Read Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

Tags: #BDSM; Contemporary

Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure (6 page)

BOOK: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure
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Thankfully, she ran into no one on the way back to her room. Valerie was still snoring away. Emma looked through her clothes critically. The outfit she had chosen the night before, which had seemed so daring, now seemed almost tame. She couldn’t wear it again anyway. And she had nothing else as sexy, although she supposed she could leave a blouse partly unbuttoned and that would show as much or more cleavage than the tank top. She had a white blouse that wasn’t entirely opaque, although it was close enough that she wore it to her job with a pale chemise underneath it without a fret. She grinned and grabbed her black bra. There. That would make a statement. She added a black skirt that ended above her knee and then rolled up the waistband once to get an extra inch of leg. A black thong made her feel extra sexy, although no one could tell whether she was wearing that or granny panties.

Then again, maybe Diego will lift the skirt. Maybe he’ll do it in front of everyone
. At Bondage Ranch it would be more embarrassing to be caught with white cotton briefs than it would be with a thong. Probably. She went to work on her makeup.

She was standing in front of the mirror to the side of the window and had just finished putting on her lipstick when there was a knock on the door.

Her heart skipped a beat. She tried to be cool as she smoothed out her skirt before walking to get the door. The knock woke Valerie, who muttered something incoherent as she sat up. Valerie slept naked, and she hadn’t bothered to pull the sheet up to cover herself, either.

“Do you mind?” asked Emma.

“Not at all,” said Valerie, who didn’t move.

“Just what I want. Diego to see your boobs the moment he walks in.”

“Doesn’t bother me. You’re such a prude, Emma.” Nonetheless Valerie wrapped the sheet around her.

“Thank you.” Emma opened the door.

Diego filled the door frame. His black hair was unruly, his black shirt partly unbuttoned, his black jeans faded, and he looked fabulous. She doubted he spent more than a second thinking about how much chest to show, and his jeans were probably only tight because with his muscles it would be hard to find loose ones, but it didn’t matter.
I ought to stop staring and say something
. But staring was a hell of a lot easier.

“Good God, don’t you people sleep in?” Valerie grumbled. Emma heard Valerie’s feet hit the floor but didn’t want to tear her gaze away from Diego to find out whether Valerie had contrived to be decent. Diego was looking at her, and that was what mattered. His gaze swept Emma from head to toe and then back up again. There was no coyness in it, and he met her eyes when he was done.

“You look fantastic,” he said. “I was wondering whether we could continue where we left off.”

“Here?” That was problematic, with Valerie around. “Or out there?” She waved aimlessly. The dungeon was scary in its own way, although the idea set her pulse racing.
Okay, maybe I am turned on by showing off. That doesn’t mean I want to do it.

He grinned. “Better be out there. Valerie needs her beauty sleep. By the way, Valerie, it’s after ten.”

“Bah,” said Val. “That’s ungodly on a Saturday. But give me a few to get dressed and I’ll get out of your way.”

To her surprise, Emma felt a little disappointed.

“We’ll be waiting outside,” said Diego.

“We will?”

“Yes.” He took her hand in his, settled the other hand around her waist, and pulled her outside. A couple were walking by. “Hi, Diego,” both said at once.

“Hi,” he said. “Busy now.” He pinned her against the wall and kissed her. His hard chest pressed her breasts, and his leg ended up between hers, nudging her skirt up and rubbing between her thighs deliciously. But it was the kiss that took her breath away and made her close her eyes to focus on it. His tongue invaded her mouth, taking what he wanted. What she wanted too. She kissed him back eagerly, barely registering the giggles of his friends as they continued on.

They were still kissing when Valerie emerged, wrapped in a towel and apparently wearing nothing else but thigh-high boots, carrying a corset and a leather skirt. “In a domme mood today,” she announced. “Of course, that could change. Have fun, Emma. Oh, and Diego?”


“Fuck her good. It’s been a while for her.”

“Valerie!” Was no secret safe? But she knew Valerie meant well, so she wasn’t angry so much as exasperated.

“I will,” said Diego.

Emma blushed.

Valerie walked toward the showers.

“Now then. Are you sure you want to go into your room? Because I’m perfectly capable of taking you in the dungeon, tied up and helpless. Or right here.” He slipped his hand under her skirt, along the outside of her thigh, and tugged at the waistband of her panties.

“No. Inside.”

Diego chuckled and went into the room with her. He shut the door behind them. “Should I lock it? In case Valerie forgets and comes back?”

“Or decides we wouldn’t mind.”

“Or wants a threesome.”

“You would mind that?”

“Yes, actually. I want to focus on you.” His gaze felt hot suddenly. Focused was a good word for it, like what a magnifying glass did to sunlight. She’d have to be careful not to get burned with him. It would be so easy to fall in love with a man like him, and it would be such a mistake. She looked away, but her gaze rested on the bed. Was that where they were headed?
Good morning, let’s fuck?
Part of her wanted to. She was feeling aroused from the kiss and from the feeling of his hard thigh rubbing against her.

“Lock it,” she said. She knew it was dangerous to be alone with a strange man, but the way he’d asked her, even though he was supposed to be the dom, made her trust him.

He turned and twisted the lock shut, then turned to face her. “Now, are you prepared to follow directions?”

She blinked. She hadn’t been thinking straight. Following directions sounded lovely, but any directions? “Um, maybe.”

“You have your safe word. But if you’d like to discuss limits, we should do that now. Before we get carried away.”

Carried away was what I almost was
. “What kind of limits?”

“That’s up to you.”

“Fine. Um, we stay in this room.”

He brushed her cheek with his hand. “We can do that, Emma. Is going out there what scares you most?”

“Well. It’s what I think you might want to do.”

He chuckled. “That’s not usually where a sub starts with limits.”

“Maybe I’m not very submissive.”

“Maybe.” He looked doubtful. “We’ll have to find out. But we will stay in this room, unless we negotiate otherwise later.”

That’s what I want, isn’t it?
The public scene had stirred things in her she wasn’t sure she wanted stirred. And had turned her on powerfully.
What if I can’t get as turned on with him alone? Will he be disappointed? And what will it say about me?

He brushed the side of her breast with the same motion he’d used earlier for her cheek, and it sent shivers through her. “Anything else?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Good answer. It’s impossible to think of everything. And when you’re new to the scene, that’s even more true as you don’t know everything I might do to you.”

She nodded. “Where’s your toy bag, anyway?”

He grinned. “I’ve got what I need. The bag is in the dungeon. If you want toys, we’d have to go there, but I don’t need them to show you a good time.” He kissed her lightly, his lips barely brushing hers. She could feel the heat of his breath on her. “You’re ready to submit.”

“I am?” She trembled. Her knees felt weak.

“You are.”

“How do you know?”

His lips brushed against hers again. “You give off a dozen signals. Your breath. Your pulse. The way your eyes look at mine and then shift away. The way your nipples tighten when I touch a few inches away.” He unbuttoned another button on her blouse.

She looked down and saw that her nipples had made an impression, even through her bra and blouse. Well, both were a bit flimsy. But now that he’d drawn attention to them, they ached. “Yes, Sir.” Hopefully that was enough consent for him, because she didn’t feel like more conversation.

He unbuttoned one more button, leaving two still attached, and pulled back the blouse so that her breasts popped right out of it. “Beautiful, Emma.” He squeezed each peak lightly through the bra, the lace feeling scratchy against the tender nubs. “Kneel.”

She blinked and then slowly sank to her knees. It wasn’t graceful. She had to look up to him even normally, but now he looked like a mountain. She stared up at him. The floor was hard, but she didn’t want to disappoint him by complaining. She hoped he didn’t make her stay there long.

“Good girl,” he said. “Spread your knees apart.”

She glanced down. He pulled her chin up. “No. Keep your gaze on me. I’m watching you, Emma. That you can’t hide from. I will watch every move you make, feel every twitch. I’ll see you when you come for me.”

Yeah. Him watching was enough to make her toes curl. “Maybe you won’t be able to make me come.”

“Not a chance.”

His confidence was intoxicating, but it wasn’t always that easy. Especially when she was nervous. Her sore knees were definitely going to be a distraction. Still, she did as he asked and spread her knees while keeping her gaze on him.

“Good girl,” he said. “It would look even more beautiful if you were naked. Would you like being naked for me, Emma?”

Damn him. Still, admitting enjoying being naked with a lover wasn’t as bad as enjoying it in a crowd. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He grinned. “Good.” She didn’t know whether he was complimenting her desire or her saying it properly, but either way she couldn’t help but smile. Why did she want to please him so much? She’d heard Valerie talk about the wild things she’d done, whether topping or subbing, and they’d sounded enticing. Especially when Valerie talked about being
to do things. But Val hadn’t talked about how good it felt to be pleasing.

“You’ve done a good job keeping your eyes steady,” Diego said. “Remember that’s what I want. Some doms like you to avert your gaze to show respect. But I want to know your eyes are on me when you’re kneeling, anticipating, wanting to see my reactions. Still, it’s time to take you to another place.”

“You promised!” she protested.

He chuckled. “Not another physical place. Another mental space. Close your eyes.”

It took a moment for that to settle in. She decided she trusted him. She closed her eyes. Moments later she felt a blindfold pressing lightly on them, then wrapped tightly around the back of her head. Everything was black.

She felt him pull her blouse out of her skirt and then unbutton the remaining buttons. He unbuttoned the sleeves. Then he pulled it off her. Her bra followed. The cool air on her chest reminded her again of the way he’d clamped her nipples and of his much more recent touch. Her stomach being bare seemed to make her attention flow down toward her pussy, even though that was perfectly covered. She wished it wasn’t.

Yes, I like being naked in front of you.

He touched her breasts with featherlight fingers, giving her gooseflesh. By the time he brushed against her peaks, they were hard and aching. Something warm and wet touched them.
His tongue
. He sucked her in. He picked up her hands and held them. She giggled.

“What’s funny?” He had to stop sucking to ask, and she regretted laughing because of it.

“It’s so tender. You holding my hands. You sucking on my breasts. Not exactly S and M, is it?”

“Not everything has to be. You’re in my control. Dominance and submission, that’s what I’m interested in, not pain for pain’s sake.” He kissed each tip one more time.

That made sense. Her dreams about whips and such had never been about the pain. That’s why doing it with Valerie didn’t work. It wasn’t about the sensation; it was about the connection. And for this connection, her knees could endure anything.

“I love your surrender.” His lips brushed across hers, but when she tried to deepen the kiss, he pulled back. “No. I decide.”

She pouted.

“Trust me. Even if you’re not getting exactly what you want right at the moment, trust me.”

It had worked the night before. “Yes, Sir.”

He stood, still holding her hands. “Stand up now. I’ll stop you from falling.”

Why would I fall?
But when she rose, she realized what he meant. It was harder without seeing even if the motions were exactly the same. He slid his hand to her elbow to steady her. When she was stable, he let go entirely. She felt his absence almost like a physical blow.

It must have showed on her face, because he said, “Easy. Trust. I won’t leave you. Stand straight and proud.” He wasn’t far away.

She tried her best to do as he requested. Without visual cues, it was hard to have a sense if she was doing a good job. She heard his footsteps around her. Was he circling her, inspecting? She imagined the heat of his gaze on her and blushed. Did he like what he saw? When he stepped behind her, she reached up to scratch the side of her nose and maybe, just maybe, to nudge the blindfold enough to get a glimpse.

He caught her wrist in a viselike grip before she had a chance. “I don’t think so.” He grabbed the other hand and pulled it behind her. Soon he held both wrists in one firm hand. She tried to get free. She couldn’t.

Soft fabric wrapped around both wrists and then tightened. It brushed against her butt and the back of her knees, as well, so there was plenty left over. It hadn’t been anything he’d brought with him then. Whatever he used to tie her with was too big to have been in his pockets.
My blouse
. It had the same silky feel. She pulled on it, but she knew the fabric would tear before the knot gave.

“Want to struggle, little treasure? I don’t mind.”


He cupped her boobs. “Such nice breasts you have. They fit just right in my hand, you know. And your nipples get so hard and long.” He let go, and she heard him move his feet. “Lovely to feel. Lovely to look at.”

“Are you staring at them?” she demanded.

BOOK: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure
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