Bolt (Storm Runner's MC 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Bolt (Storm Runner's MC 1)
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By the time they’d arrived in her parking lot, Jack was so stiff that he was ready to burst too, judging by the way he held himself. Despite the tragedy, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be interested in taking her for a test drive. It had been awhile since she’d met a man who was worth taking a risk on—one who wouldn’t offer her sloppy kisses and clumsy pawing.

He turned off the motor and climbed off, then turned to glare at her. “You can’t move so much on the back of a motorcycle, girl,” he said. “You could have made us lose balance.”

“I wouldn’t mind putting you off balance,” she said, looking him in the eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you’re really sexy. I know the last day has been horrible, and I’d like to blow off some steam—with you.” She reached a hand out and placed it flat on his chest. “Can we?”

He looked at her hand, then let his eyes wander down the length of her body. Instead of making her feel like an object, it made her feel sexy, desired. He was a powerful man and she knew that if she could get him to the nearest horizontal surface, she could bring him to his knees.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” she said. “Let’s go into my apartment.”

“Fuck that,” he said, and grabbed her.


He spun her around so that she was facing the side wall of her apartment building, her breasts against the cool stone.

“What are you doing?” She asked, indignant.

“Giving you what you want.”

She wanted to object, wanted to insist that they go upstairs, but his heavy hands landed on her hips and trailed up over her ribs to cup her breasts. All thought went out the window. He pressed against her from behind, hard through the front of his jeans, and she ground her ass back onto him, working herself over the outline of his dick.

One hand moved down her torso and delved into her pants, just skating along the edge of the waistband to touch the warm skin on her stomach. She wanted to force his hand lower, to have him touch her where she was already soaked, but her hands pressed against the wall couldn’t move without her tumbling forward. She was forced to sit and wait for him to continue.

He slipped the hand that had rolled her nipple to a hardened nub under her t-shirt and pinched it, hard. She jolted back, almost dislodging him, when pleasure shot through her, a fantastic stream she hadn’t expected. It made her wetter, made her arch up to try to coax his hand deeper into her panties.

Jack laughed in her ear. The stubble of his beard teased her face, scratching the smooth skin. She shivered, desperate for the orgasm he was denying her.

“Turn around,” he said, and guided her so that she was facing him. He pulled her sweater over her head, threw it back onto his bike and took a nipple into his mouth through the fabric of her t-shirt, soaking it. His hand finally went down farther, found her soaked flesh.

“God, you’re such a hot piece,” he said. “I want to bury my cock in you so bad.” His fingers were rough on her pussy, but it only made her wilder. She bucked against him, begging him to please keep going, please don’t stop, but he only backed off, pulled the hand out and licked his fingers.

“You taste amazing,” he said with a grin. “Like fucking strawberries.”

His hand plunged back into her pants and he buried a finger in her while working her clit. He pushed down on the pink nub, sending sparks of arousal through her body until finally, finally she exploded, and it was like all the movies she’d ever seen with train tunnels and rocket ships, and his mouth was on her neck, wet against her skin. Her nipples pushed hard and proud against his chest, taking pleasure in the contact as he forced her to come harder with a quick motion of his fingers.

While she was pliant in his arms, resting against him, she felt him sigh. “I didn’t know you were this fucking hot.” He stroked a hand over her hair, down her back. “Let’s go inside and finish this.” She started to lead him inside, but then he froze and turned her back so that she was looking at him. “What kind of car do you have?”

“It’s an old Kia.”

“Color?” His voice was a sharp bark.


“We’re leaving,” he said, pulling her back to his bike and waiting for her to fasten her helmet. His eye scanned the lot until she was done, then he pulled on his own and peeled out in what was almost a singular motion.

As they drove through the parking area, she saw what she’d missed on the way in. Her car, destroyed, with a blonde stick figure painted on the hood. Her eyes were X’s, but that wasn’t the worst part. Her head wasn’t even attached to her body.

The pleasure she’d had against the cool stone wall seemed like distant memory when Jack cursed and peeled out, heading north toward the highway.


Thunder was a classier bar than she’d expected, all chrome and steel with black leather accents. It wasn’t open yet, but Jack used a key and entered, calling for someone named Tom. A slim man with dark hair and hooded eyes appeared on the catwalk above the bar.

“Hey man,” he said, grinning down at Jack and Anna. “You take this girl out carving and now she wants to meet a man who really knows how it’s done?”

Jack laughed. “The day you carve better than me is the day I’m a stain on the pavement. This is Anna. Can she stay in one of the spare rooms for a few days?”

Tom’s face grew serious, and he studied Anna. “Sure man. Anna, why don’t you grab a drink and go check out the second room on the right up on the third floor. I’ll come and check on you in a little bit.”

She nodded and left, not stopping for a drink. Before she’d gotten out of earshot, she heard Jack explaining what had happened to a serious Tom, who asked what they were going to do.


She was sleeping when Jack came through the door later that night.

“Sorry I made you wait so long.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and started unlacing his boots. “I had to talk to some of the other members. I was hoping to get you a car today, but that’s out the window. I didn’t think about Anthony having your damn purse.”

Anna cringed. With her purse, he’d have access to her mobile phone, credit cards and ID. Even if she cut out for Maine, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t try to tie up loose ends later and take care of her. “What am I going to do?”

He put an arm around her. “Don’t worry. We’re going to talk to them. Tom already spoke to Ace—he’s our president—and he set up a meeting to negotiate. Next week, everything will be better.”

“I need to get some clothes if I’m going to go to a meeting,” she said, shaking. “I don’t even have panties.”

“You’re not going.” His words were final. She knew there was no arguing with him, so she didn’t bother trying. She never wanted to look into the shark-flat eyes of the monster in the diner again, anyway.

“Thank you for doing this,” she said, kissing Jack’s cheek. “It means a lot to me.”

“I want you safe,” he said.

“I just want you.” She put a hand on each of his cheeks and forced him to look at her. “We never finished what we started earlier. I’d like to finish now.” Before he could say anything, she straddled him and started pulling his shirt out of his waistband, wanting to touch the warm skin underneath.

He sat back and let her remove it, let her stroke the muscles of his chest that leapt reflexively at her touch. She scratched her nails down his pecs, tracing his tattoo and then exclaiming when she saw the one that covered most of his arm for the first time. She pulled back to look at it more closely, but he grabbed her by the shoulders.

“There’s time enough to look later,” he said. “I want you to touch me.”

Something in her chest squeezed as she looked at his face, his intense eyes locked on her. He was real and strong and kind. And right now, all hers.

She grinned and unsnapped the button on his fly, teasing her finger under it. He growled and moved to seize her, but she moved back and slipped to her knees on the floor. She licked the ridged muscles of his torso, traced the trail of hair below his navel to his pants, which she unzipped. Once they were loose, she pulled them and his briefs down so that his erection was bared to her.

“Yes,” she said. “Your cock is gorgeous.” It was long, thick and already hard, the tip flexing as her hand neared it. A drop of precum appeared on it, and she ran her finger through it, then used the moisture to coat the head of his penis, making his hips tighten with the effort it took not to thrust at her.

“Touch me,” Jack growled. Anna fisted her hand around the hard shaft and moved it up and down experimentally. He was fucking gorgeous like this, head thrown back, muscles tense. She wanted to eat him up.

She leaned down and took the hard head of his erection between her wet lips, letting them slide over the taut skin. He was hot in her mouth, heavy against her tongue and she took as much of him as she could into her mouth before she began to work him with her fist. The bottom of his shaft was stroked in her hand; the top part was enveloped in her mouth.

He tasted so good that she moaned around him, felt the vein that ran the length of his erection pulse in response. She moaned again and he lightly thrust into her mouth. Anna used her fist and mouth in tandem to stroke and cover his shaft. His head pulsed, and she took a deep breath to prepare for him to orgasm.

When he came, the sounds he made, the way his face tightened, made her instantly wet. She swallowed him down and kept lapping at the opening of his cock, licking away the cum that dribbled out and onto his head.

Once his breathing had settled, she leaned against his legs. “Thank you. That was fun.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” he said in a raspy voice.

“Why?” It was all she could get out before he seized her and threw her on the bed, spreading her legs roughly with his hands, exposing her bare pussy under the t-shirt she’d worn to take a nap.

“Turnabout is fair play,” he said. “You make me crazy? I make you crazy.” His tongue made contact with her sopping pussy and she came up off the bed on a yell. “Stay down.” Jack spoke against her skin, sending little bursts of air over her swollen flesh.

While he licked long, wide strokes up her pussy, he reached up to take her hands and set them on her breasts. “Pinch your nipples,” he said, moving his eyes to meet her’s. “I want to see you.”

She pinched her pink nipples between her fingers, rolling them in a way that made her moan and grind herself on his face. He fucked her with his tongue, exposed her clit and ran a finger lightly over it so that she shuddered. When her body had tightened like a spring and she was close, he switched so that he could tongue her clit and work his fingers into her sopping pussy.

“I love your fucking pussy, Anna.” His voice was thick against her. “I love the way it clenches around my fingers. I love the way it tastes. You’re so fucking hot.”

The rough words, the weight of his tongue on her clit and her own fingers snapped hard on her nipples pushed her over the edge. He used a hand to hold her hips down so that he could keep licking at her clit while she came, sending sparks up behind her eyes when another, longer orgasm ripped through her unexpectedly.

He moved up to hold her when she was weak and pliant, and then they both fell asleep on the soft mattress.


Jack spent the next few days with his friends, coming in late and falling into a restless, exhausted sleep besides her. The hours moved quickly and suddenly it was the day of the negotiation. Before the men left for the meeting, Jack told her to get ready because he was taking her to the store. She climbed eagerly on the back of his cycle, excited to be wrapped up close to him and feel the wind in her hair again.

In so few days, she’d begun to feel something for the taciturn man, with his dreamer’s eyes and luscious mouth. The night when he’d sucked on her clit and she’d come apart against his tongue, she imagined a future where she spent every night shattering under his touch or riding the wave of power that came with leading such a strong man to orgasm. Spending time alone during the day, unable to go out for fear of the thugs, she’d explored the feelings that deepened with every touch, every conversation.

He revved the engine and she shuttered against him, immediately aroused. He turned to grin at her. “Hold tight, baby.” She wrapped her arms around him, pressed her full breasts against his back and got ready to enjoy the ride.


When they pulled back into the lot, he set down the kickstand and helped her off. Looking at the other bikes parked in the lot, he pushed back her hair and took her face in her hands. “This should be fine. It’s just a bunch of guys talking. But if it isn’t—if I’m not back tomorrow morning—I want you to take Tom’s car and get out of here. Go west. Don’t go home.”

“Why would a talk end that badly?” For the first time since Jack pulled her onto his bike, she felt real panic stir in her throat.

“It won’t,” he insisted, kissing her forehead. “I just believe in contingencies.” They walked into the building and he introduced her to some of the members of Storm Runners that she hadn’t met yet. Ace, Tom, Wilder, Crash and Breaker all shook her hand and greeted her. They were a rough, handsome bunch of men who towered over her. But she still felt safe.

“Thank you for talking to these men for me,” she said. “I’m sure the police will catch them eventually, but it’ll be nice to feel safe until they do.” She saw Breaker turn his head swiftly to Jack, who shook his head in the negative.

All the men bid her goodbye and walked out the front door, leaving her to make a drink and go up to her room to wait. Maybe she was just worried and letting the situation get to her, but as they’d walked out, they’d looked like heroes.


Hours later, night he came in smelling like copper and sweat. “I’ll be out in a minute, baby,” Jack said. “I need a shower.”

She waited on the bed, staring at the bathroom door. Her spirit felt lighter, knowing that he was okay.

“They’re gone,” he said.

“What about the negotiation?”

“There was no negotiation.” Jack poured himself a finger of bourbon, took a long swallow. “If we’d negotiated over you, someone would have taken you eventually. I couldn’t let that happen.”

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