Read Blood Trinity Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Neo's Realm

Blood Trinity (6 page)

BOOK: Blood Trinity
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“Where’d you leave your date?” Haig asked.

gestured to a chair on the edge of the dance floor. Juan
spread-eagle with a wet stain on the front of his jeans and his head thrown back.

“Is he dead?” Haig chuckled.

“As close to death as you can get from a mind-blowing orgasm,”
replied. He lifted his hand towards Ramiro. “Hi.”

Ramiro smiled and nodded. “Good to see you’ve finally come to your senses and decided to give this place a try.”

“Yes, well, I don’t plan on making this place a regular hang-out, but I think it will help me make the transition to the bottled blood Neo provides.”

Ramiro made a face. “I hate that stuff.
Although the Liquid Crimson is good for a treat on occasion.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that. I’ve never been much of a drinker. One glass would probably knock me on my ass.”

Ramiro chuckled. “It’s strong stuff. I doubt it would even take that much if you’re not used to it.”

The phone in Haig’s pocket started to vibrate. He pulled it out and grinned before answering. “We’re on our way.”

“Good. I feel like I’m about to crawl out of my skin,” Kern informed Haig.

“Need a fix, do
?” Haig smiled, glancing at a well-fed

“I think I need a double-fix if you know what I mean,” Kern answered.

Haig’s cock filled immediately. “Be there in fifteen minutes.”

Chapter Four




The sun was coming up when Haig and Kern finished their run. Kern had kept to his promise and renewed his connection with Haig through his wolf. When they reached the edge of the woods, Kern shifted and waited for Haig to do the same.

Kern rubbed the back of his neck. “Good thing I heal quickly. You bit the shit out of my neck.”

Haig stepped closer and pulled Kern into his arms. “I think my wolf needed to remind you of your first mate.” Haig traced the tattooed oak tree on Kern’s back. “I’ll never be able to apologise enough for running out on you like I did. But I’m back now, and I don’t plan on ever leaving you again.”

As Haig continued to trace the individual branches inked into his skin, Kern was reminded, once again, of how many years Haig had stood by him. “I know I keep saying this, but I’m sorry things happened the way they did. Even though I can no longer fight the changes taking place between me and my new mate, I’ll try my best to deal with the mating frenzy when you’re not around.”

Haig released his hold on Kern and walked several steps away, giving Kern a view of his identical tattoo. “I watched the two of you through the window.” Haig glanced over his shoulder. “I need to be honest with you about something.”


“Watching you and
turned me on to the point that I had to touch myself.”

Kern felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “That’s good, right?”

Haig shrugged and turned to face Kern. “It’s not the sex that bothers me. It’s the thought of you falling in love with him that tears me apart.”

“Why?” Kern tilted his head to the side. “Don’t you think it’s possible to love two people?”

Haig shook his head. “Not equally, no.
Especially since you’ve just started the frenzy.
You’ll be in his bed more than mine. I can’t help but believe I’ll become your second choice.”

Without a word, Kern started towards the house. “I can’t believe you think so little of yourself and me!” He spun around to confront his mate. “Are parents asked to choose which child they love the most?”

He thought of his own family and waved his hand. “Not in my case, of course, but most parents. I just can’t…” Kern let his hand drop. He’d spent his entire mated life trying to prove to Haig he was worthy of everything the Alpha had given up to be with him. Although he wasn’t in love with
, Kern knew it would happen. The vampire was sexy and sweet and actually needed him, unlike Haig. “Eventually, I
fall in love with him.”

“I know,” Haig answered.

“So fall
me. There’s absolutely no reason for you to make an outsider of yourself when it comes to my relationship with

Haig shook his head. “Except that he’s not my mate!”

“So make him your mate.” Kern hadn’t thought of it before but it was the perfect solution. He could tell Haig was about to object. “Just think about it. It would truly bond the three of us together.”

Haig yawned. “I’m going to bed.” He walked past Kern without a backwards glance.

Well fuck.
What was Kern supposed to do now?


* * * *


was the first to wake early that evening. He smiled in triumph when he realised he’d managed to sleep the entire day in bed instead of in the closet. One day with Kern and already his new mate was replacing the shadows of his past with the light of his future.

He threw off the covers, grabbed the large T-shirt Kern had given him and pulled it over his head. It hit him mid-thigh and
thought it looked more like a dress than a shirt. He’d much rather follow Kern and Haig’s way of life and walk around naked, but he doubted Haig would appreciate it.

crept from his bedroom to the kitchen. He removed a bottle of blood from the fridge and set it in the microwave for forty-five seconds, making sure to stop the blasted machine before it dinged.

Dinner in hand,
walked through the back door to the deck. A small bistro table sat in the corner, under the window to Kern and Haig’s bedroom.
quietly pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

The evening air was hot and thick, but
welcomed it with open arms. How long had it been since he’d ventured outside alone?

Noises above and behind him caught his attention. The rhythmic slap of skin made
hard almost immediately. His ears perked up when he heard a deep growl he didn’t recognise.
Must be Haig.
Is that what he sounds like when he fucks?

spread his legs and repositioned himself on the chair. Closing his eyes, he leant forward and rocked back and forth, delighting in the pressure to his balls as he listened to the two large

He was just getting started when he heard Kern call out Haig’s name.
opened his eyes at the foreign pain suddenly enveloping his heart. To hear his mate call another man’s name at the moment of climax hurt.
sat back in the chair and pulled his T-shirt down to cover himself. He’d been involved in countless orgies over the years. There had been times when a man would come in his ass before moving to the next available hole, and
had never thought a thing about it. So why did it hurt now? Haig and Kern had been mates for centuries.
would do well to remember that.


* * * *


After a quick shower together, Kern gave Haig a deep kiss. “Are you taking
back into town tonight?”

“He said he’d probably only need to feed like that once a week.” Haig reached for a robe and put it on.

Kern separated the robe and encircled his mate’s cock. “Maybe further down the road, but right now he’s still too thin.” Haig had told Kern, in detail, what happened at the bar the previous night. Although it helped him understand the process, Kern still didn’t think he was ready to see
rubbing up on another man. Well, one that wasn’t Haig, anyway. He’d smelt
outside the window earlier and knew his new mate had overheard their lovemaking. Instead of angering Kern, the thought of
listening had sent him over the edge.

“Would you please take him?” Kern asked, still fondling his mate.

“Or maybe Ramiro could.”

“No!” Kern applied pressure to Haig’s cock. The more he’d thought about Haig also taking
as a mate, the more solidified his plan had become. Kern knew all it would take for Haig to agree to the mating was a feeling of protectiveness towards
. It was just the way his mate worked. “It must be one of us.”

Haig narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

“Because I don’t trust anyone else.”
Kern held his breath, waiting for Haig to agree.

Just don’t forget we leave for Ireland in the morning. You’re still coming with me, right?”

“Of course.”

Haig questioned.

“He’ll meet us there. I hope you don’t mind, but I gave him some money to buy some clothes.”

Haig shrugged. “Okay, that’s not a big deal.”

Kern bit his bottom lip.

not like us.
He’s used to nice things.”


“They cost more than what we’re used to buying.” Kern waited for the fallout. Haig was a notorious cheapskate when it came to spending money.

“Whatever,” Haig said with a roll of his eyes.

Kern released Haig’s cock and pulled him in for another deep kiss. He tried to convey with a swirl of his tongue how much Haig’s understanding meant to him. Breaking the kiss, Kern stepped back. “I’ll go find
and tell him the plans.”

“We both know he’s on the deck.” Haig tapped his finger against the tip of Kern’s nose. “I may not be his mate, but my nose is as good as yours.”


* * * *


After eating a large breakfast consisting of a dozen eggs and two pounds of bacon, Haig joined Kern and
on the deck. He set his cup of coffee on the small table and took a seat across from the kissing couple. Like the night before, Kern had
straddled across his lap, his hand up the bottom of

Haig was glad he’d chosen to wear the robe. Damn Kern for planting the seed of them all being together. At first Haig hated the idea, but the more he thought about it, the better sense it made. What would it feel like to have such a slight man in his arms? To plunder that tiny ass with his cock and fingers? Haig nearly groaned as his cock hardened.

“It’s all set,” Kern said, breaking the kiss. He met Haig’s gaze over the top of
dark reddish-brown curls. “
going into town with you while I stay here and pack. He’ll sleep during the day tomorrow and join us once the sun sets.”

With his face buried against Kern’s neck,
started moving his ass against Kern’s hand. Kern gave Haig an apologetic smile and mouthed the word, “Sorry.”

Haig shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a small tube of lube.
“Thought you might need this.
Seems I was right.”

Kern’s eyes rounded as he caught the tube when Haig tossed it to him. “It won’t bother you?”

“I told you this morning it didn’t.”

Kern’s gaze travelled to Haig’s lap. Haig didn’t need to look down to know his cock was at full attention and poking through the opening in his robe. Licking his lips, Kern opened the lube and slicked the length of his cock. He removed the fingers already embedded deep within
ass and pushed the shirt up enough for Haig to get an eyeful.

whimpered at the sudden loss of Kern’s attention until he was lifted enough to impale himself on Kern’s thick cock.

Watching his mate fuck
tight little ass, Haig couldn’t help himself. He reached down and wrapped his hand around his bobbing erection. The longer he studied the pair, the more certain he became about one thing. It wouldn’t take a mating to convince him to join the two men in bed. If only that would be enough, but Haig knew he wasn’t the kind of man or wolf who believed in fucking for
sake. He needed that bond. That special feeling that made lovers
their lives for each other. Maybe Kern was right. It was entirely possible taking
as a mate would solve all his problems.

The smell of
cum hit the air. Haig increased his rhythm, sliding his thumb over his leaking crown to ease his strokes. He met Kern’s gaze and smiled. “Do it.”

Kern’s mouth flew open in a silent cry as his body bucked up against
. Although the sight was incredibly erotic, Haig was able to hold his own climax at bay until he saw the thick white seed slowly dripping out of
ass to coat Kern’s balls.

Haig exploded, shooting his cum onto the underside of the glass-topped table. He bit his lip to keep himself from giving his condition away to
who still seemed to be in his own pleasurable world.

Kern smiled and kissed the top of
head. “I think you’re both ready to head to town.”


* * * *


Sitting at a small table with Haig,
looked around the room. Despite what Kern thought he needed,
really wasn’t hungry enough to put on a show for a human. He was more interested in getting to know the man at his side.

“Can I ask you a question?”

Haig took his eyes off the crowd and nodded. “Sure.”

“How did you keep yourself from killing Kern’s family after what they did to him?”
had given it a lot of thought since Kern had told him the story of how he got the scar on his face.

Haig readjusted his heavily muscled frame in the chair. “I would have, but my father was Alpha. He told me he’d take care of the situation. In the pack we grew up in, you never went against your Alpha unless you were prepared to fight him to the death.”

BOOK: Blood Trinity
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