Bondage Celebration (2 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

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Your devoted soulmate, forever and always,


Laura dabbed at the tears, trying to contain them before they ruined her makeup. She was so thankful Nick had chosen a courier service to deliver the package rather than give it to her in person. She hated disappointing him. More than likely, she would have shoved her concerns aside and accepted just to avoid a confrontation.

Of course he knew that and had set it up this way on purpose. The stabbing realization only compounded her feeling of inadequacy. He always saw to her needs and yet, she couldn’t do this one thing for him.

Enough wallowing!
Obviously she wasn’t going to get any work done. She might as well head home. One of the perks of being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company was that very few people would dare to question her playing hooky for the afternoon.

“Jessica,” she spoke into the intercom, “cancel my afternoon appointments. Something has come up and I need to leave for the day.”

“Of course, Mrs Branson.”

As she rose from her office chair, her sore muscles reminded her of the scene they’d played last night. Her hands had been bound by rope and attached to a hook in the ceiling. With a larger than she thought possible butt plug stretching her ass, Nick had flogged her until her bones melted into a puddle at his feet. The remembered feel of those suede strands caressing her body sent a rush of wetness to her pussy. Even her tender ass was a delicious reminder. If she didn’t think about
he continued to plug her naughty hole, she could bask in the afterglow.

With a reverence, Laura placed her husband’s gift into her briefcase, intending to put it in the safe as soon as she got home.

* * * *

Nick looked down at Laura’s text message—
Thank you, Sir
. They had come so far, yet had so much farther to go. He hadn’t realized what a sham their marriage had become until a few weeks ago when he’d discovered his wife’s well hidden interest in BDSM. His emotions had run wild for a short time. Initially, anger and hurt had ridden him pretty hard. Guilt had eventually nudged them out. He’d had a few secrets of his own.

It was too soon for Laura to accept his collar. Intellectually, he’d expected her passive refusal. Emotionally, it was a poker in his gut. A Dominant/submissive relationship with Laura had once been a fantasy, a dream he’d never believed would come true. After living it for a weekend, he wanted to immerse himself in it for all time.

By not communicating his wants and desires with Laura, he had sentenced them both to a life of mediocrity. Neither partner had been having their needs met. It didn’t matter that he’d believed, in his heart, he was doing what she wanted. As he’d told more than one client, ignorance of the law didn’t absolve you of your responsibilities. Rather than ask her, he’d chosen to stand by his right to remain silent. No more of that. Laura would know exactly what he wanted from here on out.

* * * *

It was hours later and Laura still didn’t want to talk about the collar and what it meant to their lives. To keep Nick from bringing it up, she launched into another touchy subject. “What do you plan to tell Frank about the renovation?” She wasn’t sure she was ready to admit to the world she wanted an area of her house designed specifically for sex. Rough, fantastic, tie me up and fuck me sex.

“He’s going to ask how we intend to use the space. What do you want me to tell him? He’s done quite a bit of work at the clubs and he has Master’s rights. It won’t take him long to figure out it’s a playroom.”

At the mention of the club, Laura’s stomach dropped. She was both excited and anxious about her upcoming, first time visit to the kink club, DiscipliNation. The fact her husband had hidden their part ownership of the club chain was still a sore spot. Laura wanted him to take her, had even badgered him until he’d agreed. She was dying to see what it was actually like. “Is Frank discreet?”

“What are you worried about, Angel? He certainly wouldn’t mention it to anyone outside the lifestyle. It’s a major faux-pas to out anyone. We can request a privacy clause be written into the contract if it would ease your mind. Frank has a woodworker on his payroll that has custom built many pieces of equipment for DiscipliNation. I think we should consider utilizing his talents. Everything we want is available online, but we’d have more options and be sure of the quality if we went that route.”

“What equipment do you think we need?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the list. And she was sure there was a list. Her husband was nothing if not efficient.

A sparkle in his eye told her he was up to no good. “A spanking bench is mandatory. We need to discuss which style you’re most comfortable with.” He brought up two photos in a split screen on his laptop. She was pleased the pictures were of the equipment alone. If a naked woman had been draped across the bench, her jealousy meter would have spiked, making it impossible to focus on his questions.

“This one can be used a couple different ways,” he said, pointing to a gymnastic vaulting horse type bench. “I think most often you’d be standing. Your cuffed wrists would be secured to hooks in the wall and your legs bound to the bench uprights. Your weight is primarily on your hips and stomach.”

Nick enlarged the second photo. “With this style, you’re kneeling. Your weight is spread out along your torso, arms and legs. Both allow easy access to your pussy and breasts. Do you have a preference?”

Laura thought it looked like a sawhorse with shelves. The ability to speak seemed just out of reach. It seemed so wrong to be talking about this, yet she couldn’t deny that just thinking about the possibilities had her wet. Her clit was coming to life. Why couldn’t he just decide this on his own?

“Laura, your Dom asked you a direct question.” His tone, as always, affected her. She knew remaining silent wasn’t an option.

“Yes, Sir, I know. I just don’t have an answer.”

He was watching her intently. It used to make her nervous and if she was completely truthful it sometimes still did. He seemed to know her every nuance. She had such a difficult time verbalizing her wants and desires, unless he held her teetering on the edge of an orgasm, then she was honest to a fault. He was constantly pushing her to open up and talk him.

“You know what it’s like to lay across the bed or my lap. Some subs find it less mentally daunting, but physically more intense. Having your hips bent tightens the muscles and skin across your ass, causing the blows to intensify.” Pointing to the vaulting horse design, he explained, “It’s common to restrain a sub spread eagle on this bench. Mentally, subs feel very exposed. It’s physically more demanding. Your arms and legs would be stretched out away from the body, often on tippy toes, but the actual beating is easier to endure.”

Laura’s fingernails dug into her palms as she fought to keep her expression serene. It bothered her on many levels that he was better educated in the lifestyle than she was. That he understood how each apparatus worked was comforting, but knowing how subs viewed or experienced each one pissed her off. She didn’t want to know how he’d gained that insight.

She had the green-eyed jealousy monster riding her hard. Her insecurities kept that monster well fed and raring to go. Knowing it was her own feelings of inadequacy that gave it life did very little to reduce the power it held over her.

Her libido was toying with her too. Looking at sex furniture had her mind going to places she had just recently discovered. Choosing a bench her body would be draped over then spanked, flogged, whipped or who knows what else, was both daunting and freaking hot.

She kept going back to the vaulting horse design. It was less complicated. Every time she looked at the photo she felt the pull of the restraints along her wrists. Over the last couple of weeks, she’d learned she loved to be tied up. Who knew?

“Would you prefer spread eagle or kneeling?”

She pointed to the picture of the vaulting horse style bench.

“Unless you want to wear a ball gag for an hour this evening, start talking to me, subbie.”

There was no doubt he would carry through with it too. “Spread eagle, Sir.” He was always careful to keep his threats—choices, he called them, reasonable. He was nothing if not consistent. She found it exasperating and totally erotic.

“Good girl. The sawhorse design can also be used for anal penetration so I’m leaning toward that one. I will, however, keep your preference in mind.”

He took a few minutes to bring up several pictures of St Andrew Crosses. “These are all very similar, do you like one over the others?”

“No, Sir. The styles are all about the same. I do like the wood better than the other materials though.”

“Much better, Angel. Thank you.”

His praise gave her a warm feeling inside. She really needed to get over herself. If he wanted her opinion, she should give him the courtesy of answering without him having to drag it out of her. Maybe someday it would come easier.

“I was thinking, since we have such a large area available, we should subdivide a portion of the space for theme settings. I don’t want to close them off completely by making rooms, just use partitions like a movie set. Is there a particular theme that interests you?”

Oh, good heavens, why did he ask such embarrassing questions? He kept telling her honest, open communication was the key to a successful D/s relationship. He couldn’t fulfill her fantasies if he didn’t know what they were. She took a deep breath before telling one of her more mainstream fantasies. “The renaissance Lord and Master attracted to a house slave, interests me.”

He nodded his head. “I can work with that. When you picture it in your mind what does the setting look like?”

His easy acceptance and straightforward response made answering easier. “A stone fireplace, a large throne, big four poster bed—that sort of thing.”

“The fireplace could take some doing since we’re working in the basement, but we can figure out something.” Nick waited until she met his gaze. “Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it was difficult. You pleased your Dom.”

She glanced down at her hands. Noticing she was wringing them into mini pretzels, she made a concerted effort to relax. “Do you have any themed fantasies you’d like to explore, Sir?”

“Oh yes, Angel, several. What do you think about being my captured spy? When you’re being less than forthcoming with information, I can torture it out of you.”

Her heart stopped then started pounding double time at the images that fantasy conjured in her mind. “I think that would be hot.”

“Oh, my beautiful subbie, if Frank wasn’t due to arrive in a few minutes, you’d be impaled on my cock about now.”

“Don’t tease me, Sir. It’s been a long day without you.” She’d like nothing more than to have his cock buried deep inside her.

Nick placed her hand over the bulge in his pants. “It goes both ways, Angel.” Once he let go of her hand, he continued with their conversation. “I want a station with a desk, too—like the one in my office. I’ve often fantasized about chaining you to it and doing all manner of rude and inappropriate things.”

“I’d like that.” Her voice a mere whisper.

“There is one other thing I want to talk with you about. I want to put in a closed circuit video and audio feed.” He paused and smiled.

She assumed her eyes had bugged out of her face.

“There are several reasons I think it would be beneficial. While we’ve played, expressions have flittered across your face and I've wondered what you were thinking and feeling. I didn’t want to draw your focus out of the scene by making you answer me at the time, but if I’m going to successfully design scenes to maximize your pleasure, I need to know what’s going through your mind. Until you naturally begin expressing yourself, we can use the video as a means of identifying and discussing certain aspects of our play. Secondly, you have some serious body image misconceptions. The video could help solve that dilemma as well.”

“What if it fell into the wrong hands? What if the kids found it on the hard drive? I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Panic washed over her. When she was fully clothed, cameras weren’t her friend. A video of her naked was too mortifying to imagine.

“How do you address your Dom, subbie?” His tone brokered no mercy.

“I’m sorry, Sir. Your suggestion rattled me.”

“Showing me respect should come naturally. I see more discipline is needed.”

He couldn’t say words like that when company was coming. She was already wet and excited.

“You’ll wear the ball gag while you practice your kneeling exercises tonight.”

“Yes, Sir.” She’d rather be spanked. Weren’t they discussing spanking benches? It was cruel of him to deny her.

Oh my God. Did she really feel deprived because he didn’t want to spank her? What the hell was happening to her?

It’s that stupid logical consequences bullshit again. She took a deep breath. “I’m so sorry I ever had you read that book,” she grumbled.

“I didn’t quite catch that. What did you say?”

His arrogant grin told a different story, but she worried what else he would decide to torture her with if she repeated it. Now that she thought about it, wearing the ball gag was sexy too. Those wide straps pulled tight across her cheeks… Maybe if she asked nicely he’d use the padlock…

“I know security of the tapes is a concern for you and with due cause. Do you trust your Dom to see to your privacy? To protect you?”

“Yes, Sir.” She knew this wasn’t a fight she’d win. They both understood the real problem had more to do with her body image than a privacy matter.

“Thank you, Angel. So it’s settled. We will instruct Frank to wire the room. I want it hard wired, so there’s no chance of a wireless device being compromised. I promise you it will be secure.”

* * * *

Shortly after welcoming Frank into their home, Laura heard her cell phone jangle an alert. Only a few people had that distinct ringtone assigned to them and when it rang she needed to answer it immediately.

Laura didn’t want to be rude to their guest or Nick, but it really was important. She looked up and met his gaze. A satisfied smile broke across Nick’s handsome face. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. With his warm breath caressing her neck, she felt her nipples stand at attention.

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