Bloodheir (61 page)

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Authors: Brian Ruckley

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Fantasy Fiction, #Epic

BOOK: Bloodheir
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Torcaill stood at his side, clearly relieved at having survived the crossing.

“Here comes the welcoming party,” the warrior grunted.

Four men were tramping down towards them, led by one who looked like he had been hewn from the fabric of mountains himself: burly, grey-bearded, rough-skinned and carrying a long spear. He rested its butt on the ground and stood tall before Orisian.

“Don’t get many strangers coming that way,” he observed gruffly.

“I’m not surprised.” Orisian grimaced. “That bridge isn’t the most easy of approaches.”

“I am Captain of the Guard here,” the old warrior said. He was looking beyond Orisian, and his surprise at what he saw – fighting men,
, Kyrinin – was obvious. He shifted his weight uneasily, tightened his grip upon his spear. “I’ll need to know who you are, and what your business is here.”

“We’ve no business here, save the hope of a night’s shelter, and of some supplies for our journey. My name’s Orisian.” That did not sound enough, and he hesitated for only an instant before adding: “I am the Thane of the Lannis-Haig Blood.”

The man smiled, and opened his mouth to make some scoffing retort. His certainty faltered as he saw Orisian’s expression, and as Torcaill leaned a little closer. He narrowed his eyes.

“You don’t have the look of a Thane.”

Orisian put a self-conscious hand to the great welt of a wound that disfigured his cheek. The stitches were gone, cut agonisingly out that morning. It was still swollen, though, and tender.

“What’s your name, Captain?” Orisian asked him softly.


“Very well, Kollen. I am Orisian oc Lannis-Haig. And I am tired and cold and hungry. I would be grateful if you could tell us where we can find some food and drink and a fire to warm ourselves at.”

They were ushered into a wide, circular hut and settled around the open fire burning in its centre. There were animal hides stretched across the stone walls, picks and hammers leaning against them. The wind gusted across the smoke-hole in the roof, but the air within was hot and close.

Kollen remained doubtful. He said nothing to challenge Orisian’s claim, but he and a few of his Guard stood there, wary, while villagers brought food. Children clustered in the doorway, staring curiously at these newcomers; wide-eyed and murmuring at the sight of two Kyrinin sitting cross-legged in the gloom.

“What news is there?” Orisian asked between mouthfuls of stew. “Have you heard whether the fighting’s done, in the north?”

“No, the fighting’s not done,” said Kollen. “Not last we heard. We don’t hear much up here, and what we do hear’s not much sense. Got a message to arm two dozen fighting men and send them to Kolkyre, then two days later a message saying not. Then rumour is that the army’s gathering after all . . .” He waved his hands helplessly. “Who can say?”

“If the fighting’s not done, your men should march,” Orisian said. “You have to wait to be told to march against the Black Road?” It took so little now to wake his anger. The slightest breath upon its glowing embers could summon up a small flame.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Torcaill stiffen.

“You shouldn’t let others do the dying on your behalf,” Orisian muttered. Then, faintly: “You shouldn’t stand aside. That’s all.”

“I do as my Thane commands me,” the Captain growled darkly.

“Yes. I’d not question Lheanor’s—”

“Roaric, now,” Kollen interrupted him. “Lheanor’s dead.”

Orisian set down his bowl. “How?”

“Black Road, they say. Inside the Tower of Thrones.”

“I’m sorry. We did not now. Was there . . . do you know if anyone else was killed? Hurt?”

Kollen shook his head. On the far side of the fire, K’rina groaned a little. She was hunched up, wrapped in a shawl that Eshenna had found in a corner. Kollen looked sharply at the

“Is she sick? If she’s sick . . .”

“It’s nothing,” said Orisian. “Nothing she can pass to anyone else, at least. We only want a place to sleep. We’ll be gone in the morning.”

Kollen stared at him. He scratched his chin, fingers raking through his beard. The gesture reminded Orisian of Rothe.

“What’s the Thane of the Lannis Blood doing wandering around the Karkyre Peaks, then?” Kollen asked.

Orisian took up the steaming bowl of stew again, and frowned down into it. “Just trying to get home.

That’s all.”

In the morning there was a dusting of snow across Stone. The wind had swept it from the exposed stretches of ground and packed it up against walls and into crevices. The village came alive before dawn.

Orisian was already out, sitting on a huge square-cut slab of rock, when the eastern sky began to lighten behind the Peaks. He watched a pair of young boys drive a little flock of goats, vague shapes in the half-light, out across the mountainside, and wondered what pasture they could possibly find in this bare place. Some of the animals wore little bells at their necks. They rang and clattered their way through the village.

A little way further down towards the bridge, Torcaill and his men were gathered, talking quietly, preparing for the renewal of their march. Kollen had given them two men to act as guides, down through the foothills until they reached the road between Ive and Kolkyre. He had done it grudgingly, and Orisian blamed himself for that fact. He had spoken without thought, and without care.

The valley of the Kyre ran away, seemingly endless, into the north and west, sinking all the time. At the outermost limit of his sight, Orisian could see sunlight on summits. They shone. Here in Stone, though, the greatest heights of the Peaks still stood between him and the sun. A woman emerged in the doorway of a nearby hut, shaking out a blanket. It was an action that belonged so wholly and utterly to the mundane world of daily life that it transfixed Orisian. He stared at the woman’s blunt outline, the snapping flurry of the blanket, as if seeing something wondrous, something he had never before witnessed. She looked up at him. He could not make out her features in the gloom. She turned and disappeared into the hut.

And Orisian sobbed. Just once: an abrupt, convulsive sob that burst up from within him and shook his shoulders and squeezed water from his eyes. He sniffed and blinked and pressed his sleeve against his eyes, drew it across his nose. His jaw ached, and he feared for a moment that he might have split open his cheek.

Ess’yr was there, on the fringe’s of Torcaill’s huddle of warriors. Beside those burly figures, she was lean and lithe, standing straight, and looking up at Orisian. He wanted to hide in that moment, wanted to take his terrible smallness and fragility and burrow it down into some safe cranny where he could close his eyes and sleep away this bitter winter. But he returned her gaze; held it for what felt like an age. When at last she turned away, he rose and went down to join them.


The Inkallim came to Hommen out of fog. On such heavy air there was no sound to warn of their coming. They emerged, a dark mass, silently; scores of them. Hundreds, perhaps. Fiallic the Banner-captain rode at the head of the long column. Amongst the marching warriors were small groups of captive children, stumbling along in tight, frightened knots, herded by Hunt Inkallim and their dogs.

Even those beasts were silent, their baleful presence alone enough to cow the children into terrified obedience.

Kanin oc Horin-Gyre was bitterly disappointed to see them come, for he was planning slaughter, and feared that their arrival would deprive him of it. He had his whole little army ready for battle, taut like a drawn bowstring. The battle he hoped for was not with the Haig Bloods, though. His spears and shields faced not south or west, but east. The enemy approaching was Aeglyss and those – hundreds, by all accounts – who marched with him.

Kanin had been ready to march himself within hours of hearing of Wain’s death. He meant, in the towering, agonised fury that mastered him then, to sweep up the coast and on to Kan Avor, and to turn that ruined city into a slaughterhouse. The orders for assembly had been given, the plans made. But word came that Aeglyss was on the move himself, descending the Glas valley, marching to join the army of the Black Road, beyond Hommen. As soon as he heard that news, Kanin thought he glimpsed an inevitable future: fate would deliver Aeglyss into his arms, onto his swords. He need only wait, and ready himself, and brood, rehearsing endlessly in his imagination the death of the halfbreed.

That hope was snatched away by the emergence of the Inkallim from the wintry mists. Fiallic and Goedellin of the Lore came to him, but he already knew what they would say. He could read the denial of his desires in the old man’s hobble, and in the warrior’s grave face.

“Word reached us of your sister’s death,” Goedellin said. “Killed in the struggle against Temegrin’s company, when the Eagle assailed Kan Avor in pursuit of Gryvan’s Shadowhand. Such is the tale that reached us.”

“I heard the same. I do not believe it.”

“No,” Goedellin said. “I did not expect that you would. We doubt it ourselves, though the truth remains obscure. It has proved . . . difficult to obtain reliable information on what has taken place at Kan Avor.

Even Cannek has not been able to sift fact from rumour.”

“I don’t need the Hunt to tell me what happened,” Kanin growled. “My sister is dead. The Eagle is dead. Whose hand wielded the blade does not matter. Aeglyss is responsible.”

“And what do you intend to do about it?”

“I mean to destroy the halfbreed, and any who stand at his side.”

Goedellin nodded. He smiled. Kanin saw sympathy in that smile, but he was beyond its reach.

“You burn, Thane. The fires of grief burn in you, to be quenched only by blood. Hold fast to your faith, though. Your sister has passed from this world, and now awaits her birth in another, better one. She feels no sorrow, or pain, and must no longer suffer the miseries that we who remain are subject to. The grief you feel is not for her, but for yourself, deprived of her company.”

For the first time in his life, Kanin felt the urge to decry such pieties, even those uttered by an Inner Servant of the Lore himself. No, he thought. No, this is not a selfish grief, and it is not a deluded one.

Wain was betrayed, and it is not fate that bears the responsibility, but one man. If the creed would deny that, I choose what my own heart tells me over the creed. As soon as that thought was in his mind, he was shamed by it. Nothing he had been taught by his father, his mother, or even Wain herself would condone such arrogance. He could be shamed by it, though, and still know – in his gut, and his heart –

that it was true.

“There is a great battle waiting to be fought,” Goedellin said. “Just ahead of us, a few more paces, a few more days, down the Black Road. If we are its victors, this world will be changed. And if we are to be worthy of any victory that fate might offer, we must be united. Of one mind, clean and humble. The Banner-captain of the Battle is to be the one who leads us, who bears all our hopes.”

Kanin looked towards Fiallic. The Inkallim was a silent and still observer, a model of respect. Everything in his expression and his posture suggested deference to the old, hunched man who was speaking.

Speaking platitudes, Kanin’s seething mind insisted.

Goedellin stirred the snow at his feet with the butt of his walking stick. “The Children of the Hundred believe the
can be of no further service to our cause. His part in this is done.”

“You mean that you now fear him,” Kanin muttered. “You see, too late, that he is a poison, who won’t be controlled any more than . . .”

“Enough,” Goedellin said. “His presence no longer serves the creed. Satisfy yourself with that. But we will end his service, Thane. Not you. If it comforts you, think thus: your heart will have its desire, for the halfbreed will die. But not by your hand.” His beady eyes narrowed. “You would be better served by taking comfort in your faith. Fate has its plan for us all and, no matter how fierce the passions that burn in our breast, it cannot be gainsaid. If it’s bloodshed you crave, seek it on the field of battle, on the road to Kolkyre. The world waits to be subdued, Thane. That’s the cause in which to spend your anger now.”

“I will try to remember your guidance,” Kanin said. He was curt, unable to pretend to any enthusiasm.

Goedellin appeared satisfied.

“There is often benefit concealed in the cruellest cuts,” the old Inkallim said. “We all serve a higher purpose. We are working for the deliverance of the world, of all humankind, out of shadow and into light.

has served that purpose, as he was fated to do. Your sister’s death was unlooked for – I dared to hope she would be a faithful servant of the creed in this world for years to come – but that of Temegrin is a boon, even if it brings with it much uncertainty and risk. It removes an obstacle upon our path, for he sought too often to pull against the current of fate.

“And if it is true, as rumour testifies, and as Temegrin believed, that the halfbreed has somehow brought the Chancellor of the Haig Blood within our grasp, we will look back on these as days when fate truly smiled upon our endeavours.”

Kanin turned away. He could not stand and listen to this, for fear that his innermost thoughts would burst free and condemn him in the eyes of the Lore. Walking away, he had never been so alone. All that had surrounded him throughout his life – his Blood, his faith, his sister – was gone, burned off like a mist consumed by the sun’s unforgiving gaze. He moved through an empty landscape, one he did not recognise, populated by people whose language he no longer understood.

The straggling host that came to Hommen the next day was as strange as any that Kanin had ever seen.

He could see no order in it, no columns or ranks. It came down the coast road from Kolglas like a huge, leaderless herd of cattle. Standing with Fiallic and Goedellin, amidst the assembled might of the Battle Inkall and his own Blood’s warriors, he looked out through softly falling snow and saw Kyrinin – scores of them – coming along the higher ground on the landward side of the road. He saw Tarbains milling about on the flanks of the moving mass; standards and pennants of his own Blood, and Gyre and Fane, lurching along in its dark heart. And Shraeve at the forefront, her ravens around her. Aeglyss rode beside her, small in the saddle; limp.

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