, love. I’ll take care of them.”

She dried her hands and dropped the towel on the counter. “I should probably go. It’s late.”

“Or you could stay for a while,” he suggested.

“Honey, it’s almost midnight. And even if you’ve closed the lab tomorrow, your sister wants to spend the day with me. I don’t want to be yawning all day.”

“Perhaps I should go with you.”

“Outside of the fact you have a big dinner to prepare for, I get the feeling your sister wants to find out if I’m good enough for her big brother, and I’d personally like some girl time.”

“Are you sick of me already?”

“Yep, pretty much.” She looped her arms around his neck.

He chuckled and kissed her. “Tomorrow’s going to be horrid.”

“For you, maybe. I’m going to have a blast.” She grinned. “I won’t be thinking of you stuck in meetings with Angus and your brothers while your sister and I buy up Edinburgh.”

“Since you’re going to have such an amazing day, will you stay for another hour and give me something to think about tomorrow other than stocks?”

Sam laughed. “Oh, you are good.”

He pulled away and executed a very formal bow. “Thank you, m’lady. Years of practice.”

“Yes, I’ll stay for one more hour.” She took the open bottle of wine on the counter and headed back to the living room. “I’m thirsty anyway.”

Kade followed and pulled her down beside him in his chair. “This is one way of getting my chair back, I suppose.”

She shifted so she sat on his lap. “Now that I’ve done you a favor, I’m wondering if I can ask one of you.”

“Of course.”

“Pepper arrives in a little over a month. Do you mind if she stays in my apartment until we find something together?”

He cocked his head. “I don’t mind in the least, but you’re not going to look for something together.”

“Oh, really? Why not?”

“Because she can just stay with you until we’re married.”

Sam groaned. “You slid that in so seamlessly.”

Kade chuckled. “In all seriousness, you don’t have to look for anything else. Your friend is welcome to stay as long as you’d like her to. Of course, when we’re
, you won’t be able to live with her anymore.”

Sam wrinkled her nose. “
we get married, it won’t be for a while, which will give her plenty of time to find something else.”

“She’s welcome to stay even
we get married. You’ll move in here, after all.”

“What happens
we get married and I like my place better?”

we get married, if you decide you’d rather live there, then Pepper is welcome to move in here,” he kissed her nose, “and I’ll move in there.”

She kissed him. “
we get married, I’d probably move in here. I quite like this place.”

“I noticed…especially considering you’re here every night.” He kissed her neck. “This will mean, of course, that
we get married, you’ll have an easier time adjusting to your new home.”

As he kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear, Sam bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning. “That is a good point.
we get married.”

Kade covered her mouth with his and all talk of roommates and marriage were quickly forgotten as he gave her just a taste of what she could look forward to…as soon as they were married.




SAMANTHA YAWNED AS she pulled on her black, knee-high boots. “Curse you, Kade Gunnach,” she said to the floor. She’d stayed far past the one-hour promise, falling asleep in Kade’s lap and waking up in his guest room at almost four. She’d attempted to slide out from under the covers, but found herself pulled up against him instead.

“Where are
going?” he’d grumbled.

“Kade, I’m still fully clothed and under a pile of blankets,” she’d complained. “I was thinking I’d go home and sleep there where I can be comfortable.”

He nuzzled her neck and hummed his disagreement. “I like you just where you are. Stay.”

“I’m in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, babe. I really need to get into something else.”

He sat up and rubbed his hands down his face. “If I get you a pair of my pajamas, will you stay?”

Sam yawned. “Do I really have a choice?”

“Of course,” he retorted. “Head
the way home, climb into a cold bed, and find yourself miserable without me.”

Sam giggled. “Well, when you put it that way…”

He gathered up a pair of cotton pajamas that she had a feeling he’d never worn and once she’d changed into them, she met him back in the guest room. He was now in a T-shirt and flannel pants, which showcased his physique nicely. He took her hand and led her to the master bedroom.

“What are you doing?” Sam asked.

“I hate that bed. I want to sleep with you in my bed.”

“Why did you sleep in there to begin with?”

“I didn’t want you to wake up and get scared.” He held the covers back on his large king-sized bed and waited for her to climb in.

“You are entirely too good to be true.” She’d kissed him and then was suddenly jarred awake by his alarm.

Now she sat in her apartment, working on her second cup of coffee and wishing she could sleep for another six hours. Kade was already at work, and she was waiting for Fiona to pick her up for their day of fun.

Don’t fall asleep, love.

She started and wrinkled her nose.
I wasn’t falling asleep, I was checking for holes in my eyelids.

Laughter sounded in her mind.
I do love your southern expressions.

Good to know.

I’ll make it up to you tonight.

She sighed.
I just end up more like the walking dead when you “make it up to me.” Besides, you’ll be at your dinner tonight.

the meeting.

She let out a quiet snort.
I will be sleeping.

Fiona’s at your door. Have fun. I love you.

“How did you know that?” she wondered aloud, and then her doorbell rang.

She pulled open the door and grinned. Fiona stood with Payton in the hallway.

“I hope you don’t mind that I brought Payton,” Fiona said. “She doesn’t like to be without me.”

Samantha laughed.  “Hi. Come in.”

The ladies breezed inside and Samantha closed the door. She hugged them and then gathered up her purse and jacket.

“How did you get the day off?” she asked Payton.

Payton smiled. “Fiona finagled it. Anna’s taking notes for the meetings. It pays to have your future sister-in-law related to the owners of the company.”

Sam laughed again as they left the apartment and headed to the elevator. “No doubt. This is going to be fun. Where are you taking me?”

Fiona pressed the button to the private garage. “Much to Payton’s disappointment, I thought we’d take you to the Royal Mile. It’s really touristy, but the shops are adorable, and you can get a bit of Scottish flavor in each store.”

“Let me guess,” Sam mused. “Lots of walking?”

Payton groaned. “Up and down a bloody long hill.”

Sam clapped her hands. “I

The elevator doors opened and they made their way to the car. Alasdair held the door open and waited for them to slide inside. He drove them to Fiona’s favorite jewelry store and dropped them off with the promise to return in an hour to pick up any packages they may have.

“I’m just picking up the watch I bought Angus for his birthday. They were engraving it for me,” Fiona explained.

“When’s his birthday?” Sam asked as he followed her inside.

“On the fourth.” Fiona grinned. “We usually have dinner together with the family…obviously, you’re invited.”

Sam smiled. “Thanks.”

The bell jingled over the door as Fiona let the door close.

“Ah, Miss Gunnach, perfect timing,” an elderly gentleman said as he came toward them. “I just finished polishing the watch.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ferguson. I can’t wait to see it.”

While Fiona and Payton waited at the counter, Sam made her way around the small shop. Unique jewelry, along with pewter tankards and fun Scottish souvenirs, filled the cases and shelves. She was drawn to a glass case that had necklaces inside. One in particular caught her eye and she had a pang of homesickness. A large ruby surrounded by pomegranates and the pomegranate flower, all interwoven with Celtic knots in white gold hung from a white gold chain. To say it was stunning was an understatement. She’d have to bring Pepper here.

“May I help you with anything?”

Sam glanced at the young man behind the counter and grinned. “No, thank you. Just admiring.”

Payton waved her over to the other side of the store. “Look at these, Sam.”

Sam joined her and felt her eyes widen. Trays of one-of-a-kind engagement rings took up an entire case and the sparkle from the diamonds was impressive.

“Try one on,” Payton said.

“No, that’s okay.”

, dream a little. If you could pick anything, what would you pick?”

“Oh, stop,” Sam said with a nervous laugh.

“Come on,” she pressed. “Fiona’s going to be a while, so just try a couple. I’m going to.”

The young man who had offered to help with the necklaces stood waiting for them again.

Payton pointed to a ring with a diamond the size of her head. “May I try that one, please?”

“Of course.” He pulled it out and settled it gently on a blue and green tartan cloth.

Payton slipped it on and held it up. “Gorgeous.”

“It’s a little much, don’t you think?” Sam said as she studied the jewelry.

“But look how it sparkles.”

The sales clerk smiled. “Yes ma’am. It’s one of a kind.”

Sam grimaced. “I don’t even want to know what it costs.”

“Four-hundred thousand,” he said.

?” she squeaked.

“Pounds,” he corrected.

“Payton, take that off right now,” Sam ordered. “It costs more than a house.”

Payton giggled. “I know, but it’s gorgeous, don’t you think? And certainly within Kade’s budget.”

“So that’s your plan!” Sam exclaimed. “Sneaky.”

“Admit it…this one’s stunning, right?”

Sam shook her head. “You need to quit. Even if we were heading in that direction and even if he had the budget, I would never choose something like that.”

“Killjoy.” Payton handed the ring back. “Show me what you’d choose, then.”

“No, it’s fine, Payton.”

, Sam. Dream with me,” she insisted.

Sam raised an eyebrow and hesitated, but the lure of the beautiful jewelry was too hard to resist. Besides, it was just pretend, right?

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