Bloods Gem (5 page)

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Authors: Gloria Conway

Tags: #vampires, #love, #drama, #fantasy, #young adult, #shape shifter, #lust, #vampires bloodlust thriller paranormal romance, #vampires and shapechangers

BOOK: Bloods Gem
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He cleared his throat
impatiently, implying he did not have all day. Glancing up at him,
I gave him an awkward smile.

“Adrian I need help. I’m
confused… Last night I met a human girl and felt I had no control.
The feeling was a combination of pain and lust. I couldn’t even
talk to the damn girl.”

A dark laugh rose from
him, startling me. “Wow, you got it made then. Guess you wont have
to go far after all.”

I narrowed my eyes trying
to make out what he was getting at.
“Explain?” I
asked, politely.

Do I have to spell it out for you or
are you just as stupid as you look? It’s obviously your

My mind raced. This was not
Her… my gem? How could it be
this easy?
Yet so hard, I already hated the girl and
wanted to kill her. Had planned to do it last night.

It might sound funny to you being so
easy and all, but the weakness and lust you explain only come if
you’ve found her. Not to mention, Celeste telling me about you
passing out at a human girl's feet. You’re already starting to
worship her. Good job, Bro.”

He glared at me, his tone sarcastic. I
couldn’t speak. The lack of control I had being around the girl, I
could not get close to her again without killing her.

I smacked the palm of my hand to my head,
regretting the thought once again of pursuing her.

Adrian, don’t speak of this to
anyone. I will figure this out on my own. I just don’t know how to
do what I need to do without killing her.”

He laughed again. “Baby steps Dan. Baby
steps. Don’t just jump right in and say, “Hey wanna get married?”
The longer you're around her, the easier it will be to control
yourself. When I found Sabrina I had a hard time too, but I also
caved and attacked.

I do hate myself for that. I have to
be reminded everyday looking at her. The looks she still gives me,
but it’s still fresh. But I had enough strength to stop. I knew if
I killed her, I was dead too, and in time it gets easier to at
least like her. Not quite love. I still resent her for making me
vulnerable. I should have a choice who I love and who I don’t. I
guess that’s why I've been holding on to this resentment this whole

The things my brother said, were
exactly what I felt. He knew the feeling of not being given a
choice and hating it. But, I also knew much of what he said was
bullshit. No one believed Sabrina was his gem. He had her under his
control, but there was nothing more to it than that. If his story
were true I could relate to the resentment part and wanting to take
my life in my own hands instead of leaving it to fate. I suppose in
my mind I want to be in control of everything about me and my
Not surrendering my life to someone
else. This is difficult, because if what he said was true and she
is my gem--my destiny--then I should be able to
trol certain desires, like the one saying to suck
her dry.
What if I’d… last night… I would
have been dead.


After my conversation with Adrian, I went
back to my room, made myself call her, believing that hearing her
voice would make it more real. If I still felt as I had on the
previous night, then maybe it would feel natural. The possibility
that she would be right for me. My soul mate. The thought made me
laugh out loud.

I grabbed her phone number from the
trash, picked up my phone and dialed the number.
The area code was different, a United States
Ringing, my hand gripped the phone

Hello?” she answered. The same voice
I had in my head, that sweet innocent voice, made my whole body

I grabbed hold of my dresser feeling my legs
buckling under me.

Hello. Am I speaking to Faith?” I

This is her,” she replied.

Faith, my name is Daniel Hill. We met
at the bar last night. I’m sorry about the incident, I’d had too
much too drink and…”

Oh.” She started to

Now I felt stupid. I punched the wall,
putting a hole through it.

I remember you. You’re the one who
passed out at my feet.”

Putting my hand to my head and falling down
on my bed, I managed the words… “Again, I'm sorry,” to be polite.
We continued to talk but it was an embarrassing situation I had no
control over. She told me she was visiting with friends, but she
was leaving to return to the states. I asked her if we could
possibly meet up before she left and she agreed.

I had no idea how to get her to stay or tell
her what she was to me. It seemed impossible, but I do have my
gifts of persuasion… Or I could woo her into staying. Bring my
charm with me and hope for the best, but I still had not figured
out how to get close to her without acting crazy.

Chapter Eight



We were to meet at Cafe La Blue. I took a
shower, gelled my hair and wore something I thought would appeal to
her. I started getting nervous the closer it came time to meeting
her. Donning dark glasses, I grabbed my keys. As I headed out, my
sister caught me. “Where are you going? The party is going to start
in a few hours.”

Trust me sis. I have to get something
important done. I'll be on time.”

She smirked, “Okay, I’m
not responsible for you this time.”

I kissed her on the cheek
and walked out the door.

I sat there on the patio
at the cafe nervous. What to do, what to say… I wanted to keep it
casual and rely on my abilities of enchanting her. It would not
hurt to use my powers for this occasion. I asked the waiter for a
glass of water as I reached for the bread, acting like I was doing
something normal. I hated pretending to eat,
no taste…
I cursed the bread, as I
popped a piece into my mouth. I held my stomach. That feeling
again, as if someone just hit
me in the gut with a
metal pipe.
She’s getting closer.
I started panicking,
what if I can’t
handle the pain, or my thirst as she approached? I will… I have
The pain worsened. When I saw her my jaw

The pain faded as I admired her from a
distance. Walking towards me, everything about her seemed perfect.
the way she walked gracefully,
to her flawless dark brown hair flowing down to her waist.
Though I could not see her eyes, a relief, knowing their

She wore dark glasses, as did I. Standing as
she approached, I attempted to hide my awe of her beauty.

Faith,” I
greeted her.


I nodded and took her hand pulling her
closer, kissing both sides of her cheek. I tried not to smell her,
lifted my head, feeling light-headed and opened my eyes. Moving
around to her seat, I pulled out the chair for her.

Thank you,” she said. I put my hand
on her shoulder using my ability to gain her affection.
I noticed her elegant neck exposed for my
viewing, making my mouth water and my pants tighter. I immediately
became self-conscious and reminded myself how I wasn’t here to feed
or fantasize but to win her affection.

My hand shook on her
shoulder, I quickly withdrew it, hoping she had not noticed
anything. I remembered humans can’t read minds of feel our emotions
so I felt a little more at ease.

Seating myself, I smiled.
it felt like a fake smile, like I was trying too hard to
don’t smile, stop smiling I look

I continued to struggle
with my thoughts, trying to coerce it into something

Removing her glasses, she stared at
Don’t look in her eyes.
t was impossible. I stared into
them, doubting she would notice through my dark glasses. We sat
quietly a moment.

So, did you ask me here as an apology
for last night?” She asked, smiling that cute smile that made me
want to jump up and shou
t something
in excitement.

I held myself to my seat without breaking
anything. I was able to speak slowly, without my voice breaking. “I
just wanted to yes, apologize in person. I felt like an idiot last
night for drinking so much.”

The lie felt forced. She sat quietly
gazing at me. I figured the touch was taking affect from the way
she looked at me. “Well it’s fine, but there’s no need for a
meeting,” she sai

I leaned closer, still restraining myself.
“So… you find me attractive?” I asked in my most seductive English

She laughed as if I had told a joke. “I’m
sorry Daniel, but last night I was drunk too and shouldn’t have
given you my number. I have a boyfriend back home and you're not my

I was shocked by the sharp
She was not into me? What about the
touch I gave her?
My charm
had not worked on this girl and I found it

A piece of the chair between my palms began
melting, I was holding it so hard. An unwanted sensation, like a
sharp object twisting sprang into my chest. Followed by a
tormenting pain rising into my throat, causing my eyes to sting.
Liquid came from my eyes. It was foreign to me that words from this
girl could inflict such pain.

Are you okay?” She asked worried. You
look like your going to vomit or something.”

I laughed, concealing my emotions. I
was no good at this.
I can always unold
her right here and now. Get this shit out of the way,
I thought. At the same time I did not feel a relationship
should be forced.

I understand,” I said, responding to
her hurtful comment.

Putting my head on the table, she scooted
her chair closer. Putting her hand on my shoulder, I wish she
hadn't. I wanted to grab her and take her into my arms and not let
go. But my desires for her blood were just as intense as wanting to
love her.

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,”
she said.

I laughed under my breath.

What?” she asked.

It's nothing Faith. I was just
mistaken. I thought you felt the same as I.”

She paused, seeming confused.

I’m sorry I gave you the wrong
impression,” she said.

How about a friendly walk then?” I
asked hopeful.

Sure but I don’t have long before I
have to catch my flight,” she replied.

I'll make sure you're on time. How
about I show you around London?”

We discussed her life back in the United
States as we walked. She talked of her studies in Arkansas. Soon
after our discussion of her studies she mentioned her boyfriend
that she met in school. I felt that tugging sensation in my chest
again, but pushed it away.

Without revealing too much about my
life, I told her
things. Telling her that I grew up here in London and that I
have a very large close family. I left out details, like family
wealth, or that she might be my gem. I didn't think it would help
my agenda. I wanted her to like me, and maybe then she would feel
more comfortable with being friends.

When I took her by the park, she
jumped on the horse statue and began
humming. I watched, captivated by her beauty, youth and
pleasant personality.

Helping her down from the cement block
holding the statue in place, I lifted her and pulled her back down
to me, stepping to the side to give myself breathing room. We stood
there silent. Her heart beating rapidly, her breath deeper.

Standing, looking at each other, I wanted to
grab her and pull her closer and worried I wouldn’t be able to
contain myself.

She slightly opened her mouth and let out a
sigh. Biting the side of her lip, she gazed at me. Closing the gap
between us, I moved a strand of her hair straying in the wind and
tucked it behind her ear. I then slid my finger down her cheek.

Well we better get you

She looked down at her feet

Yeah let’s do that,” she

Walking back to the cafe we took our
time, but remained silent. I had one last attempt before letting
her go. If I kissed her and she was my gem she would respond by
pledging her love to me. Knowing it seemed sappy, I was still
willing to try. I’ve seen enough chick flicks,
thanks to my annoying sister,
to insinuate what
females desire.

My agenda was to keep her in London with me,
not wanting to follow her and seem like a stalker along the way. So
in order to keep her with me, I had to work up the courage to kiss
her as we approached the cafe.

It was nice meeting you
she said, smiling.

“It was my pleasure
Faith,” I said, bowing my head.

As she turned to leave, I
grabbed her hand. “I can’t let you go without trying something
first,” I said pulling her closer.

Gently, I placed my hands
around her waist, looked into her eyes and whispered… “You're

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