Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle) (4 page)

Read Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle) Online

Authors: Tatjana Blue

Tags: #threesome, #menage, #bbw, #menage a trois, #cuckold, #explicit sex, #outdoor sex, #dorm sex

BOOK: Both of My Boyfriends (MMF Menage Story Bundle)
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"Oh god," he muttered, "good, good,
good, so good, unh." His breaths were becoming ragged and his legs
were tensing up, and I could tell that he was going to pop really

My own little orgasm took me suddenly,
and washed up through my tummy. I scratched my fingers along his
back again, this time hard enough that he'd probably have the marks
for a couple of days. He didn't seem to notice at all though, and
he suddenly groaned loudly as he came into me without any warning
at all.

Then I was twice as slippery, and I
could feel his cock twitching nicely inside of me. I held on to him
like that as long as I could - I felt so warm and full of

After a little while he was getting a
bit heavy though, so I gave him a little push and said, "I need
room to breathe!"

He kissed the tip of my nose and
pushed himself up. I was honestly sad to feel him sliding out of me
and I gave it a little caress as it left.

Mark lay down on the other side of me
from Dan, and the three of us lay there in the sun with our legs
touching for quite a while. It was nice, and I eventually sat up
and gave them each a little kiss on the cheek. I was considering
letting myself doze off in the sun for a bit.

Until we heard voices. Definite
voices. In the woods. Heading this way.

"Oh shit!" Dan said, bolting straight
upright. "People!"

All three of us leapt to our feet.
Mark grabbed his shorts, which were right beside us, and had them
on in a flash.

My stuff - where was it?

"Your bottoms are over there," Dan
said and pointing to one side. Then he dove straight into the pool
to retrieve his own shorts, which were floating near the other

I hopped over there and whipped them

Mark was busy straightening up the
towels and throwing empty beer cans into the cooler.

But where was my top? I looked all
over the place, but there was no sign of it. Nobody was going to be
shocked to find someone sunbathing topless all the way out here,
but I still wanted to have it.

We could hear them clearly now - they
were very close. There was a deep male voice, and a woman's

Nuts, no time left at all. I ran back
over to the blanket and lay down on my front beside Mark. Maybe one
of them could give me his shirt.

Suddenly something landed beside me
with a plop and sprayed both of us with water. I looked over and it
was my bikini top. Dan must have found it in the pool and had
tossed it all the way over to us.

I set it up quickly under me to that
it just look like I had untied the back, and I heard Dan splashing
back over towards us when the couple emerged into the sun from the

"Oh my goodness!" the woman said,
"look at the pools!"

"Did I tell you?" the man said

"This is beautiful Ted," she

"Hi!" Dan said at them in a big
friendly voice.

"You folks mind if we grab a spot
here?" the man said.

"Plenty of room!" said Dan.

They were an older couple, gray-haired
but active. They had backpacks with them and looked prepared to
settle in for a while.

The lady looked at Mark and I lying
beside each other.

"We're not interfering with this young
couple's day out I hope!" she said.

"What? No!" I said and smiled up at
her. "We’re all just buddies."

Out enjoying the sun,”
Mark agreed.

Very sensible,” said the
man, “You only get so many sunny days in your life. It would be
criminal to waste them.”

Darn right,” Dan said as
he walked up to our cooler and grabbed another beer.

I thought it was an important point to
keep in mind.




Return to story


3-Way 101


As I walked back up the stairs to my
dorm floor, I saw that Sean Boliff's door was open, and I could see
his girlfriend Celine pulling her shirt on over her head - I saw a
flash of her tight little waistline as it disappeared under the

Sean was a jerk and always liked to
open his door right after they had finished fucking, presumably as
a means of advertising the fact to the world at large. Celine was a
pretty little thing, with big blue eyes and shoulder-length, curly
blond hair. She always looked a little nervous, so I really did
feel bad for her that he made her finish putting her clothes back
on without much privacy. I could see him sitting at his desk with
his feet up. He was smirking at me right now, but in the bigger
scheme of things he was just making sure that he knew exactly who
had seen him in there with her.

Celine looked over at me and we made
eye contact for a fraction of a second, and she gave me a
half-guilty little smile. Fucking Boliff. Jerk.

I kept walking down to my room, after
giving her my best effort at a friendly smile back. It was just two
doors down, and my roommate Todd was out of town for a whole week,
so I was looking forward to a little peace and quiet for once. I
scooped up all of his clothes and shit, doing my best not to
breathe too close to them, and piled them up on his bed. Maybe I'd
throw his blanket over top of them to keep the stank down and keep
them out of sight.

I turned on my laptop and left it
booting up, then opened the window, dropped down into my chair, and
realized I was already bored. I thought about Celine's little waist
again. She was a pretty thing with a tight and shapely body. I
could never quite imagine her lying underneath Boliff's mass of
muscle – he was a pretty serious soccer player and had damn
impressive legs, and lifted enough that his torso was acceptably
buff as well. There was no arguing that he was physically in great
shape, but I never liked the way he showed off; he was a little too
anxious for everyone else's acknowledgement. It was like he never
really stopped watching you and judging your reactions. Kind of
creepy, I found it.

But he did get the ladies. Celine had
been with him for about six weeks now, which was actually pretty
long by his standards. I couldn't blame him, she was hot, but also
kind of sweet. Too sweet for him, I thought.

I had left my door open a bit so that
the air blowing through from the window would freshen the place up,
but I guess Boliff saw this as an invitation, because he barged
right into the room, towing little Celine along with

Yo buddy,” he said, “you
going down to the pub? We're heading out now that we finished up
here.” He gave me a big fat smirk.

I'm good right now,” I
said, “probably head down in a while. Thought I might finish up
some laundry first.” Celine was hanging back behind him, just
barely into the room.

Dare to dream,” he said.
“we're going to be down there for a while, so you should look for

I craned my head around him to see
Celine. “I saw you at the intramurals,” I said, “you guys have
really tightened up your work. It looked way better than at the
start of the term.” I was trying to let her relax by talking about
soccer (that's how she and Boliff had met). She flashed a little

Thanks,” she said. “Some
time in the past two weeks we hit like a new level. We might even
stand a chance this year.”

Boliff interrupted her of course. “You
look for us okay? We're going to go down to...”

He was interrupted himself by his cell
phone, which he jerked up out of his pocket with annoyance. “Hi,
what?” he said brusquely.

He listened for a couple of seconds,
then said, “Oh fuck me. Assholes. I'll be there in a

He said to the room in general,
“Someone tried to break into my car. That was Jim. I need to go see
if it's okay.”

His car was something he really cared
about, so that was a given. He turned and headed out with barely a
look at the two of us. “Go ahead without me,” told her over his
shoulder, “Get a seat, save a table, I won't be too long.” He
didn't even wait for her to reply before he headed out down the

Celine looked openly pissed for a
moment, before she turned around, walked into my room and shut the

Find your own fucking
table! Dick,” she said and stood there with her arms crossed,
staring down at the floor. Then she looked up at me. “Hey Mike. How
are you feeling?”

Good, pretty good.” I
said casually. I really wasn't sure what was up. Maybe she wanted
me to go down to the pub and keep her company.

We sat there in awkward silence for a
moment. The she smiled again and there was a weird twinkle in her

How do you feel about me
hanging around in your room just after Sean and I had sex?” she

I tried to wave it off causally.
“Whatever,” I said, “it doesn't make any difference to

Really?” she said. The
twinkle was still there in her eye.

What, you mean you want
an answer for real?” I said.

For reals Mikey.” she
said, leaning up against the wall and jutting the curve of her hip

I don't know,” I said, “I
guess it's kind of hot really. I've been in a bit of a dry spell so
it does make me a little envious too.”

Poor Mikey!” she pouted,
“Stuck in here with Todd and no lady. That's terrible. Do you have
enough privacy to get yourself off at least?”

That was getting pretty personal since
I really didn't know her very well, but I decided to go one-on-one
with her in the blunt statements game. “I do it when I can,” I
said, “plus he's away for a few days, so I figure I can empty the
tank now that he's gone.”

She laughed. “I guess that's one
option. Tell me about the last girl you had sex with Mikey.” She
kept using that name.

I pretended to think about it.
“Brenda. She's just some friend of Todd's. We met at this party we
all went to. We were pretty drunk.”

How long ago was that?”
She slid down the door and squatted, with her legs spread open at
me, arms dangling down between them.

I guess about two months?
Something like that,” I said.

Tell me about it Mikey.”
She cocked her head.

I shrugged. “There's not much to tell.
She was snuggling up to me at the party, and pretty soon we started
kissing. Then we went upstairs to a bedroom and did it.”

For how long? Did you
take all your clothes off? Did she give you head?”

I laughed. “You like the details huh?
Let's see, maybe seven minutes from start to finish, we both left
our shirts on, and just for a second before I pushed her back and
fucked her.”


I hung my head. “We were actually
trying to be quick. There were a lot of people around outside the

What kind of sounds did
she make when you were fucking? Did she like to moan, or pant? Tell
me,” she said and smiled but her eyes were intense at the same
time. I felt my cock stirring.

I guess kind of panting.
She made this squeaky noise that was actually kind of hot. When I
came she actually yelped out loud though, and I jumped a little
when she did that because she'd been so quiet up until

I guess I'm just a
pervert, hey?” she said. “But I like hearing about it.”

Yeah? You sound like
you're still...” I let it hang there in the air.

Say it Mikey.”

Still kind of horny?” I
said, and thankfully it didn't come out awkward-sounding at all.
Her eyes pivoted over to me and locked on.

I don't know, maybe a
little.” She was being cagey but she stood up and I noticed the
swell of her breasts shifting under the sweatshirt, and I knew that
Boliff's stink, and god help me even Boliff's jizz, were still all
over her and inside her. I also knew that if I stuck my hand
between her legs she would still be warm and moist from their
fucking. My cock was already hard. If I stood up it would be
obvious, bulging out the front of my shorts.

I've always thought you
were pretty you know,” I said to her, “I always liked looking at

I know,” she said
quietly, “I could feel your eyes on me.” She took a little step
towards me and I stood up.

I was rock hard and I felt my dick
slide out the edge of my shorts, so that it was peeking out, hard
and pink. “Oh!” she said, looking down at it, “you're hard

I closed the remaining distance
quickly but softly, so that I was standing just about six inches
from her.

I am,” I breathed, “I
want you to touch me.”

Her lips parted in a small but toothy
little smile. “Maybe,” she said. I could feel her breath of my
face, and part of me really wanted to sniff it, just to see if I
could smell any part of him in it. Maybe just a touch, I thought,
but that could be coming from all over her. Just a little whiff of
semen and pussy, but it was there.

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