BOMAW Vol. 10-12 (188 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: BOMAW Vol. 10-12
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"Hello?" Sheila answered.

"What's up m'darlin' - how you doin' tonight?"

Sheila giggled, smiled, "Listen at who in a good mood, I'm doin' just fine. How you all?"

"Like pigs in wet, cold mud on a hot blazin' day."

Sheila laughed, "You somethin' else, I swear you are. I'm glad to hear it, you call to talk to me?"

"As much as I love it, no - Dennis there?"

"Hang on a minute, I'll get'im. - 'Oh Den-ni-i-is - Shawn on the phone'!!" He heard her shout out, and then, a fumbling line cut in and Dennis' voice, "I got it!"

"Talk to you later Shawn!"


They heard her hang up with a click.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Concerning what we talked about last time?"

"Yeah, what's up with that."

"I have someone very reliable looking into it. We'll know soon enough, just how smart we are in deciphering coincidences."

"Man, I can't get my mind off it. My guts been tied in a knot since."

"Well then you can imagine me, seeing as how she's my wife."

"Oh yes I can, so what you got planned?"

"What I have planned Dennis, I'm going to need your help on."

"I don't give a shit what it is, I'm in - what you need? Because that motha'fuckin' Armundo - need to be buried 20-feet deep, hell with 6 feet under."

Shawn exhaled, "Thank you so much, I wasn't sure you would."

"You know what, for Sylvia, for them kids - no hesitation. What you got planned?"

"I'm gonna notify. If - that is - if he is still alive, there are - persons - who need to know, if you know what I mean?"

"Spell it out man, fuck code words and shit - spell it out!"

"Okay, I need to know who he's cheated. Who he shit on with the drug deal. Can you find that out for me?"

"That's all you need me to do?"

"Part of it."

"That's done, I know exactly who. I don't like him and his posse - but I know who he is."

"Oh Dennis, Dennis thank you. So, here it is. If - that is, if he is still alive, and we find out where he is, we need to let that man know, he's alive and kickin' - enjoying the proceeds of his stolen goods. And then, we step back and leave it alone, and pray for the best."

"Naw man, his ass slippery. We find out where his ass is, we need to get him and bury him, simple as that. He show back up on the scene, do you know what that could do to Sylvia? Them kids?"

Shawn went quiet, "I didn't think - you would feel that way, you're surprising me to be honest."

"Shawn, to say I don't like him, is putting it mildly. For all intents and purposes, he dead anyway, right? He made that decision, so hey, let's just officialise it."

"I can't Dennis. I gave my word, hands off. We have to do it this way, and pray. Believe me, if I didn't have to give my word to find out, to find him, I wouldn't have. I like your method much better, because then, no if's ands or buts - but my hands are tied this time."

"Shawn - if he show up on your doorstep-..."

"Dennis, if he shows up on my doorstep, within my domain, on my property, on my land? He's all mine - all bets are off - I will not hesitate, I mean that."

"The thing is man, sometimes - you have to go for it - to keep it from coming to you, sometimes you gotta do that."

Shawn shook his head chuckling, "My wife would be very upset with you if she heard you saying that to me, knowing how I am."

"She ain't got to know, don't be tellin' her shit!"

Shawn laughed, "Dennis - you just don't know."

"I guess not. All I know is, the world ain't right - and long as it's not - we have to learn to take care o'ours! 'Cause you know damn well - if he alive - that mean David is dead. If David is dead, what that tell you, in who we dealing with?"

"I know Dennis, I know, believe me I do."

"I wish you knew dawg, I wish you knew. Fact is, the law don't give a damn about the black man killin' off his own. If it was left up to them, they'd turn a blind eye until we all exterminated each other. I got no use, or compassion for a black man, that don't give a damn about his own! The white man in power is killin' us off left, right and center, and then, we gone help'im? What kind of shit is that? I'm tired of it man! I swear to God, I've had enough of the shit. A man that don't give a damn about his own, can't be trusted to give a damn about nobody! Take - that - motha'fucka' - OUT! Fuck'im and every damn one like'im!"

"Whoa Dennis, what's going on with you?"

"I'm gettin' tired man - I'm gettin' fed up with all the bullshit! Brotha's killin' brotha's!"

"Look what you're suggesting Dennis."

"He ain't my brother man! You hear me? He is not my brother! The ones driving by shootin' us down because he need to sell more drugs, ain't my brotha' - you hear me? The ones preying on our own when they down and out, at their weakest to hook them on what they prescribe - to grow that dollar - ain't - my - brotha'! Okay? I am not confused in my thinkin'!That's just the way I feel. I got boys I'm raising - my beautiful sons! The less of those sonof'bitches on the street screwing us all over, the better chance my boys got of making it to 21 - 35 - 40 or hell, retirement age. I didn't bring my sons into this world to be taken out by someone that should be their brotha' - but not! I'm tired man, I tired of all this bullshit! Sitting in that police station, looking over them books, did something to me man, it did something. I haven't been the same since. And I'm telling you now - Armundo Payne - is good for only one goddamn thing, and that's fertilizing the soil somewhere! Goddammit if you can't be a benefit to us walking on the earth, then fuck it - we gone plant a tree over yo'ass! Hell, the tree we need, but motha'fucka's like that, we don't! That's where I'm at right now."

Shawn whistled, "Wheeooo! Wow. Dennis, I'm afraid - you and I could be considered the worse combination of association. There's not a thing you've said that I disagree with, but I've given my word."

"I have to respect that - and I'll do my part. First things first, find out if he still alive and kickin' - if so - the right - persons - will know. I'm gone make sure of that. Even so, we still got this situation with David. How do we see to it that his family knows, what really happened to him? IF - our if - is so?"

"Let's cross that bridge, when we get there. For now, please please please - make sure, Sheila says nothing to Sylvia about what's going on. Or Vivian for that matter."

"She won't, I guarantee you that. What about Ms Martin, Mr. Martin?"

"I'm calling them next."

"I'mo let you off to do that."

"Thanks Dennis - last thing - we do need to work on getting you out of the city - it's getting to you man, it is."

"Man, it's on my mind, but the truth is, I can run from this shit, but I can't hide from it. One way or the other, it always finds it's way back to you."

"True, but moving away from it, buys you that extra bit of time in between so that you can at least, catch your breath, know what I'm saying?"

"Yeah man, make yo' calls - I'll catch you later."

"Alright Dennis, got you on speed dial."


Chapter 284


Hanging up from him, he hit the next person on speed dial of his phone, Lydia answered.

"Lydia, it's me, Shawn."

"Hey sugga, what's going on?"

"I ah, know about what's going on - you and Lucas searching for David." He spoke softly, uncertain of her mood.

"Em, Dennis tell you?"

"Yes ma'am, he did. I'm calling to ask a favor concerning all of this, if you would?"

"If I can, what?"

"Until something concrete arises, can you please not tell Sylvia about this? I just don't want her getting all upset when nothing is sure."

"Honey, I agree. That's why I ain't said nothing to her about it yet. Them two use to be real close growing up. I hope he just out there somewhere, neglectin' to call."

"Me too Ms Martin, more than anything, I sure hope you're right. Besides that, you all right?"

"I'm fine, Lucas fine."

"I also heard that your other son, Lucas Jr. showed up, he's the one that raised the alarm?"

"Yes, and he's the one that might blab it out to Sylvia. He lookin' for her by the way."

"I know, I've heard."

"You listen t'me, don't put up with no mess from him, you hear me? Ain't no tellin' what likely to come out of his mouth, no matter what he say to you, I love'ya, Lucas see you good for our Sylvia - don't matter what no body else say, or think! You hear me?"

"Yes ma'am, I do. I'll be all right. You wouldn't know how to reach him would you?"

"Nooo chile, he just showed up here and before we could exchange anything like that, I was showin' him the door. So, I can't help you there."

"That's okay - no matter - we'll just have to deal with him when he gets here. On a lighter note, guess what?"

"What?" She perked up right away hearing the upswing in his tone.

"Vivian - might be pregnant!"

"Wooowee! Ya'll something else!" She laughed, "I should'ah known news like that be here soon."

Shawn was laughing, "Well it's not a sure thing yet, my sister is spreading it all over the place - at the same time she's planning their wedding. It's in August and a good thing too if she is pregnant."

"She probably is with that brother of yo's! Lord the thangs Ms Earthaleen say be goin' on down there, I ain't never seen her so animated. She be fussing about the stuff going on, but she ain't never been more happy! Now she mopin' cause ain't nobody down there!" She laughed. "Wait 'til I tell her she might be pregnant! I hope she is, lord, all these babies comin'! That sho'is good news, an' I need me some good news!"

"Now that I know that, as I get it, I'll be passing it on to you." He promised.

"The more the better!"

"Alright then, I'll be lettin' you go, but I'll be back in touch."

"You know I'm always glad to hear from you, talk to you later sugga'."

Shawn sat a moment taking a breather, glad that he'd gotten all of that done. He looked around making sure everything was as he found it, as well, putting all of the things he collected on Armundo back where he'd gotten them from. As he was leaving Sylvia's office, coming into the upstairs kitchen, still under construction, he saw the back of Crystal heading for her room. Obviously her talk with Victor was over and he could only wonder how that went. He walked to the door, noting it was closed, he tapped on it.

"Crystal? You okay?"

On the other side of the door Crystal was checking herself in the mirror, a bit nervous. She was looking at her face, from one side to the other, to her horror - there was slight bruising evident along her lower jaw bone where Victor had clamped his hand on, holding her in place to kiss her. She knew it was from her fighting against it that caused her bruising, but there was no way of explaining that to Shawn, because he would want to know, why the hell was he holding her so tightly, firmly, roughly in the first place? She knew he would ask that, and what could she say? No, she had to cover it up.

"Crystal?" He repeated the question again, ear to the door listening.

"Shit." She whispered searching for the foundation she used when going out.

"You okay in there?" He asked with growing concern.

"I'm okay, just changing clothes, had a shirt over my mouth." She laughed out, adding to the lie. "I'll be out in a bit." She assured him.

"Oh, okay - ordered pizza - should still be pretty warm."

"'K - I'll be down in a bit."

Shawn stood a moment wondering about why she would need to change her top in the first place? She had been dressed perfectly fine before she left, why did she need changing? He sighed walking away trying to squelch the things that go through his mind, things like what men have been known to do, such as forcing themselves on women they considered theirs. He had a feeling Victor may have tried that, and maybe, just maybe, the result was a slight tear in her top? Maybe? He shook off the thought because he didn't want to get mad again. He was feeling too good about at least getting done what he had. She was back in the house, safe and sound, he would be glad for that and stop thinking so much, stop trying to gauge every little thing with her surrounding Victor - but it sure wasn't easy when he wanted to keep her tucked in under his wing.

In her room, Crystal added a bit more powder - checking it over and over to be sure. Satisfied, she changed her shirt, realizing she'd done the make-up before putting on a fresh shirt; no biggie, she unbuttoned the one she was wearing and put on another button up and headed down stairs for pizza.

Downstairs, she joined in, a big smile on her face.

As for Shawn, he noticed three things right away. One, she wouldn't make eye contact with him for some reason. Second thing, she was wearing make-up on her face that she hadn't been wearing earlier, why now when back at home with them? Third, she said to him, 'had shirt over my mouth.' she'd been wearing a button up blouse, and she was now wearing a different button up blouse - how would either of them be covering her mouth in changing? Shawn looked away from her determined to stop looking so close and wondering what was going on. It wasn't easy, it was habit. He did it with Sylvia, reading her, studying her, searching out her moods and anything else that might be wrong. Now, because of what was happening with Crystal and Victor, he was closely watching her. Despite the show she was putting on, she was not right, he could see it, what told him so more than anything, was that still, she could not look at him. It was as if she knew, if she dare look his way, it would confirm what he felt looking at her. He accepted her quiet block against him, and looked away as well. To stay out of trouble, he needed to stop doing that - and just pretend he wasn't aware that something happened, that more than likely shouldn't have. 'She's back, she's safe - leave it - leave it.' He coached himself over and over - 'For now,' was the final thought.




At the Victorian house Jake was happy to have so much help at his disposal. Derrick's sons, and his own, Paul and Benjamin were helping things move along nicely. It was as close as he could get to having an assembly line for getting the job done. All the new cable lines for wiring the entire house were in place thanks to the help. He hated having to undo all that his father had wired, but he'd wanted all new. All had not been a waste, he would simply reconnect what he'd done to the new wire cables. Everyone was trying to do their part to help, Ben went from one room to the next placing socket and switch boxes where they would be mounted on the walls, while Paul mounted them where his father marked, letting Shawn2 pull the electrical cable through and splay the wires; Jake followed them, with the sockets and switches, connecting and grounding them; leaving Marcus and Luis to follow him placing all the cover plates.

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