Bloody Heretic (17 page)

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Authors: Emily Barker

BOOK: Bloody Heretic
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, you are a smart man to understand you
r own weaknesses and to use my powers
to your advantage.”
She stopped him with an arm across
his stomach as she peered around the firs
t corner they came to. He rolled his eyes at her protectiveness and peered over her head to see the empty hallway beyond.


s pretty quiet down here. I don

t hear anything,”
he said.

That means the girls are most likely further down. I can

t se
nse anything beyond this point. The walls are steel reinforced, and with this marble exterior I can

t hear a thing. Keep an eye out and your senses open to electronics.”

This isn

t my first mission, Jeannie.”
She paused at his use of the nickname. He

t look at her when she looked up. “

s go. The quicker we get this over with, the quicker we can get back upstairs. I

m sure your stunt has caused an all out blood bath,”
he walked down the hall saying. She caught up to him.

I can only hope.
ell me, was Victoria correct in her assum
that you had followed us to the plaza? Is that the reason behind all the throwing things and moping?”


Shit is right.”

I can explain,”
he tried. She waited for an answer but he couldn

t t
ell her that Elliot had needle
d them into spying like a bunch
of teenage losers.


m waiting.”
She tapped her foot in front of him.

We were worried about how you would react to Adam

s decree, I suppose.”

Really? That

s the best you

ve got? You were
so worried I

d run off and do something reckless that you all followed silently behind us while we shopped for dresses and gossiped?”

Gossiping isn

t very nice, you know?”
He said after remembe
ring the terrible things they

d said.


dropping isn

t very nice either. Haven

t you heard that those who eavesdrop never hear
good things
about themselves?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. He scraped a hand over his head.

Did you really think I was gay, Jeanne?”
He couldn

t stop himse
lf from asking. He was rewarded with a blooming pink blush that covered her from scalp to chest. Had he thought her capable of blushing he would have killed to see her do it long ago. She wouldn

t meet his eye.

I did,”
she answered but didn

t elabor

He demanded, crowding her space.
She got her back up.

Can you blame me? You only feed from men, you

re never seen with women, no one has heard of your dating or being interested in a woman. I drew the logical conclusion.”
She ticked t
he facts off her fingers as she threw them in his face. He bent toward her to speak in low tones.

I don

t deny any of those things. What I really want to know is why you know any of them. What does it matter to you?”

Curiosity. I just wanted the
truth, in case you failed to convince Boris of your authenticity during the mission. If you couldn

t play the lusting Vampire lover you risked giving us away.”
He stood his full height at her explanation.
Well he couldn

t blame her there. Of course sh
e would worry about the mission. It wasn

t like she wanted to know out of personal curiosity.

Well for future reference, I

m not gay. My reasons for the things I do are my own,”
he told her.

I know.”
She looked at him and slowly brought her han
d up to cup his face. He looked down at her confused. Before he could ask her why she looked so concerned, the sound of footsteps echoed further down the hall. She whirled around
, looking frantically for somewhere to hide. He was about to ask why she didn

t just control the person as she had with the guards but before he got a word out she grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him into an open doorway. He stumbled but quickly righted himself as she closed the door softly behind him.

What is it? A guard?

He asked. She waved at him to be quiet as she listened at the door. She eventually sagged in relief as the footsteps kept on past them. “
So, what was that about?”
He asked again. She turned from the door.

What? Oh, I don

t know. Could have been any
She walked toward him.

Well what are we doing in here then?”
She smiled
at him and
shocked the shit out of him by jumping into his arms.

she answered when he caught her. Before his brain could even process what was ha
ppening she was kissing him and thought became a thing of the past. All he knew was sensation. The feel of her legs wrapped around his waist, hugging him close as he gripped her hips
, the feel of her tongue as it licked across his fangs. He moaned loudly i
nto her mouth, unbelievingly she moaned back into his and the surreal feeling he had been floating in dissipated somewhat. He pulled away from her.

How? I mean why...,”
he tried to ask.

Because you deserve it and so do I.”
She leaned in to kiss
him and he pulled back again.

Jeanne, we

re on a mission. This isn

t exactly the right time to decide you want to make out.”
She looked at him like he had lost his mind, and honestly he must have. Why was he fighting this?

I understand you take
your job seriously but if I

m willing to take a time out for this then you should too.”


Dom! When the Maiden of Orleans says she wants to fuck you, you say yes!”
She growled at him.

Fuck it.”
He swung them around, knocked everything
off the desk in front of him, and laid her down on top of it. She reached up for him and they went right back to the heated exploration of each other

s mouth. Her dress rod up her thighs as she scooted down to meet his thrusting pelvis. He felt like an u
tried youth, grinding into her the way he was, but damn if he could stop from doing it. She didn

t seem to mind. Before he realized it his shirt was unbuttoned and she had her fingers at the button of his pants.

Whoa, Jeanne, slow down,”
he tried to
tell her but she ignored him. He gasped aloud as her reaching hand grasped him and lifted him from his pants. “
Oh, Dieu
. Jeanne, it

s been a long time since I

ve done this. I might
not last if you don

t slow down.”
She looked up at him. And then
burst out laughing at him. He stood up fully to glare at her.

I apologize. I

m not laughing at you. Trust me Dom, I believe you can do this.”
She smiled as she smoothed her hand down his length and he forgot what he had been mad about. She knew just
the right amount of pressure he loved, just where to twist and how fast.
Lesbian my ass
. He sucked in a breath when she pulled her panties aside and pulled him forward to s
ide him inside. Christ, she was already wet and he hadn

t even thought to see to he
r. There wasn

t time to be ashamed of his lack of foresight,
he slid in without a hitch and couldn

t stop from groaning at the rush of sensation. She clutched him tight with her legs around his back and he had to practically fight her to pull out
, as sh
e would pull him back again as soon as he left her heat. He smiled at her as she fought to control the tempo. He should have know
n she would. Without warning
he grabbed hold of her left leg, raised it up to his shoulder and drove into her hard. She gasped
and threw her head back. He chuckled.

I haven

t lost my touch I see.”
He drove into h
er again and again. She ra
ked her nails down his arms as she shook and twitched. A flush of male pride filled him as her breath hitched and her back bowed over the ha
rd desk. Lord, he had missed this. It felt like coming home. And then Jeanne started yelling

Fuck me, fuck me

in French and it felt like coming for real. He lifted her up and kissed her desperately as he came inside her.
He kissed her lips, her cheek, he
ear and down her neck. The wealth of feeling welling up inside him was unstoppable. He didn

t think it was just because Jeanne was the first woman
he had slept with in decades. His
heart hurt in his chest at the thought of letting her go. She held on jus
t as tightly and he could pretend that in this moment she felt the same.
By some perverted twist of fate they had been thrown together and he wasn

t ready to give her up. Not yet.
She moved to pull away and he held her tighter.

No, not yet.”
She still
ed at his demand. A peaceful silence filled the room, nothing but the sound of their breaths as they held onto each other.

Dom. I know this will sound strange, my being a Hybrid and all, but I

m getting a cramp in my leg,”
she murmured. He backed up immediately, letting her leg back down slowly. She smiled at him as she rubbed her thigh.

Sorry. I wasn

t thinking.”
He was humbled though by her admission to the thing neither had ever spoken aloud. She was telling him th
at she trusted him. He tried to keep the goofy smile o
f his face as he tucked himself
back into him pants and
ed his shirt. Her H
ybrid nature was something that only a few in the world knew about. Even if he hadn

t known about her past, it would
have been fairly obvious to him that she was also a Were. The first time they ha
d met she had tried to take a chunk out of his hide. Gloria had recognized her and stopped them from attacking each other thankfully.

I never apologized for almost attac
king you in Boulder. I am sorry about that.”

You reading my mind?”
He smiled at her.

No, just remembering when we first met. It

s kind of embarrassing actually.”

No hard feelings. I remember thinking you were too beautiful to kill at the ti
me. I probably would have let you take a chunk out.”
He laughed. She didn

t say anything to that. She looked up at him with a strange look upon her face. “
What is it?”

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