Body Shots (2 page)

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Authors: Amber Skyze

BOOK: Body Shots
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She squeezed her eyes closed praying he didn’t say her name. Praying he’d removed her name from the song.

“Sierra,” he finished.

Her lids snapped opened to find him staring intently at the bar. A single tear slid down her cheek. Their eyes held locked on each other and in that moment Sierra knew she’d made the biggest mistake allowing Foul Play and Reed Walker back into her life.

* * * * *

The one night she needed Henry to lock up the bar, he couldn’t.

“Sorry S…boss.
Wife’s not feeling well. She needs me to stop at the twenty-four hour pharmacy and get her some medicine. You know I would do it.”

She knew he was struggling with his decision to leave her alone with Reed. Although, she didn’t give him all the details, he knew enough to know she didn’t want to be stuck alone for a single moment with him.

“I know, Henry. Don’t worry about it. Get home to Dawn,” she said, letting him off the hook.

She didn’t need him feeling guilty for her mistakes. His wife needed him and
should be his priority, not Sierra. And besides they weren’t completely alone.

She ushered him out the front door, locking it behind him. The members of Foul Play were breaking down their equipment and loading it into a van they had driven around to the back door.

Sierra turned off some of the lights so people would know she was closed. She paced behind the bar, cleaning the counters, putting away clean glasses and emptying peanut bowls. Overall the night had been a success. Patrons packed the bar. The beer and liquor flowed all night. She’d have to put in an emergency order for a few things in the morning.

Who was she fooling, it was morning.
Two in the morning to be exact.
The band had stayed on stage longer than expected. The crowd kept cheering for more each time they’d tried to call it a night. She hadn’t stepped in. She let them decide if they wanted to continue playing. She was making a ton of money, so she didn’t mind.

Tomorrow she would be tired but that was the nature of the business.

“We’re just about done loading the van,” a voice said behind her. Chills ran through her body.

Damn. Plastering a smile on her face she turned.

“Great night.”

“Thanks for giving us a chance.”

She slid an envelope across the bar. “You guys rocked the house.”

“The band before us was pretty hot too. That singer was on fire.”

Jealousy surged through her. Was Reed interested in
, with that to-die-for body and that killer voice? What guy wouldn’t want to get to know her better?


“Yes, she is. Hey, do you mind if I have a beer or are you shut down for the night?”

Her head told her to deny him but her heart trumped her.
“Sure, one Corona coming up.”

She went to the cooler and removed the beer. She reached for a slice of lime and stuck the wedge in the opening. “Here you go.”

He pushed the wedge into the beer with his thumb and then licked the juice from his finger.

She groaned, imagining that tongue on her, tasting her.

“Something wrong?”
Reed asked.

She shook her head, realizing he’d heard her groan. “Just remembering something I have to do tomorrow.”

She stood there uneasy. She didn’t want to make small talk with him. She wanted him to drink his beer and get a move on.
Because if he stayed she was going to continue to wonder if his lips were still as baby soft as they were ten years ago.
Or if they felt like butterfly wings tickling the skin when he kissed her stomach.
She had to forget about things like that and about Reed. One look at her stomach now and he’d be running for the door, like all the others.

She’d saved him from a lifetime of misery and disgust when she disappeared. Because she knew Reed would have done the right thing and stuck by her but she also knew he wouldn’t be able to stand looking at her body every night when they went to bed or made love. It was disfigured and flat-out gross.

“Hey Reed, we’re all set. We’re
take off.”

“I’ll catch up with you tomorrow to square up, Tim,” he said, holding the money envelope up for his band mate’s view.

“Sounds good.”

They waved goodbye and closed the door tightly behind them.

Why was he lingering? He should be leaving with his band mates, not sticking around her bar. She wanted to lock up, finish cleaning and escape to the safety of her apartment.
Away from him.

He returned his gaze to her. He was undressing her with his hazel eyes. She could feel the power of his stare.

She darted away from the bar toward the back door, out from under his gaze.

“You can finish your beer but I have to lock this door. Don’t want any stragglers roaming in thinking we’re still open. I’ll just be tidying up.
Don’t pay no
mind to me.” She started wiping down tables and rearranging chairs, anything to keep busy.

She heard his footsteps. Fuck! He was headed in her direction. Pretending she didn’t hear him or sense his closeness she continued brushing peanut shells onto the floor, where she’d eventually sweep them up.

“We’re alone now.” His fingertips brushed over the small of her back, where her tank top had ridden up, exposing a small area of skin. “You can be honest now. I know your name is not Laura. God, Sierra
me some credit.”

His voice was pleading, not angry, like she’d expect.

Slowly, she turned. They were face to face. She stepped back hitting the top of her legs against the table.
Nowhere to run.
Like a trapped animal. She couldn’t flee. Yes, this was the biggest mistake she’d ever made. Somehow, some way she had to get herself out of this mess.

“Listen, Reed.” She turned her eyes away. What could she say? What lie could she concoct to get him to leave her alone?

He closed the minimal gap between them, sucking the air from her lungs. He reached out touching her face.

“Admit it. Tell me you’re not Laura.”

She crumbled under his touch. “I’m not Laura.”

Chapter Two


“Oh dear god,” he said, gathering her in his arms. “I’ve missed you so much.”

She struggled to free herself from his grip. This was the reason she didn’t want to admit the truth. This was why she wanted to pretend she was someone else. She didn’t want to deal with him. She didn’t want the questions or the pretend sympathy.

He released her and stepped back. “What’s wrong?”

“Reed, it’s been ten years. A lot has changed in that time. I’m not the girl who left. I’m not that person anymore.”
I’m not the woman you loved
, she wanted to scream. Yet she couldn’t deny she still had feelings for him. Ten years hadn’t erased those feelings. How she wished it had. But the truth was she loved Reed as much as she did the day she walked out of his life—for what she believed was forever.

She moved to the side and started to walk away.

Reed grabbed her arm, twisting her around.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Sierra. I know you. I can see the pain in your eyes. And I can also see the love.”

She shivered, hating his ability to read her. Her pain was from the fact she couldn’t stop loving him. She hoped he’d have moved on by now. Married and settled down. But part of her was relieved to know he hadn’t.


His hands pulled her face closer. His lips descended, capturing hers. She didn’t resist. She accepted his kiss. When his tongue invaded her mouth, she parted her lips, allowing him access. She knew she should push him away. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, devouring his mouth hungrily.

His arms enveloped her waist lifting her off the ground. She felt his bulge through his pants. It throbbed against her stomach.

She whimpered. It’d been so long since she felt a man inside her.
So long since she had sex.
Thoughts of having Reed inside her consumed her. Blinded by desire, she lost her grip on reality. Her legs snaked around his waist.

“Fuck me, Reed,” she whispered between kisses.

His mouth froze.

What the fuck?
Why was he stopping? Wasn’t this what he wanted?

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said, before sucking his lower lip into her mouth. She nibbled and released it.
“One hundred percent positive.”

Holding onto her ass, he carried her over to the bar. He set her down on a stool, picked up his beer and took a long swig.

“Got any tequila?”

“Behind the bar.”
She hitched her thumb back.
“Second shelf next to the vodka.”

“Don’t move.” He dragged his lips across hers.

She tapped her fingers against the side of the bar stool, wondering why he needed the tequila. She swiveled the chair around to see what he was doing. He found the tequila easily per her instructions, now he was ransacking the bar.

“Can I help you find something?” Her amusement was only going so far. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she might change her mind.


“Middle of the bar, in that little cooler type thingy.
Salt is down near the cash

Maybe a few shots
exactly what she needed to cool her burning skin. His touch electrified her.

He moved around the bar, collecting all the items he needed. Placing them on the counter one by one he asked, “Have you ever done body shots?”

Though she’d seen some youngsters doing it a few times.
She’d never understood what the big deal was.

“No time like the present to try your hand at it.” He filled a shot glass full of the golden liquid. “We’ll start off at your neck and work our way down.”

His finger trailed down the front of her shirt over her skirt resting on her hot spot. Moisture pooled in her pussy from his faint touch.

“When do we get to the part where you fuck me?” It was a bold statement but she didn’t care. It was all she could think about. His penis was bulging against his pants. He was ready. Why hold things up with shots?

Very soon.”

Her pussy ached.

He moved the strap of her tank top down over her arm, exposing her bare shoulder. His tongue rolled over her shoulder blade.

She trembled.

He sprinkled some salt on the spot he licked.

“Umm, this is going to be irresistible,” he whispered.

“I was hoping it would be something better than shots,” she retorted.

Reed lifted her chin and smiled at her. “Don’t worry, Sierra. I’m going to fuck you. I promise.
Over and over again.
You’ll be begging me to stop.”

She grew weak under his touch. How many years had she waited to hear those words flowing from his lips? Now here she was, her body being used as a temple for shots.

“Okay,” she whimpered.

“This nestles in here,” he said, guiding the shot glass into the
of her shirt. “I need you to push your beautiful breasts together for me.”

She did as he instructed.
Holding the shot glass between her breasts.

“Open wide,” he said, holding the lemon in front of her.

“Why?” she protested.

“Humor me?”

She opened her mouth.

“Now, lightly close your teeth around the wedge, ever so gently.”

She did.


He bent, taking her earlobe in his mouth, sucking.

His warm breath sent chills racing through her body. He released her lobe and moved down her neck, leaving tiny kisses along the way.

“God you’re beautiful,” he whispered, before taking a nip of her shoulder. “I’m going to have fun with this body all night long.”

Sierra tilted her head back giving him better access to her neck.

His tongue swiped the salt off her shoulder. He quickly moved to the shot glass resting in the
of her shirt. His hands pressing against hers he squeezed her breasts tighter, lapping up the liquid in the shot glass and then he captured her lips, sucking the lemon. Juice dripped down her chin and he licked it away.

Tingling sensations filled her body. An orgasm was building. How the fuck was that happening?

She couldn’t wait any longer to find out. Ridding her mouth of the bitter lemon, she tossed it aside, before she removed the shot glass from her shirt, which she also tossed on the bar. Grabbing hold of his belt buckle she tugged on it, until it loosened. She pulled it free from each loop and tossed it on the stool next to her.

She unbuttoned the top of his pants. Licking her lips, she had one thought in mind.
His cock filling her.


Reed thought he was going to explode when he touched her skin.
So soft and delectable.
She was the same only more mature. He remembered the feel of her like he’d kissed her skin just yesterday.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking what I want.” Her hand slid into the back of his pants. She squeezed a handful of his flesh. “I love this ass.”

He tilted his head to meet her eyes. “Sierra, are you positive this is what you want?”

“Never been surer about anything in my life.”

He shrugged.
“Hot damn.”

There was no waiting or taking his time anymore. She claimed she knew what she was doing and saying, who was he to argue? He hitched up her skirt exposing a perfectly trimmed pussy. She wasn’t wearing underwear.

He placed her back on the stool.

Sliding his jeans down over his hips, he fumbled in the pocket, searching for the packet he’d purposely tucked in there earlier.

He tore a condom off and jammed the rest back into the pocket. Quickly he ripped the foil package and sheathed himself. One swift step and he was nudged against the opening to her pussy ready to fill her. Her juices pooled between her lips, inviting. Her pussy was ready.

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