Read Bodyguard Pursuit Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Bodyguard Pursuit (19 page)

BOOK: Bodyguard Pursuit
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“We’re not twenty-one, yet.” Groaning, she rubbed her palms over her white cotton pants. The ship was so close. Another twenty feet and they’d reach the gangplank, and she was fresh out of arguments.

“This is where I leave.” Ben halted and leaned in. “This is your chance to see Tyler as you asked for after the shooting. I know you two were…close. I couldn’t grant your request then, but you’re not a victim, Lydia, you’re a survivor. You must live, even under confinement.”

Her heartbeat raced. A year ago, she’d begged Ben to allow her to see Tyler in hospital. She’d needed to see he’d survived.

“Stop thinking and start moving, and don’t forget, keep in touch on the sat phone. I expect updates as often as possible.” Ben handed over her case and turned her toward the ship. “That’s my girl. Now move.”

“I am not your girl.” Still, she flexed her fingers around the square handle of her suitcase, and taking the deepest breath, walked away from Ben for the first time in a year. She shivered. No, she could do this. A child was on board for her to look after. He was who she had to concentrate on, because her case was stagnant and the inaction wasn’t doing her any good. As much as she didn’t want to go, she understood Ben’s arguments. She needed this break to refocus, and the Fijian Islands, wow, what a dreamy location.

She tugged at the inside of her white blouse collar then lifted her chin and eyed the ship. Up close, the white panels sparkled in the sunlight. Oh no. She slammed to a stop as Tyler stepped out from behind darkened glass sliders on the second floor. He moved across the deck to the stern, and halted ten heart-stopping feet away.

He looked strong and well, his jaw angled as firmly as always. His midnight black hair blew over his ears and brushed his shoulders. The longer length suited him over the buzz-cut he’d had last. So cute.

No. She was here for Nico, not to dance with Tyler again. That’s right. Tyler must’ve moved on. It had been a year. She forced her thoughts under control.

* * * *

Staring out over the harbor, Tyler tucked the tails of his blue button-down shirt into his black pants. The breeze was brisk, the dawn sun warm on his skin. A perfect morning to set sail, on a family holiday he’d longed for. Liam and Nico were on board, and Dylan and Luke wouldn’t be far away. These moments with his brothers and nephew mattered as much as his next breath.

Shifting onto his heels, he searched the marina for them, only his gaze landed on a young woman standing stiffly below.

Mmm, chocolate-brown hair, his favorite shade, and so long it touched her tiny waist. And those eyes, the same delicious shade, and now locked on him. Did he know her? She looked familiar, yet not. Leaning against the railing, he called, “Can I help you?”

“Um, yes. I’m after Liam Whitehall.”

She was after his brother? “Who are you?”

“My name’s--” Rubbing her neck, she glanced over her shoulder then back at him. “Lydia Sands. I’m Nico’s new caregiver while you’re on holiday. Ben Hammers arranged this job. It was short notice.”

She couldn’t be Nico’s new caregiver. Liam would never employ anyone without running it past him first. Tyler ran all security checks, and had this past year since stepping into the security role for Whitehall Shipping. “I don’t believe you.”

“You should check with Liam. I promise Ben sent me.” Her voice wobbled, a level of distress leaking through. “You do remember Ben, don’t you?”

“Ben’s impossible to forget. I worked alongside him for seven years.”

“He dropped me off.” She motioned toward the gated entrance, and sure enough under the intricate scrollwork of the wrought-iron arch, Ben Hammers waited. With a slow movement, Ben saluted him with just two fingers.

That salute was their team’s customary silent signal for handover. But handing over whom? This woman? He didn’t work for Ben, and hadn’t since the shooting. Which didn’t matter. The call for aid from one bodyguard to another went unquestioned, and Ben turned to leave, giving Luke a nod as he arrived.

Luke clapped Ben on the shoulder, and then continued toward him in his jeans and t-shirt. Ambling along, his youngest brother adjusted his brown leather duffel over one shoulder, as if he didn’t have a care in the world, and at twenty-three, he didn’t.

The woman, Lydia. He shouldn’t forget her. He gripped the second-floor rail then launched over it and landed on the peer next to her.

She gasped, and her gaze jolted over him. “Tyler, what are you doing? You can’t just jump off the side of a ship like that.”

“Bro.” Luke strode in, one brow cocked. “There’s a gangplank. You know, one can walk down.”

He slid between his brother and Lydia. “Yeah, I know, but Ben dropped her off. With Ben, one doesn’t stroll.”

“What’s she here for?”

“She says she’s Nico’s caregiver. Have you heard about this?”

“No.” Luke clicked his tongue as if telling him off. “C’mon, Liam wouldn’t do that. It’s too soon after Gabriella and Mum.”

Their mother and Liam’s wife, Gabriella, had passed only two years ago. Not one woman had been permitted on board The Idle Dream since then. This was a sacred trip between him and his brothers.

From behind, Lydia gripped his arm and a river of fire raced through his veins. Whoa. He spun and faced her. “What are you doing?” He stared at her hand.

She tucked herself in even closer, and he breathed deep.

“Tyler, I need to get inside.”

Her plea spoke to his heart. “How do you know my name? You’ve said it twice.”

A light flickered in the depths of her eyes. “Because we went out. Once.”

His heart tripped a beat. Damn, he’d only ever lost a few weeks of his memory, and that was a year ago. He certainly didn’t remember her. “Who the hell are you to me?”

“Someone you knew for a short time. We went on a date, and like I said, it was only once. Ben set me up for this job, of which there truly is one.”

“Yeah, there wasn’t a job going, Lee.” He frowned. “Um, sorry, I meant Lydia.” Yeah, she’d said her name was Lydia, not Lee. Only why did Lee sound more natural?

“It’s okay. I had a child I cared for once who called me Lee.” Her lips lifted. “Not that I’m saying you’re a child.”

“Ah, excuse me.” Luke sighed and walked past them to the gangplank. “I feel like I’m interrupting a moment here and, bro, it’s almost time for the ship to set sail.”

“You’re right. Let’s go.” Tyler held her arm and led her on board as Ben’s sleek silver Jaguar revved in the parking lot. “You and Ben? You’re what to each other? Are you his client?”

“No. He’s a friend and got me this job. I’m not a client at all.”

They walked through the opened double glass doors on the second floor and into the living room where two cozy groupings of four white leather couches faced each other. Black and white sea prints his mother had adored graced the walls painted in her favorite shade of ocean-blue.

Lydia’s shoes clipped across the polished pine floors as she set her case near the stairwell. She inspected the area. “Do you mind if I ask where Liam is?”

“Below-stairs. Luke will grab him for you.”

His brother groaned as he dropped his duffel on the couch. “I will?”

“Yes. Liam’s downstairs checking inventory with Malcolm. Tell him we have a guest, one Lydia Sands, and bring Nico.” He would see how this mysterious woman responded to his nephew, because if she wasn’t a caregiver, he’d soon know.

Luke sent him a good-natured grin as he took off. “I’m onto it, only, bro, you’re not to interrogate the girl while I’m gone. I see that look in your eyes.”

“Just watch where you’re walking.” At thirty-two, he’d kept his family and countless others safe, and Ben had dropped her off. Which meant protection was required in some order, whether she was a client or not.

Leaning toward her, he met her gaze head on. “Okay, it’s you and me. Now, tell me who you truly are.”

* * * *

Lydia needed a sound, realistic plan because Tyler was on form as he’d always been, and she’d clearly stirred some kind of memory. From the first second, she’d sensed it, which was why she’d said they’d gone out.

“We went out for dinner. If you feel you know me, it’s from then. Ben told me about your memory loss. We went out around the same time.” That should put him off questioning her further.

“Are you saying--” He arched a brow. “--we dated?”

“No. It was just one meal. We didn’t see each other again.”

“How’d we meet?” He crossed his arms.

Okay, maybe he would question her further. “Ben introduced us.” And he had, but not the way she’d said. “I can’t wait to meet Nico.” Where was Luke?

“I’m sure you can’t. How’d this dinner I can’t remember go?” He came closer and touched a finger to her chin then slowly tracked it along her jaw.

“The food was nice.” She swayed and almost brushed noses with him.


Looking deep into his eyes, she wanted more, just as she had a year ago. “That’s about it.”

“That’s not an answer.”

Footsteps pounded up the stairwell, and she stepped back as a man’s deep chuckle and a child’s delighted squeal traveled to her. Luke raced around the corner carrying a squirming boy over his shoulders. “I told you I’d catch you, Nico. No Whitehall is faster than me.”

“Nah-ah, Uncle Tyler’s the fastest. He told me he’s quicker than Superman.”

“I doubt it.” Luke winked at Tyler as he lowered Nico to his feet. “Superman can dodge bullets. Your Uncle Tyler hasn’t nailed that essential ability yet.”

Tyler laughed. “Hey, it was impossible to dodge three at once.” He looked at her. “Ignore Luke. I got shot a year ago on duty, and now it makes a good joke.”

“Ben told me about the shooting.” Unbelievable. “Why do they joke about it?”

“It’s the best way to ease the stress. I lost some memory from the time of the assignment, but the outcome was all good. I’ve been able to reconnect with my brothers and join Liam, Dylan and Luke at Whitehall Shipping. That wouldn’t have happened otherwise.”

Did he just say the outcome was all good? She tapped her ears. “I’m sorry, your memory loss must be worse than you thought if you consider being shot at as good.”

“Yeah, that’s not quite what I meant.” With a grin, he glanced at his nephew. “Lydia, meet Nico.”

She lowered to Nico’s level and held out her hand. She was here for him. “Hey, Nico. I love your super-yacht.”

The boy with black curls beamed. “Daddy said you were coming.”

Tyler cleared his throat. “Nico, after a girl offers you her hand to shake, you never miss the opportunity to get a kiss on the cheek in too.”

“Okay.” Nico put his tiny hand in hers, and smacked his lips to her cheek.

She laughed. She’d missed being around children. “I’m so glad to be here.”

“We’re going on holiday, a big holiday.” He peered over his shoulder as another man strode around the corner. This had to be Liam, so visually similar to his brothers. He had Tyler’s sky-blue eyes, although Liam’s dark hair was clipped short, as Tyler’s used to be. Dressed in a white business shirt unbuttoned at the neck and navy dress pants, Liam crossed to her.

“Daddy, we’re going on a holiday because ships are in my blood. That’s what you said, but teeny-tiny ships, ’cause my blood’s only little, right?”

Liam squeezed his son’s shoulder. “That’s kind of what I said, minus the teeny-tiny ships actually being in your blood.” With a smile, he extended his hand to her. “Sorry about the late welcome. Luke told me to hurry since Tyler would have begun his interrogation. I hadn’t yet had the chance to tell him you’d be traveling with us. Ben only called last night.”

“It’s nice to meet you, and thanks for agreeing to take me on board.” She was here, and now she’d make the most of it. “Whatever you need from me, I’m here to help.”

“Great. I appreciate that.”

Tyler caught her arm, and drew her back to him. “Nico is almost five and he’ll start school after we return. Your professional abilities will only be required until the end of this trip. Nothing beyond. Does that arrangement suit?”

“Of course. That sounds perfect.” It would be impossible to have more.

With a hand at the small of her back, Tyler guided her toward the internal stairwell, and collected her bag along the way. They walked downstairs.

“Below deck are the staterooms and staff quarters, and upstairs on the third floor are Liam and Nico’s suites.”

“Okay.” She peeked at him.

“There’s a pool and spa on the top floor, and you’ll be given a full tour as soon as you’re settled.” At the bottom of the stairs, Tyler stilled. “This dinner you say we enjoyed. I want you to know, I wish I recalled it.”

“I understand about the memory loss.” Okay, enough of the non-dinner. “Oh, nice decor down here.”

It truly was. Halogen lights showcased vivid blue underwater ocean scenes adorning the length of the passageway. Caramel-cream walls and plush carpet of the same color became the sandy base for all the blue.

“Thanks.” Tyler moved her along. “The crew’s cabins are double-bunked, but as you’re the only female on board, you’ll have one to yourself.”

He directed her inside a small, efficient room with two bunks bolted to a blue wall. White furnishings and a built-in set of drawers completed the room.

“This is nice.” She grinned, for she would love the area simply because it was all hers and totally Ben-free.

“There’s a bathroom, but it connects with the cabin next door. There’s a lock on each side, although the other room’s empty.”

Inside the compact area, she shuffled around the shower cubicle, toilet and tidy vanity, all in basic white. No frills, but she didn’t need any. She met his gaze as he leaned against the doorjamb. “It’s perfect.”

“You seem happy.” He frowned. “You appeared apprehensive to start with.”

“I was nervous.” She squeezed past him and returned to her room. “First day on the job and all.”

She twirled in the center of her cabin. Ben was right. She needed this break.

Taken by the round portal window, she skipped toward it and peered outside. Another super-yacht of similar size to The Idle Dream came into berth, the name Star Gazer emblazoned along its side.

“It’s one of ours.” Tyler edged in behind her, so close.

BOOK: Bodyguard Pursuit
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