Read Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #Contemporary Menage

Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore (27 page)

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore
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Jericho’s long index finger slid into her ass. Suri whimpered and arched her back. The sensation was exquisite. Her pussy was slick and damp, but it wasn’t because of the bath. Every movement of the warm water sent tiny waves past her sensitive flesh. Her position in the tub held her body wide open, and she was already poised on the edge of a climax.

“Come, Suri.” Jericho pressed a line of kisses down her spinal column. “Let go. There’s so much more we can give you.”

His words unlocked her orgasm. She cried out as her channel clenched tightly. She ached for penetration, wanting to be fucked.

Dante’s hands cupped her breasts. He thumbed her nipples into tight buds, squeezing hard until she was crying out with the pleasurable pain. He lifted her far enough out of the water to be able to take one in his mouth. The hard sucking only made her want more. She was addicted to them both. It wasn’t hormones or endorphins. She needed them on a cellular level. She was reduced to raw desire. She existed; therefore, she wanted—she needed—them. Only they could give her what her body had to have.

Her ass trembled as Jericho spread her wide with his fingers. “I’m going to take you, Suri. I’m going to put my cock in your ass and make you come again.”

He grabbed her hips, drawing her down onto his lap. His plum-shaped head probed her tight anal entrance. She tensed, but Dante slid his hand down her belly and buried it in her pussy. He flicked her clit until she was relaxed and ready for Jericho.

The full length of Jericho’s cock slipped slowly into her body. She’d closed her eyes, giving herself over to their ministrations, and putting her pleasure in their hands. Jericho eased her down, sinking his shaft into her ass until she was sitting on him with her knees bent and legs wide open.

The wet splash of water hitting the floor punctuated Jericho’s slow thrusts into her ass. Suri threw her head back, letting it rest against his shoulder as he fucked her in a delicious rhythm.

“Watching the two of you is going to make me come.” Dante slid two fingers into her pussy.

“Put your cock inside her cunt, Dante.” Jericho’s rough voice gave Suri a thrill. “I want to feel you beside me.”

She couldn’t speak, though her body longed for the extra penetration. Whimpering instead, she arched her back and encouraged Dante to join them.

She watched Dante get to his knees. He slid closer, his thick cock bobbing in the water. He held her gaze as he took his shaft in his hand and fit the head against her entrance. Anticipation made her tremble. His smooth skin brushed against her, the friction promising fulfillment. She shifted back to give him easier access. The new position sent Jericho’s cock in a new angle. His shaft ground against her, and she melted around him.

“Fuck, you’re tight!” Dante’s hands gripped the edges of the tub as he entered her.

With both cocks in her body, Suri felt as if she were full to bursting. The sensation left her quivering on the edge of release. Jericho stilled and Dante took over. Each of his thrusts sent ripples through her pussy. Jericho moaned each time she clenched around his cock. Dante began to fuck them with increasing momentum.

The muscles in his arms bunched as he fought to remain upright. “I feel you both.”

Water swirled around their joined bodies. A tickle vibrated across her skin and amplified the ecstasy of their joining. Suri had never felt so close to her lovers. Whether it was the sex, the circumstances, or something deeper. Her body slammed into an orgasm that left her breathless.

Jericho groaned, thrusting deep into her ass. “God, Suri! I can’t wait any longer.”

Both her lovers shouted as they came together. The heat of Jericho’s release in her anal passage was matched only when Dante’s cock throbbed as he climaxed in her pussy. The friction built to a crescendo that sent her over the edge one last time. Gasping, she let the orgasm drain the tension from her muscles.

Dante slid his cock from her pussy, lowering his mouth to hers for a gentle kiss. “Princess, every time I think we’ve had the best sex of our lives, you one-up us all.”

Suri shivered as Dante helped her rise. The movement slid Jericho’s long cock from her ass, and he groaned at the sensation. Her knees were shaky, but Dante swept her up into his arms and set her carefully on a thick bath mat.

“I don’t think I can move.” Jericho didn’t even bother to lift his head.

Dante grabbed a towel and lobbed it in his direction. “You’re bleeding again.”


Suri experienced a brief moment of panic. “Is this going to work?”

“Us?” Jericho looked up from the arm he was dabbing with the towel. “It will if we want it to.”

“Do you want it to?” Dante knelt before Suri, gently rubbing her body dry with a towel.

“More than anything.”

Jericho levered himself up out of the tub. Water streamed from his naked body. “Then it will.”

Suri hoped he was right. There was still so much they had to learn about each other. At some point, wouldn’t the learning curve whap them all in the ass?

Chapter Twenty-Five

Abby bounced into the studio for her afternoon lesson as if she’d been drinking espresso all day long. Suri sat back in her chair to avoid popping the kid’s bubble of enthusiasm. Although, Suri had been walking around in her own haze of happiness for the last several days. It was impossible not to when she’d been waking up every morning snuggled between Dante and Jericho.

“I remembered to bring that piece of music with me, Ms. Robertson!” Abby’s hazel eyes sparkled with excitement.

So much had happened since their last lesson, Suri had to search her memory for what Abby was talking about. “I’m glad you remembered your assignment. You usually do, but it certainly doesn’t require this much excitement. You look like you just stuck your finger in a light socket, kiddo. Got a hot date tonight or something?” She picked up a cake of jade rosin from her music stand and began rubbing it up and down her bowstrings.

“You know, I sort of do.” Abby unsnapped her case and took her cello out. “My brother is coming to pick me up.”

“So you’re going home for the weekend. That’s great!” Suri wondered what it would’ve been like to have a real family to go home to. She had never been this excited about going home for the weekend during her four years as a student at Boston School for the Arts. She’d have rather stayed in the relative peace and quiet of the dormitories in lieu of running herd on her wild-child sister for two days. With their mother sick, Kim’s party-hard mentality had been too much for Suri to handle.

A flood of sheet music burst from Abby’s bag, and she scooped it off the floor. “Oh, I go home every weekend. But my brother is a lot older, so he doesn’t live with us anymore. He’s giving me a ride so I don’t have to take my cello on the bus.”

“Let’s get a move on, then, so you have plenty of time to spend with him. Show me the music you brought.”

“It’s the piece I played during my school audition.”

Suri took the music. It was a familiar piece by Bach, not at all difficult. “Which audition did you play this at?”

“I only had one. I missed the scholarship deadline.”

“You missed the deadline?” That was highly unusual. Students moved heaven and earth to make the scholarship audition, for obvious reasons. Abby didn’t strike Suri as a privileged rich kid.

Her exuberance dimmed, her lips pursing together as she settled her instrument between her legs. “It took a lot of convincing on my brother’s part for my mom to allow me to go here. She doesn’t think this is preparing me for a job in the real world.”

Normally, Suri wouldn’t have called bullshit on a parental opinion, but she didn’t like the idea of anyone trampling on Abby’s dreams. “Well, that’s a load of crap. I went to school here, and I’m employed. My friend Talia plays with a chamber group in New York City, and she went to school here. Another graduate, Leslie, formed the trio that I play in. We do events all over the city. And she’s been a guest soloist at Juilliard more than once.”

Abby relaxed, a smile creeping back over her face. “So what do you think of my solo?”

“Did you actually look at it before you brought it in? Or did you just pick it because you remembered it being really hard to learn the first time around?”

“It took me forever to get that smooth enough for my audition.” Abby drew her bow across the strings, testing each one against the electronic tuner Suri kept on her stand.

“Okay.” This little strategy had turned out far better than Suri could’ve hoped. She stuck the suite on the stand in front of Abby. “Play the ‘Prelude.’”

“I haven’t practiced this in ages. It’s going to suck.”

Suri didn’t bother to hide her eye roll. “Just play it.”

Abby’s fingers moved effortlessly across the strings, travelling the fingerboard as she used the bow to stroke sound from her cello. It wasn’t hard, but it was beautiful music. The girl relaxed, letting her movements flow with the sound. The higher notes, always difficult in the beginning, came easily now. They danced in the tiny room, making Suri sigh in appreciation. It was the same feeling she got when she played her own instrument or let her body move in a dance.

Less than three minutes later, Abby let the last note resonate through the studio, and Suri clapped, not bothering to hide her sarcasm.

Abby looked sheepish. “That’s way easier than I remember it.”

“Yeah. So quit wasting time whining about how much you suck, and let’s move on, shall we?”

Sometimes, like then, Suri remembered why she liked to teach. The rest of the half-hour lesson went by as if someone had pushed a fast-forward button. Then it was time to pack up.

“Where is your brother picking you up?” Suri tried not to yawn as she closed the clasps on her case and put a stack of music into her messenger bag. She had been up half the night making love to her men, and she still had an exclusive show to perform that night. Dante had put together a program guaranteed to net her more than she’d ever dreamed possible from one night of dancing.

“He’ll be out in the quad.” Something about Abby’s expression seemed a tad on the sly side. “You know, he’s single. You should come with me.”

Aw, hell.
Why was it that anyone with a single brother, father, uncle, or cousin thought they’d be just the perfect match for her? She was reminded of something Dante had let slip about Jericho’s family that morning, regarding marriage expectations. If Jericho’s family wanted him to marry, would they ever accept a three-sided committed relationship?

Suri had enough complicated aspects to her relationship status right now. In fact, that was the definition of her love life—it’s complicated. The cliché to end all clichés. But it wasn’t in her to hurt the poor kid’s feelings. Abby obviously thought the world of her brother. There was no reason why Suri couldn’t go out and at least meet the guy.

“Not a big fan of blind dates, kiddo. But I’ll walk out with you.” Suri held up her hand to stop Abby’s bouncing. “Do not expect me to fall madly in love with him. Understand? I can’t take that kind of pressure.”

Abby yanked open the studio door and shoved her instrument case into the hallway. “But you will, Ms. Robertson. I’ve told him all about you. You guys are just perfect for each other.”

Suri followed her enthusiastic student, trudging down the tiled hallway as if she were attending her own funeral. “I’m sure he’s fantastic.”
Didn’t she say much older? The guy is probably pushing forty with a bald spot and an equatorial belt size.

The breeze coming in off the harbor was a little less frigid that afternoon. The students had taken advantage of the nicer weather, congregating in groups to chat about weekend plans. Carefully navigating the steps from the building to the quad with her cello case, Suri looked around to see if she could spot Abby’s “perfect” match for her.

A tingle slipped down her spine. She didn’t see any round, middle-aged, searching singles, but there was a tall, muscular man standing with his back to them. Suri angled around a cluster of students carrying bulky guitar cases for a better view. The black slacks and long-sleeved dress shirt were enough of a giveaway. Then he shifted, and she got a glimpse of his profile.


Why was he here? Since Abby’s brother was obviously late to pick her up, meeting him could wait just a few minutes. Suri was itching to wrap her arms around Jericho’s neck and feel him hold her close. She couldn’t imagine what he was doing here. Somehow, the topic of her teaching hadn’t yet come up, but there was time enough to talk about that later.

She’d already started moving in his direction when Abby gave a little squeal. “Jeri!”


The world creaked into slow motion as Jericho turned around and caught the girl flinging herself into his arms. Suri went limp, stopping her rush toward the lover she’d just realized she didn’t really know at all.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for picking me up! I don’t get to see you enough, you know.” Abby’s bubbly greeting had Jericho’s full attention. She was already yanking him toward Suri. “You have to meet Ms. Robertson.”

This whole name thing was getting out of control. Suri needed to straighten things out with the headmistress and her students. At least both Dante and Jericho knew she sometimes used the name Jen Robertson. Now she had to untangle this latest web of misunderstandings.

“Jen Robertson, meet Jericho Davies.”

Suri could see the exact moment Jericho focused on her, his dark brows lifting in surprise as he tried to decide how to proceed. It was as surreal as seeing Dante so unexpectedly in the State Room the week before. The effect of being near Jericho was instant and devastating. Her body was drawn to him. Her skin knew the sensation of being next to his, the softness of his touch. She caught his scent, and even in these bizarre circumstances, everything inside her started to melt.

“Jen Robertson, my sister has told me a lot about you.” He glanced sideways at his sister. “Although nobody ever mentioned your

Hello, I’m not supposed to know him!
“Abby is a great kid. I’ve enjoyed having her as a student.” Suri had to clench her teeth to remain in control when they touched. His hand enveloped hers, the warmth intoxicating.

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 4: Encore
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