Blood Wicked

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Authors: Sharon Page

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Praise for BLOOD DEEP


“A must-read … The sex is imaginative considering the constraints Page has placed on the heroine. Fortunately the two hunky supernatural heroes are more than up to the challenge!”


—Romantic Times


“The power of love is at the very core of this immensely erotic and thrilling love story. The characters are intense and decidedly sexual, but at the same time their vulnerability is what makes them stand out. The ménage component of this story is exceptionally well done.”


—Coffee Time Romance


“Ms. Page is a great storyteller, and she always manages to draw me in from the very first page. This story had enough surprises to keep me on my toes.”


Just Erotic Romance Reviews


“A New Queen of Erotic Romance”


—Romantic Times


Praise for


2007 National Readers’ Choice Award Winner for Erotic Romance


“A blazing path into forbidden dreams …”


—Romantic Times BOOKreviews


“Ms. Page weaves an erotic and suspenseful tale that … puts you on a sexual roller coaster and doesn’t let you off.… If you’re a lover of vampire romance, curl up on a cold winter night with
Blood Red
to warm your heart!”


—Just Erotic Romance Reviews
(Gold Star Award)


“An erotically charged tale … a wonderful action-packed story that combines suspense, intrigue, horror, bondage, and yes, a whole lot of sex.”


—Coffee Time Romance


Praise for


Blood Rose
has scorching love scenes to make you sweat and an intriguing plot to hold it all together.”


—New York Times
best-selling author Hannah Howell


“Blood Rose
is an action-packed, sexy paranormal overflowing with suspense, horror, and romance. Sharon Page is a master of the ménage—prepare to be seduced!”


—Kathryn Smith,
USA Today
best-selling author


“The female protagonist is completely believable, and the two vampire-slaying heroes … are simply hot! This is a thoroughly entertaining read.”


Romantic Times


“Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Regency England! Two sexy, to-die-for heroes, a courageous heroine, and a luscious ménage make
Blood Rose
a sinful treat.”


—Jennifer Ashley,
USA Today
best-selling author


“A chilling tale of vampires with loads of suspense and intrigue combined with searing erotic heat … the magic of pure sexual steam that can only mean one thing—it’s another winner from Sharon Page!”


—Renee Bernard,
USA Today
best-selling author


“Intriguing paranormal romance along the same lines of Laurell K. Hamilton’s early work … magic, mischief, and ménages.”


—Fresh Fiction


Praise for


2006 National Readers’ Choice Award Winner for Erotic Romance


“How do you have an orgasm without sex? Read
by Sharon Page! … Thoroughly wicked, totally wild, utterly wanton, and very witty in its execution,
is the ultimate indulgence.”


—Just Erotic Romance Reviews
(Gold Star Award)


“Strong, character-driven romance … extremely sensual and erotic.”


Romantic Times BOOKreviews


“Sinfully delicious. Sharon Page is a pure pleasure to read.”


New York Times
best-selling author of
Over the Moon
(anthology) and
Mona Lisa Awakening


“Sharon Page blends history, emotion, and hot, hot, hot sex within an amazing love story. Blazing erotica!”


—Kathryn Smith,
USA Today
best-selling author


“An erotic page turner that must be read only in an air conditioned room as the book is hot hot hot … Sharon Page is now on my ‘must be read’ list.”


Romance Junkies


Praise for


2008 Romantic Times’ Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Historical Erotic Romance


RT TOP PICK 4½ Stars: “This wonderful, well-written Regency has emotion, blindingly hot sex, complicated characters, and a surprise ending.”


Romantic Times BOOKreviews


“I can sum this novel up in one word: wow! … Not only were the encounters burn-your-fingers-hot but also emotional and romantic.” Gold Star Award!


Just Erotic Romance Reviews


Praise for


“With an interesting plot, likable characters, suspense, sexual adventure, and romance, this story satisfies.”


—Romantic Times BOOKreviews


“A delightfully sensual story of love … Outstanding read!”


—Coffee Time Romance


Books by Sharon Page
















“Midnight Man” in WILD NIGHTS


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APHRODISIA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Copyright © 2011 by Edith E. Bruce

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ISBN-13: 978-0-7582-6800-6
ISBN-10: 0-7582-6800-9

First Kensington Trade Paperback Printing: March 2011
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Dartmoor, 1820

his is the pool, milord. The one yer brother looked in afore he vanished.”

Heath Winthrope, Earl of Blackmoor, swung off his mount. Ahead Tom, the moorsman who had led him here, pointed down to a tiny pond, encircled by a ring of granite boulders.

A full moon hung blue-white and plump in the sky. They stood high on the moors, alone, surrounded by quiet, dark hills of waving grass. Heath’s jaw tingled as it always did before his fangs erupted. So as he crossed over the granite stones in long strides, he kept his face turned away. No point in letting poor Tom find out what he really was.

Heath rested one foot on a large rock and looked down at the small pool. Ripples on its surface sparkled beneath streams of silvery light. “You claim that the reflection seen in this pool will be the next person to die.”

Tom pulled off his cap, twisted it in his hands. “Aye, milord. That’s the legend, it is. If you look into the water you will see the face of the next person who will die. Young Mr. Winthrope
was a bit foxed, milord, and determined to prove the legend to be just a myth.”

Christ, he was going to have to take a look. Heath leaned over and frowned at the reflection he expected to see.

It was his face. Unchanged for the last ten years. He still looked to be a man of eight-and-twenty. His face was unlined, his features sharp and cleanly cut, his silvery-green eyes bright and cocky with eternal youth.

Tom stayed far enough back so his face would not reflect. Heath stared at the image of his unsmiling face. The magical powers of this pool were, as he suspected, nothing more than myth—

The water to the right of his image bubbled suddenly. The turbulence stopped and a woman’s face appeared beside his in the pool. A bewitching face. Blue eyes, large yet full of intelligence and lively delight. The face was oval, the cheeks smooth and ivory. The hair was like spun gold pouring over slim shoulders.

Through the shimmering veil of it, he could see her neck, a long, smooth column of white.

It was like the sight of a bottle of port to a drunkard, or the scent of opium smoke to a fevered addict. His fangs burst forth.

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