Book of Witchery (13 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #spring, #craft, #magic, #magick, #personal witchery, #fundamentals, #7 Days of Magic, #Witchcraft, #spells, #charms, #every day

BOOK: Book of Witchery
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“Who are you?” you ask.

Wow. He does not seem to care for that question; he sputters and swears in an exotic language and stalks around the road. He levels you with a furious look and begins waving his arms in a fine temper at your audacity for having asked for his name. Well, good grief. Leave it to you to go on a meditation and to confront a god with an attitude. You let him wind down and wait him out. You stand silently and put a respectful expression on your face and consider him for a moment. Hmmm . . . it really should come as no surprise that a god of battles would be hot tempered, after all.

Suddenly, he stops and takes a deep breath. He appears to be struggling to hold back his impatience and his temper, and he turns quickly and marches up, into your face. “I am many, I am one.” He thumps a fist on his chest and announces, “I am the spirit of battle and the soul of the warrior. I have countless names.” He glowers down at you for a moment, and then you nod your head in acknowledgement, and he appears to settle down a bit.

He regards you intensely for a moment longer, and then he smiles slightly. “Take this,” he demands, and then he hands you a weapon. Look carefully at this gift. It may be a sword, a spear, an axe, or another type of weapon. Respectfully, you take the weapon and close your hand firmly around it. It vibrates in your hand, and you feel the energy run up your arm, across your chest, and rush down to your toes. He explains to you that this astral weapon is for you and you alone. He informs you that if you have need, he will answer your call and gift you with courage and strength. All you have to do is to visualize the psychic weapon you now hold in your hands, and then his courage, cunning, valor, and strength will come storming in. He states that it is up to you to know when the time is appropriate to use his gift. He also reminds you that the most successful warriors temper their battles with knowledge and wisdom—the knowledge of comprehending when and where to strike, and the wisdom to know when not to.

You thank him for the gift, and as you watch, the astral weapon fades away. He gruffly tells you that though it may be unseen at the moment, it will always be close at hand should you need it. He tells you to be on your way. Thank the god and then turn to go back home, down the path you began your meditative journey on. You resist the urge to look over your shoulder for a time, but you eventually give in to see if he is behind you and watching. He is gone, but you have the feeling he is hidden and watching somewhere, probably plotting and hatching new battle tactics. You smile to yourself and realize that this warrior god will always be close by and ready to spring into action if needed.

Now, take a deep, cleansing breath and ground and center. Look around one last time at this place, and see the sun shining brightly down upon the fields. Practice conjuring up the feel of that protective astral weapon in your hand, and become familiar with its strengthening presence. Keep the idea of protection, power, and strength with you today as you move through your day as carefully and fully aware as a warrior. Take in a final deep, cleansing breath, and slowly blow it out. Open your eyes and return to awareness.

Magickal Plants & Flowers

A few of the plants associated with the planet Mars and Tuesdays are the thistle, holly, and snapdragon. Now, if you think about it, two of these plants have prickles on them:thistles can have very prickly stems, and the leaves of the holly typically have sharp, pointy ends. The snapdragon, a favorite cottage-style flower of mine, has the elemental association of fire and is also aligned with Mars. All of these magickal plants are utilized for their protective and fiery qualities. This trio of magickal plants is often worked into hex-breaking and defensive magick. Now, just because these plants have the ability to break a hex or to stop evil doesn't mean that you will have to use them for that on a regular basis.

Before you start running around in a panic, worrying about someone trying to zap you with a naughty spell, relax. In actuality, a hex is typically a rare occurrence. Also remember this: people who hex and curse do so from a position of weakness. That's the bottom line. They are actually afraid—of you—so they decide to strike out with magick, which is pretty stupid and self-destructive. And nine times out of ten, it only creates more havoc in their own lives.

Most often what you are sensing when you start to wonder if you are under the gun, so to speak, is emotional exploitation, jealousy, and envy that has been directed at you. Happily, these Mars-associated plants will help to shield you from petty jealousies and your average manipulation, which occurs more often than anything else.

Manipulation is not always a magickal problem; sometimes it's an everyday one—from the coworker who cons you into doing their job for them, or the well-meaning in-laws who think that if they just apply enough pressure, then, perhaps, you will fall in line, to the person or partner who thinks they can just walk all over you because you always give in. As to envy and jealousy, well . . . the grass is always greener, as they say. Don't let other people get you down. Just because someone else has their knickers in a twist doesn't mean you have to sit there and take all that spite. You can fight back ethically with protection work and by tapping into a warrior's energy. So, no worries about the sky falling, okay? These everyday scenarios are typically the types of negative emotions, situations, and problems that you will face.

Mars plants tend to be protective plants, and when you apply a little practical witchery and common sense with their magickal qualities, you get an unbeatable combination.


Also known as the bull thistle (
Cirsium vulgare
), this wildflower has the elemental association of fire. According to herbal folklore, when thistles are allowed to grow in the garden, it is thought to protect the home from burglary. Thistles grown in containers by the front or back door are supposed to have the power to ward off evil and negativity. If you feel the need to break up any negative energy or manipulative intentions that you believe may have been sent your way, then thistle is the plant to work with. Thistle is a wildflower and often volunteers in the garden. If you have a sunny spot well out of the way of young children, who need to watch out for the thorny leaves and prickly stems, consider letting it grow wild. In the language of flowers, thistle symbolizes independence and austerity.


The holly (
) comes in many varieties and species. Its elemental association is fire. Not all hollies bear fruit (in other words, berries). The female holly will produce the berries, while the male produces small greenish flowers for pollination and a few berries. One male holly will pollinate many female hollies. Check with your neighbors and see if they have a male variety; if not, you will have to pick one up so they can pollinate, and the female holly will then produce lots of pretty berries for you. The holly has the charming folk name of “bat's wings.” If you take a good look at most modern varieties of holly, you can see how those leaves look a bit like the shape of a bat's wing.

When the holly shrub is grown in the garden, it is thought to protect the home from lightning and roguish magicians. Classically, the holly plant is partnered up with the ivy for Yule celebrations. In this scenario, the holly is considered to have masculine qualities, and the ivy, feminine ones. According to the language of flowers, the holly symbolizes good will, foresight, and a happy home.

If you feel that you might have fallen under the crossfire of a less-than-ethical practitioner, a problematic coworker, or (more likely) a meddling relative, then try adding holly leaves to your spellwork.


Snapdragons (
) are also linked to the element of fire, and they are a very protective flower. They have the adorable folk names of “calf's snout” and “dragon's snout,” and are a great magickal flower. They grow happily in most gardens and thrive in containers. If you pinch off the flowering tops after they fade, they will keep blooming for you all season long, until bitter cold sets in. As a matter of fact, as I write this, it is November, the local temperatures are in the high thirties, and my red and yellow snaps are happily blooming away in my Witch's garden.

Snapdragons can break any manipulative intentions or bad mojo that might be tossed your way. Try a little flower magick on those problematic relatives or nosy neighbors and give them a small container planted full of red snapdragons. That should help to break the animosity between the two of you. As a cut flower, snapdragons are available at most florists year-round and come in many colors. Try red for protection and yellow for wisdom. Look for orange colors for energy and passion. In the language of flowers, the snapdragon says you are beautiful but dangerous. Well, doesn't that floral definition go along nicely with the theme of this chapter?

If you feel the need for a little reinforced protection at work, then arrange a couple of snapdragon stems in a vase and set them on your desk. Not only will the flowers perk you up, but they will create a sort of no-fly zone around you, where other people's head games and office dramas will pass you right by. If you are not allowed to have flowers at work, try picking up a few packages of snapdragon seeds in the winter or spring. Tuck a package of the seeds in your desk or, if things are really bad, then try discreetly sprinkling just a few seeds across the troublemaker's desk or on their office floor, where they will be sure to walk on them.

The Warrior Spell

Let's combine these magickal protective and fiery plants for a kick-ass flower fascination. Hey, it's a Mars day, after all! Everybody has a bad day or goes through trying times. Life can throw you a curve, and then you find yourself in the middle of a painful situation. Before you know it, your self-confidence is shot, and you feel victimized and wonder how in the world this ever happened. When tough situations come your way, concentrate on Mars' warrior-like and feisty qualities, then take a deep breath and let go of your fear.

As you prepare to work this spell, take a good look at what you are so worried about or afraid of. Give yourself some time, and deal with your emotions. If you find yourself shedding a few tears, it's no big deal. You probably needed the release that only a good cry can bring. (So what if your nose is red? It's a Mars color, after all.) Take a few minutes and concentrate on being braver, stronger, and able to handle anything that life tosses your way. Remember, you are not a victim! Turn that fear into an ally, and channel that energy into protection instead. Take this as an opportunity to be brave and strong and to deal with the problem. Now, blow your nose, wash your face, and take a deep breath. Be a calm and powerful magickal warrior! You can do it, I know you can.

Gather from the garden three stems of snapdragons (red, if possible), a stem or two of blooming thistle, and nine holly leaves. Combining these three plants will invoke protection and encourage passion and bravery. If you cannot locate a live thistle, then consider looking for dried thistle at an herb shop or at the arts and crafts store. As for the snapdragons, you can always go to the florist if they are out of season, or during the spring and summer months, purchase a six-pack of the annual to add to your magickal gardens. Then the snapdragons are readily available for your flower spells and for you and your family to enjoy.

Arrange the flowers in a water-filled bud vase and then position the holly leaves in a circle around that. Add a red ribbon to your flowers to help reinforce both the magick of a Tuesday and Mars' fiery qualities. Take a red ink pen and a piece of paper, and write down the challenge that you are facing. Set this list under the vase and within the circle of the holly leaves. Ground and center yourself. Let go of your anger, and put your game face on. Now, repeat the spell below three times:

Mars' fiery energy now encircles me
A Witch is a warrior; I set my fears free
Purple thistle, holly leaves, and snapdragons three
Passion, courage, and bravery now send to me
I release all my worries—they have no more power
This warrior's spell is cast by leaf and by flower.

Close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, with harm to none
By herb and thorn, this spell is now done!

Let the flowers stay in the vase for a few days until they begin to fade. Then gather up the components from this spell and tuck the holly leaves and flowers into an envelope. Seal it, then tie the red ribbon around the envelope, and take it right out and into the garbage. Drop it in and brush off your hands. Slap the lid on the can and strut away.

So, do you feel more confident? Good. Now put all this garbage behind you. People only have the power to hurt you when you let them. Next time you have to see or deal with them, be confident, be friendly, and give them a cocky smile. That ought to confuse the hell out of them. Rise above and conquer!

Colors, Candles, Metals & Crystals


Colors for the day include red, black, scarlet, and orange. Black is for boundaries and fighting negativity; it's great for protection spells. Scarlet is a daring, passionate hue that adds
to candle spells. Remember, our girl Lilith was fond of scarlet; I wonder if that's where the term “scarlet woman” came from? Finally, the color orange is used in spells for energy, courage, vitality, and charisma.

The color red is considered by many Asian cultures to be a lucky and sacred color. Red is believed to promote power, strength, and fame, and is, of course, associated with the element of fire. Red is the color for wedding attire for both the bride and groom in Indian cultures. Plus, in China, it is traditional for a bride's gown to be red; also, a proud father of a newborn son will hand out red eggs. It is also thought that wearing red ribbons will direct and retain positive chi, or energy.

If you care to coordinate your outfit with the warrior energy of the day, then try adding a cherry-red scarf or blouse. Ladies, you may want to wear Lilith-inspired red lipstick or crimson-hued lingerie. Guys might want to go with a red sweater or a fiery-colored tie. If you're a casual sort of person, then try sporting a red T-shirt, sweatshirt, or even bright red socks!

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