Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance) (31 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance)
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“Who gave her a ride?” he gritted between clenched teeth. She was his! he wanted to scream. He’d slaked her virginity, claimed her with fangs and body. She didn’t get to run away. She’s mine.

“Don’t know if I wanna tell you that,” the man said slowly.

Draven clamped his mouth shut to keep from baring his fangs at the old shapeshifter. Didn’t matter what the race was, the older people got the more stubborn they did too.

He didn’t have time for this. “What do you want from me?” He felt useless, helpless—something he wasn’t accustomed to feeling. And he hated it.

The barkeep cocked a bushy gray eyebrow. “You gonna swear to keep her safe and protect her?”

“Yes,” he hissed.

“Don’t believe you. Hard to trust a vampire.”

Half-vampire, he mentally corrected.

“Aw, come on now Tom. Can’t you see how mad he is for her?” cried a woman in the back. She wore the silly expression of one who’d drunk way too much and would be ecstatic at anything.

“I’m not mad. She is mine and I need to get her back.”

A man leaning both elbows against the bar hollered, “He loves her. Look how desperate he is. We know how that is.” Several approving murmurs sounded.

Draven felt as though he’d just stepped into the Twilight Zone. “I do not love her. She is my
. I require her.” The bar erupted in laughter. Everyone except the barkeep who kept a close eye on him.

Draven was smart enough to keep his mouth closed as the crowd quieted down. While inside he was fuming like a steam engine. He had to find her. Had to get her back. He needed her with him. Dammit, she was his. Every second spent with these idiots was precious time lost.

“Alright well I guess I can tell you that she got a ride out the pack. Dunno where to.”

Draven’s fists curled. “By who?”

“Fella named Hank.”

Draven uncurled his fists. She was with another man! His muscles coiled, ready to strike. To strike this Hank. What a human name.

“Where is he?”

“Lives on First Street, third house on the left.” Draven turned to leave.

“Wait a second now. You touch that man and you’ll feel the pack’s wrath, vampire.”

Draven turned back with a flippant smile. “Half-vampire,” he corrected, then raced out the door.


Chapter 29


Willow paced nervously in the bedroom. Six steps to the door, six back to the bed. And repeat.

How did a woman dress for a mating ritual anyways? Lingerie? A freaking wedding gown?

And what was she supposed to wear with her belly showing?

The thought still set forth a barrage of panic inside her. She didn’t know anything about being a mother. Let alone a mother to a half succubus/shapeshifter baby. What was that going to be like half meat-eater/half slut? She still hadn’t talked to him about it. They formed a silent pact around discussing the baby and she was fine with that.

She rubbed at the throbbing in her temples. She caught her reflection in the mirror and rounded on it. It was like looking at someone else. Gone was the ponytail and comfortable hiking clothes and in its place was a white silk nightgown that fell to mid-thigh.

Turning to the side, she pressed her hand to her belly and looked at the small bump there. Her heart constricted in her throat, tears blurred her eyelashes. She blinked fast, her heart racing erratically.

When she looked back up at the mirror, she was smiling softly. Something inside her spoke to her. She’d never really thought about having a baby before. Since she’d never pictured herself really mating with anyone, the thought never even crept up in her psyche. But things were very different. She was pregnant with Lyonis’ baby and there was no undoing it.

Willow didn’t know what surprised her more, that the thought didn’t send her into another panic, or that she actually softened.

She stood straighter and this time saw things different in her reflection. Gone was the lost young woman and in her place was...herself.

“I’m Willow Bellum. I can do anything,” she said.

It was the truth.

She started laughing as she realized how upset she’d been. Over what? A baby? Women had been doing this for a long time, she could handle this. Looking at her belly, her eyes going soft, she thought to her future baby: I’ll be the best mom to you.

She thought about Lyonis. It wasn’t hard to picture him as a father. She’d already seen his generous, kind nature. His protectiveness which might need a little loosening up. But maybe this wasn’t all so bad. Maybe with a father like him then they could both make strong kids, a daughter who wouldn’t lower herself to someone like David. Like she did.

Sometimes you have to take the hand you’re dealt and just play with it.

She heard the front door open downstairs and her heart started racing. He was here!

Running back into the bathroom, she checked her reflection one last time. Her shift was simple but sexy; her hair was down around her shoulders and shining. He still hadn’t told her exactly how the mating ritual would go, but her stomach fluttered at the unknown.

His footsteps sounded on the stairs. Willow stood in the room, panicked. She glanced at the bed, then the door. Did she lay on it and pose or open the door for him and smile all sexily?

As she debated, the door swung open. Lyonis smiled at her, the same smile she’d seen the first day they met. A small lifting at the corner of his right cheek, cocky, and a lot sexy. A handful of bright, yellow sunflowers were in his hand. Willow hesitated, unsure what to do. He came into the room and without any ado, pulled her in for a long, searing kiss.

When he finally released her, she rocked on her feet.

She had to clear her throat before her voice would work. “Erm, flowers?”

His smile turned wicked. “They remind me of you.” He put the vase of sunflowers into her hand. “Strong, tall and proud. Bright with happiness, feminine.”

Willow flushed with pleasure at the compliment. Unnerved by the praise she found herself staring pointedly at the lovely flowers in her hand, unsure what to say or how to say it.

With his lips at her ear he whispered, “And filled with a center I want to eat.”

Willow jerked at his words. Heat flooded through her veins.

“You look...wonderful,” he said, his eyes traveling over her body.

Willow shivered and let him take the flowers from her and set them on the dresser. He came back to her and she launched herself in his arms. If she was going to do this, then she was doing it her way. Laughing, he caught her, swinging her in his arms. He kissed her long and deep before pulling away with a smile that curled her toes.

“I’ve never been happier, Willow.”

She smiled at that and could have done a fist pump. She did that. She made him happy and admittedly, he made her wild...and happy. If she wasn’t careful, she could love this man.

Even as the wild, out of nowhere thought careened into her mind, he carried her to the bed and laid her on it. He followed her down, his hand trailing lazily up and down her arm.

“I’ve waited to find you for a long time, mate.”

Willow’s heart did a wild flip in her chest at the yearning in his voice, at the way his eyes tracked over her body.

“Couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

His lips covered her breast, wetting the silk and sucking her nipple into his mouth. Gasping, Willow grabbed onto his short dusty hair.

Her nipple budded in his mouth and he nibbled on that peak. Hot shards lanced through her body, shooting straight for her clitoris. Her legs scissored anxiously.

A hand trailed up her leg, pushing the white silk with it until he cupped her bare hip. He pulled back sharply from her nipple to look at the bare skin he’d revealed. His eyes darkened with arousal—his animal side close to the surface.

“I told you you’d never need to wear panties around me. Glad to see you’re obeying me. You’re perfect just like this.”

He stood at the edge of the bed and finished lifting her dress to her waist, baring her naked sex to him. His breathing deepened at the sight and Willow couldn’t help herself, she bent her knees and spread her legs open.

A harsh groan left him like all the air had been knocked out of him. His hands stroked up and down her inner thighs getting closer and closer to her wet, hot center. His eyes never left her core.

“Take off your shirt,” she said.

She had to see him. Wanted to see all that tanned, hard muscle she’d soon be licking and touching. He seemed hesitant to look away from her but eventually he reached behind his neck to pull it off.

He leaned down to press a hot, open-mouthed kiss at the inside of her knee. Willow’s breath caught as he did the same to her other knee. Then he worked his way up, taking his time to press hot, wet kisses to each inch of her inner thighs, slowly, lazily, getting higher and higher.

“Lyonis,” she murmured.

Her body flowed hot like lava, her skin tight and excited. His hands followed the path of his lips, slowly pushing up and gripping her thighs. His touch was strong but reverent as if he was learning her body to etch into his mind. It made her heart gallop wildly and again that word, love, came back into her mind.

“This,” he said holding her very inner thighs in his hands, “is the sexiest thing. I want to hold you open like this and watch my cock slide in and out of your sweet little pussy.”

Willow looked him straight in the eye and said, “Do it.”

Surprise fluttered over his features, then he closed his eyes as if in pain and buried his head between her legs.

Willow squirmed and panted trying to get closer. She was wet, swollen, and burning up with heat. She needed his touch more than she needed to breathe. And if he didn’t give it to her...

He simply kissed her. First her inner thighs, then her outer lips. His hands pinned her thighs in place leaving only enough room to thrust her hips at him.

“Lyonis,” she groaned. “Please.”

One little touch and she’d explode, she knew it. He must have known it too because he chose to go as insanely slow as possible. He kissed each side of her. Kissed her aching bud with the lightest of touches. Again and again, he repeated his torture while his hands pinned her, holding her with sexual dominance.

Sweat matted her hair to her temples before he finally, finally, darted his tongue out to taste her. Mutual groans escaped as he licked her center. He thrust his tongue inside her and Willow arched against the covers.

She moaned his name, caught in the waves of pleasure he bestowed upon her. The hands upon her thighs tightened and he settled in on her most neediest part in earnest, circling her bud repeatedly.

She knew it wouldn’t take her long, and she was right. A choked scream caught in her throat as her body tightened to a near painful point then exploded. The shaking in her limbs still hadn’t slowed before he rose up, dropped his pants, then mounted her.

“My Willow,” he groaned.

His chest flattened against her needy breasts and then his cock nudged her wet entrance and slid deep in one powerful thrust. His harsh breathing met with her shallow pants as he began thrusting into her again and again.

“Can’t wait,” he said.

His lips found her throat, tasting her, wetting her as his thrusts hammered into her. She felt the pressure of his teeth, stronger than before and tensed, her hands curling around his shoulders for support.

The pressure became nearly unbearable, shards of pain had her struggling to pull away from his bite, but then something broke through. The pain evaporated and his mouth fully latched over her neck.

He was drinking her.

Her belly pulled hard with pleasure. Her nails scraped against his back, hips thrusting back against him over and again. The shaking started in her stomach then flowed down to her thighs, locked tight around his hips.

With each pull her body coiled tighter, hotter, wetter. She was making high-pitched noises she’d never made in her life. Her vision blurred until finally she gave up on trying to see and simply closed her eyes and welcomed his pleasuring touch.

He pulled back from her throat and she moaned at the loss, tried to pull him back to her but he shook his head roughly at her.

Willow’s eyes fluttered open to watch him. She opened her mouth to tell him she was finished. It was too much for her; she was about to fall over an endless cliff, and she wanted him to catch her. But no words left her throat.

He reared back at her throat, his hips now pumping so hard, so fast, he was pushing her up and into the mattress.

Then his teeth bit down on her again. The mark of the Alpha. He let out a purring growl that brought hard shivers over her body, curling her toes.

She gasped his name one last time as her body pulsed with unimaginable pleasure. She bucked against him, his name a scream torn from her throat. She couldn’t move as the hard waves milked through her sex, squeezing him tight. He kept her pinned by the throat, hands holding her hips in an unbreakable hold.

She was still coming down from the fall when she heard him whispering her name over and over again, his cock sliding in and out of her faster, harder. He finally pushed deep, and with a bellow that shook the ceiling, he came inside her.

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