BlueBuried Muffins (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: BlueBuried Muffins (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 1)
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Jake shook his head. “I was looking for a gallery to show my work and I contacted the wrong one. It’s complicated.”

They heard Mia’s voice in the hallway. “Vincent? Can you help me for a minute?”

“I’m busy.” His footsteps continued toward Clay Design without slowing down.

Leona, Annie and Jake held their breath as Vincent stormed into the shop. “What’s going on in here?”

Chapter 20


Vincent glared at Annie. She turned around, happy that her mother had called out his name, giving her enough warning to be prepared for Vincent coming into Clay Design. She had a split second to stuff the bag of drugs back into the mug before riveting her eyes on him.

“You look terrible, Vincent. You should think about crawling back under the rock you came from and try to get over whatever is ailing you.” Turning her attention back to Jake, she asked, “How long will it take to get the new mugs done for the café? Leona and I think the pot you gave us with the black cat design would be a hot seller on coffee mugs with all the tourists.”

“I, ah, could make about dozen for next week. How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Annie said. “Come on Leona. We’d better get back to the café. Business is booming.”

Vincent moved in front of Annie to block her path. “You think you’re clever, don’t you? Watch out.”

Leona pushed between them like an overprotective mama bear. “Are you threatening us, you little snake? You don’t know who you’re messing with. I could break you in two like a dried twig. Why are you even here in town?” Her eyes traveled over Vincent from head to toe. “Be careful or your shiny suit might need a trip to the cleaners.”

Leona knocked him aside with her elbow as she walked out of Clay Design with Annie leaning against her.

“Did you see his face? Calling him a snake is an insult to all the snakes in Catfish Cove.” Annie bent over double laughing so hard she had to cross her legs so she didn’t wet her pants. “You made him mad, Leona.”

“Good. We’ve got that meeting tonight at eight with Roy. I think Jake and Vincent need an invitation too. Get the three of them fighting with each other.”

“What about Tyler and Detective Jaffrey?”

“Not yet. Let’s keep them out of this for now.” Leona stopped. “Hey, what’s this I heard about you adopting Roxy?”

“Someone has a big mouth.” Annie smiled. “You should have seen Jason with the dogs. I think he wanted to adopt her but he said he travels too much. What’s his story? He finds things?”

Leona shrugged. “Jason and I got pretty close when his dad helped get my sentence reduced when I went to jail at eighteen. I don’t know what strings he pulled but he made me swear I would straighten my act out or else. Jason was just a kid then and we’ve always stayed in touch. I think it’s more like he makes sure I keep my promise to his dad.”

“So nothing ever romantic between the two of you?”

Leona grinned. “Nope. He’s more like an annoying little brother that always shows up to spoil the fun.” Her face broke into a wicked grin. “Are you interested? I can tell he’s a bit, shall I say, taken with you?”

A scream and loud crash made both Leona and Annie sprint into the café. Mia held her arm and muffins were scattered on the floor around her feet.

“What happened?” Leona and Annie both asked at the same time.

“I was rushing, taking two pans out at once and one hot tray flopped onto my arm. Stupid.”

Jason wrapped a wet cloth around the red burn on the inside of Mia’s arm. “I’ll take her to the emergency room, you two can stay here and finish up the baking.”

“Are you sure?” Annie asked, full of worry.

Mia waved off the concern. “I’ll be fine. You two need to get ready for tomorrow.”

“This day is flying by. I’m going to close up the café which will piss Roy off, but since we’re short-handed now, that can’t be helped. Business is tapering off anyway.” Leona picked up the muffin tray, which had thankfully landed right side up. “This isn’t a total loss. Only a few popped out, the rest can be sold.”

Annie began to dump ingredients into a large mixing bowl for a batch of granola. “Once this is in the oven, I’ll mix up another recipe of Chubby Chickpea Salad. It was a huge hit today.”

“I’ll finish this batch of cinnamon rolls, but they can sit in the fridge until tomorrow morning. I’ll stick them in the oven when I get here. The cinnamon smell is about the best aroma to greet everyone’s noses first thing. After you finish the salad and granola, aren’t you going over to the animal shelter to pick up your new family member? I’m sure she’d rather be with you than stuck in the kennel.”

Annie did a little dance of happiness. “I can’t believe I’ve only been back in Catfish Cove for less than a week and I have a job, an awesome apartment and a dog and cat. I wasn’t sure I’d be staying, but these events kind of made up my mind for me.”

“Don’t forget finding a body and the drugs,” Leona added.

“Well, yeah, there’s that too, but I would rather focus on the good parts of being back here. I want to check on Mom before I pick up Roxy. How about Baxter? Are you going to visit him?”

“That’s my plan. Let’s get this done so we can head out for some fun.”

The radio blasted Leona’s favorite oldies songs as they worked efficiently. Martha knocked on the door, holding up a package. “Hey, hon, let me in.”

Annie wiped her hands on a towel and unlocked the door for Martha.

“I’m popping in to show you some more aprons I made for the two of you. What do you think?”

Annie held it up in front of herself. “You’re so creative. I love this big black cat sitting on the front of the apron. And the bright yellow background really makes it pop. It’s a lot like the sign Danny made.”

“I couldn’t find enough of the other fabric so I cut out this cat design and appliquéd it on the background.”

“If you can make this design smaller and put it on tea towels, I’ll sell them here along with the mugs Jake is making for us,” Leona said.

“Great idea. I can whip some up in no time at all. How about some placemats too?”

“Of course.” Leona looked around her café. “I’ll call Danny and ask him to build me a table next to the cash register to display your creations. Keep some for your store, too.”

Martha waved her hand. “I don’t get a fraction of the traffic through my shop that you get coming through the café. I’m happy for you to be my outlet. Besides, if I get too many customers, it cuts into my sewing time.”

“Listen,” Annie said, changing the subject. “My father is coming here tonight at eight to get that bag I found behind my photograph.”

“Roy? How’s he involved?”

“I wish I knew the answer to that question. We’re still trying to figure it out. Jake is involved too, but he said Vincent is blackmailing him and he wants to help us. I wonder if Vincent found something on my father too, but I can’t imagine what. Max must have had information he was trying to get to me before he was murdered. Danny heard arguing the night before Max was killed and he told us he recognized Roy’s voice. I bet it was Jake, Vincent and Roy arguing the night before Max was murdered.”

Martha clapped her hands together. “I bet the creepy Vincent character is the murderer. Jake can be abrasive and Roy is a jerk, but can you see them murdering anyone?”

Leona finished up the cinnamon rolls and put them in the fridge. “You never know what someone will do when they are desperate. We need to be extra careful tonight. Roy wants those drugs and maybe that will be the end of it, but if Vincent is blackmailing everyone, who knows what he’ll do to cover his tracks. Maybe we should tell Detective Jaffrey or Tyler about our meeting.”

“No, let’s keep to our original plan.” Annie said. “What could happen with so many people together? Vincent won’t be able to kill all of us.”

Martha folded the aprons and put them on the counter. “How about if I hide in my shop with the lights off and keep my cell phone ready to call the police? Just in case.”

Annie smiled. “Good idea. But don’t park your car here or that will tip Vincent off that you’re around.” She wondered what her meeting with Detective Jaffrey would reveal. She could always tell him about this other meeting if she decided it was time to trust him.

Chapter 21


Annie and Leona finished cleaning up the café and made a plan to be back early again to get everything ready for Sunday morning. With all the business and preparations for Friday and Saturday, business on Sunday could go either way. All in all, the café was already popular with the locals and tourists. Having so much set up as self-serve took a lot of pressure off Annie and Leona. Mia’s help was the touch they needed, but they didn’t know if they could count on her help in the morning after she burned her arm.

It was a short drive to the small community hospital. Jason was helping Mia walk out as Annie pulled into the emergency parking area. She hopped out of her car and waved. Mia held up her bandaged arm and waited for Annie to walk to them.

“So, how’s the patient?”

“Feeling like a complete idiot. It’s a second degree burn with a nasty blister and the doctor gave me strict orders to keep the blister clean and dry, but it should be better in two to three weeks.”

“Do you want a ride home?” Annie winked at Jason. “Your chauffer probably has something better to do.”

“Sure.” Mia thanked Jason and followed Annie to her car.

“I’m glad your arm wasn’t burned more severely, Mom.”

“I was rushing around and wondering what you and Leona were up to so my focus wasn’t on the hot trays. The accident was complete carelessness on my part.”

“What’s the deal with Jason? Leona told me he’s like a brother to her, but I don’t ever remember seeing him around.”

Leona gazed out the window. “That was around the time you came into my life and Leona and I, well, we didn’t hang around a lot back then. I heard Jason’s name mentioned, but he wasn’t part of my life. I think he’s six or seven years older than you.”

Annie pulled into the animal shelter. “Good. Karen’s car is still here.”

Mia gave Annie a puzzled look. “Why are you stopping here?”

“I adopted a dog today. When I went over to take pictures, well, I got more than some great shots.”

“Let me see. I love your photos.”

Annie handed the camera to her mother. “Is this the dog?” Mia tilted the camera so Annie could see a shot of herself with Roxy.

“Yeah, that’s Roxy. Isn’t she adorable? I met her the other day when Leona brought me here to meet the dog she wants to adopt.”

“Who took this shot?”

“Jason followed me over and he’s the one who twisted my arm and got me to say yes. He said he would love to adopt her but he travels too much. Come on, let’s get inside before we waste any more time.”

Karen was sweeping the front area but leaned the broom on her desk when Mia and Annie walked in. “I was afraid you changed your mind, Annie. Roxy is out back, curled up on her pillow acting depressed. You would have broken her heart if you didn’t show up to bring her home.”

“You’re the second person today to tell me I could break that dog’s heart.”

Karen’s eyebrow went up in question. “Who else made that observation? Was it that handsome man you were with?”

Annie felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, making Karen and Mia laugh at her. “Yes, as a matter of fact, it was that handsome man.” She raised her eyebrows at the two women. “I can’t figure him out. He’s way too considerate and handsome,” she added, “to still be single.”

“People don’t always find their soul mate right away, honey,” Mia explained.

Annie shrugged. “I’m not looking for another relationship anyway. I screwed up my engagement with Tyler, and Max got murdered. No one will want anything to do with me with that history. Everyone will be heading for the hills once they find out about my track record.”

“I know someone who can’t wait to move in with you,” Karen said nodding toward the back room with all the kennels.

That comment brought a huge smile to Annie’s face as she headed through the door. “I’ll be right back.”

And she was. With a happy dog following, watching Annie’s every move. “Thanks Karen. I’ll be back for a photo shoot soon. Come on Mom. I’ll drop you off at home, then get this girl some food and see how she gets along with Smokey.”

Roxy jumped into the back seat of Annie’s Saab, curling up like it was her usual spot.

“You and dogs,” Mia said, smiling as she shook her head. “I’m glad you’re back. I don’t know anything about Jason but I think you found a soul mate with this girl.”

Annie reached over and squeezed her mother’s hand. “I’m glad I’m back too. It doesn’t matter so much to me anymore if I find my birth parents. You’re my mom. The rest won’t change anything. Right?”

Mia nodded as a tear slid down her cheek. “Thanks, Annie. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

“Enough of this emotional stuff. We need to figure out what Roy has up his sleeve.”

“What are you talking about?” Mia asked.

“I thought I already told you. He knows about the drugs hidden behind my photographs and we’re meeting him tonight at eight at the café. He found all but one of the bags of drugs and thinks I’m going to give him the missing one tonight.”

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