Bonnie (18 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Thrillers, #Mystery & Detective, #Suspense, #Women Sleuths, #Fiction

BOOK: Bonnie
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She gave a relieved sigh. First bridge crossed. “After you gave him a rosary blessed by the Pope.”

He nodded. “And I prayed for his soul after I left him. I’m not even sure the Holy Father could—” He broke off, gazing at her curiously. “Why are you asking me this?”

“Because you told O’Leary that his cousin, Kevin Donnelly, had asked you to give O’Leary the rosary. I need to know how to find Kevin Donnelly.”

He tilted his head. “You don’t know?”

“If I knew, would I be asking you?” she asked impatiently. “The hospital where he worked isn’t being very cooperative. We’ll track him down, but there’s no reason why you can’t tell us where he is. It will save us time.”

He chuckled. “You sound like a bill collector. Though I know Kevin would never be a deadbeat.”

“You know him well?”

“Very well.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

He didn’t answer directly. “Why do you want to find him? Are you one of the patients he worked with at the hospital?”

“No, but I have questions about one of this patients.” She said. “You’re trying to protect him? I don’t want to cause him any trouble. I just want to locate one of his ex-patients and ask Donnelly a few questions.”

He shook his head. “Kevin won’t disclose any confidences.”

“Isn’t that up to him? There’s a very good reason for him to tell me what I need to know.” She added deliberately, “Life or death, Father Dominic. So why don’t you tell me when you saw him last and where I can find him now.”

“Life or death?” He was silent a moment. “Truly, Ms. Duncan?”

She looked him in the eye. “I don’t lie, Father.”

He nodded slowly. “No, I don’t believe you would.” He thought for a moment. “I don’t know why I’m trying to guard him. He can take care of himself. He’d laugh at me.” He grimaced. “He does that quite a bit actually.”

Present tense. She stiffened. He was going to give her the information. “Tell me.”

“When did I last see him?” His lips turned up at the corners. “About forty-five minutes ago.”


“And where can you find him?” He nodded at the door to the left of altar. “Out in the garden. He’s trying to repair the fountain.”

She stared at him blankly. “He’s a handyman?”

“Kevin is many things, a regular jack-of-all-trades.” He stood up and helped her to her feet. “And actually I offered to try to fix the fountain, but he said it was his responsibility.” He paused. “Since it was his church.”

Her gaze narrowed on his face. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“That Kevin is the priest who requested I come here and help him for a few weeks?” He nodded. “Father Barnabas.”

She had suspected it was coming, but she was still stunned. “Why?”

“I assure you that he wasn’t trying to go undercover or some such nonsense. He took the name when he graduated from the seminary.”

“In Valdosta, Georgia.” She was putting the pieces together. “That’s where he went to seminary.”

He nodded. “That’s where I met him. We were students together. We became friends. We’re still good friends. Kevin is a remarkable man. It’s not often a man gives up a lucrative medical practice and years of training to devote himself to God.”

“Why did he do it? You’re saying he had some kind of calling?”

“I’m saying that he’s a fine man,” he said quietly. “And that if you want to know anything else about him, you should ask him yourself.” He gestured to the door. “And tell him if he wants to go to the office and talk to you, I’ll take over repairing that fountain.” He smiled. “Kevin gets fixated on a project once he starts it. He won’t stop until he finishes. He’s always sure that nobody else can do it as well as he can. I always tell him that God doesn’t approve of the sin of vanity.”

“And what does he reply?”

“He says that God wouldn’t have given him a mind and a skill if He hadn’t meant him to use them.” He started to turn away. “Kevin always has an answer.”

“I hope he has a few for me,” Eve said grimly as she headed for the door he’d indicated. “I have a friend, John Gallo, who should be here soon. He stopped outside to take a phone call. Would you tell him what you told me and where I am?” She saw him hesitate, and added, “He’s no threat to Kevin Donnelly either. I promise you, Father Dominic. All he has to do is answer a few questions.”

He nodded. “I believe you. As I said, Kevin can take care of himself.” He headed down the aisle. “If he couldn’t, he wouldn’t be capable of caring for hundreds of parishioners.” He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes twinkling. “With the help of God … and his friends, of which I count myself one of the more intelligent. I’m afraid I have a bit of vanity myself.”

She could feel the excitement tingle through her. Close. She was so close. She had never dreamed that she’d be lucky enough to be heading straight to Kevin Donnelly when they’d driven up to this cathedral. “A little vanity never hurt anyone.” She was moving quickly toward the door. “Thank you, Father.” She opened the door, and her gaze quickly searched the spacious rose garden. It was a lovely, formal garden with a two-tiered stone fountain in the center of it. The fountain was encircled by three stone benches.

But there was only a dark-haired teenage boy in a Bon Jovi T-shirt near that fountain. He was squatting down and peering at—

“Give me the screwdriver, Billy.”

“Did you find it, Father?” He moved, and Eve could see that the side of the fountain had been jacked up, and a man was on his back and half under the fountain.

“I think so. It’s calcium deposits blocking the filter. If I can clean them out, the water should run fine until I can get a new filter.”

“Do you want me to do it?”

“No, not this time. I’m getting it. But the next time I expect you to be able to recognize the problem and be able to take care of it. You’re studying to be a gardener, and taking care of the hardscape is as important as the planting.”

It had to be Kevin Donnelly, Eve thought, as she walked toward them. Though all she could see was two black-clad legs protruding from beneath the fountain.

But when she was within a few yards of the fountain, he suddenly scooted out into the path with a quick, lithe, undulating motion. “Done.” He grinned at the boy and handed him the screwdriver. “Go turn the water back on. It should flow like the Red Sea rushing back to drown the Egyptians.”

“You shouldn’t be so bloodthirsty, Father.” The boy chuckled. “You’re always telling me that I need to—” He broke off as he saw Eve. His smile faded, and he quickly whirled on his heel. “I’ll go turn on the water.” He hurried down the path toward the church.

Eve’s gaze followed him. “I didn’t mean to scare him off.” She turned back to the man who’d emerged from beneath the fountain. If this was Kevin Donnelly, he was a man in his fifties, with a strong, tall, muscular body, a shock of gray-flecked hair, and blue eyes surrounded by laugh lines. “You’d think I had a contagious disease.”

“You’re a woman,” Kevin Donnelly said as he wiped his wet hands on a towel he’d picked up from the ground. “Billy has problems with women.”

“He’s shy?”

“No, just wary.” He got to his feet. “Forgive my appearance. I’ve been training Billy on the basics of becoming a gardener. He has a real talent for it. I’m Father Barnabas. Is there something that I can do for you?”

“Father Dominic thought you might.” She paused. “I’ve been looking for Kevin Donnelly.”

He grinned. “You’ve found him.”

“Also Father Barnabas?”

He nodded. “One name I was given, the other I took. These days, sometimes it’s hard to remember that other life.”

“Well, your cousin, James O’Leary, remembers you very well.” She paused. “But he didn’t know you had become a priest.”

“He wouldn’t have understood. He didn’t accept my advice as a psychiatrist, he certainly wouldn’t have let me help him as a priest.” He shrugged. “I know a few people in the city, and they keep an eye on him for me. When he reaches the point of no return, I’ll be there for him.”

“‘Point of no return,’” she repeated. “And what is that?”

“Everyone comes to a meeting in the road with God when they’ve reached the final pit. They either follow Him away from it or leap into the abyss.” He took out his handkerchief and wiped his brow. “But sometimes if there’s someone there to explain the rules, it can make a difference.”

“Yes, it can.”

“Why did you phone my cousin James?”

“It was the only lead I had. The people you worked with at the VA hospital are very close-mouthed about you. Why is that?”

“Because they’re good friends, and they knew I wanted to make a final break with my patients there. I set them up with fine, competent doctors who could help them, but many patients develop a dependence on their psychiatrists that’s difficult to break if they find they can maintain contact. The best way is to make a clean break. When I started at the seminary, I made it impossible for me to be found.” He tilted his head. “Yet you found me. I’m very curious why you bothered.” He stiffened. “Unless you’re a relation to one of my ex-patients?”

“Not a relation. Definitely connected.” She paused. “Ted Danner. I need to know everything you know about Ted Danner.”

His wariness became even more obvious. “Indeed?” He murmured, his gaze searching her face. “And why is that?”

She was silent. How much to tell him? She was suddenly aware that this man exuded a power that was very formidable. All of that casual, almost boyish charisma had vanished. “He recently murdered a man. He may murder others. Who should know better than you that he’s unbalanced? You treated him for a number of years, didn’t you?”

“Murder.” His lips tightened. “You’re sure? Not self-defense, not an accident?”

“A dagger in the chest isn’t usually an accident.”

His eyes closed for a moment. “Dear God in Heaven. Lost. Truly lost.” His eyes were glittering with moisture when he opened them. “And mad…”

“You’re surprised? Yet you must have known that was a possibility. You were his psychiatrist. Didn’t he ever give you a glimmer that he was capable of killing someone?”

“Of course he did. He was a Ranger. He was trained to kill.” His lips twisted. “He was praised when he did it right. The Army made him what he was, then threw him to us to heal when he became … unstable.”

“You’re blaming the military?”

He wearily shook his head. “I blame no one but the world we live in and what it does to us.” He added bitterly, “And the demons it causes to rise within our souls. Ted Danner knows all about those demons. He’s obsessed with them. He probably thought he was killing one when he stabbed that man.”

She stiffened. “You say that with some authority. You know Danner very well?”

“As you said, I treated him for years.”

“But you cut your ties to him as you did your other patients?”

He was silent. “I cut all ties.”

She had seen something in his expression. “But did he accept it? Danner was a Ranger, he was smart. He would know how to track you down. Did he have some kind of paternal fixation on you? Have you seen him since you left the hospital?”

He didn’t answer the question. “Who are you? And what are you to Ted Danner? You said you weren’t a relation. Are you with the police?”

“No, my name is Eve Duncan.”

He slowly nodded. “I thought I recognized you. You’re the forensic sculptor. I’ve seen your photo in the newspaper. What do you have to do with Ted Danner?”

“You tell me.” She took step closer to him. “What did he say to you?” she asked fiercely. “No one was closer to him. First, as his psychiatrist, then his priest. He did search you out, didn’t he? Did he mention my daughter?”

“Your daughter?” He shook his head. “Why would he—” He stopped, as the realization hit him. “You daughter was killed years ago. You believe Danner did it?”

“I don’t know. She was taken about the time you left the hospital and stopped treating Danner. Did he ever talk about her?”

He shook his head in bewilderment. “Why would he?”

He was telling the truth. “She was also the daughter of John Gallo. You must know about John.”

“Ted Danner’s nephew.” The priest nodded. “He loves him very much. He probably doesn’t love anyone else on this Earth.”

“You know that, and you didn’t know about Gallo’s daughter?”

“Perhaps Danner didn’t know.” Then he muttered, “Or perhaps he did. It would explain so much. The little girl…”

“He knew,” she said jerkily. “He knew about my Bonnie. And what would it explain?”

He didn’t answer directly, “And you think he killed her?”

“It’s possible. I’m going to find out. I’m going to find him. You have to help me.”

He shook his head.

“Don’t tell me no,” she said fiercely. “You’re a priest, a man of God. I’ve told you that Danner has already killed and might kill again. You can’t let him go free. You know where he is, don’t you?”


“But you’ve been in recent contact with him. You could find him. He must have told you something. You’ve got to help me.”

“God will help you.”

“It’s your duty, dammit.”

“My duty is to God and my vows.”

“So pure. But how pure are you, Father? You appear to have gotten off scot-free on that charge that was leveled at you several years ago. But it just occurred to me that if you were afraid that Danner might bring new evidence and testify against you, it might ruin your bright new life. You might not want him to be found. Were you experimenting on Ted Danner, too?”

His gaze was narrowed on her face. “You’ve done some in-depth research, haven’t you?”

“Answer me.”

“But I don’t have to answer you. You obviously wouldn’t believe me if I did.”

“Does Danner come to you in the confessional?”

“Yes. But very infrequently.”

“Then you must know—you have to know something.”

“And you know I can’t violate the confessional.”

She didn’t know anything but that she didn’t trust anything that he was telling her. “Not even to catch a murderer, to prevent another murder?”

He was silent. “I couldn’t violate my vow. I’d have to do it in another way. I can only try to find Danner myself and prevent him from striking at another of his demons.”

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