Body Games (A Games Novel) (25 page)

Read Body Games (A Games Novel) Online

Authors: Jessica Clare,Jill Myles

Tags: #reality tv, #Romance

BOOK: Body Games (A Games Novel)
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“I would,” he agreed, and wrapped his arms around my waist, dragging me against him. He pulled me in for a long, slow kiss that left me breathless. When his mouth finally lifted from mine, I gave him a dazed look as he considered me, thinking. “I think I need to give it another checkup, just to be sure.” And he leaned in and began to kiss me again.

I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him back, all the pent-up need in me rising and overpowering the playfulness. Six weeks of endless waiting and teasing had led to this moment, and I was going to enjoy it.

Jendan’s mouth was firm against my own, his lips parted as his tongue brushed against mine. I gave a whimper at the touch, and he licked at my mouth in response. With a soft moan in my throat, I pressed my breasts against him, continuing the kiss with eagerness. I loved kissing this man. He seemed to instinctively know how to hold me, how to move his lips against mine, how to flick his tongue in ways that would drive me utterly mad with desire.

All the touching, the playing, the flirting - it all came down to this. This kiss. This press of bodies against each other. This undeniable lust. He was finally mine.

His hands slid down from my waist to my ass, giving it a quick squeeze just as his mouth pulled from mine. “I think those teeth are acceptably clean.”

“I’m so glad you agree,” I murmured, then leaned in and bit at his chin. He just looked so biteable with a bit of scruff on him.

Jendan gave a soft groan and his hands clenched on my ass harder. “Want to take this to the bedroom? Or did you want to stay in here?”

The marble counter in the bathroom was cutting into my side, and it was cold. And that bed was so darn nice. “Bedroom, please.”

“Your wish is my command.” He hefted me by the ass and carried me out of the bathroom while I clung to his neck and laughed. Now that the game was over, I felt so light and free. I’d gotten to the final two, given a good argument for my actions, and the guy I liked still liked me. I’d stuck to my guns and still came out feeling like a winner, even if I didn’t know how the votes fell.

Sometimes, that was all you needed.

Jendan sat me on the edge of the bed and brushed my tangled hair aside, then began to kiss my neck. I moaned.

Okay, sometimes you needed that stuff, and then you needed a sexy, gorgeous man to make love to you. That, too.

I clung to Jendan as he pressed his mouth to my neck, wrapping my legs around his strong thighs. His big body practically enveloped mine, something that I found incredibly arousing. My hands went to his butt and I grabbed it, kneading. Oh heavens, he had such a tight ass. I could bounce quarters - or heck, golf balls - off of it. I gave it another pleased squeeze, and he took the hint and pushed me back on the bed, body looming over mine.

“Condoms?” I asked as my mouth went to his ear, and I ran my tongue along his earlobe.

He groaned and tore his mouth away from my throat, then looked over at the bathroom, then back at me. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“I’ll be right here,” I teased, feeling breathless and giddy with happiness.

Jendan disentangled himself from my limbs and headed to the bathroom while I stretched out on the bed and waited. I heard him rummaging through the drawers, pulling them out and slamming them shut again. “Aha!” He reappeared a moment later with a strip of condoms. “Thank God for that. I’d have hated to run next door for condoms sporting wood.”

I eyed his jeans, which were now straining across his erection. “But it’s such magnificent wood. You sure you don’t want to share it with everyone?”

“It’s a one-woman kind of wood,” he said, sauntering back to the bed. He tossed the condoms down on the bedside table and grinned at me. “He’s not a big fan of sharing.”

“Lucky for him, neither am I.” I pressed my hand against his bulge and tsked. “He looks like he’s trapped in there.”

“Wanna free the beast?”

I giggled. “As long as you promise to never use that line again.”

He made a ‘cross my heart’ symbol and grinned at me. “You’re telling me that’s not a winner? I’m hurt.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” I teased. My hand rubbed on his cock again and I watched him as his eyes closed with an expression of sheer bliss. “Is that better?”

“Much,” he said thickly, reaching out and holding on to one banister of the bed while I stroked and fondled his cock through his jeans.

Pleased at his reaction, I continued to rub him through the denim with one hand, while the other went to his button fly. I undid each button, revealing a hint of plaid cotton boxers underneath. Nothing racy or impractical for Jendan…but for some reason, the sight of that pleased me very much. Despite his daredevil career, Jendan was a normal guy.

And I found that the more I knew about him, the more arousing that ‘normal’ was. Kip had been impractical and wild, and he’d also been a douche. Jendan might not be impractical or wild, but he also turned me on far more than Kip ever had.

When his fly was finally loosened, I grabbed the sides of his jeans and began to tug them down. Jendan’s hand went to my hair and he dragged his fingers through it, then cupped my face. “You’re so lovely, Annabelle. I’m the luckiest guy in Fiji right now.”

I gave him an arch, teasing smile, hiding the fact that his words made my heart flutter. “You’re about to get even luckier,” I told him, and dragged his boxers down to his knees. His cock sprang free, the full, thick length of it making my mouth water a little. “There’s my old friend,” I murmured. “I’ve missed seeing him.”

“Not half as much as he’s missed you,” Jendan said, and his thumb traced my lower lip. “Or even close to as much as I’ve missed you. Just seeing you next to me. Waking up to your smile. Your hand touching mine. I’ve missed all of you, Annabelle. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I go home.”

My throat tightened at his sweet words. “Hookers and blow?”

He chuckled. “Despite what you might think of Hollywood people, not all of us are into that sort of thing.”

“I know,” I said softly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do either.” I tilted my head back and looked up at him. “Let’s not think about it right now, okay?”

He nodded and cupped my cheek again, just gazing down at me.

We both needed a distraction, or I was going to start weeping at the prospect of leaving his side again just after being reunited. So I wrapped my fingers around the girth of his cock and gave it a small squeeze. That got his attention. Jendan’s hand went to my shoulder and he squeezed in response, and began to stroke my skin through the fabric of my shirt. “God, Annabelle.”

“If you get this excited,” I teased lightly, “You’re really going to be in for a treat when I put my mouth on you.”

He groaned again.

All right, then. Time to put my money where my mouth was. With another squeeze of his thick length, I leaned in and brushed my tongue over the head of his cock. A bead of pre-cum met my tastebuds, filling my mouth with Jendan’s unique flavor.

Above me, Jendan groaned again, and his hands tangled in my hair. “Wait, wait. Slow up.”

I pulled away, curious. Did he not like head? “Did I do something wrong?”

“Christ, no.” He took my hand and dragged me to my feet. “I just…want us to be on equal ground for our first time. I don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything for me.”

I pushed his hands off of me. “Obligated? I’m not obligated to do anything. I wanted to touch you. I’ve been dreaming about it for weeks.”

“I’m glad I wasn’t the only one preoccupied during the game, then,” he said with a grin and a kiss on my nose. “I don’t know… I guess I’m just feeling weird about this.”

“Because for so long it was look but don’t touch, and now we can finally touch?”

He nodded, burying his hands in my hair again and giving me another steamy look. “Though I have to admit, I’m enjoying touching you.”

“You can touch me for a while if you’d rather,” I told him, stroking my hands along his strong arms. “I’m certainly not going to protest.”

“Can I take your clothes off of you?”

I nodded, fighting off the weird hint of shyness I felt. He’d seen me naked daily for the last six weeks. Why did this feel so very different? This must have been how he’d felt when I’d started to go down on him.

Funny how casual nudity could make us so awkward in the face of true intimacy.

His hands went to the hem of my baggy sleep shirt and he began to slowly tug it upward. I raised my arms to assist him, and felt a blush heat my cheeks when he pulled it over my head and my breasts were exposed. They were just breasts. Nothing he hadn’t seen before.

“Just as beautiful as I remembered,” Jendan murmured as he tossed my t-shirt to the side.

I lowered my arms and stepped a little closer to him, eager to slide my hands under his shirt. Even though his pants and boxers were around his ankles, he was still wearing a shirt and I wanted his bare skin against mine.

His hands moved down my shoulders, then my back, caressing me with every movement. My skin prickled with arousal under his light touches. Then, his hands slid into my panties, cupping my ass. As I gasped, he began to work the fabric downward, even as he leaned in to kiss me again. “Beautiful Annabelle. You made me crazy with lust every day we were out there.”

“I did?” I asked, my voice breathless. His mouth dipped in to kiss mine, our lips slicking together and distracting me.

“You did. Ever wonder why I kept going off into the trees? I had to get things under control before I had some uncomfortable moments on camera.” His lips caressed my upper one. “The last thing I needed was to make you feel awkward because I couldn’t handle my reactions.”

I giggled at the mental image. “Sounds like you were doing a lot of handling to me.”

He chuckled, and his hands squeezed my ass. My panties were now bunched low on my hips, below where his hands rested. “Cruel woman. I guess you didn’t have the same problem.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said lightly as his fingers stroked along the curves of my bottom. “I might have had quite a few dirty dreams that I had to ignore, or else I’d have to go run off into the jungle myself to take care of things.”

“Mmm. Tell me more about these dirty dreams.” His fingers delved into the part of my buttocks, making me gasp at the sensation.

“Well, I know I woke up more than once with this pressing against my hip,” I told him, grasping his straining cock in my hands. “And it took everything I had not to throw a leg over you and slide you deep inside me.”

Jendan groaned again, and his fingers brushed a little deeper.

I gave a small wiggle and my panties dropped to the floor. I kicked them aside and spread my legs so he could move his fingers even deeper if he wanted. “But I resisted,” I murmured. “It was very…hard, but I managed.” At hard, I bit down on his lower lip and sucked on it.

With that, Jendan pushed forward, landing us both back on the bed again. I went backward gleefully, my heart pounding with excitement and arousal as he climbed over me and pushed my legs apart, settling between my spread legs. “You should be rewarded for being such a good girl, I suppose.”

“Mmm.” Just the sexy tone of his voice had me wet. “What did you have in mind?”

“This,” he told me, just as his mouth captured mine again, and his fingers brushed through my slick folds.

I clung to him, whimpering my pleasure. Oh God, his touch was incredible. I was so wet already, all this talking and back-and-forth play just driving me mad with need.

Jendan’s fingers stroked my pussy, teasing the wetness back and forth until my folds were soaked with my own juices. “So lovely,” he murmured between hot kisses. “So wet.”

“Just thinking about you touching me makes me wet,” I told him breathlessly, clinging to his big shoulders. His skin felt so good against mine – why had I waited all those weeks to do this? Pride in my game be damned. I’d met a great guy and pushed him away until the time was right.

Now, time felt like it was slipping away from me.

Frantic, I kissed him with increasing desire, raising my hips to meet his fingers. His thumb found my clitoris and rested there, and I moaned and rubbed up against it, needing more. “Jendan, please,” I whispered. “Let’s not go slow. Not this time. Not at first.”

One finger sank deep inside me. “You that ready, Annabelle?”

I arched my back, my mouth opening in a silent moan. Oh God, I was so ready. Weeks and weeks of tantalizing had left me primed and ready for sex like never before. “Jendan, I need you.”

“I’m here,” he murmured, showering my face with kisses as he thrust deep with his finger. “I’m here with you.”

I rose to meet the thrusts of his fingers, each one increasing the ache of need I felt. His thumb continued to tease and stroke my clit, driving me wild.

I was near an orgasm when he withdrew from me, and I gave a cry of protest, clinging to his mouth with frantic kisses. No! Not yet! Not when I was so close!

“Condoms,” he murmured against my insistent mouth. “Need condoms.”

“Hurry,” I encouraged him. “Need you.”

I continued to cling to him as he stretched over to the nightstand, grabbing a condom off of the strip and ripping it open with his teeth. While I writhed underneath him and ran my hands all over every inch of skin I could touch, he rolled the condom on, concentrating fiercely.

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