Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3 (31 page)

BOOK: Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3
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“I’m not.” I lick my dry lips, trying to give them moisture, but it’s a lost cause. “I promise I feel this.”

He leans in close, scrutinizing my eyes. I can tell he wants so badly to believe my confession, so I continue, “These past few days have been hard, but I couldn’t have gotten through them without you. My feelings are real, Nick.”

His breathing picks up and the muscles in his jaw clench. “Please make love to me,” I plead. “I need to feel
. I need
to be the one, not these plastic devices.”

I watch as he steps back, remaining silent, and then he slowly begins to unbutton his dress shirt. His eyes have turned half-mast and sultry, and they scream inaudible promises only he can deliver. “Please…I need to touch you and wrap my legs around you.”

He removes everything except for his boxers, and then he unties me from my binds. He rubs my fatigued arms and legs, massaging them for a few minutes, bringing back the much-needed circulation before he lays down beside me.

Resting on his elbow, he leans forward to touch me in an oh-so-tender, velvety smooth stroke as his fingertips draw an invisible line from my neck to the swells of my breasts. My heart skips a beat, and my breathing quickens. He stays quiet for a few minutes, lost in contemplative thought as he trails his fingers over my skin. I’m burning up. I need the physical contact.

“Please make love to me, Nick. Make it slow, make it passionate, and make it last,” I breathe in a husky whisper. “Make me yours.”

His eyes flick to mine, pulling him from his thoughts as his hand freezes underneath the swell of my breast. “Tell me again.”

I lift my head to seductively run my tongue along the ridges of his neck, and then whisper over his ear, “I’m falling in love with you.” I suck along his strong muscles that flex under my ministrations, and grin when he lets out a low growl. Nick slips on top of me, laying the weight of his body over mine. His hands cradle either side of my head, and as if I’m a dream come true, he leans down and softly presses his lips against mine in what could only be a reverent, loving kiss.

His strong leg nudges the inside of my thigh, spreading my legs far apart, making room for his erection. I close my eyes and embrace the feel of his thickness at my opening as our tongues tangle with passion.

When he pulls away from the kiss, I open my eyes to his, and I’m faced with ones full of passion and desire as he stares down at me. “This is how I wanted our first time to be,” he softly confesses.

I smile, cradling his cheek within my hands. “Let’s just start fresh, pretend this is our first.”

A heavy breath leaves his lungs, and he reassures me, “I’m going to make you feel every ounce of my love. Soft and sweet, the way it should’ve been the first time.”

He moves his hips, grinding his erection into me. I lose my breath, and maybe I was wrong about him going slow. I need his boxers off now. I lift my hips, needing his hardness inside of me as he swirls his tongue around mine. I urge him on, grinding my bare pussy against the hard length in his boxers. “You don’t fight fair,” he groans, softly nipping at my lower lip.

“I love you, Julianna. I swear to you I will always love, cherish, and protect you.”

I run my fingers along the waistband of his boxers, and then slip my hand inside. “Ohh…” I moan, coming into contact with the tip of his cock, and when my fingers wrap around the warmth of his thick skin, I shiver with need.

I run my thumb along the opening of his slit, the wetness of his pre-cum already having bathed the tip. He’s so wet I wonder if he had come at some point during my punishment. My thumb creates a pattern as I rub his crown in gentle circles, and his eyes involuntarily close.

“Fuck,” he draws out on a winded breath, “you totally undo me.” When he opens his eyes, I can see them swirling with emotion. My mouth goes dry the second he peels off his boxers, and his cock springs free. It’s the first time I’ve seen him up close and personal in all his hard, naked glory. He's beautiful, and I can’t wait for him to fill me with it. My core clenches with anticipation of being stretched and fucked…fucked hard.

A deep, husky voice pulls me from my trance. “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?”

I flick my eyes from his straining erection and look up at his beautiful face, my lips curving up in a devious grin. “I want you inside my mouth. I need to taste you.” I lick my lips seductively as I bend forward to do just that.

He growls low and deep, his hand grasping my shoulder to stop me, and then he pushes me back down on the bed. His eyes are filled with an animal hunger as he shakes his head. “I’ve been watching you orgasm for the past two hours. I already won’t last but a minute this go ‘round.”

When he lays his bodyweight on top of mine, I moan aloud. The feel of his sultry body and taut muscles touching my oversensitive skin warms me. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me for the best kiss of his life.

A huge crash sounds out amidst our quiet interlude. The sound of wood splinters like lightning striking a tree, and then crashes to the ground with a loud boom. Nick jolts back, and what I see next has my heart stopping mid-beat as Travis and his men come barreling through the door. Bright lights flip on, and in my peripheral vision, there must be at least five men in all, dressed in black with firearms at the ready.

“Freeze!” someone yells out.

Before Nick or I can process a second’s worth of the chaos, his body is ripped off mine. It’s Travis, and he’s a six-foot-five tiger out of control. His nostrils flare in anger, his expression murderous. His entire body hums with incredible fury, and I watch in slow motion as he pulls his fist back, and then pummels the shit out of Nick.

“Motherfucker! Did you really think you could get away with this?” Travis bellows as his fist comes down again and again, pounding on Nick’s nose with a sickening crack. My eyes squeeze shut, and I have to look away from the gut-wrenching scene. “Fuck off, Quinn,” Travis roars. I flick my eyes back to the horrendous sight to see Quinn holding Travis back in an arm-lock.

Chase steps in, grabbing Nick’s pants up off the floor. “Get some clothes on,” Chase says with disgust as he throws Nick’s pants at him. Nick catches them with one hand as his other hand presses against his bleeding nose.

“Let me go, Quinn,” Travis sneers contemptuously. He yanks at both his arms, his chest heaving with breaths of a charging bull, trying to free himself.

“I don’t think so, Trav—”

“I’m done with the asshole…for now,” he explains, cutting Quinn off.

Travis turns his head, and his eyes flick to mine with an intense glare that has me holding my breath. The thumping of my heartbeat thuds and pulsates in my ears. I swallow hard with the realization that I’m suddenly naked in front of a roomful of men.

Chase suddenly appears in front of me with a lightweight blanket, and quickly shakes it out in one motion as he lays it over top of me.

“I said let me the fuck go, Quinn!” Travis thunders out through gritted teeth. All the guys are dressed the same. All of them are wearing black pants and black jackets despite the late August heat outside. Travis’ glare eats through me, and I have to turn away from it as I wrap myself in the blanket and curl into a ball.

“You got your shit together?” Quinn asks in a rough voice.

“I’m good. I’m done with the motherfucker for the time being,” Travis barks out.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Quinn releases him. His chest heaving with barely contained anger as he visibly tries to calm himself down. Travis shakes his arms loose as he hones his narrowed eyes back on Nick, who now has his pants on. Another broad and ominous looking man I haven’t seen before has a hold on Nick.

Nick’s nose is bleeding profusely, but he seems unaffected by it as he stands up straight, vibrating with unmitigated hate. Spitting blood out of his mouth and onto the floor at Travis’ feet, he hisses, “What’s the matter, Travis? Did you hear her calling out my name in ecstasy?” Nick taunts. “I do have to tell you that you’re wrong about one thing. Her pussy does taste sweet, but it’s even better wrapped around my dick.” He then lets out a snicker. “My cum has just filled her to the brim. Her pussy has runneth over.”

Travis lunges for Nick again, but Quinn is quick to pull him back as he struggles to get loose. Travis’ veins are bulging out of his neck, and he’s lost his self-control. There’s enough testosterone in this room to fuel a nuclear submarine.

Trembling, I clasp the blanket tighter around my naked body and I scramble from the bed, but my legs get tangled up in the blanket, making me stumble and fall to the floor. I scoot back and huddle myself against the wall.

He’s ruining my plans. All of them are ruining my plans. They need to go away! Blood rushes through my veins with anger now as reality begins to catch up with me. My plans are slipping through my fingers. They had no right to barge in here like this. The glory and the revenge were mine, not his. Rage fills me. I feel like a highly prized animal, one that these men keep playing tug of war with. They act as if they each have the right to own me.

I lower my head, withdrawing into myself as my blonde hair spills over my eyes, creating a veil. A set of heavy, dark boots come into view, and I know it’s Travis. He squats down to get on my level, resting his elbows on his knees as his voice approaches me with extreme caution.

“Jules, it’s me. You’re going to be okay now,” he assures me.

Travis leans in a little closer, his very presence making me lose my breath. The air grows stale in my lungs, and I can't breathe. He holds out his hand in a gesture for me to take the lifeline. My chest constricts with pain. I have no life. There is no rescuing me from my hell.

I shake my head back and forth, whispering a despondent, “No, go away.”

“Jules, it's me,” Travis pleads.

I lift my chin in defiance, narrowing my eyes on him, sounding harsh this time, “Go away, Travis. Leave us be.”

His stone wall has crumbled, leaving him exposed as a look of distress and pain flash across his eyes. I’ve shocked him.

He shakes his head, refusing to believe me. “You don't mean that, sweetheart,” he whispers, and then repeats, “You don't mean that.”

“Leave Nick and me alone.” The anger in my tone cannot be mistaken.

Travis’ eyebrows narrow, and he stands and stumbles back a step as if I’ve slapped him. A large man dressed in the same black outfit as everyone else squeezes Travis’ shoulder. “Let me handle her.”

I hear a soft chuckle coming from the other side of the room, and I know it is Nick. His laughter becomes sinister as he proceeds to arrogantly tell Travis, “Don’t you see, Travis? She wants me. She’s always wanted me.” Then his voice rises in anger as he bellows, “She chose me!”

Quinn’s deep voice cuts through the chaos. “Take him out of here…now.”

The last thing I hear Nick say as they escort him out the door is, “Has she told you that she loves you yet, Travis? She told me. Why don’t you ask her about it?”

Suddenly, Travis has found his bearings, and his voice. “I’ll fucking kill him!” he grits out, and then he makes a move for Nick.

“Jackson, stand the fuck down!” someone bellows from the doorway, his words slicing through the air with finality.

“You fucking went rogue, didn’t you?” The man punches the wall beside him with his fist, the sound of drywall crackling from the force. Anger doesn’t even begin to describe what this man is feeling. “I fucking knew it!” His face twists in fury.

Travis turns around and squares off, confronting the burly man with hands balled into fists. “I answer to no one. You knew that when you hired me, and you didn’t seem to mind that when my life was hanging in the balance every day.”

Quinn pushes the stranger aside and squats down in front of me. Travis stalks off toward the man standing by the door, and their conversation dissipates in the background as soon as Quinn reaches out to me. His rich blue eyes pierce mine as if he’s trying to hypnotize me. “Let me help you,” he softly whispers.

I stare blankly into his eyes.
There is no help for me now.

I close my eyes and shut the world out, letting my hair spill back over my face. I start to rhythmically rock myself back and forth.

So many people are talking and arguing, and it’s too much auditory stimulation. It all blends together, and I grab at my tousled hair and tug at the roots. I’ve slipped deep inside my own head, and into a crazy state of mind. I’m drowning in the darkness, and there is no climbing my way back out of this black hole.

Quinn tries to whisper something to someone, but his deep voice carries, “She’s going to need some help, Travis. I’m talking serious help.”

Travis’ voice bellows throughout the room, silencing everyone, “The fuck she’s getting any help other than mine. She’s going with me.”

Travis squats down in front of me again, trying to disengage my fingers from my hair, but it’s no use. He uses his fingers to lock around my chin, tilting my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze. I can tell he’s trying desperately to bring me back from the dead, but it’s too late. I’m ruined, scarred for anything remotely normal. I’m a hazard to anyone who comes within a foot of me. I close my eyes tightly, wishing them all to go away, wishing I was simply dead.

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