Bonded (5 page)

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Authors: Jaymi Hanako

Tags: #Science Fiction, #space opera, #Futuristic, #Fantasy

BOOK: Bonded
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“Guess you need to be taught how to use your mouth, lady.” He pushed her again. Her head struck the edge of the cot, making the world around her spin, and she fell flat on the hard stone floor.

He climbed on top of her and forced her hands over her head. Braced one hand against the metal cuffs on her wrists, keeping her pinned. He pried her thighs apart and struggled briefly with her skirt.

He thrust against her.

His cock had softened somewhat and folded against the entrance instead of sliding inside. Repeated thrusts only made him more flaccid. He lifted his hand off her wrists, needing both hands to hold her open while guiding his semierection where he desperately wanted to go.

He wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing with her hands. The fool.

She bent her elbows, drawing her hands in front of her face. Thrust upward, keeping the chain between her wrists taut, slamming the metal links into her would-be rapist’s throat.

Air escaped his mouth in a pained gurgling sound, his eyes wide with shock.

Ethlinda struck again.

He staggered back. She lunged up with all her strength and managed to get around him. She wrapped the chain around his throat, using the metal as a makeshift garrote. He gasped, and clawed at her arms, drawing blood, but she ignored the minor pains.

Ethlinda allowed herself a small smile, a true one. “How very sad. You fight like a little girl. I choose who I bed. I always have.” His face turned bright red, and his lips took on a purplish shade. His eyes rolled back into his head. She loosened her hold a fraction, allowing him the tiniest bit of air, wanting him to hear and understand her next words. “You didn’t expect me to let you put that pathetic cock of yours inside me, did you?”

She retightened the chain. Stopped watching the man’s struggles and counted away the moments, tapping her toe impatiently.

He was taking too long to die. How she missed her magic. Her potions. Both were more efficient. And less messy.

Finally, it was over.

Ethlinda unwound the chain from the man’s throat and retrieved the keys from his belt. It took trial and error to find the right one to unlock her bonds. She paused to rub at her chafed skin, then draped both sets of chains on the guard’s chest. He would make an interesting spectacle for whoever found the body, with his trousers around his ankles. She almost wished she could stay to see the reactions.

Unfortunately, she had more important things to take care of.

She stepped out of the cell. Felt a frisson of energy run through her spine and out to the tips of her fingers as she moved out of range of the magic-suppression spells. Ethlinda felt whole again, her power as much a part of her as any physical attribute. Her merchant-class parents had encouraged and nurtured her talents from birth, investing large parts of their meager income to have her trained by the best—spending far too much. The expense eventually landed her father into a miserable place very similar to this one: a debtor’s prison.

The shame of the imprisonment had killed both of her parents. Her father by his own hand; her mother from the stress and grief. It was the one thing her magic could not fix.

But she’d found other ways to get revenge. Nothing had stopped her then, and nothing would stop her now.

A quick wave of the hand, a nearly forgotten combination of words, and the face and form of her would-be assailant covered her like a costume. Only a veneer, but it would be enough for now.

Whistling the annoying tune she’d heard him use far too many times, she casually strolled out of the cell block. Heading for freedom.

And maybe, just maybe, a little revenge too.

Chapter Four

Taimi followed Jaren into his quarters.

Behind them, faint murmurs came from the crew, but nothing distinguishable, and the heavy metal door slid shut.


The room was sparsely furnished, with only a small desk in one corner and a bed—if it could be called such—against the far wall. A surprisingly thin slab of metal—barely big enough to fit Jaren’s long frame—was covered with linens. There was nothing personal in the space. Nothing to reflect the captain’s personality.

He turned to face her, and again the look in his gorgeous hazel eyes was troubled. “Let’s get that off you.”

“Why does it bother you, Captain?”

“Jaren,” he corrected. “What bothers me?”

She touched the slave collar. “This.”

He skimmed his fingers along the edge of the gold, stopping at the tiny code pad. “Where my crew and I come from, owning another human is outlawed. So when they saw you…”

“It bothers you, what they think?”

“I’d hate to see any of them leave over this. I underwent a complete crew overhaul almost two years ago, and I’m not eager to repeat the process. Many of them would be snapped up by another freight captain in an instant, but they’ve stayed with me by choice so far.” He smiled briefly. “And for the money.”

“I see.” But she didn’t. It was a type of society she didn’t understand. Had never imagined existed. The nobles of Lorus ruled by divine right. No one ever questioned them, slave or free. She’d assumed a space captain would rule his ship in a similar manner. But she was beginning to understand that Jaren was nothing like her expectations. “I apologize for my foolish questions”—she nearly called him by his rank again, before recalling his preference—“Jaren.”

“No need to apologize.” He fished into a pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small electronic device that nearly disappeared within his large palm. The pocket assistant he’d used earlier. Apparently, it held more than just his finances. “I realize I’m dragging you into a completely different way of life. The best way to adapt and learn is to ask questions.”

“I’ve never been allowed to ask questions before.” A faint vibration began beneath her feet, sending a matching tremor up her legs. She held out a hand, seeking a brace against the odd, unsettling sensation.

“You’ve never flown before. Have you.” It wasn’t a question.

Her eyes widened as the vibrations intensified. It was not at all like riding in the small terrestrial transports on Lorus. In those, the smoothness of the ride muffled all sense of motion.

There was a sudden surge of energy. Taimi felt it all around her and lost her footing. Jaren caught her before she hit the floor. She clung to him, seeking safety in his strength. “Captain?”

“Talk about a trial by fire for you. It’s not normally this strong, but we’re loaded to almost beyond capacity, so it takes more thrust than normal to escape the system’s gravitational pull.” He set her back on her feet, holding her against his hard body a fraction longer than necessary.

He still wanted her.

She felt it—his hard, erect cock pressed into her belly through their clothing.

His expression turned grim once more. She gripped his strong arms and felt tension tighten his powerful muscles. She couldn’t worry about that now.

She was too entranced by the sight of him, after all these years of only dreaming. Dwelling on her memories. A lock of his thick, nearly black hair had fallen into his eyes, tempting her to sweep it away. “Don’t look at me like that, Taimi.”

“Like what?”

“Like you still want me.”

“I do.” Her voice was as quiet as his. At his surprised look, she added: “I didn’t think you would want me to lie.”

“It would be easier if you did.” He brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek, skimming to her lips before he drew his hand away.


“I told you before. I shouldn’t want you.”

“Why not?”

“It’s…it’s complicated.”

. She sensed it had something to do with her former mistress. Lady Ethlinda’s attempt to kill him failed, but had she succeeded in destroying his heart instead?

Taimi didn’t think so.

It was still there. She had to believe it was still there, beating under the defensive armor he’d walled around his emotions. He tried to pull away, and she tightened her fingers. “Please.”

He exhaled sharply and set her away from him. “No.” He gave her a small smile, as if to soften the harshness of the word. “Let’s set you free. Now. Turn around.”

She did.

He pushed her hair in front of her shoulders and turned down the collar of her blouse to more fully expose the lock. He ran one finger from the base of her skull to the edge of the collar, making her shiver. His voice was deeper, huskier than before. “It’s a touch release, along with the combination.” He continued to skim along where the metal touched her skin, bringing fresh shivers and a pooling of heat between her legs in the spot where she was so very tender. Taimi began to breathe faster, wishing he would ignore the collar and just keep on touching her.

“Hold still,” he said instead. “You’re trembling.”

“I’m trying. It’s not easy when you’re touching me.”

“Taimi.” Her name was barely more than an exhalation of sound. “Don’t.”

The husky need in his deep voice made her squirm again. She bit her lip before another unwanted admission tumbled free. She held her breath and tried to still herself.

He touched the lock: five light taps followed by a lingering press. The collar made a faint whirring sound, and the latch clicked open. He tossed it aside. “Damn thing was too tight. Your skin is raw.”

Without the collar, she felt more naked, more exposed than when she’d stood before him without any clothing. “It feels strange.”

“Have you worn one all your life?”

“Almost. A slave is fitted with one once he or she passes their first year. The weight of the collar is a choking risk for infants. It is replaced as often as needed, with growth.”

“But not always. It left marks. Here.” He touched the base of her neck again. “And here. Does that hurt?”

“No.” She wasn’t aware of anything except his touch.

His breath was warm and moist against her skin. He touched his mouth to the same place as his fingers and followed the line where her collar had rested, slowly walking around until he was in front of her once more.

She arched her neck back to give him better access, a whimper of pleasure escaping her lips.

“You’re so beautiful, Taimi,” he whispered. “You tempt me so much.”

“I… I still don’t understand. Why is that a bad thing?”

The question was a mistake. He started to retreat. She looped her arms around his neck, trapping him as best she could, and turned her face up to his.

Jaren groaned, deep in his throat. Crushed his arms tight around her and claimed her mouth. She yielded, welcoming the sweep of his tongue between her lips.

He was so hard. So strong and solid. He anchored her against the power of the ship, as if he were stronger than the machine.

The kiss deepened. She clutched at his shoulders as he began to run his hands over her body. One hand slid to her rear, bracing her against his strength. He began to rock against her and slid his other hand between their bodies, up under the loose hem of her blouse. To her breast.

Taimi moaned.

She wanted… Oh, how she wanted him! So much.

His touch set off sensations like fire, racing through her veins. All feelings focused on him. And only him. He was her dream come true. Her living fantasy.

She no longer felt the movements of the ship, nor heard the distant roar of the engines. She didn’t realize they had moved until she felt the metal of his bed pressing into the back of her knees. Then she was falling. Falling into the linens, and his weight on her became a welcome burden. She opened her legs. He began to raise her skirt slowly, higher and higher. Teasing them both with the deliberate pace.

A series of sharp knocks rapped on the door. “Captain?”

Jaren swore and pushed off the bed. He slashed a hand through his dark hair—a quick, agitated motion—and growled out: “What?”

It was the first mate’s voice, tinged with a very masculine amusement. “Sorry to interrupt, sir, but you’re needed on the bridge. We’re receiving a Priority One transmission from the Lorus system. A private message for you.”

“Fine. I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Taimi, his mouth drawn in a straight line. That was a far too common expression for him. Evidence of his deeply rooted sorrow. He drew the small packet from the cloth merchant out of his pocket and handed it to her. “I forgot to give you these.”

“Thank you. Do you want me to go with you, Captain?”

“No need. Especially since you’ve never walked on a moving ship before.” So he was afraid she might slow him down. Fair enough, she supposed, but there was much more he wasn’t saying. An odd sort of tension simmered under his words, one Taimi didn’t understand.

“I think I’ll start on the alterations. If you don’t need me for anything else?”

“Make yourself at home. As soon as I have a free moment, I’ll come back and give you the grand tour of the ship.”

* * * *

“Nice welcoming party they’ve got for us, Captain.” Dev pulled his pistol out of his holster and sighted down the barrel toward the viewing port. “Twenty Lorian guards armed to the teeth and five guys in those fancy robes that say they’re someone important.”

“Put that away, Dev. We’re not looking for trouble.”

“If you insist. Still can’t believe they want to blame you, when they’re the ones who couldn’t keep the ‘lady’ in custody.” He raised a brow. “Looks like you won’t have much free time left for—”

“Don’t go there.”


But he wasn’t sorry. Jaren saw it in his eyes. His damned friend was having way too much fun at his expense. Jaren didn’t want to talk about Taimi or his wholly inconvenient attraction to the young woman. Not even in jest. Especially not in jest. “No telling how long the inspection will take with these bureaucrats. As soon as we open the ship, tell the crew they’ll get the leave they wanted. But warn them to stay on their guard. Pleasure comes at a high price on this system.”

“You would know that better than anyone.”


“Think little Taimi would be willing to show me around the festival?” At Jaren’s growl, Dev laughed and held up both hands, palms flat, in front of his massive chest. “Look, Captain, if you’ve already staked a claim on the girl, you know I won’t touch what’s yours.”

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