Bound Angel (Paranormal Erotic Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: Bound Angel (Paranormal Erotic Romance)
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Part III: Initiator

Chapter Twenty One

Alex and Gary relaxed
on the sofa, watching some mindless soap on the television. Alex was drinking a glass of crisp Italian white wine and sampling a box of chocs. Alex turned to Gary, neither one of them was really watching the program.

“I know we are trying to act like last week didn’t happen, but I don’t
see why we can’t talk about it,” Alex said.

Gary looked at Alex
, “You can’t get it out of your mind can you?”

“No it’s not like that, I just wondered
whether I would ever get to be like Melissa and be allowed to conduct interviews.”

Gary looked at Alex serious
ly for a moment.

hy would you ask?” he seemed surprised by the question.

ran her fingers along the seam of the glass of wine.

on where has this come from?” asked Gary.

Alex looked at him
, “It was the video of my interview, it got me thinking that I would love to be able to do that one day, if you let me of course,” she said.

’re rushing through this, aren’t you? Are you trying to take over from me?” Gary joked.

Alex started to laugh.
“Well you never know, you might like that.”

Gary poured Alex another glass of wine
, “You’re always in charge, you know, even when we are at the club.” Gary brushed a stray hair from Alex’s face and looked into her eyes. “I’ll tell you what, the next new person to join, I may let you have a try, but I think we need to run it by Melissa. She is of course the madam.”

They both sta
rted to laugh. Alex kissed Gary.

I love you and would really love to show you how much, but today, I feel I could sleep forever, if you don’t mind I’m going to bed, and just to sleep.” Alex got up and went upstairs. Gary waited until he heard Alex shut the bedroom door.

He picke
d up the phone and called Ray, if Alex wanted to do an interview he needed to run it by Ray and Melissa.

Ray answered the phone on the first r

“Hello Gary

“Ray, I need to speak to you about Alex
,” said Gary.

“She’s told you then
,” answered Ray.

? Yes, but you knew she would, but next time don’t mess with my wife in my home. We go way back Ray and have shared a lot of things, but Alex is my wife,” snapped Gary.

“Gary I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it
. I just wanted to know what it was like to live in your world for one night, it’s been so long since I just made love. . .” Ray stopped.

“Ray don’t you say
that. I have forgiven Alex. She’s going through a whole range of emotions, but don’t you dare say it was making love with my wife.” Gary was getting angry.

“Gary I wouldn’t do that to you, you
’re like my brother, I wouldn’t, it was just finding you like that on the floor with blood everywhere, I thought you were a goner and the hospital wouldn’t say what was happening. I thought I’d lost you, so I went to see Alex, Briggs had told me she’d gone home, I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but then to see Alex so upset, we both just needed someone to take our minds off it. I’m really sorry. . .” Ray went quiet, waiting for Gary’s response.

“Ray, i
t’s over now. It’s in the past, just don’t come to my home again when I’m not here,” Gary’s tone had calmed down. “Anyway Ray, I didn’t call to get into all this. . .”

“What do you
want?” asked Ray.

It’s Alex, she wants, and I think she’s ready, she wants to carry out an interview on the next new member. I wanted to check with you that it’s ok, and ask you to run it by Melissa.”

u really do love her, don’t you? You’re willing to go up against Melissa to make her happy, now that’s brave.”

Gary l
aughed. “No Ray you’re the brave one, and anyway you know she’ll do anything for you.”

“Ok I’ll speak to her, and Gary I’m glad we
’ve cleared the air.”

Gary said his goodbye
s and ended the call.

He turned the lights off as he went up the stairs, and when
he reached the bedroom he could hear Alex’s faint breathing, she was fast asleep. He lay next to her, watching her while she slept, she was the most precious thing in the world to him, she looked so delicate, he put his arm around her and soon he was sound asleep.

Alex woke
up refreshed. She left Gary sleeping in bed while she had a shower. She was just lathering her hair with the shampoo, when the shower door opened and Gary climbed in to join her. He took over washing her hair, massaging her head as he rubbed in the shampoo. Alex closed her eyes feeling his hands cleaning her, washing her, Gary’s hands were all over her body now, he was lathering her up and his hands were getting into her every nook. Alex turned round and kissed him gently on the mouth, she wrapped her legs around his waist and with one hand she took hold of his cock and slipped it inside her. He pushed her up against the wall and began pounding into her; the water ran over them as they continued to make love, time seemed to slip away.

Soon they both came and collapsed on the shower
floor, Alex reached up to turn off the shower. She kissed Gary again and got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself.

“You just can’t keep your hands off me can you?” laughed Alex.

“Well I didn’t notice you complaining,” said Gary as he stood up to dry himself. Alex watched him rub the towel all over his body.

Gary looked
at her and smiled that million dollar smile of his, “I’ve got some news for you,” said Gary as he walked past her into the bedroom. He pulled out some boxer shorts from the drawer and put them on.

“Well what is it?”
Alex sat on the bed waiting for an answer.

Gary walked to the wardrobe and got out some cotton trousers and a linen shirt, he turned to Alex
, “Get dressed, we need to go shopping.”

Alex looked at
him, waiting for something else.

“Is that it?” asked Alex

“You’ll see
,” Gary laughed. She dressed and watched him in the mirror texting someone on his phone.

“Who you are texting?”

Gary looked up from his phone, “Just Ray, nothing to worry about, now come on we need to go.”

Alex brushed her hair
but didn’t bother to dry it, just tied it up in a bun. She put on some underwear and pulled on a maxi dress. She went downstairs to find Gary in the kitchen making some toast, the kettle had boiled so she went over and began to make some coffee. Gary put the buttered toast on a plate and sat down.

o on, have something to eat, do you want anything else?” asked Gary. Alex walked over with two mugs of coffee and sat down opposite him.

, I’m fine I can grab something while we’re out if I get hungry,” Alex picked up a piece of toast.

Don’t look so annoyed Alex, it’s a surprise. Nothing to worry about, all will be revealed,” said Gary as he finished his toast. He picked up his coffee and drank it as he got up to get his keys and shoes on.

“You’re driving today then, we don’t need John then?”

Gary looked at Alex and laughed “Stop digging! . . . Now come on let’s go.”

Alex got up and slipped on her sandals. Gary gave her a kiss

“Don’t worry
,” he took her hand and led her out to the car.

When they
pulled out of the drive, Alex watched to see where they were heading: they weren’t driving into town, she knew that. Suddenly Alex heard Gary’s phone beep, she watched as he read the message, and she noticed him smile and put the phone in his shirt pocket.

She didn’t
keep asking questions, because she knew he wasn’t going to answer them, she just turned on the radio and looked out of the window.
Where were they going?

hirty minutes into the journey, he hadn’t said a word and the mystery was killing her.

e you going to tell me where we’re going?” asked Alex.

“We’re nearly there
, it’s just up this road,” answered Gary.

All Alex
could see was trees and a little cutaway on the right hand side. They were in the middle of nowhere. Gary turned right and they drove up a long dirt track. Then the track opened up into a clearing and there was a little cottage. Gary stopped the car outside the cottage and got out, he walked round and opened the door for Alex. Alex looked from the cottage to Gary.

is isn’t a shop.”

Gary smiled
, “Come on, this is part of the surprise.”

Alex climbed out of the car.
“I don’t understand,” she complained.

You know what we were talking about last night, well I discussed it with Ray and Melissa and they agreed to it, so I have brought you here,” said Gary.

“What’s here
?” asked Alex.

A brilliant dress maker, we use her all the time, and I was thinking you need a costume to wear when you conduct interviews,” said Gary.

Alex leapt
at Gary and threw her arms around him, “You’re such a tease, but thank you very much for believing in me.”

“Alex I will do anything for you, you should know that by now!” Gary took her arm and led her into the cottage. The door wasn’t locked, from the outside it was
a pretty chocolate box type cottage, but it was different inside. The rooms were decorated like an old fashioned cottage but with a sexy twist of gothic to them.

Alex looked around the living room, pieces of fabric
were scattered all over the tables and chairs. This person wasn’t the tidiest of people. Alex found a chair and moved some of the fabric off and sat down, a young lady came in wearing a classic fifties style dress, her dark black hair was up in two buns looking like twin triangles, she was pale skinned and wore dark rimmed glasses. She went over to Gary and gave him a peck on the cheek and then turned to Alex. She shook Alex’s hand, and Alex smiled at her.

, this is Alex, Alex this is Marie, she’s a star in the costume business,” Gary said introducing them.

, now, Gary let’s not get too carried away, stand back for me Alex, let’s take a good look at you,” said Marie.

Marie examined
her. “I think I can work up something magical for you,” she said, turning to get out her sketchbooks; she flicked through the pages.

, this is going to be my best yet, I’ve got so many ideas, but do you have anything in mind?” asked Marie.

“I’m happy to leave it all in your
hands Marie,” said Gary.

Marie turned
to Alex. “What about you Alex, do you have any preferences? Don’t let Gary boss everything!”

Alex smiled back at Marie. “I trust you to come
up with something that will make me seem like a person not to be messed with. I want to look sexy but dangerous!” answered Alex.

“I love
it, you’ve got fire in your belly, right let’s get some measurements.”

After Marie had finished getting all of Alex’s details, she thanked them and ushered them out of the door.
“I’ll call you when it’s ready, now go, I‘ve got work to do.”

Gary kissed Marie goodbye and he and Ale
x got back in the car and left.


Gary took Alex to a little village pub for something to eat, and ordered steak and chips and a bottle of red wine. They sat in a corner of the pub waiting for their food to arrive; Alex was drinking the wine, Gary stuck to juice.

“Who else does Marie make clothes for?” asked Alex.

“She has made me and Ray’s clothes and Melissa’s but has also designed underwear for our girls at the club and some of the boys,” said Gary.

“So she make
s uniforms for everyone at the club?” asked Alex.

“Yes all the people that work there, but I have to say I have never seen
her as excited as she was today, you have sparked something in that mind of hers. and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for you,” laughed Gary.

what happens next?” asked Alex.

“Well right now we are just your normal husband and wife having a pub lunch
,” Gary answered as he noticed the waitress bringing their lunch over.

“Very funny
,” laughed Alex.

t’s just a waiting game now, we carry on as we were, until a new client comes along,” said Gary.

“Well at least I can get some more practice in while I wait
,” Alex replied.

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