Bound and Determined (26 page)

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Authors: Shayla Black

Tags: #Embezzlement Investigation, #Kidnapping, #Brothers, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Erotic Stories, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotica, #Fiction

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Her power dissolved in a haze of desire as she realized she was barely hanging on to her own composure.

Without rational thought, she arched her pelvis against his, grinding her aching folds against the hardness that told her he was all man and beyond ready.

“I’ll give you what you want,” he whispered ruthlessly in
her ear. “What your body craves. Undo that damned button, and I’ll press you beyond your boundaries, trip you into orgasm after orgasm all night.”

His words carved out a crater of craving in her belly. Nothing on earth would please her more. Suddenly, she could hardly remember why she’d been fighting. Who knew? Who cared?


He raised himself a few inches from her chest. “I want to watch that last button come free. Do it.”

Kerry slid her hands between them. With trembling fingers, she shoved the little disk through its corresponding opening, then all but ripped the two sides of the shirt apart, leaving her nearly naked breasts exposed . . .

Except for the small golden rings clipped gently to her taut nipples.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve died, and you’re heaven.”

Leveraging himself down her body, he pinned her to the bed, his middle now keeping her thighs spread wide. He’d positioned his mouth perfectly level with her breasts.

Kerry’s heart beat erratically as he licked his lips and pierced her with a stare of scorching sexual promise.

Rafe lowered his lips to her breast, sucking her nipple into the voracious tunnel of his mouth. The tip of his tongue played with her sensitive nipple, now hyperaware from wearing the body jewelry all day. More blood rushed into her nipples, and Kerry swore her entire being was centered there, totally a captive to the pleasure Rafe bestowed upon her.

She moaned and arched into his mouth, spreading her legs wider in silent supplication. He ignored her voiceless demands for satisfaction and kept at her breast, toying with the tiny gold hoop fastened over her nipple, gently nibbling on its hard tip until the sting of pain combined with a jolt of pleasure that had her pleading.

“Rafe. Now. Please now.”

“You’ve felt these all day, haven’t you?” he whispered against her skin.


“Did they arouse you?”


“Make your nipples beyond sensitive?”


“Did you imagine my mouth on you, sucking, licking?” He echoed his words with actions, fastening his mouth on her again.

“God, yes.” She could barely get the words out, the feel of his mouth so distracting.

“I stayed hard all day thinking about you riding me, about sinking my cock into you while my tongue worked that little loop and your nipples at once.”

“Why are we waiting?” she panted.

His laugh had all the smoothness of sandpaper. “I want you wild first. I’m going to give you a night you won’t forget.”

Forget? Not possible. She’d always remember the way the ache inside her had grown, swelled to mammoth proportions, swallowing her heart with it. Taking a breath was almost too difficult. Pleasure had diffused her brain, now haunted her blood, until she could only want beyond anything she’d ever imagined.

“I’m wild.” She scratched at his shoulders, folding her legs around his torso to prove it.

“Not yet, you’re not. But I have ideas . . .”

Kerry had no clue what he meant. In the next moment, his mouth devoured her other breast, giving it the same hot sting he’d given the other. Knowing he wouldn’t let up until he was good and ready, she threaded her fingers through the inky strands of his dark hair and held on.

At least until the devil inside her urged her not to take this lying down.

Drawing in a deep breath and doing her best to gather her wits, Kerry murmured, “Did you think of my nipples all day?”

“Hell, yes,” he muttered against her skin before licking her sensitive tip again.

She hissed in pleasure but was not dissuaded. “Did you imagine them getting hard? Swelling?”

His mouth full of her breast, he only nodded.

“Did you think I’d be slightly aroused all day, and stay wet and ready because of it?”

“Yeah.” He fixed her with a hot stare. “Were you?”

Sending him a kittenish smile, she nodded.

“You’re killing me. Too sexy to refuse, too infuriating to ignore, too amazing to forget. Damn it. You’re not getting away until I’m ready to let you go.”

Before Kerry could decipher what those cryptic words meant, she felt his hand clamp about her wrist. He pushed it up to the head of the bed and entwined their fingers, anchoring her down. Rafe took her mouth in a drugging kiss. Already she throbbed everywhere. Now something deep inside her joined in. When they kissed, Kerry swore she could feel not just his passion, but his loneliness, and a frenzied desperation she didn’t understand.

Rafe released her hand. An instant later, she felt something cool and metallic encircle her wrist. A glance showed that he’d tied her down with the first of the Love Shack’s shackles. Just over the edge of the bed, he reached. And suddenly all the give in the pulley drew taut. The line held her arm immobile above her head.

While she lay in gaping shock, he repeated the process with her other wrist.

She could not move her hands an inch.

“What are you doing?” Kerry demanded.

“Showing you how thoroughly you’re mine tonight. Mine.” His breathing was harsh, labored. “I’m dying to have you spread out under me, mine to take. All sweet and submissive.”

His words hit her like a two-ton weight, hammering the death knell to any resistance she may have had.


“No more words. Trust me.”

“If I ask you to let me go, you’ll do it, right?”

He licked the pad of his thumb and swiped it over one sensitive nipple. “I won’t give you a reason to ask. I just need you bound and under me now.”

Before she could draw another breath, he’d strapped her ankles to the bed and denied her any slack. Naked, save some nipple jewelry and a white thong, she lay spread out before him like a virgin sacrifice. His to take. All night. The thought made her shiver.

Wearing a shark’s smile, Rafe rose from the bed and stripped in world-record time. Shoes flew in one direction, pants in another. Kerry had no idea where his shirt landed.
She was too busy watching those washboard abs as he removed his boxer-briefs, then letting her gaze wander lower.

His cock rose to his navel, hard, thick, bulging with veins. “Aroused” only began to cover it. He looked like a man in heat, a man who wouldn’t accept no. A man who would last all night.

From the nightstand, he grabbed a handful of condoms and set them on the mahogany surface. Kerry gaped. There had to be seven or eight there.

“Feeling ambitious?”

He shook his head. “Feeling like I’m going to explode if it takes me more than three seconds to get inside you.”

Rafe ripped the thong away from her body and tossed it over his shoulder, the garment torn, forgotten. But he didn’t immediately tear open a little foil packet and put the condom to good use.

“Still sore?” His voice cracked, and Kerry suspected the edges of his control had nearly frayed beyond his ability to endure.

She began to shake her head, too aroused to know discomfort. Taking that as his green light, Rafe trailed a pair of fingers down her body, dragged them over the hard nub of her clitoris, then sank them deep into her wet heat.

Her nerve endings came alive at his touch. Kerry arched in encouragement, tilting her pelvis up since she could move nothing else.


On a ragged breath, she nodded.

“Take more.”

“Yes, more.”

Rafe obliged by sinking a third finger deep into her heat and teased that sweet spot inside that drove her insane. She groaned. Perspiration broke out around her hairline, between her breasts.

Kerry all but whimpered as the pleasure ramped up in her belly. A knot of need gathered between her legs, growing, congealing. How could he do this to her so easily, put her right on the ragged edge?

The question—along with all coherent thought—flew out of her head when he bent and suckled her clit into his mouth.

Pleasure pounded her in an unending assault. His clever tongue teased her to the edge of sanity, along with those long, probing fingers. He drove her to the brink of orgasm—only to pull back, concentrate kisses on her belly, her hip, her thigh.

When she’d cooled enough to catch her breath, he started over, tongue taking long, liquid swipes at the bead of her clitoris, before drawing it into his mouth.

He groaned, nearly sending her soaring . . . nearly. She panted, drawing in a deep breath, then even stopping that because it required too much effort. Close . . . so, so close.

But Rafe released her clit, withdrew those magic fingers again, simmered her down to a slow burn.

Kerry moaned. “Let me come.”

“Eventually,” he murmured against her slit.

Using his thumbs, he parted her folds and delved inside with his tongue. She arched as much as her restraints allowed. But Rafe’s tenacious mouth remained fastened on her, giving pleasure, blowing her mind, almost enough to send her over the brink—but not quite.

And so the ramp up toward orgasm started again. A faster build, a rapid climb to mindlessness. Certainly, it required less effort on his part—a gentle swipe of his tongue over her clit, a well-placed finger or two.

“Tonight, you’re mine. No leaving, no sleeping, no saying no.”


Her thighs trembled with effort. Kerry focused all her thoughts on completing what the dark-haired devil had started. She was drenched now, dripping. So swollen, she could feel how full her folds had engorged, how taut her nipples had puckered.

But as he allowed her to cool down yet again, Kerry gritted her teeth and acknowledged that Rafe knew just how to keep her on the knife’s edge.

“No!” she protested. “What are you doing to me? Why?”

“Making sure you know who’s master of your body.”

Before she could say a word, a determined, possessive glint fired his steely eyes. Desire knotted in her belly as he plunged a finger inside her again. Kerry nearly came off the bed when he resumed the teasing play of her clit with his tongue.

When he replaced his finger inside her with his thumb and eased his drenched digit farther down, into the unbreached depths of her anus, she moaned.

Determinedly, he pumped his fingers into her simultaneously. The wild, foreign sensation scorched every nerve ending. Rafe sucked on her pleasure bud, even as his fingers possessed her everywhere, filling her to capacity.

Oh God, he was driving her mad with a pleasure that threatened to rob her of her soul. Like the strongest storm, need raged in her, growing, expanding into the fathomless depths of desire. His touch sizzled like lightning. Down her arms and legs, up her belly, to her painfully tight nipples.

Ecstasy, pure and white hot, was upon her. Kerry’s eyes flew open wide, connecting with Rafe’s unrelenting gaze. Wide bronze shoulders, wicked hands, haunting eyes. All tonight, all for her, that stare said. The floodgates of pleasure burst, torrential, explosive. She was dizzy, couldn’t breathe, as satisfaction swirled through her body. Black spots danced at the edge of her vision as she cried out, thighs tense, womb pulsing.

Brilliant. Endless. Somehow she doubted she’d forget this if she lived to be one hundred.

Minutes later, now limp and spent, Kerry lay with her eyes closed, wanting to sleep for a week.

A ripping sound alerted her to the fact that wasn’t going to happen. She watched as Rafe rolled the condom over the surging length of his cock, then reached to the sides of the bed, near her ankles. A metal
on each side later, and he’d returned the slack to the pulleys spreading her legs wide.

The idea of clamping her thighs together to keep him out never occurred to her. Even if it had, Rafe grasped her knees, bent them, and pushed them wide, making way for the solid width of his muscular torso. He slid into the vee between her legs, the tip of his penis poised against her seeping entrance.

She expected him to plough inside and ease his ache right then. Instead, he lowered his lips to hers and captured her mouth in a fiery kiss. He layered his warm lips over hers, then sank into her, reaping her response from every corner with his tongue. She tasted herself in his kiss, along with his determination that he not reach orgasm alone.

He was dreaming if he thought she could manage another ten-point-plus explosion on the Richter scale again so soon.

Still, Kerry couldn’t deny that with just his kiss, he’d managed to get her hormones doing the hustle again.

“Take me inside you,” he pleaded, voice raspy. “Now. Tell me you can.”

At a loss for words, she nodded.

Something like a growl gave her an instant’s notice before Rafe fastened steely fingers on her hips and plunged inside her full throttle.

Kerry cried out. Tender, swollen tissues she’d thought immune to Rafe after the ground-shaking orgasm a few minutes ago seemed to leap in delight at the spine-tingling friction of his entrance. He filled her full of him, seemed to touch every corner of her. Lord, who cared that chocolate existed when such a man could give her something infinitely better?

“Yes,” he groaned as he sank to the hilt. “Hell, yes. Are you with me? Tell me you want this.”

The sensation of being filled to bursting, her aching flesh stretched pleasurably to accommodate him, all her nerves held in thrall at his touch . . . what could she say? “I want you.”

“I feel you gripping my cock, your body sucking me back in every time. You’re blowing my mind,” he gritted through clenched teeth.

Clutching him tighter with her thighs, Kerry clung. The ride became harder, each thrust wild but precise in its ability to drag her closer to the precipice. Again, the orgasm loomed huge, receding reality as it ratcheted up and quickly stole her mind.

“You’re mine.”
. “Mine.”
. “All”—

Before Kerry could even moan in reply, Rafe lifted her legs and tucked them into the crooks of his elbows, positioning her to take him even deeper inside her body. She swore she could feel him at the mouth of her cervix.

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