Blood Type (21 page)

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Authors: Melissa Luznicky Garrett

BOOK: Blood Type
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“Beautiful,” John said.

But when I met his eyes, I noticed he was looking at me and nothing else. He squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back
before linking my arm through his

We boarded the ride and climbed slowly higher as the attendant
let other passengers on
. Finally, we were at the very top overlooking the entire fairground.

“I used to be afraid,” I said
, the wind lifting my hair


“Of this,” I answered, sweeping out my hand to indicate the world around us. “Of being vulnerable and putting my life in the hands of someone else. How can I be sure I’m safe, way up here
, on this hunk of metal that could collapse at any minute

John put his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled closer to him. “You can be sure.” He tilted my face to his then, and our lips met as the Ferris wheel began to make its slow descent.

After another few hours of rides and games
John suggested that we
’d better
get going if we
had any hope of making
curfew. We made our way to the parking lot, and as John
door open for me, I heard a shout in the distance.

, Blake
Hold up.

I recognized his voice at once, and every muscle in my body tensed. I turned, hoping the expression on my face didn’t reveal how much I didn’t want to see him. “Zach. What are you doing here?”

Gabe was with him, and I didn’t miss the way he
up John
before his eyes flicked to me

Did you follow us here
?” I asked

Gabe snorted. “Don’t flatter yourself, Blake.”

“This is a big place

I said to Gabe.

“Your point?”

“My point
being that
this is a big place. What are the chances of us just bumping into each other?”

“It’s called coincidence,” Gabe said with a smirk.

“Look,” said John, stepping in front of me. “We don’t want any trouble.”

“You should have thought of that before you stole his girlfriend,” Gabe said, nodding his head in Zach’s direction.

“He didn’t
me,” I said. “I’m the one who broke up with Zach, remember?”

Zach, I noticed, was being rather quiet throughout the whole confrontation. “What do you have to say for yourself, Zach? Did you follow us here?”
The only other person I’d told we were going to the fair was Olivia. If she told Gabe,
that explained a lot

He glanced nervously at John and then said to Gabe, “Come on. Let’s go. I didn’t want to come here in the first place.”

That was all the confirmation I needed
. M
y temper flared to life. “You’re something else, Zach. I expect this sort of behavior from Gabe, but not from you. You’re better than this.”

“Oh, give it a rest, Miss Holier
Thou,” said Gabe.

John opened his mouth to say something, but I put my hand on his arm. “Since when do you let Gabe talk for you?” I said to Zach.

Zach tugged on Gabe’s arm. “I said come on. She’s not worth it.”

“Damn straight she’s not worth it,” Gabe said, aiming a loogie at my feet
. It
barely missed.

Thankfully, they turned to leave without another word. But just as John
the door for me, Gabe suddenly turned around and kicked it shut with his foot. My hand narrowly missed getting crushed
I stumbled back.
“Are you an idiot?” I screamed.

“What the hell?” John
’s voice rose
in anger.

“Knock it off, Gabe,” said Zach. “You could have broken her hand.”

Gabe rounded on Zach. “Maybe you’re okay with getting your balls handed to you, but I’m not.”

“What are you going to do, Gabe?” I said. “Pick a fight in the middle of the parking lot? Look around. There are
Lots of little kids.
I know it’s tough for you, but at least try to be smart about this.”

My heart
in my chest. Gabe was a really big guy and a total jerk. If it came down to a fight between them and us, my bets were on them. John might be able to handle Zach on his own, but I didn’t think he was any match for Gabe
, especially when Gabe was in one of his moods

“I’m taking Blake home. Her mother is expecting her. In fact,” John said, turning to me, “give your mother a call and tell her we’re on our way.”

I dug my cell phone out of my purse, hands trembling, and dialed home. “We’re on our way,” I said when she answered.

“Tell her who we had the pleasure of running into,” John said, his eyes on Gabe.

“We had the pleasure of running into Zach and Gabe,” I said
like a robot
. Gabe’s eyes flicked to mine, confusion apparent in them.

“You could say that again,” I answered to my mother’s exclamation of what a coincidence that was. “Zach’s being
about the whole thing, but Gabe’s being a complete ass. You know how he is. Olivia will be hearing about this one for sure.”

After a quick warning from my mother not to let those boys do anything stupid, I hung up the phone and glared at Gabe. “Lay a finger on either one of us and I’ll go straight to the police and file a report. My mom will back me up in a heartbeat after what I just told her, and I’ve got the cell phone record to prove it.”

For the first time, Gabe looked taken aback. “Jesus, Blake. Chill out.” Then he shrugged, and he and Zach disappeared into the night.

I finally let out the breath I’d been holding. “I went a little overboard with the whole police thing
, didn’t I?

John let out his breath
, too
. “Something tells me you can’t be too careful with that guy.”

“Do you think we should be worried about them?” I said, catching his tone of voice.

John shook his head.
“You don’t have to worry about them, not with me around.”


October 27


Before I could respond to Ian
’s claim that I was a
“wee bitch

the front door slammed open and John stormed in. He took one look at Ian’s hold on me and his eyes
filled with rage
. “
Let go

dropped his hand
at once. “She’s gone and found a Watcher, John
Someone named Josiah.”

John turned to me, his face horror-stricken. “I never told you
Josiah is a Watcher.”

I splayed my hands.
“It was just a
guess. When you told me about Watchers, I
thought of him.”

Ian grabbed John by the shoulders and gave him a rough shake. “What were you thinking telling her about Watchers?”

John shook his head, apparently too stunned to answer, and shoved Ian away. He turned to me again. “I don’t understand, Blake. Why would you talk to Josiah?”

But it was Ian who made the connection. He backed up against the wall
and ran
his hands through his hair. “Christ, brother! She’s told him what I’ve done to her.” He rounded on me. “Y
a monster, but y
nothing but one yourself! Do ye not realize what you’ve done?”

I glanced from Ian to John, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. But then anger
boiled up in me
. “And why should I care
about what happens to you? You ruined my
and all because you couldn’t control yourself and your stupid cravings. I
couldn’t care less about what
happens to you!”

Ian stepped within an inch of me, his hands clenching reflexively in
. He
bent so that we
eye to eye. When he spoke, it was in a ferocious whisper that made my blood
. “You might not care about what happens to me, but I know you care for John. And by runnin
to Josiah and tellin
him I’ve ruined your life, you’ve sent John to Hell, right alongside me.”

I swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

“It’s no
just a slap on the wrist and timeout for me or him,” Ian said, gesturing to John. “Do you have
idea what happens to vampires
who can’t control their cravings
and the ones who try to help them?”

“Of course she doesn’t,”
beside me. “She shouldn’t have to understand.”

Ian grabbed my
chin so that I was forced to look at him
“Tell me, what did Josiah say?”

I closed my eyes, trying to get my fear under control. “He, uh, he knew I had been attacked right away. I didn’t have to tell him that much. He said he could smell the venom in my blood.”

“And of course you told him who’d done it,” Ian said.

pushed him away
. “I was angry! What other choice did I have?”

“We’ve got to go,” Ian said, but not to me. “We can’t stay here.”

“I’m not leaving Blake,” John said.

“She doesn’t want you!” Ian said. “She doesn’t want any part of this life. Forget about her!”

“Get out of here,” John said to Ian. “Go someplace where you’ll be safe, but do it now. You may not have a lot of time.”

glanced at me and my downcast eyes told him all he needed to know. I had betrayed Ian, but I had betrayed him, as well.

Ian sprinted up the stairs and returned
a few minutes later
with a backpack slung over his shoulder. Then he grabbed John in a fierce, brotherly hug. “I’ll see y
soon, aye?”

John hugged back. I felt a vicious shame well up from deep inside, knowing that I had done this to them. I had torn them apart.

“Go,” John said. “We’ll meet up again. And whatever you do, don’t get caught.”

Ian and I stared at each other for a few moments, but there was nothing to say. We had each ruined the other’s li
, intentional or not. There was nothing we could do about it now but let things play out how they would. And then hopefully pick up the pieces later.


August 8
August 10


“So my mom wants you to come to our pool party,” I said to John a few days later over the phone. “My parents throw one every year.
Practically the entire town comes
. It’s kind of a big deal.”

“Will Zach or Gabe be there?”

“Zach’s family conveniently has other plans. And even though Olivia’s been released from prison, she’s giving Gabe the silent treatment for being such a jerk to us
at the fair
. I’m crossing my fingers she’ll finally
see the light and
break up with him.”

“Then I’ll be there.”

“Bring Ian, too.”

There was a moment of silence. And then, “I don’t know about that, Blake.”

I laughed. “It’s an extended invitation. And considering we ditched him the other night, it’s only fair that he gets to come today.”

I’ll speak to him about
minding his manners in public

wasn’t sure whether he was joking or not b
. “Remember when you accused Olivia of acting like my mother? Well, you’re not Ian’s father.”

“That may be so, but someone has to keep him out of trouble. God only knows he has a hard enough time doing it
on his own
. So when’s the party?”

“Friday afternoon. Three o’clock.”

“Should I bring anything?”

“Just your cute self.”

John laughed. “
Okay. I’ll
you then.”

I had just
ended the call when my phone rang again

I heard class schedules are being posted
online Monday morning.” 

“Oh, God

back on the pillow. “I don’t even want to
about going back to school
. We just got done with cheer camp.”

cheer camp,” Olivia said with a wistful sigh. 

“Not me. I’m glad it’s over.”

“What?” Olivia
her voice shrill with disbelief.

“I don’t know. I’m getting a little tired of it, I guess. To tell you the truth, my heart’s not really in it anymore.”

“Does this have anything to do with you and Zach breaking up?”

I groaned. “I hadn’t thought about it. But now that you mention it, cheering for the star quarterback might be a little awkward from now on. Maybe you could captain the team yourself
this year
. I’m thinking of taking an art
learning how to sew
I’m seriously considering design school after graduation.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Back up a minute. Don’t you even dare suggest
It’s senior year, Blake. Think about the team. Think about
. I can’t do this alone.”

And what I want
doesn’t even matter, huh?
” I said, mildly annoyed. “
I’m just growing tired of the whole
thing. And it takes up too much of my free time.”

“Oh. I see what the real problem is now,” Olivia said
“You’ve got a new man in your life, and you’re still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship
. Y
ou want to spend every waking moment with him.”

“Shut up,” I said, but with a laugh. 
That might be part of it.”

“Well, we’ve
ot another month left of summer vacation. That’s plenty of time to soak up some sun and chill out by the pool
, or do whatever,
with John. You’re just lucky you don’t have the Hell Twins to help look after.
the party?”

I sat up again.

Ian will be there, too.”

“Ooh la
. I can’t wait to meet our resident vampire.”

the smile in Olivia’s voice and imagine
the way her eyebrows
up and down. “Don’t you dare bring that up at the
We’re done with that nonsense. Do you hear me?”
Olivia wouldn’t stop laughing. “I mean it!” I said. “If you embarrass me, I’ll—”

“You’ll what, suck my blood?” she said in her best impersonation of Dracula.

“I’m hanging up.”

“No, no!” she said. “I’m sorry! I actually did have a purpose for calling.”

“You mean other than to tease me?”

“Yes. I called to find out what you’re wearing.”

“You mean right now?”

“No, you moron.
To your parents’ shin-dig on Friday.”

“It’s a pool party, Olivia. What do you
I’ll be wearing?”

“Jeez, aren’t we in a mood?” she said, though I could tell she was still smiling. “
is what I meant. And will there be any cute guys there?”

hat about Gabe?” I asked. “
you finally
me to your senses
and break up with him

“Let’s just say I
my options open.”

I pumped my fist in the air and mouthed a silent

“Well, I’m going conservative,” I said. “Swim shorts and
Sporty and stylish, yet appropriately modest.”

“I don’t know the one you’re talking about. Show me.”

“Okay. Hold on a sec.”

I rummaged through the top draw of my dresser for the shorts and matching top. Then I crossed the room to the balcony, which happened to face Olivia’s bedroom window. I stepped outside and held it up.

“Can you see it?”

“Uh, yeah.
And I hate to say it, but that’s not modest. That’s positively

I snorted. “Well, Andrew Larsen will be there. Remember I told you about him?”

your mom works with?”

So take that as your warning to cover up, or you
be very sorry.”

“Warning duly noted,” Olivia said.  “I’d better go now. Mom’s shoving a toilet brush in my hand and giving me the evil eye. I’m thinking of changing my name to Cinderella and charging by the hour.”

I laughed. “Talk to you later.”


I was on drinks and
hors d'oeuvres duty, which meant walking around and
things like “So nice to see you” and “Can I get you a refill?” and “Would you like a napkin with that?” about a million times.

Olivia finally showed up with her parents, minus the twins. “Mom put her foot down and insisted on hiring a babysitter,”
she said
. “She informed Dad that since she gets invited to a party only once a year, she refuses to spend her few free hours missing out on adult conversation while making sure the twins don’t break a limb or set the place on fire.”

“What did your dad say?”

“He tried to pawn them off on me just to save the fifty bucks. I told him
uh-uh, no way

I laughed.
“Poor Eleanor and Henry.
They get such a bad rep.”

Olivia raised a brow. “Don’t feel too sorry for them.
She looked around then, scanning the crowd. “So are the boys here yet?”

“If you mean John and Ian
, no.
John texted me a little while ago and said that he needed to run an important errand first.”

“Ooh, an important errand.
Sounds mysterious.
Did he say what it was?”

“I didn’t ask. But he said it wouldn’t take too long.”

Olivia shrugged as we made our way to the kitchen where I added the platter of spring rolls still in my hands to the rest of the buffet items. As far as I was concerned, people could help themselves. My job was done.

“So exactly which one is the
,” Olivia whispered in my ear as she scanned the faces in the back yard. “I want to be prepared.”

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip and squinted against the sun as I looked around. “There he is,” I said with a discreet point of the finger.
“Creepy Andrew Larsen.”

Olivia followed my finger.
Her bottom lip jutted out as she contemplated Andrew. “He doesn’t look so bad.” 

shook my head
here’s something about him that gives me the heebie-jeebies. Whenever I go into my mom’s office, he just stares at me with this weird little grin on his face. It makes my skin crawl.”

“Have you told your mom?”

She said, ‘Of course he looks at you, Blake. You’re gorgeous! Who wouldn’t look at you?’ Never mind the fact that he’s, like, thirty years old.”

That’s disgusting.”

“Whatever you do, don’t get caught alone with him.”


Olivia and I jumped and turned around.

“Ian,” I said, my hand pressed against my chest. “You scared me.”

“The front door was cracked open,” John said. He stooped to kiss my cheek. “I hope
okay that we let ourselves in.
I knocked, but no one heard.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Ian, this is my best friend Olivia.”

He reached for her hand. “Oh,” she
when he brushed his lips against the back of it.

“Watch out for that one,” I said to her in a stage whisper.

“Nice to see you again, Olivia,” said John.

“You, too,” she said, not bothering to take her eyes off Ian. A blush had crept into her fair cheeks, and she was biting her bottom lip and practically batting her lashes. 

rolled my eyes and p
ointed to the buffet. “Help yourselves to food and drinks. Dad’s got just about every kind of meat
on the grill right now. It looks like a bloodbath out there.”

“Wow,” John said, standing at the French doors and looking out into the back yard
with an excited look on his face
. “Your parents really do know a lot of people.”

“It’s embarrassing,” I said. “Do you know how many referrals my mom gets after she throws one of her parties? These people will be our bread and butter for the next year.”

“The Kinsley-Ehlerts are like royalty,” Olivia said, matter-of-fact.

Ian said, intrigued.
“Did you know that John, that Blake is like royalty?”

She’s just joking,” I said

“Oh, please
,” said Olivia

Yours is definitely the ‘it’ family around here.”

I took John’s hand without another word and tugged him outside. Olivia and Ian followed. Dad was manning the grill, and he waved through a cloud of smoke when he looked up and saw us. “Nice to see you again, John,” he said.

I introduced Ian and they shook hands. Then Mom sidled up next to Dad and offered Ian a
smile. “I’m glad you could come. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Have ye now?” Ian said, giving me a sly look.

My mom’s smile brightened. “I love your accent, but I bet you hear that all the time.”

“Don’t encourage him, Mrs. Kinsley-Ehlert,” said John.
“He’s got a pretty big ego.”

She tilted her head to the side, elongating the graceful line of her neck. “Well, you kids have a fun time,” she said, patting Ian on the shoulder. “I have to mingle.”

“Girls against guys?”
I said, pointing to a Badminton game sitting untouched in a shaded area of the lawn.

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