Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) (29 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)
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Leon walked out slowly, hands in his pockets.
He looked around the hallway and then I heard his footsteps grow fainter as he
walked away.


The nurse leaned in close to me and looked
around conspiratorially.


“Damn girl, that is one handsome man you’ve
got there. If I were twenty years younger and single, I think you’d be in
trouble,” she said, winking. She shook her head and whistled a catcall. I
giggled and covered my mouth.


“I think you’d have to fight me for him,” I


“You know I’m not about to fight a tough
cookie like you,” she said, raising her hands defensively. “Taking a bullet
like some action hero, you’re way too tough for me. You can have him, but I’m
still gonna steal a little peek at him every now and then.”


The nurse poured me a glass of water and
asked me if I needed anything else. Her name was Rose. She told me she had been
working in the hospital for over thirty years. “You’ve got the best damn nurse
in this godforsaken building,” she had said. I immediately liked her.


Leon came back in, drinking a cup of coffee.
His hair was slicked back and wet, his face clean but still unshaven. Even
wracked with stress and sleep deprivation, Leon Christensen looked better than
any other man I had ever seen. He walked over to me and ran his hands through
my hair. I closed my eyes and breathed in the sensation of his fingers pressing
firmly against my scalp as they ran down to the top of my spine. When he got to
the top of my spine, his fingers turned to feathers so that he wouldn’t hurt my
wound. It felt wonderful.


He sat down on the chair beside the bed and
moved it forward so he could be close to me.


“So,” I said, not sure as to how to proceed.
“What is this now?”


“What is what?” he asked.


“This,” I said, motioning back and forth
between him and I slowly with my still weak arms.


“Ah,” he paused. “I don’t know. This is all
so new. But I know when I think of you, I feel the beginnings of something
different inside of me. Something turning over and opening up to letting you


I nodded, listening to his words. It was
still hard to keep my eyes open, but even in my state between the waking life
and dream world, his words sank in deeply. I reached over and took his hand
with mine and we felt the slight warmth of each other as he continued on.


“I’ve had a lot of time to think. In the past
few days, all I’ve had is time to think about what this is and how I feel. I
still don’t know. What I know is that you got in my head without even trying.
The simple sight of you planted some seed in me and despite how hard I tried to
deprive it of water and sunlight, the bastard’s grown like a weed,” Leon said,
smiling at me. I squeezed his hand playfully and leveled my eyes at him,
feigning anger.


“I know the feeling,” I said.




The hours turned to days. Soon, I was out of
the hospital. The wounds were not debilitating and they all healed, other than
the scar where the doctors had performed emergency surgery. Days turned to


The months added up until it was the
anniversary of my shooting. Marilyn was locked up in a penitentiary for five to
seven years for attempted manslaughter. At the trial, she tearfully apologized
to me and her psychiatrist said that she was responding well to medication. Her
apology seemed genuine. It took a long time for me to forgive her for almost
killing me, but when I think about it now, I hope that Marilyn’s mental state
gets better.


“POW!” Leon yelled as he jumped out from
behind a door. I jumped back and my heart skipped a beat. He laughed wildly and
I punched him in the chest, laughing as I did so.


“Not funny!” I cried.


“Oh, come one. It was kinda funny,” he said,
winking. “What would you like to do for our anniversary?”


Leon and I were dating, seriously. We decided
that our anniversary was the day that Marilyn shot me in my office because it
was the day that showed us how much we meant to each other. Morbid, perhaps,
but now that our first year anniversary was finally here, I felt anything but
morbid. I felt alive in every fiber of my being. I leaned in and kissed him
gently on the lips as my hand slid between his legs. He grew hard in my hand
and I pressed against it firmly.


“Well, I can think of a few things I’d like
to do first,” I said playfully.


After that night in the hospital, we had
eased into a relationship. I thought it would be awkward at first, but it was
anything but. When the pretext of a working relationship was gone and our
feelings were out on the table, the conversations flowed between us. Yet Leon
had never fully lost his wonderfully charming sense of humor.


I pushed my hand down in his jeans and
wrapped my fingers around his cock, now throbbing with hard warmth, pulling on
the tender skin, teasing him.


He let out a breath of air as I began to move
my hand up and down in his jeans, jerking him off. He looked up to the sky and
closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall, enjoying the sensation. Then his
eyes fell down to me and when our eyes met, the connection that we had first
shared by the fireplace seemed like a tiny shock from rubbing socks on a carpet
in comparison to a bolt of lightning striking you.


His arms wrapped around me and lifted me up.
I pulled my hand out and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him strongly
on his lips, pulling him tightly against me. I could feel his cock press
against me, hard as stone. He walked me through the living room in my house and
laid me by the fireplace. A soft rug was already laid out, awaiting our


“This has always been my favorite place to
make love,” he said. I reached up and caressed the side of his face as he said
this, my heart melting over his words.


The sex between us had been nothing short of
revolutionary. Each embrace was less encumbered by inhibition until it finally
we were embracing each other totally as our selves, unified yet individuals.
When we made love, the boundaries between us dissipated into nothing and the
world faded away. All thoughts were gone. Only we remained.


Leon took out a silk handkerchief and bound
my hands. I looked away from him into the fireplace, knowing that he loved it
when I let him lead. If I fully became his sub, he would shoot like a rocket
almost immediately. I let him explore every inch of my body and opened myself
up to him completely.


He tied the silk fabric tight and I turned to
him, nodding up and down. Leon tore off my button-up shirt that I had been
wearing, destroying the buttons and tearing the entire back in half. Leon threw
it into the fire and blue flames erupted. I had not been wearing a bra; the
fire warmed my hard nipples and made them ache with want. Leon’s muscles flexed
as his hands found the button on my pants and broke it off as well before sliding
them off me quickly. He reached down and grabbed my cotton panties with his
teeth before ripping them off like an animal. I moaned loudly.


Leon rolled me over. He kissed my ass cheeks
softly, squeezing each cheek as he did so until he began to move upwards
towards my lower back. His fingers hung tantalizingly close to my inner thighs
and I grew wet with desire. Leon rubbed his nose along my lower back and made a
trail higher and higher until he reached my upper back. Then he stopped and
rubbed his fingers softly along the scar on my back.


I looked over my shoulder at his face and saw
what I thought was sadness. I reached up and touched the side of his face and
he looked at me with tears in his eyes. He smiled and a tear fell down his
cheek slowly.


“This scar reminds me of how precious you are
to me. How you are my everything,” he whispered into my ear as he swung his
right leg over me. He unbuckled his pants and I heard them fly across the room.
Leon leaned down and kissed my ear. I looked up and he kissed me firmly on the
mouth, taking my lower lip in his mouth and sucking on it, his tongue working
on it with agonizingly. I moaned into his mouth and I felt him lower his hips,
pressing his cock against my ass.


He pushed his cock against my tightness and I
reached back and grabbed it. I stroked him up and down, holding him firmly. He
kissed my neck as I stroked him up and down, his cock just barely in me. I felt
him expand me and I pushed my ass up until his head penetrated fully. He moaned
loudly and his hands reached up and ran through my hair.


Leon pulled back and I felt him grab my hips.
His tongue slid down my lower back and down between my ass cheeks. He licked in
circles, pulling me back against him, working his tongue in my wet pussy. I
cried out in pleasure, squeezing my hands into tight fists. His hands grabbed
onto my ass and spun me around, landing me on my back. He lifted my legs and
spread them before slowly descending on my clit.


He continued his kisses upward before he
landed just below my belly button where he began to kiss and rub his nose. Leon
Christensen had turned out to be the sweetest lover that I had ever had along
with pushing me to regions of sexuality that I had never known to exist before
he came into my life.


He kissed my lower stomach, inching upwards.
He moved his tongue around my belly button and his hands rubbed my flat
stomach. Then his hands slid greedily over my entire body, tracing the curves
that excited him so often. It was almost impossible to even get through breakfast
without Leon’s eyes scanning my body greedily; I loved it.


His hands cupped my breasts and I moaned as
the sensation made me grow so wet that my inner thighs were soaked. I moved my
hips against his body, the desire overpowering me now. When his mouth closed
around my nipple, I grabbed the back of his head reflexively and began to
squirm, feeling an orgasm rise below. He sucked and bit softly on the nipple,
moving his tongue around it with motions that were neither rushed nor frantic.
I moaned loudly, my body convulsing in his embrace.


I reached down and grabbed his rigid cock
with both hands. I moved my hands up and down, pulling it hard. I loved the
feel of it in my hand, the warmth and hardness that mixed together to radiate
sexuality. The skin was taut and smooth, the girth thick and the length long. I
stroked it harder and Leon rose, allowing me to pull him by his cock towards my


I pulled his cock right into my mouth,
latching my lips around the smooth, hard head. I worked my tongue against the
bottom of the head, which made him moan loudly. I saw his abs flex to stone and
I moved my tongue further down the shaft. He began to slowly move his hips back
and forward, sliding his hard cock deeper and deeper into my mouth until
finally my saliva flowed down all over it, wetting it completely. I worked my
hand up and down, using the moisture of my own spit to bring his pleasure to a
breaking point.


I slid his cock out of my mouth and ran my
tongue down the shaft, stopping on his balls. I slowly wrapped my lips around
one, pushing against it softly with my tongue, all the while still working the
shaft with my hand. Leon struggled to stay upwards; he shook with the sensation
of my tongue against him. I slid my tongue down lower and licked greedily all
over him as I worked both hands on the end of his cock. His moans grew louder
and his balls tightened against him; he was about to come. I worked my hands
harder, moved my tongue deeper and wetted it more until finally he reached down
and stopped my hands and pushed my head back, gently.


“Not yet,” he said, breathing hard. I eyed
him hungrily and winked at him. His cock twitched as I winked and I pulled
again on it. He jumped back to fight the orgasm that had built inside of him.
He reached down and kissed me, sucking on my tongue.


He backed up and looked down at me. “Beg me
to enter you,” his eyes said. His mouth only had the faintest shadow of a
seductive smile.


“Please,” I cried, the tornado of pleasure
pulling me into its vortex. “Enter me. Fill me. Make love to me.” I was moaning
loudly, pulling and teasing my nipples.


Leon pushed his cock between my dripping wet
lips and slowly, inch by inch over what felt like hours, entered me. He wrapped
his arms around me, holding me close as he thrust himself slowly inside. I
moved my hips against his and then I felt him fully inside of me. He lifted
himself up and looked at me. We were one, joined together through our embrace.


We said nothing. Our eyes vibrated with one
another’s and my body dissipated. I was nothing anymore but this being that we
had become. Every fiber of my body began to pulse and vibrate with warm energy
that felt wonderful beyond description. I reached up and ran my hands through
his hair. He moved in and out of me slowly, only pulling out an inch or so
before returning fully.


I gasped for air when I realized that I
hadn’t been breathing. Leon smiled and leaned down to kiss me. He pushed hard
into me and an orgasm grew down between my legs. I felt it rise with every
thrust of his cock in me and then finally, when he rolled me over and began to
thrust upwards into me, his rock-hard stomach rubbing against my clit as he
moved me with him, his hands on my ass, I came.


I cried out, loudly. Stars exploded behind my
eyelids and I clenched my teeth shut, unable to speak or make any more sounds.
The pleasure tore through my body and I convulsed in the throes of my orgasm.
Leon began to go faster until I felt his cock spurt inside of me. He moved
faster and faster as he came, his cock releasing his warm seed in me. I pressed
back hard against his cock as he came and I reached back to squeeze his balls
gently, heightening his climax.


Our orgasms rose and fell together. I leaned
down, practically falling on top of him, covered in sweat. His skin felt
wonderful against mine and I laid there, feeling his heartbeat against mine.
Soon, the two fell into unison as we laid together, him still inside of me, his
cock slowly losing its hardness.


Leon rolled me over gently and pulled out of
me, taking years to finally break the bond. When he finally slid out
completely, I kissed him fiercely. He laughed, high from our encounter, and I
giggled with him. I laid my head against his shoulder and we enjoyed the
silence together.


“Julie,” Leon whispered softly.


“Yes,” I replied, my voice soft and far away.


“Julie,” he said, his voice growing more
serious. “Thank you for giving me a second chance despite my idiotic attempts
to push you away. This year has been the best year of my life. I’ve never said
this to another woman. And anytime I heard someone say how hard it is to
actually say these words or some movie has some buffoon unable to say a simple
little phrase, I rolled my eyes. But now that I’m in the hot seat, it’s hard. ”


He paused. My heart hammered in my chest and
I realized that I was squeezing his hand hard. My stomach did backflips in
anticipation. Could he really be about to say what I think he’s going to say?


“Julie,” he said. “I love you.”


The world stopped. My body erupted in a
tingling sensation. I opened my mouth to speak and it dried immediately,
robbing me of my ability to speak.


Leon leaned down and kissed me on my lips.
Tears formed in my eyes and fell down across my face until I wiped them off
with the back of my hand.


“I’m glad I gave you another chance, Leon. I
love you too,” I said, sniffling. I wiped my eyes again and ran my hands
through his hair. He kissed me gently on the lips and then raised up and kissed
away my tears, one by one. He held the side of my face with his hands and looked
into my eyes.


I breathed him in and rubbed his cock with my
hand, which I felt give a slight stir. He rubbed his hands through my hair and
kissed my forehead again in a tender gesture.

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