Boss Me (22 page)

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Authors: Lacey Black

BOOK: Boss Me
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“Happy New Year, Carmen,” I whisper against the crown of her head.

I pray that we have what it takes to get through the hurdles heading our way this year. Because there’s one major barrier still standing in our way. There’s that one itty bitty detail that still keeps me up at night. It’s the one thing that I can’t just dismiss without having to make a choice. 

Carmen or my job.

As always, it’s the last thought running through my mind as I slowly drift off to sleep.


And I love her.


Chapter Ten



Saturday morning brings sunshine. Honest to God, bright, yellow, cheerful sunshine. It’s as if we haven’t seen it in days – weeks, even. The first half of January hasn’t had the horrible weather that was predicted for the Midwest, but it’s had plenty of gloomy, dreary days.

This morning, I’m waiting for a Tahoe to arrive to whisk me away for lunch and shopping. Last night I was shocked when Will’s sister, Avery, called me up and invited me to a girls trip to St. Charles. It’s the day of the basketball game that Will is taking us to, but after listening to Avery run through the timeline, I realized I’d have plenty of time to do both – shopping and lunch with the girls before hanging out at the basketball game with my two favorite guys.

But, it was when Avery told me that the guys were dropping the younger kids off at Mr. and Mrs. Stevens’ house before going to play basketball at the rec center and that Will wanted Zach to go, well, that was when I made the decision to go.

Avery was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. Just before Zach and Will left for the basketball court, Will warned me that Avery would most definitely be late. So when I finally saw her Tahoe pull into my driveway, I was relieved. I’m more of a ‘show up ten minutes early’ kind of girl. Tardiness just isn’t in my vocabulary. Which is precisely why I have no tolerance for it at work.

I make it out to the SUV and find it already packed with women. Erin is sitting in the front passenger seat and looks like she’s about to explode babies. Holly and Josselyn are in the third row, which leaves a vacant seat in the middle for me, by Lia. They’re all smiling and cheerful as I slide into the empty seat and we head out towards St. Charles.

“So, Carmen, how are things at work?” Lia asks.

“Oh, they’re good.”

“Anything new with the whole dating your co-worker thing?” Avery asks, mischievous blue eyes meeting mine through the rearview mirror.

“What?” I ask, fretting outrage. I’m pretty sure that by the smirks they’re all giving me, no one is buying it.

“Come on. Don’t deny it. We all watched you two at Christmas. You both looked like you couldn’t wait to get out of there so you could rip each others clothes off,” Avery says.

If my eyes could have opened any wider, I think my eyeballs would have fallen out of their sockets.

“Oh, it’s true and you know it,” Holly adds. “There’s so much sexual tension floating around that hospital, you could practically cut it with a knife.”

My face burns at least ten shades of red. No! How could an employee – a co-worker – have noticed? Who else has noticed?

“I’m just happy that Will is seeing someone. And you seem really great, and he appears to love your son, which is a huge plus,” Joss adds.

“Hey,” Holly starts and squeezes my shoulder. “I may not know you personally, but I want nothing more than for Will to be happy. And since you two started sneaking around, he’s been happy.” I can’t help but gape at the woman. “Don’t act so surprised. Will is horrible at hiding his feelings. I knew the first time I saw you two in the hallway that something was going on. And the more I questioned him, the more he tried steering the conversation away from it which basically just assured me that I was right. Anyway, I’m not going to say anything, I promise, Carmen. Whatever happens between you and Will is yours. That stupid clause in the manual was written back in nineteen seventy-two. I think it’s time they reevaluated that part of the handbook, don’t you think?”

Huh. Do I think? Uh, yeah! But I can’t imagine them changing the handbook just so I can date Will publicly.

The rest of the car ride is spent talking about Nate and Lia’s wedding details and Jake and Erin’s baby plans. I find myself relaxing and even engaging in conversations with them. They are open and easy to talk to, and seem to try to include me in each topic.

“First lunch,” Erin says with a big grin.

“Shocker,” Josselyn says as we pull into a gourmet burger chain. Big juicy quarter pound cheeseburgers made with any topping you can image and unlimited homemade steak fries. Can’t beat it!

As I’m sliding out of the seat and open the release to let Josselyn and Holly out of the back, Holly makes a point to grab my hand. “Hey, just so you know, I haven’t mentioned anything to anyone. I know that you two could be in deep shit if you’re discovered. I promise I won’t say anything. Just be good to him,” she says with a gentle squeeze of my hand. “He’s a great guy and I’d have to kill you if you hurt him,” she adds with a saucy wink.

Well then. Didn’t see that coming.

All through lunch, I find myself relaxing more and more. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in my entire life; and definitely not in the last couple of years. I’ve always been close to my family, but never like this. I have an older brother that I exchange a handful of regular emails with, and my mom and I talk every couple of weeks. But watching the dynamics of the Stevens ladies, it’s awe-inspiring and so natural. There’s no effort to engage in conversation or to include me. It just happens, and I really like it.

After lunch, we pile back in the Tahoe and head towards the mall. Apparently, it’s tradition for the girls to go to the big lingerie store here. Today’s occasion? Well, I’m not sure. Maybe because the sun’s shining? Each of the ladies seem to have their own reason for being here today.

“When Josselyn was pregnant with Grant, we came here and found maternity lingerie. I’m hoping they have something in Beached Whale size. Otherwise, I might have to hurt the saleswoman,” Erin says straight-faced which makes me concerned for anyone who crosses this little redheaded spitfire.

“Jake can’t keep his hands off of you. You could show up in a pillowcase and he’d still want to jump you,” Avery says.

“True. I never expected my sex drive to be this crazy,” Erin says. “I think Jake has been dreading coming home at night. He barely makes it through the door before I practically pounce on him.”

“I highly doubt he’s delaying going home. If anything, he probably breaks fifteen traffic laws to try to get to you quicker,” Lia says. “Nate’s birthday is this week. I’m shopping for a special little birthday surprise,” she adds with sparkling eyes.

“Travis and I have been discussing having another baby. So, I thought why not get to practicing with some sexy new lingerie?” Josselyn adds with a wink.

“And I’m still in the honeymoon phase with Jase, so I’m all about finding the dirtiest, skimpiest piece of dental floss I can find,” Holly says.

Everyone stops and looks at Avery. “What? It’s Saturday. What more reason do I need?” Everyone giggles at her as we all head inside the mall.

We find the lingerie store easily and all branch out. I try to hang back a little bit, but honestly, I want to look around. It’s a little weird to shop for undergarments with Will’s family – and a co-worker – but they seem cool with it. And I really do want to find something sexy for Will.

I find Joss over with Lia in a section with matching bras and panties. They’re both talking a mile a minute, offering each other suggestions on whatever piece of skimpy material they find. Holly and Avery are in a more daring section that has garter belts and a wide selection of bustiers. I wander around a few more minutes and actually laugh out loud when I find myself in the middle of the pajamas section.

Not just any pajama section.

Sports pajamas.

Straight ahead are undergarments featuring the Missouri Belters. My legs carry me to the display which features different colors and styles of panties with the Belters logo on it. But, it’s the pair that reads ‘Belters Babe’ that catches my attention. It’s white lace with the black and gold Belters logo on the front. The one I grab is a thong, and know instantly, that this is the pair I’m getting. I walk over and grab a sexy white lace push-up bra to partner with it, and I’m all set.

“You’re seriously getting panties with a basketball logo on them?” Avery says from behind me, startling me.

“Yes, I seriously am,” I defend.

“Well, if anyone will enjoy them, it’s…wait. I really don’t want to imagine Will ripping those off of you later tonight with his teeth. Can we just pretend that you’re buying them for Wes?”


“Just humor me, okay?” she says. “I have kind of a thing.”

Before I can ask her to elaborate further, Erin runs up. Well, waddles is probably a little more accurate. But she’s seriously the cutest pregnant woman in the history of pregnant women everywhere.

“Great news, ladies! They carry elephant size in the maternity section,” Erin exclaims happily as she joins us. She displays a beautiful light blue baby doll negligee with satin trim that hits just above the knee. There’s a wide slit in the front straight up to the chest to accommodate her protruding belly, and the matching panties are very feminine, yet incredibly sexy. “What did you get?” Erin asks as we approach the counter to pay.

I proudly hold up my Belters thong. “Oh my God, Will is going to love that,” she says with an encouraging head nod.

“We’re going to the game tonight and it’ll go well with the new shirt he bought me,” I tell her with a big, cheesy grin on my face.

When I got to my office yesterday, there was a present sitting on the floor in front of my locked office door. I wasted no time pulling it inside the office and ripping off the plain black wrapping. Inside was a fitted Belters tee in my size. I knew instantly who it was from especially since Will asked earlier in the week if I had a shirt to wear to the game. Apparently it’s “unsportsmanlike” and will jinx the team so badly, they’ll never win another pennant again if I don’t wear one. Boys and their silly sports superstitions. Plus, he’s not very stealthy at wringing out information. James Bond, he is not.

“Does this scream ‘baby makin’?” Joss asks as she approaches the counter. She holds up a navy blue satin and organza piece with an ivory floral print. The panties are practically nonexistent. And crotchless.

“I’d totally have sex with you,” Lia adds as she joins our group at the front register.

“Really?” Joss asks with a huge smile. “Awww, thanks, babe. What did you find?”

“I’m going rocker babe. Look!” Lia holds up a black satin corset that has leather trim. She adds a black garter belt and a black thong to round out the outfit. I’ll be honest; it’s hot as hell.

“And look at this!” she exclaims as she whips out a black leather flogger.

Collective gasps are heard around me as we all stare at the piece of…whatever…Lia holds in her hand.

“The hot fireman and I are getting naughty tonight,” she whispers with sparkling blue-grey eyes. I can’t help but laugh at her excitement.

“What did you find, Holly?” Avery asks as she sets her purchase on the counter.

“This,” Holly replies as she holds up a piece of string.

“What is that? Dental floss?” Erin asks.

“This is what I like to call Operation Sex on the Balcony,” Holly says with a mischievous grin.

“Do I want to know?” Lia asks.

“I want to know,” I say, not able to stop the words before they fly out of my mouth.

“Jase has been all about christening every room, surface, and useable space in the house. Well, I told him I wanted to have sex on the balcony. In the dead of winter,” Holly details. “I have this long, red coat that has fur around the collar. He told me when I wore it to the Platinum party in November for ‘Promise Me’ that it was the sexiest coat ever. So, I’ve decided I’m going to surprise him on the balcony and wear this,” she says holding up the black dental floss, “and the coat. That’s it.”

“Won’t you get cold?” Joss asks.

“Probably freeze our asses off, but it’ll be worth it,” she says before stepping up to the register.

“Remind me not to eat directly off your counters without Clorox wiping them first,” Joss mumbles while making a disgusted face.

“Hey, how come we didn’t get to see your purchase?” Erin asks Avery as she steps to the side with her bag.

“Because I didn’t show you,” Avery replies with a smug look.

“No, no, no. You can’t just gawk at everyone else’s goodies and not show your own. Let’s see it,” Erin chastises.

“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Avery pulls a long, silk nightgown out of the bag. It goes completely to the floor and has a long slit up to the outer thigh. It’s a soft, pale pink color with spaghetti straps, dips seductively low to the tailbone in the back, and plunges deep between the breasts in the front. It’s probably the most feminine piece in the store.

“What the hell is that?” Holly asks.

“Yeah! You always get some racy, dirty little number that has all of us drooling and jealous over your bravery,” Joss adds.

“Well, tonight I thought I’d try a different approach. I’m going for soft. Sexy.”

“Well, you definitely nailed it with that one,” I tell her with a smile.

“Thank you, Carmen.”

“That is seriously the most beautiful nightgown I’ve ever seen,” Erin whispers with so much emotion that we all stop and turn to look at her. The tears streaming down her cheeks leave us all slightly agape and speechless, but the mood is killed as soon as Erin speaks again. “I need to pee. Who is going to help a fat girl up off the toilet?”

We all exchange looks of shock before bursting into fits of laughter. I’ve never had so much fun with a group of women before. When I was married to Nick, the women were always his colleagues’ wives or business associates with sticks up their butts or completely catty. These women? They’re fun. Full of life. Real. And most importantly, family.

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