Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) (5 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)
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I averted my eyes, feeling a little ashamed
at being so drawn to watching them. Leon paid them no attention as he pulled
out a chair for me to sit down in. I nodded in gratitude and sat down with my
legs crossed and my back rigid, trying to seem professional while hiding the
embarrassment I was feeling. I sipped my martini that was nearing empty.


After placing my drink down, I looked at
Leon, trying with all my might to maintain my composure. Every fiber of my
being wanted to squirm out of my chair and bolt for the door. But Leon’s smug
smile told me that he was reading my shock and embarrassment as though it were
tattooed all over me. I steadied myself. I wasn’t going to let him have the


Stills was back. He leaned to talk to Leon
and then he kneeled down next to me.


“Would you like another drink?” he asked, his
mouth next to my ear to compensate for the loud music. “There’s also great food
here, believe it or not. Want anything?”


“Another drink would be fine,” I yelled.
Stills nodded and then walked away, leaving me and Leon alone.


He moved his chair close to mine. If we were
in any other place where the smell of leather and fog machines didn’t dominate
everyone’s sense of smell, I would’ve been able to tell exactly what type of
cologne he wore.


“You know, I had no interest in meeting with
you again,” he said into my ear. I grew more uncomfortable. Surrounded by
people strapped with leather and bounded with chains, and this man talking so
close to my ear that I could feel his breath tickle my earlobes with every word
he said—I was being pushed to my limit.


“Oh really,” I said into his ear, loudly. I
hoped it hurt his eardrums. “Then why did you agree?”


“Stills. I promised him that if you accepted
me as a client, I’d let you set me up. If you refuse, which you probably will,
I’m off the hook and he doesn’t try to meddle in my love life anymore.” His
voice remained constant, and I fought back the urge to rub my ear as his words
tickled me.


Stills returned. I felt a new wave of
embarrassment when he saw how closely Leon was sitting with me, whispering into
my ear. All I had to do was unbutton a few buttons on my blouse and start giggling
and Stills would be certain that I had fallen into Leon’s grasp like I imagined
every other silly woman he flirted with.


I wanted to stand up and tell the DJ to shut
the fucking music off, but I sat politely and thanked Stills for the drink with
a courteous smile and a head-nod. He put down a drink in front of Leon, a
whiskey on the rocks by the look of the amber liquid in ice, and before he left,
he squeezed the top of Leon’s shoulder in an amicable way.


“Oh, you must think you’re such a challenge, don’t
you?” I asked, leaning back into his ear. “Well, I’m great at challenges and
you’re in no way the biggest challenge that I’ve had this year, let alone in my
professional life. I’m sure I can find you the absolute love of your life.”


Leon leaned back from me. He smiled at me and
the predatory sexuality of his earlier smiles was gone. He raised the glass and
took a large swallow of whiskey, placing the glass down carefully, as though it
were a delicate piece of china.


His eyes studied me for a full minute. Then
they moved to the stage and watched the show that had progressed much further
than simple foot kissing. I wondered if he was getting aroused by the scene
before us that I was desperately trying to avoid watching. It was dark in the
nightclub, and Leon wore black pants, so it was impossible to see if he had an
erection but I caught myself looking at his crotch anyway.


I drank down half of my martini, trying to
push back the thoughts of Leon’s erection. I felt his breath against my ear
again. The seconds stretched on for days and I felt my chest tighten and for a
moment I was sure that he was going to touch me. He didn’t.


“You know, they’re just actors, really. Yes,
the show gets rather graphic, but it’s all staged. It’s not reality, there’s no
danger in it. There’s no exploration. The road is already paved for them. Yes,
the show tends to change every week so it stays exciting, but it’s all set in
stone beforehand what they’re going to do,” he said.


He finished the rest of his whiskey. He spoke
now against my cheek and I could smell the expensive whiskey on his breath. I
wondered wildly how it would taste on his tongue if I turned my head and
grabbed him and pulled him in.


“They’ll exit the stage, clean up, and both
get their checks. It’s a play with actors, a script, and a stage. Nothing


Leon pulled away from me. He adjusted his
pants slightly and I watched him do it, wondering if his cock was making him
uncomfortable. Then he caught me watching him and smiled.


“You know, you’d be great on stage. We
wouldn’t even need to script it. It could be real. It could be authentic. Genuine.
You’d blow the roof off this club.”


I felt anger welling up inside me again.


He continued, “Not with that guy, of course.
If it were you on stage, I’d take personal interest in it. But we’d have to get
to know each other better first. We’d have to build up a rapport.”


I made sure my face was expressionless. I
took another sip of my martini and gathered my thoughts. Leon was antagonizing
me again, but this time, he was calculated. Rather than get angry and storm
off, I’d see how this played out.


“I can see that you’d do well. Your body type
is perfect for me, supple and waiting to be conquered. I’m positive that I
wouldn’t be the first man to fuck you, but it’ll feel like it.”


His eyes stayed on the stage. I felt his
breath grow warmer against my skin as he came so close that he was almost
kissing me.


“First, I’ll make you shower. You’ll scrub
every inch of yourself while I watch. Then, maybe if you’re good, I might let
you wash me, but not right away.


“You’ll crawl into the bedroom on your hands
and knees, head down. When you reach my bed, you’ll lay your head against the
ground and raise your arms for me so I can put them in handcuffs. Then I’ll
pull you up by your hands until you’re standing, facing me.


“If you look half as good naked as I think
you do, my cock will be hard at this point. Would you like to know just how big
my dick is?” he asked, pausing to look at me and gauge my response.


I stared back at him, studying him like a
researcher would study a chimpanzee who has just displayed the ability to
communicate through sign language.


He continued, “You’d have to beg me to allow
you to even touch me. Maybe I’d let you at this point, maybe I wouldn’t. But
it’d hard to actually ask me for permission with the ball gag in your mouth. You’d
have to plead with your eyes. Open to my interpretation, of course.


“I’d be nice at first. I’d let you start to
pleasure yourself. Just some simple masturbation. Then maybe I’d let you use a
vibrator, but only if you’ve really behaved yourself by this point.


“By now, you’d be totally mine. I’d let you
lay down on the bed and then I’d stand next to you, teasing your nipples. I’d
pull them into point and squeeze, softly at first until it was teetering
between pleasure and pain. If you moaned through the ball gag, which would be
likely, I’d pull your nipples just a little harder before I let go. Then I’d
take out the nipple clamps.”


“Your eyes would grow wide with anticipation
and excitement. I’d be smiling, how could I not?” His predatory smile flashed
across his face as if to show me things to come. “You’ll whimper as I close
them ever so slowly on your sensitive flesh.”


Leon crossed his legs. I was positive he was
fully erect now. He leaned back into my ear and I felt the faintest touch of
his tongue against my skin. I recoiled slightly but held fast. I had every
right to slap him and walk out, but I sensed that was exactly what he wanted.
This was the game. I sat firm.


“Then I’d have you unzip me and pull out what
you’ve really been waiting for. Your eyes would be closed. If you opened them,
I’d have to punish you. At this point I’d have you on your knees before me.
You’d undress me and I’d make sure you’re careful not to touch my cock again,
earlier was just a taste. After I was completely naked, I’d let you look.


“Julie, you’re going to love the look of me
naked. But you have to control yourself, remember, I’m in charge here, not you.
But I’ll let you rub your hands over me; I’m not a monster, you know.


“I’d turn you over and throw you on the bed,
face down. I’ll lift your ass and spread your cheeks, inspecting what now
belongs to me. I bet you taste sweet, right?” He was looking at me again,
waiting for an answer. When I said nothing, he merely shrugged and continued


“Of course you do. I could have you go down
on me, it really depends on how you feel about it. If you’re into sucking cock,
I might not let you, just to torture you a little. But I may let you, just to
see how far down your throat you can take it. I’m willing to make a substantial
bet that you probably don’t have a gag reflex. Maybe you can get the whole
thing down your throat.”


Leon Christensen, vulgar for vulgar’s sake.


“Then I’ll slide into you, so slow that
you’ll be moaning as every inch pushes further. I’ll take out the ball gag,
because I’d want to hear every sound you have. A little feedback, you could
say. I’ll get every single inch of me in you and then hold there, feeling you
wrap around me. If you ask nicely, I’ll finger your asshole. If you ask very
nicely, I’ll use two fingers.


“I’ll switch between fucking you hard and
soft, slow and fast. I’ll wrap your hair in my hands and pull back hard enough
to have your back arch as I slam against you. Then I’ll make you beg. You’ll
beg to come. You’ll beg me to come. Maybe if you’re as naughty as you look,
you’ll beg me to fuck you in your ass. I’ll probably oblige on that one.” Leon
pulled back from my ear to wink at me.


A server placed another drink in front of him.
The server was a female who looked like she spent every waking minute at the
gym lifting as much weight as the place had. She was wearing a mini-skirt and
bra that were both leather and concealed almost nothing. I marveled at her physique
and when she saw my eyes on her, she merely smiled and walked away.


Leon took a large swallow of his drink and
turned back to me. The fresh smell of whiskey filled my nose as he spoke.


“When I come, I’ll push my cock down your
throat as far as it’ll go. If I allow you to come, you’ll do so with your eyes
closed and yelling my name. But don’t be so foolish to think it simply ends
when we come and then we go out for breakfast or some stupid shit like that.
No, no, no. You’ll have to wash me, of course. Then, I’ll bind you up
completely and blindfold you, gag you again, and you’ll act like a household
dog for an hour. Maybe two.”


I lifted my martini glass to take a sip and
Leon raised his glass and knocked it against mine. “Cheers to a wonderful
future together,” he said, winking at me again and licking his lips. “I’m
looking forward to it.”


His defense mechanism was definitely a
formidable one. While I had told him that he wouldn’t be nearly as big a
challenge as he thought himself to be, I couldn’t lie to myself. I might be
able to handle him, but it wouldn’t be easy. I’d never failed a client that I
had taken on before. If I accepted this man as a client, it would be all or
nothing. There was no room for failure.


I had sat there and listened to him try to
offend me and push me away. If I had given in and slapped him or cursed him
out, he would’ve won. His graphic sexuality might serve to barricade him from
those who actually want to help him, but he had misjudged me. I don’t want to
help him. I don’t really care about Leon Christensen or his love problems. I’m
paid to help him, so that’s what I’m going to do, regardless of how he feels
about it.


Leon slid his chair away from mine now,
satisfied that he had said everything that he needed to say. He rose from his
chair. I rose as well and stood between him and his exit.


“We’ll meet tomorrow, at my office. No more
nightclub meetings. This is going to be our first official meeting. My
secretary will give you a call tomorrow morning to arrange an exact time.”


His face dropped. He looked at me in
disbelief and leaned in closer as though he had misheard.


“What?” he asked stupidly.


“I expect you to be on time for the meeting
as well. Please dress appropriately. This is a business meeting in a place of
business. I’m sure you’re aware of what those are. Have a nice night, Mr.


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