Bonds of Fire (2 page)

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Authors: Sophie Duncan

BOOK: Bonds of Fire
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"Hey!" he called as loudly as he dared, trotting over to the youths.

He held out his find, who fitted neatly into the palms of his hands and told them, "Help her."

The two young men were on their feet quickly and Malachi took the dragon from him. Drekken sat on an illogical instinct to grab the baby back, but he couldn't hold down an anxiety that just wasn't his normal reaction to anything and he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can't believe she hatched," Malachi looked surprised and happy at the same time as worried, which didn't make Drekken feel any better.

"We didn't know if the egg was even fertile," Yakov added, gently wiping away bits of yolk and shell from the little creature's body as Malachi examined her.

"She's perfect," Malachi concluded, but then frowned and observed, "but she's very weak. She hasn't had her parents feeding the nest with magic, she needs to bond with a dragon, or she is going to die."

Both youths looked over their shoulders at Besthan, their faces stricken. However, while Malachi lingered on their fallen master, Yakov quickly looked back at Drekken, his eyes widening and running him up and down before he glanced back at the baby. Malachi started as Yakov grabbed the hatchling from his companion and then Drekken was equally surprised when he found the tiny bundle back in his hands and his hands being pushed back against his chest.

"You have to do it," the youth ordered nervously, looking up at Drekken through his long blond bangs.

"I'm not," Drekken began, trying to hand the dragon back to the person who knew how to care for her.

However, Malachi joined Yakov, both of them pushing the child back at him and Malachi told him, "You're the closest we've got. You're part dragon, you have magic."

Logic told Drekken he was not the right person for this task. He was bonded to a dragon, but that had been a very unique experience controlled by Miri's magic, and he was definitely not parent material. He looked down at the baby in his hands, her eyes were closed and her head rested awkwardly on his thumbs where she did not have the strength to hold it up. He could feel her magic and her life slipping away and sense told him there was nothing he could do. Yet, sometimes in his life, Drekken had found that his magic knew better and he felt his instincts shift. Not knowing what was happening, but knowing he was along for the ride, Drekken cradled the child to him and let the feeling rise.

Magic was something Drekken normally channelled through his implants, it did not often flow free and then only when he was working with Miri. Without his dragon, Drekken felt exposed and vulnerable as his magic slipped out of his control and opened his senses. Self-protection told him to resist, but it was far too late and as his magic drowned out his other senses, the life in his hands became his whole attention. He did not remember the bonding with Miri very clearly, the remains being made up of vague impressions and emotion. Yet, as his magic touched the little Grey Wing, his memories of that time flared and he was back with his dragon in the first few moments of their union. Warmth and confidence flooded him and he wrapped his strength around the weakening child. Her heartbeat sounded in his ears and her mind, a scattering of immature emotions, touched his thoughts.

Senses full of dragon, Drekken had to blink a couple of times before his vision reinstated itself and then he was greeted by the sight of the bluest eyes he had ever seen looking back up at him. He smiled at her, his chest swelling with joy which, just like the magic, he had no hope of controlling. The little dragon moved slowly, she was still weak, Drekken was very aware of that through the new presence of her in his consciousness, but a flood of pride joined his delight when she lifted her head back and chirruped at him.

"Thank you, thank you," Malachi broke the moment and Drekken jumped.

Reality kicked back in and he took a rapid step away from the young man, scanning the area as he realised he had been totally off the grid. His actions had been wholly inappropriate for a trained soldier and the danger they were all in made him hasty as he handed the dragon quickly to Malachi.

"She's alive," he growled, angry with himself at letting his guard down. "Now get the others ready, we have to move out in five."

Drekken quickly turned his back on the continuing chirrups and sat on fear touching him that he knew was not his own. He did not have time for distractions, there were eight lives in his hands and he had to get them to safety. Stalking away, he went to check their exit.


A quick scout of the road through the town towards the mountains told Drekken that there were more Feras about, soldiers and drones. It also put a knot in his belly that was making him feel physically sick and it had nothing to do with being in a combat situation. This was not the first, nor the fiftieth time he had been in charge of civilians, that was not his problem, but he knew what was, even if he did not want to give in to it. As he came back into the sheltered little courtyard, his attention focused down on the slender blue-grey head that was peaking out of a sling around Malachi's torso and the knot undid just a little when he heard the baby's excited chirruping at his return.

Only years of discipline in the field stopped him from responding to instincts that were screaming at him to grab the dragon from her holder and the knot wound back up, but getting the group moving was his top priority. In his absence, the youths had grabbed a few supplies: coats, strong shoes and Yakov was carrying a satchel stuffed with what looked like random household items.

They were waiting in a huddled group with the hatchlings, their backs to Besthan and Drekken knew fear when he saw it. Yet, he didn't have the luxury of being sympathetic, so he walked up to them with authority and offered, "Good. Now, are they," he pointed to the hatchlings, "old enough to understand you, to take instruction?"

Yakov nodded and replied, "They just can't mind-talk yet."

"Tell them we are going into the mountains, but we have to be very quiet while we leave the town," Drekken directed.

"They can understand you as well, Drekken," Malachi looked like he was trying to smile, but the worry in his eyes won.

Drekken just nodded in response and started to turn back to the exit. However, his move was greeted by an increase in the volume of the newest hatchling's chattering.

"You need to keep her quiet," Drekken snapped more than he needed to, but mainly because the knot in his stomach was getting worse.

"She wants you," Yakov spoke up this time.

Drekken glared at him: he knew that.

"She needs you," Malachi backed up his friend.

"It's the only way she'll quiet down," Yakov pushed when Drekken said nothing and Malachi began lifting off the sling.

His fingers were itching to reach for the little bundle and his magic was swirling at the prospect of holding her again, but that was dangerous, he couldn't afford to be distracted, and Drekken resisted his urges, forcing them down. However, he didn't have the will power to back off when Malachi lifted the sling to him, and, embarrassed by his weakness, Drekken just stood silently as the improvised carrier was placed over his head and one arm. The chirruping stopped instantly, and as he felt the tiny body settle against his abs, the knot in his belly relaxed, but was replaced with consternation.

"Right, we move out, keep low and stay together. Do what I say when I tell you and we'll make it out of the village alive," Drekken hissed quickly at his charges.

The two young men nodded solemnly and Drekken turned to lead them out. It was a second or two after he did so that he realised his non-fire arm had found a comfortable position cradling the sling over his chest.


Drekken squinted at the bridge ahead and, more importantly, the river running underneath it. The construction looked pristine, it had not been blown up, and that is what made him suspicious. It was the only route over the river and the mountains beyond and the Feras had to be watching it. Malachi came to crouch down next to him behind the wall he was using for cover and whispered, "It's not clear, is it?"

Drekken was impressed by the youth's assessment of the situation and he shook his head in agreement.

"Is there another place to cross?"

"There's a ford just down past that bend," Malachi pointed down river, "but with the Spring flood waters, it's not passable at the moment."

"We'll have to see," Drekken decided it was their best option and waved them all down the edge of the village away from the bridge.

It was not far to the ford, but it was hidden completely from the bridge by the bend in the river, which was a good start. However, the fast-flowing water was at least waist deep for a human. Assessing the terrain from their hiding place in what had been someone's back garden, Drekken quickly went to work. He reached for his utility belt and unhooked the end of the cord concealed inside. It was a very fine wire, reminding him of the days he had gone fishing with his friends, but it was much, much stronger, and he attached a small, but equally tough, three-barbed hook to the end. The end of the hook then slid neatly into his very well-designed armour gauntlet and, with a careful aim and a small push of magic, the arrow and its cord went sailing over the river, unwinding from his waist and embedding itself in a tree on the far side. Drekken pulled and the cord held fast, so he pulled out the rest of the length, detached it from his waist and wrapped it around a second tree.

Finally, he turned back to his charges.

Malachi and Yakov were both eyeing the wire and then the hatchlings dubiously. However, Drekken had been considering that.

"The Blue is with me," Drekken began, but was interrupted by Yakov, who told him, "His name is Renar."

"Renar is with me," Drekken corrected tersely. "You two, take off your coats, take two of the others each and tie them to your back with the coats."

The young men did as they were told without complaint, but Drekken could see the fear in their faces.

"Across this river and up into the foothills, then we'll stop for the night," Drekken tried to offer them something to aim at.

From the way Malachi acknowledged the information, Drekken knew his intentions had been understood, but the trauma of the day was clearly affecting Yakov, who was moving slowly, head down. Malachi paused in his own work, turned to his friend and wrapped him in his arms. Yakov moulded instantly to Malachi and the young men held together in silence, faces buried in each other's shoulders. The only person Drekken shared affection with in public was Miri, and only then discretely and, not sure where to put himself, he turned away and rechecked the attachment on the tree.

Wire was not the most interesting of items, but Drekken had adjusted and quadruple checked how it was wrapped around the tree before there was a polite cough and movement behind him. He turned and was greeted with a sheepish glance from Yakov, who immediately apologised, "I am sorry, I have a fear of water, but I am ready now."

Drekken just nodded and then they were moving again. Malachi took the two Sandys, one over each shoulder, their tails entwined tightly together. Yakov chose a different way of carrying his charges, the River Dragon curled herself around his neck while he used his coat to tie the Hawkhead to his chest. All were very quiet as they prepared, the youngsters making only the smallest of noises as they were carefully fixed in place against their carer's bodies. Drekken waited until all the others were in place before he crouched down to Renar. The young Blue had been watching proceedings quietly, but Drekken could see the fear in the child's eyes. Blues were not known for their affinity with water and the hatchling looked from Drekken to the river and back again.

Drekken did not have any experience with children, but he knew how to get the best out his people and so he looked the young dragon in the eyes and told him, "I need you to help me look after the baby. She is going to be scared when we cross the water, can you hold on to my back and keep an eye on her for me?"

Renar blinked at Drekken and, for a moment, he wondered if his ploy had fallen flat. However, then he felt a shift in his senses and he heard a very shaky, 'Yes.'

"Well done, Renar," Yakov praised.

"Well done," Drekken agreed with a smile and then swivelled round so the dragon could climb onto his back.

Renar was heavy, but not a real test for Drekken's augmented body. The implants gave him the strength and speed to keep up with a fully grown dragon, so the toddler was only as issue as far as it came to altering his centre of gravity.

"Alright, cover your hands with your sleeves, otherwise the wire will cut them and, Yakov, behind me, Malachi, bring up the rear and stay close together," Drekken finished the preparations with one last order. Then he took hold of the wire himself and led the way down the steep bank.

Despite the spring afternoon being warm, the water was freezing and Drekken had to take a few steadying breaths as he lowered himself into it. The fast flowing current came up to his waist by the time he was all the way in and Renar whimpered where his back feet were getting wet. Drekken glanced down at his smaller charge, but she was hidden in the folds of the sling and only the butterflies in his stomach that were not quite his own told Drekken that the baby was picking up on his own nerves.

Drekken paused once he was completely in the water, waiting for the others to join him. Yakov was ashen, his jaw set in a firm line, by the time he was nearly chest deep in water and Drekken wondered what had made him afraid of it. However, the look in the young man's eyes was determined and Drekken only gave both youths a professional appraisal before turning back and leading the way across the river.

The current was fast, tugging relentlessly at his body and the rocks under foot were slippery, so Drekken took his time with each step. He also paused frequently and gave the banks a sweep for hostiles. Their progress was therefore slow, but steady and Drekken was relieved when he began to make the ascent out of the water. He sped up just a little, wanting to be out of the chill. However, as he did so, there was as sudden tug on their guide line and he turned to see Yakov slipping sideways, one hand waving wildly in the air. The young man did not make a sound, but his face was stricken as his feet went from under him. Drekken went into automatic, he dropped Renar from his shoulders into the shallows and, holding the wire with one hand, grabbed for Yakov with the other.

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