Born Into Love (13 page)

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Authors: Catherine LaClaire

BOOK: Born Into Love
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“Sounds like you’re serious.”

“I am and so is he. This time I can feel it. He’s someone we can both trust.” When Annie left the room, Mercedes dialed Luz. She had no idea how the conversation would go. She waited for the girl to answer hoping to avoid any awkwardness. Luz responded quickly enough and listened in silence as Mercedes explained. “I’m going to the museum after all. If the car and helicopter are available I’d appreciate the ride. I’ll pay for the flight.”

“No need. They are always at my. . . boss’s command. He left word you might call. I’ll drive. When’re we leaving?”

“Ten minutes?”


“Could I speak with Diego?”

“I’m sorry. He’s in the vault.”

“Oh. I had no idea he started work so early.”

“Yeah. He’s driven.”



* * *


Once in the museum, Mercedes was reassigned. She accompanied an assistant into the Minoan gallery. “Inventory check. Someone’s got to do it and you’re elected now that Mr. Castilla’s handled that crate.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Make certain the descriptions and code numbers match the objects.”

Mercedes set about the task. The beauty of the vessels, some depicted daily life, others dancers, made what could have been a tedious job a pleasure. On a short break she dialed home--got no answer.

With the doctor’s office, she had better luck.

“This is Mercedes Thomas. Annie’s my sister. Did she keep her appointment?”

The woman typed on a computer. “She’s a cancellation. Dr. Mendez
will be in on Monday. Should I write her in for ten-thirty?” The woman dropped her voice. “The doctor really wants to see her.”

“We’ll take the appointment.” Mercedes disconnected then gathered her purse from the floor. Her cell buzzed. With a lump in her throat she held the receiver to her ear. “Annie?”

“No,” said Diego. “What is wrong?” His voice sounded strong and calm. Struggling to hold back a truckload of emotions, Mercedes explained that Annie had been a no-show.

“Mercedes, I am in the city. Where are you?”

“With the Minoans.”

“We will helicopter home.”

“I thought you were in the vault.”

“For a short time, but only out of necessity.”



* * *


Dave had a long way to go as a budding father. Diego did not know whether that meant he was less a vampire in reading him or if the man’s will was more corrupted than Diego had judged. Either way it said something about his powers.

He and Mercedes
hurried into the helicopter, strapped on the safety belt and ear protectors and settled in for flight. Before the engine roared he held her hand. “We will find Annie and Dave. I have people looking.”

“The police?”

“No, Luz and others.” His beloved had turned fragile with worry.

Upon landing,
he took a call from Luz. She reported that their missing persons now sat enjoying themselves on the cottage deck.

The instant the tires crunched on Mercedes’ driveway, she flung open the door and charged. Words shot out of her mouth like darts from a blowpipe. “You’ve endangered Annie’s life and the life of your son.”

Dave barely focused. Diego saw the error of his earlier approach. Only fear could make this human obey.

The man
attempted to stand but slumped back into the lounge chair. “Jush a minute. We wen shopping.”

“What?” Mercedes turned to her sister.

“We looked for baby clothes at the mall.”

beloved leaned against the redwood table. “But you need to see the doctor. The appointments are more important.”

“I’m tired of your advice. I feel fine. I needed a
break.” She held up a tiny blue shirt. “Isn’t it cute?”

“Dave bought it?”

Annie’s tone changed from surface polite to defiant. “Dave has money. He paid.” Daddy tried to swell his sweating chest, but burped instead.

needed to get him alone. “I will help you reach your apartment tonight.”

The man
regarded Diego with eyes that stumbled over themselves. Diego hooked his hands under Dave’s arms and lifted him out of the chair. Still he stumbled on the steps.

settled him into the new 4x4 Luz made him buy to “help us blend with the beach crowd.” Dave dozed. Every cell in Diego’s body wanted to fling Annie’s boyfriend into the surf, but why contaminate the ocean further?

headed for the switchback into a nearby park. When he shut the motor the only sounds that entered the open window were the rustling branches of pines and waves slapping against the low cliffs.

“Wake.” Dave’s eyelashes fluttered. He blinked into consciousness. From the terror on
his face, Diego knew the man registered his physical changes. Diego longed to sink his fangs into the man’s salty flesh.

“You’re. . . .”

Dave lost the remainder of his sentence. He clawed his way out of the vehicle and into the woods. When he crashed against a thick trunk, clearly trapped, fear soured his skin. Diego stood before him. “Look at me.”

“No, no. You’re goin’. . .suck my blood.”

There were things Diego needed to know. “Why do you lurk on the dunes?”

“Tryin’to see Annie.”

“But you have already been in contact with her. Tell me the rest of it.” This human was not the type to willingly suffer inconveniences like dampness, sand and onshore night breezes.

“I got paid to spy on you.”

“By whom?” he asked, although he had a good idea.

“Just a guy. Black hair, slicked. Shorter’n me. Scary eyes.”

The booze lost its edge “How did you meet?”

“Clam bar. . .beach.”

“What have you told him?”

“A freaky babe lives with you and you’re weird. A loner.”

“Why the interest in me?”

Dave shrugged, teeth chattering.

“Did he give you anything to drink?” Dave nodded. Diego rubbed his fangs against the man’s neck. Dave shook like so many others. Diego’s enemy had manipulated Annie’s lover. . . A reminder that Diego battled more than a mortal. He battled a sorcerer.

Dave’s hand scraped against a glass shard.
Diego dipped his finger into the blood and tasted it. The chemical had left bitter, foreign traces yet the liquid life tempted and revolted him. “You have had a bad dream. Leave. Now.”

He ran like a crazed animal, a drunk sho
cked into sobriety. What he would remember would be a nightmare brought on by vodka.

Diego returned to his house Mercedes waited by the pool. He needed to feed. Badly. But how could he send her home?

Luz came to
his rescue. She called from a window. “Diego, I am sorry to interrupt, but you have an urgent call from Spain.”

kissed Mercedes’ cheek. “Meet me on your deck in an hour.”

A frown crinkled her fair skin. “Are you all right? Did Dave act up? You seem different.”

Yes. He had changed. Now he knew both she and Annie were under threat because of him. “I will return shortly.”

Luz watched from
their upper deck to see that Mercedes reached home safely. He hurried to the vault where his companion had left food. Later, when he recovered, Luz stopped him as he prepared to inform Mercedes of changes that must be made.

“Master, I have news. Remember Teodoro Industries?


“Documents say the importer’s home territory is Queens. Do you believe that?”


“Good. He’s from Peru and takes frequent trips to the Amazon, Asia and Europe. Alfred called. They’ve trace
d some of the would-be hackers to South America.” She paused long enough to purse her lips. “He’s after us, isn’t he? Is our life about to end? Will I be expendable?”

“Yes, he’s after us. No, our life will not end but it may change, and no, you are not expendable. I intend to lure away our adversaries and protect the people I love. We will heighten security for ourselves and for Mercedes and Annie. See that it is done. Anything else?”

“You’ve got it covered.”


Mercedes hugged her knees and sat frozen, staring at him with dread in her eyes. “Let me get this straight. Annie and I are in danger because of an importer?”

“What I know right now, is that he has been watching us. Have you noticed anything strange?”

“Once Remy’s pal creeped me out near the museum steps. If looks could kill I wouldn’t be here now.”

“I’ve arranged protection for you and Annie. The team is not intrusive, but they know their job. Also, with your permission, I would like to install inside security as well.”

“Okay, but Annie has to avoid stress. What am I going to tell her?”

“The truth. That you need protection. Tomorrow night is the exhibit. Annie will be guarded. We will attend together. I want you close.”

“I don’t understand why this is happening over a stolen pitcher.” She studied him and this time her gaze held a different type of assessment. “You’ve been through situations like this before.”

“Yes. This
is something I can handle.”

“Like you handled the pitcher?” She shuddered. “Sorry. I’m scared. I get emotional and not in a good way.”

They sat in silence, the surf almost breathing for them.

“Why don’t you talk about your family?”

She might as well have said, “What have I gotten myself into?” When he climbed the Andes or rode his stallion over the yellowed fields around his family home, he avoided women who wanted answers. Tonight, what could he tell Mercedes? Only part of the truth. “My ancestor was a conquistador.” Meaning himself. “We share the same name.”

“Where’s your family now?”

“They are buried in Spain.”

“You’re. . . the last?”

The sadness in her voice registered like a caress. “I am.”

“And the women, what were they like?”

“My mother stood tall for her time, close to five seven. She had black hair and the darkest eyes of anyone in the family. My brother and I take after her.”

Her brow furrowed. “So the cemetery of your village must hold generations of Castillas.”

“Not so many. Not everyone died at home.”

“I don’t usually zero in on cemeteries or death, but Annie’s situation has made me anxious.”

He caught her hand, opened it and kissed her palm. “Tomorrow we will own our lives again.” They kissed, aware that something intrusive hovered around them. They parted, not as light-hearted as other evenings.

In the shadow of the eave,
he took wing and flew to the cattle he had imprisoned.

When the stars dimmed on the verge of being snuffed by dawn, Luz accompanied
him to the vault. He lay on the pallet and did not bother to shed his clothes. Just before he closed his eyes, Luz dropped the bomb.

“Remy phoned. According to him he has opened the pitcher. He wanted to know if we had any more ceramics decorated with vampire bats.”






Chapter 9


Annie rested her feet on a footstool and sulked behind a supermarket flyer. “This med thing around my neck’s a constant reminder I’m sick. I don’t like it. And that security installation start
ed at dawn. It’s too much.”

“Lately you don’t like anything. Not the nurse, not the “thingy” and certainly not me. I thought showing my new clothes and the necklace would break your mood.”

Annie lowered the advertisements, her lips curled. “Don’t act like there’s nothing wrong. Maybe you feel guilty because Diego’s buying you.”

“You’re pissed because Dave’s still a disappointment.”

“And why are we having the protection rampage? Trying to keep Dave out?”

Mercedes stepped behind her sister and rubbed her shoulders trying to ease out of the argument. “I’m sad to see you so miserable. Everything I’ve done has been my attempt to help.” She pointed to the boxes resting on a chair in the living room. “Those are for you from Diego.”

Annie’s words still held an edge. “Don’t you think it’s strange that all of a sudden we’re his best pals? What’s happened to his old friends? Did he drop them for us? If he did, he must want something.”

“I hope he wants me. As for his amigos, I haven’t met any. Maybe he’s too busy to have close ties. Maybe people only want to use him. Does Dave have friends? I don’t think so. Open the presents.”

“All right. Truce.”

Annie found her smile when she wrapped a sumptuous periwinkle robe around her. “What material is this?”

Mercedes ran her hand over the fabric. “It’s crushed velvet. Soft enough for a baby’s skin.” Her sister opened the second box.

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