Read Blood Ties Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Blood Ties (8 page)

BOOK: Blood Ties
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“And when two Nallie combine blood, they are gifted with the ability to transcend time but death is a possible price?”

“Yes, from what I understand the energy created is extremely volatile, and can burn and destroy everything in its path, including the creators of the energy.”

Soft footsteps heralded Ayden’s arrival. She turned to face the doorway and spotted Ayden entering the room. His eyes were soft, curious, as he glanced around taking in the scene before him.

Dari walked over and stood before him. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

He smiled and touched her arm. She felt all the tension drain from her. “How do you do that?” Perhaps the ability to drain away tension was also another special power. But he couldn’t possibly be Nallie. Literature spoke of only two children being rescued.

Ayden answered her question with one of his own. “Do you feel any different, Dari?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Now that you have seen the battle and know what you are, your powers will begin to grow stronger. But that also puts you in grave danger.”

“I understand.”

Ayden glanced at Mikel. “You two need time alone. I will leave now and when I come back I’ll bring clothes for Dari and together we will all work on a strategy to defeat Grayson.”

Chapter Six

Ayden had increased the power of his mental shield before he left Mikel’s castle and made his way back to his own house in the village. He took his time, pacing his steps as he sorted through matters. Now that Dari and Mikel were together, under the same roof, they would begin to mate, and he hoped their mating would aid them in developing the ability to block their signatures as all other Nallie on his planet had learned to do.

Centuries previous, a band of Nallie had learned to protect their thoughts from Grayson. During the chaotic battle that Dari so vividly remembered, those Nallie had found the perfect opportunity to flee Earth. With Grayson assuming they’d all been killed, they had no fear he’d go searching for his lost puppets. Ayden, along with a handful of others had traveled to Kelan and colonized. Only a few years back, they had learned Dari and Mikel had survived the battle.

After making his way to his small room in the village, Ayden positioned himself on his floor, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the journey ahead. For the next few minutes, he sifted through time and space. He needed to go back home, talk to the council, and regroup while he gave Mikel and Dari time to acquaint themselves with one another. Soon he felt his body shift, and when he opened his eyes he found himself in his quarters on Kelan.

There his soul mate awaited his arrival. His heart swelled with love when her warm familiar scent curled around him. Her dark hair was pinned at the nape the way he liked. Her dark almond eyes smoldered with passion and love as they met his. Arms spread, she rose from her seat when he appeared.

“Ayden, I’ve missed you.” Janaa swung her sleek arms around his neck and kissed him with all the love inside her.

There was no need to tell her of his adventures, or any of the details, for she had been in his mind the entire time. Experiencing everything through him, with him.

Pressing his hips to hers, he kissed her in return, matching her intensity and passion. He inched back and whispered into her mouth. “And I’ve missed you, my sweet.”

Ayden rained kisses over her neck as his hands eagerly palmed her supple curves. His voice dropped an octave as desire stirred in his blood. “I crave you, Janaa. Crave to be inside you, to make love all night long, but first I must present my findings to the council and ask permission for you to travel back to Earth with me. Dari needs you.”

Janaa finger-combed Ayden’s hair and gave him a warm, loving smile. “Yes, I thought the same thing.”

Ayden linked his fingers through hers. “Come, my sweet, let us take care of this business quickly so I can make love to you as I’ve longed to do.”

Hours later, after Ayden had updated the council on the situation, he stood in the great council chambers and asked permission for Janaa to accompany him, explaining that he would need Janaa’s assistance to accomplish his mission, and Dari would need her help and support in order to come to terms with her newfound knowledge.

Caddarick, one of their noble battle leaders stroked his fingers over the long, fine white hairs on his chin. “You both must work quickly and bring them home to us. Failure is not an option.”

Ayden stood firm, legs spread, hands braced at his sides. “Failure is never an option,” he assured Caddarick. “Together we will succeed and reunite Mikel and Dari with their family.”

“You cannot let Mikel know who you are, Ayden,” he said. “Not until he has learned to block his signature and shield his thoughts. If Grayson ever captured Mikel, he’d surely discover our colony through him,” Caddarick said, repeating and reaffirming what Ayden already knew in order to emphasize just how critical this was.

“I understand.”

“Very well then, Janaa may accompany you.”

• • •

Night had closed in on them as Dari filled the huge marble bathtub with hot water and eased herself in. The heat felt soothing against her tired body and her battered emotions. She glanced out the window and stared at the bright stars twinkling in the dark night sky. Did life exist on those distant stars as well? In less than twenty-four hours, her life as she knew it had shifted. It was not easy to discover a whole other world existed outside the one she had known.

Her thoughts traveled to her dream man, Mikel. She could feel him, in her body and in her mind. Now that they were in close proximity, the bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment. The sense of belonging filled her with warmth. He was inside her head, calming her, helping her come to terms with what she was.

She could not hold on to her anger toward him and had let go of it many hours ago. Mikel had only done what he thought was best for her. And for that, she had to forgive him. It gave her comfort to know how deeply he cared for her, and to the extent he’d go to in order to protect her.

A soft tap on the door pulled her from her musings.
. Her heart clenched in her chest as she shifted in the tub. She’d never had anyone dote on her quite so much. He’d barely left her alone for a minute since she’d discovered her true nature.

“May I come in?” His deep voice played down her spine arousing her feminine desires.

“Of course,” she called out.

Mikel eased the bathroom door open. With him, he carried a steaming mug. The scent of fresh herbs and spices reached her nostrils. She inhaled the enticing aroma.

“I thought you’d like something hot to drink.”

His thoughtfulness warmed her. A fine tingle worked its way through her blood stream as she perused him. Her lip caught between her teeth as need spread like wildfire through her body. His dark hair hung forward, gray eyes bored into hers so deeply, he ignited a flame of passion in the depths of her womb. He stepped farther into the large room. His corded muscles bunched and relaxed with his easy movements. Her lips itched with the need to taste him, her body ached to join with his.

She smiled up at him. It was the first genuine smile she’d had in a very long time. When Mikel smiled back, his dark gaze held her captive and she nearly liquefied in the tub. She reached out and touched him, still unable to believe he existed outside her dream world.

“Yes, Dari. I am real,” he teased, just like he’d been doing all day in an attempt to lighten the tension.

She accepted the drink and leaned forward to take a sip. Water and suds slid down her body, exposing her breasts to Mikel.

She didn’t miss the lusty groan in the depths of his throat as his gaze panned her naked flesh.

It thrilled her the way he wanted her.

“This tub is huge, Mikel. Would you like to join me?”

He cocked one brow, the same way he always did when he entered her dreams. “Like you even have to ask.”

After he took her drink from her and placed it on the edge of the tub, he made quick work of his clothes. Before he slipped into the water with her, she took a moment to admire his nakedness. Her eyes left his and journeyed down, taking pleasure in his wide shoulders, tapered waist and thick, hard cock as it clamored for attention.

She gestured with her hand and her body and soul reached out to him. “Join me.”

Sitting across from one another in the sudsy water, he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes slipped shut as his rough fingers stroked her cheeks. She’d never felt so loved, so cherished, or so protected in her life.

“Mmm,” she purred. When she opened her eyes and met his glance, the dark intensity in his gaze made her breath catch.

The need to be together consumed them both. Sexual energy leapt between them and seeped into their bloodstream, demanding to be sated. The ache to lose herself in him made her body quake.

She moistened her lips and rolled her tongue around her dry mouth. She yearned to feel skin against skin and to feel his thickness inside her. “Mikel, what will happen if we make love?”

His eyes caressed her with heat. He pitched his voice low and ran his fingers up her legs until he was a hairsbreadth away from her quivering pussy. The exquisite pleasure made her tremble.

“We will enhance our powers.” As his breath fanned her face, her lashes fluttered shut, her head lolled backwards. He kissed the side of her neck and drew a deep breath. Dari knew his needs and desires matched her own.

She too drew a sharp breath and widened her legs in a silent invitation. The pull between them was much stronger in the real world. The primal urge to mate ruled her every emotion, controlled her every action. She tipped her head forward, to look in his eyes. He took her breath away and it was all she could do to find her voice.

“Is that such a bad thing?” She breathed the words into his mouth. God, she needed him with every fiber of her being. She longed to make love to him outside her dream world.

His finger grazed her clitoris, eliciting a gasp from the depths of her throat. “It will increase our signature thus increasing our risk of detection.” His ragged voice deepened with dark desire. One finger found her wet opening and dipped inside. She gasped as he stroked her sensitive spot.

She lifted her ass from the tub, forcing his finger in deeper. “Then perhaps we should stop,” she said, instinctively knowing it was impossible. The pull was too strong for either of them to curb.

“Yes, perhaps we should.” His raspy voice was full of tortured promise. “But perhaps our powers will help in our quest to fight Grayson.”

Mikel eased his finger in and out of her heat. The love she felt for him rushed over her as he raised her passion.

“Come here, Dari.” Mikel pulled his finger from her pussy and wrapped his hands around her legs. He spread her open wide and pulled until she slid up his body and straddled his waist. An erotic whimper sounded in her throat as she poised her breasts over his mouth. She cupped her orbs in offering. Knowing their actions were ruled by a greater force, one that neither of them had the power to control, she gave herself over to her desires.

His gaze moved to her breasts. The primal sound in his throat made her quake in anticipation. He flicked his tongue over her nipple and lapped at her with all the hunger inside him. The warmth of his mouth made Dari tremble from head to toe. She raked her fingers through his long hair and arched into his mouth.

“Mikel that feels amazing.”

“And it tastes amazing, Dari.” His voice dropped to a whisper.

She gyrated her hips until the soft fold of her pussy hugged the tip of his cock. His engorged head breached her opening, stoking the fire inside her. With the utmost concentration she focused on the tiny points of pleasure forking through her. The feeling was most erotic.

His tongue curled around her nipple making it harden in bliss. He deepened the kiss, drawing her bud into his mouth, nipping, biting and sucking until her soft moans of pleasure merged with his.

Shaking almost violently, his hands gripped the sides of her hips and he slowly eased inside her. “I need to take you, Dari. I have to have you. To claim you as mine. Body and soul.” His rough whisper sent ripples of pleasure onward and upward through her body. The intensity and raw hunger in his voice both was both thrilling and frightening.

“Please, Mikel. Take me.” Her voice wavered.

His mouth found hers as he pressed into her. His width pushed open the tight walls of her pussy as he inched in deeper. Suddenly pleasure turned to pain. White light burst before her eyes. She tried to squirm away.

“Mikel. Stop. It hurts.”

He stilled his movements, but didn’t let her pull away. “Yes, Dari. I expected it would.” The tenderness in his voice and the concern in his expression turned her inside out. “Even though we’ve made love numerous times in your dreams, you are still a virgin and I must break through your hymen.”

“And the pain?” she asked, knowing she was truly innocent in the ways of sex.

“It won’t last for long. You need to trust me.” Patience and love laced his voice and reached out to her, comforting her, expelling her fears.

She nodded and touched her hand to his cheek. “I do trust you.”

“Good, take a deep breath, as you let it out, I will ease into you.” He reached between her legs and caressed her puckered clit with such gentle hands.

She felt his cock throb between her legs and knew how much effort it took on his part to maintain control. She drew a long breath and slowly let it out as his cock filled her. He held her tight and whispered encouraging words of love.

“That’s it, Dari. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He stroked her hair and cheek as he pushed deeper into her slick core. “I’m almost there. Are you okay?”

She took deep, panting breaths and knew she had never been so
in her life. “Yes. I want you, Mikel. I want to make love.”

He stopped as though he reached a barrier, then she felt a sudden burst of pain. She opened her mouth to cry out but he closed his lips over hers, swallowing her cries, turning her attention to the texture and taste of his mouth as his tongue moved inside to play with hers.

BOOK: Blood Ties
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