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Authors: Majid Fotuhi

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. Mary Payne Bennett and Cecile Lengacher, “Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV: Humor and Immune Function,”
Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
6, no. 2 (2009): 159–64.

Chapter 11: Bigger Belly, Smaller Brain

. R. Corripio, J. M. Gónzalez-Clemente, J. Pérez-Sanchez, S. Näf, L. Gallart, J. Vendrell, and A. Caixàs, “Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Prepubertal Obese Children: Results from a Two-Year Lifestyle Intervention Programme,”
Clinical Endocrinology
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. K. S. Krabbe, A. R. Nielsen, R. Krogh-Madsen, P. Plomgaard, P. Rasmussen, C. Erikstrup, C. P. Fischer, B. Lindegaard, A. M. W. Petersen, S. Taudorf, N. H. Secher, H. Pilegaard, H. Bruunsgaard, and B. K. Pedersen, “Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Type 2 Diabetes,”
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. Cyrus A. Raji, April J. Ho, Neelroop N. Parikshak, James T. Becker, Oscar L. Lopez, Lewis H. Kuller, Xue Hua, Alex D. Leow, Arthur W. Toga, and Paul M. Thompson, “Brain Structure and Obesity,”
Human Brain Mapping
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. Michael A. Ward, Cynthia M. Carlsson, Mehul A. Trivedi, Mark A. Sager, and Sterling C. Johnson, “The Effect of Body Mass Index on Global Brain Volume in Middle-Aged Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study,”
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. Stéphanie Debette, Alexa Beiser, Udo Hoffmann, Charles DeCarli, Christopher J. O’Donnell, Joseph M. Massaro, Rhoda Au, Jayandra J. Himali, Philip A. Wolf, Caroline S. Fox, and Sudha Seshadri, “Visceral Fat Is Associated with Lower Brain Volume in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults,”
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. R. A. Whitmer, D. R. Gustafson, E. Barrett-Connor, M. N. Haan, E. P. Gunderson, and K. Yaffe, “Central Obesity and Increased Risk of Dementia More than Three Decades Later,”
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. S. Debette, S. Seshadri, A. Beiser, R. Au, J. J. Himali, C. Palumbo, P. A. Wolf, and C. DeCarli, “Midlife Vascular Risk Factor Exposure Accelerates Structural Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline,”
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. Thomas Jeerakathil, Jeffrey A. Johnson, Scot H. Simpson, and Sumit R. Majumdar, “Short-Term Risk for Stroke Is Doubled in Persons with Newly Treated Type 2 Diabetes Compared with Persons Without Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study,”
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. P. L. Yau, D. C. Javier, C. M. Ryan, W. H. Tsui, B. A. Ardenkani, S. Ten, and A. Convit, “Preliminary Evidence for Brain Complications in Obese Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,”
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. Hannah Bruehl, Victoria Sweat, Aziz Tirsi, Bina Shah, and Antonio Convit, “Obese Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Have Hippocampal and Frontal Lobe Volume Reductions,”
Neuroscience and Medicine
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. Kristine Yaffe, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Feng Lin, and Deborah Grady, “Serum Lipoprotein Levels, Statin Use, and Cognitive Function in Older Women,”
Archives of Neurology
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. Miia Kivipelto, Eeva-Liisa Helkala, Mikko P. Laakso, Tuomo Hänninen, Merja Hallikainen, Kari Alhainen, Hilkka Soininen, Jaakko Tuomilehto, and Aulikki Nissinen, “Midlife Vascular Risk Factors and Alzheimer’s Disease in Later Life: Longitudinal Population-Based Study,”
British Medical Journal
322, no. 7300 (2001): 1447–51.

. Archana Singh-Manoux, David Gimeno, Mika Kivimaki, Eric Brunner, and Michael G. Marmot, “Low HDL Cholesterol Is a Risk Factor for Deficit and Decline in Memory in Midlife: The Whitehall II Study,”
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
28, no. 8 (2008): 1556–62.

. Marie-Laure Ancelin, Isabelle Carrière, Pascale Barberger-Gateau, Sophie Auriacombe, Olivier Rouaud, Spiros Fourlanos, Claudine Berr, Anne-Marie Dupuy, and Karen Ritchie, “Lipid Lowering Agents, Cognitive Decline, and Dementia: The Three-City Study,”
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. Carlos H. Rojas-Fernandez and Jean-Christy F. Cameron, “Is Statin-Associated Cognitive Impairment Clinically Relevant? A Narrative Review and Clinical Recommendations,”
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. Lauri Nummenmaa, Jussi Hirvonen, Jarna C. Hannukainen, Heidi Immonen, Markus M. Lindroos, Paulina Salminen, and Pirjo Nuutila, “Dorsal Striatum and Its Limbic Connectivity Mediate Abnormal Anticipatory Reward Processing in Obesity,”
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. John Gunstad, Gladys Strain, Michael J. Devlin, Rena Wing, Ronald A. Cohen, Robert H. Paul, Ross D. Crosby, and James E. Mitchell, “Improved Memory Function Twelve Weeks After Bariatric Surgery,”
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases
7, no. 4 (2011): 465–72.

Chapter 12: Brain Attacks, Large and Small

. R. M. Wiseman, B. K. Saxby, E. J. Burton, R. Barber, G. A. Ford, and J. T. O’Brien, “Hippocampal Atrophy, Whole Brain Volume, and White Matter Lesions in Older Hypertensive Subjects,”
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. Miia Kivipelto, Eeva-Liisa Helkala, Mikko P. Laakso, Tuomo Hänninen, Merja Hallikainen, Kari Alhainen, Hilkka Soininen, Jaakko Tuomilehto, and Aulikki Nissinen, “Midlife Vascular Risk Factors and Alzheimer’s Disease in Later Life: Longitudinal Population-Based Study,”
British Medical Journal
322, no. 7300 (2001): 1447–51.

. S. Debette, S. Seshadri, A. Beiser, R. Au, J. J. Himali, C. Palumbo, P. A. Wolf, and C. DeCarli, “Midlife Vascular Risk Factor Exposure Accelerates Structural Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline,”
77, no. 5 (2011): 461–68.

. Didier Leys, Hilde Hénon, Marie-Anne Mackowiak-Cordoliani, and Florence Pasquier, “Post-Stroke Dementia,”
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. Juan C. Troncoso, Alan B. Zonderman, Susan M. Resnick, Barbara Crain, Olga Pletnikova, and Richard J. O’Brien, “Effect of Infarcts on Dementia in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,”
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. National Stroke Association,

. C. DeCarli, D. G. Murphy, M. Tranh, C. L. Grady, J. V. Haxby, J. A. Gillette, J. A. Salerno, A. Gonzales-Aviles, B. Horwitz, and S. I. Rapoport, “The Effect of White Matter Hyperintensity Volume on Brain Structure, Cognitive Performance, and Cerebral Metabolism of Glucose in Fifty-One Healthy Adults,”
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. Brett M. Kissela, Jane C. Khoury, Kathleen Alwell, Charles J. Moomaw, Daniel Woo, Opeolu Adeoye, Matthew L. Flaherty, Pooja Khatri, Simona Ferioli, Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, Joseph P. Broderick, and Dawn O. Kleindorfer, “Age at Stroke: Temporal Trends in Stroke Incidence in a Large, Biracial Population,”
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. J. A. Egido, O. Castillo, B. Roig, I. Sanz, M. R. Herrero, M. T. Garay, A. M. Garcia, M. Fuentes, and C. Fernandez, “Is Psycho-Physical Stress a Risk Factor for Stroke? A Case-Control Study,”
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. A. M. Bernstein, L. de Koning, A. J. Flint, K. M. Rexrode, and W. C. Willett, “Soda Consumption and the Risk of Stroke in Men and Women,”
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. American Thoracic Society (May 20, 2008), “Obstructive Sleep Apnea Causes Earlier Death in Stroke Patients, Study Finds,”

. Susan Marzolini, Paul Oh, William McIlroy, and Dina Brooks, “The Effects of an Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Program on Cognition Following Stroke,”
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
27, no. 5 (2013): 392–402.

. Susanna Larsson, Jarmo Virtamo, and Alicja Wolk, “Chocolate Consumption and Risk of Stroke: A Prospective Cohort of Men and Meta-Analysis,”
79, no. 12 (2012): 1223–29.

Chapter 13: The Battered Brain

. R. L. Blaylock and J. Maroon, “Immunoexcitotoxicity as a Central Mechanism in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: A Unifying Hypothesis,”
Surgical Neurology International
2 (2011): 107.

. D. K. Ragan, R. McKinstry, T. Benzinger, J. R. Leonard, and J. A. Pineda, “Alterations in Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism After Traumatic Brain Injury in Children,”
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism
33, no. 1 (2013): 48–52.

. E. D. Bigler, D. D. Blatter, C. V. Anderson, S. C. Johnson, S. D. Gale, R. O. Hopkins, and B. Burnett, “Hippocampal Volume in Normal Aging and Traumatic Brain Injury,”
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44, no. 1 (2006): 1956–61.

. Majid Fotuhi, David Do, and Clifford Jack, “Modifiable Factors That Alter the Size of the Hippocampus with Aging,”
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. M. H. Beauchamp, M. Ditchfield, J. J. Maller, C. Catroppa, C. Godfrey, J. V. Rosenfeld, M. J. Kean, and V. A. Anderson, “Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Global Brain Changes Ten Years After Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury,”
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
29, no. 2 (2011): 137–43.

. S. P. Broglio, M. B. Pontifex, P. O’Connor, and C. H. Hillman, “The Persistent Effects of Concussion on Neuroelectric Indices of Attention,”
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. Jacob J. Sosnoff, Steven P. Broglio, Sunghoon Shin, and Michael S. Ferrara, “Previous Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postural-Control Dynamics,”
Journal of Athletic Training
46, no. 1 (2011): 85–91.

. Evan L. Breedlove, Meghan Robinson, Thomas M. Talavage, Katherine E. Morigaki, Umit Yoruk, Kyle O’Keefe, Jeff King, Larry J. Leverenz, Jeffrey W. Gilger, and Eric A. Nauman, “Biomechanical Correlates of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Neurophysiological Impairment in High School Football,”
Journal of Biomechanics
45, no. 7 (2012): 1265–72.

. Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Michael McCrea, Stephen W. Marshall, Robert C. Cantu, Christopher Randolph, William Barr, James A. Onate, and James P. Kelly, “Cumulative Effects Associated with Recurrent Concussion in Collegiate Football Players: The NCAA Concussion Study,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
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. Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Stephen W. Marshall, Julian Bailes, Michael McCrea, Robert C. Cantu, Christopher Randolph, and Barry D. Jordan, “Association Between Recurrent Concussion and Late-Life Cognitive Impairment in Retired Professional Football Players,”
57, no. 4 (2005): 719–26.

. Steven T. DeKosky, Milos D. Ikonomovic, and Sam Gandy, “Traumatic Brain Injury: Football, Warfare, and Long-Term Effects,”
Minnesota Medicine
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. C. M. Baugh, J. M. Stamm, D. O. Riley, B. E. Gavett, M. E. Shenton, A. Lin, C. J. Nowinski, R. C. Cantu, A. C. McKee, and R. A. Stern, “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: Neurodegeneration Following Repetitive Concussive and Subconcussive Brain Trauma,”
Brain Imaging Behavior
6, no. 2 (2012): 244–54.

. As reported by CNN, the
New York Times
, and other publications.


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