Blood & Thunder (12 page)

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Authors: Charlie Cochet

BOOK: Blood & Thunder
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With a nip to Dex’s bottom lip, making his partner groan, Sloane rolled onto his side. He motioned down toward the other end of the bed, his blood drumming through his veins, filling his cock at the sight of Dex’s tongue poking out to lick his bottom lip. “Get down there and be quiet. The walls are insulated, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

Dex’s enthusiastic nod almost made Sloane laugh, until he was forced to throw an arm up to keep himself from getting kicked in the face as Dex scrambled to turn his body around. The man was a disaster, nearly falling off the bed in the process. Sloane threw an arm out, grabbed him by the belt, and yanked him down so his cock was in front of Sloane’s face.

“You’re damn lucky you’re pretty, Daley,” Sloane growled quietly.

“Aw, you think I’m pretty?”

“Shut up and suck my dick.”

“You’re lucky you’re damn sexy,” Dex countered, inhaling sharply and bucking when Sloane closed a hand over Dex’s cock and squeezed. “Sweet Jesus.”

“Yeah, less talking, more sucking.” He let out a low hiss at the feel of Dex’s hand on him.

“Anyone ever tell you you’re bossy?”

“I’m sorry, I was under the impression we came here for blow jobs and not to discuss my people skills.” Dex’s hot mouth enveloping him put a stop to both their grousing, and Sloane returned the favor, taking Dex down to the root. He closed his eyes, humming around Dex’s cock, sucking, licking, and trying his damn hardest to keep himself in control.

Dex dug his fingers into Sloane’s ass cheeks, his gorgeous mouth making it difficult for Sloane to concentrate on what he was doing. Damn, the guy knew how to drive him over the edge. As excruciating pressure began to build up inside Sloane, he quickened his pace, his hand on Dex’s hips to keep him still. He loved the taste of Dex, and he expressed it as best he could, his tongue circling the head, pressing into Dex’s slit, making Dex buck. Dex hummed around him in warning, and Sloane doubled his efforts, sucking him harder and faster until Dex stiffened before he came in Sloane’s mouth. He swallowed, his muscles tightening as the heat spread, and with a low moan, he shot his load into Dex’s mouth.

Sloane gently pulled off Dex, and as soon as Dex did the same, Sloane rolled onto his back, his breath coming out heavy. Damn, that was good. He lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling. The bed moved, and Sloane held back a smile at Dex snuggling up close, his arm around Sloane’s waist. Sloane’s hand found Dex’s hair, and he absently ran his fingers through the dirty blond locks, a smile breaking through. After a few heartbeats, Sloane nudged his partner.

“We need to go before someone comes looking for either of us.”

Dex let out a groan, but rolled over and got up, unaware of Sloane watching him tuck himself back in. He zipped up and straightened out his clothes and hair. Damn, he was cute. Pale blue eyes shifted up and Dex cocked his head to one side, that brilliant smile stealing Sloane’s breath away.


Sloane shook his head. “Nothing.” He got up and sorted himself out before pulling Dex into his arms, delivering a kiss to his head. “Come on.” He didn’t know where the tenderness came from, and he refused to dwell on it. He made his way to the door, and with Dex out of sight behind him, Sloane peeked out of the room. At his signal, Dex slipped out and Sloane followed, closing the door behind him. They quickly made their way to the end of the hall, slowing down to a casual stroll when they reached the corner.

They walked past the male locker room when Ash stepped in front of them, scaring the hell out them. Lucky for them, Ash was too annoyed to notice their less than innocent reaction.

“Where the hell were you two?”

Sloane and Dex produced a candy bar from their front breast pockets in unison, answering simultaneously, “Lunchroom.”

Ash looked genuinely horrified. “You two are spending way too much time together. Seriously, that was creepy as fuck.” He snatched their candy bars. “For the psychological trauma you’ve just inflicted.”

Dex pouted. “Hey, I was gonna save that for the next briefing.”

“Briefings are not snack time.” Ash crowded Dex, who looked genuinely perplexed.

“But…. How else am I supposed to get through them?”

“I don’t know, by paying attention? I can’t believe Lieutenant Sparks lets you get away with it.”

Sloane pushed himself between the two. Well, there was little pushing involved. He only had to slip a hand between them, and Dex took a step back. Sometimes it surprised Sloane how responsive Dex was to his every touch. Even when the guy was focused on something else, he always seemed to be aware of Sloane and his movements. “All right you two, that’s enough. What did you want, Ash?”

“We’re going to Bar Dekatria tonight. Cael says if one more Intel guy calls him to add another algorithm to the case, he’s going to lose it and take everyone with him.” Ash chuckled. “You should have seen him. He got all red in the face and started stomping around. At one point he got so mad, he knocked over someone’s empty soda can.”

“Did he pick it right up and apologize profusely?” Dex asked with a grin.

“It’s Cael. Of course he did. Then he offered to buy the guy a new one.”

Dex shook his head with a laugh. “You should have seen him when he was a kid, and he’d get pissed off in his Therian form, chirping all over the place, his little cheetah fuzz at the top of his head sticking up. It was adorable.”

Ash actually laughed along with Dex. It fascinated Sloane how the two were always arguing, annoying the hell out of one another or wishing fiery pain upon each other, except when it concerned Cael. Then they were a couple of mother hens, clucking away over their little chick. It was sweet, and at times, frightening, especially where Ash was concerned. If it weren’t for Cael, Sloane would never have guessed his friend possessed any kind of nurturing instinct. Something moved behind Ash and Sloane coughed into his hand. When that didn’t work, he elbowed Dex, only to be once again ignored.

“Guys,” Sloane warned.

“What are you two talking about?”

Ash and Dex stopped abruptly, both turning to Cael who stood there, a deep frown on his boyish face. Dex waved cheerfully. “Hey, little brother.”

Cael folded his arms over his chest. “You were talking about me, weren’t you?”

“Us? No.” Dex’s grin got wider.

“You’re a shitty liar. I’m not in the mood for you, Dex. Stupid Intel with their stupid algorithms, and their stupid stupidness.” Cael sighed, looking embarrassed. “I’m sorry. They’re not stupid.” He looked up at them with a pout. “What?”

Dex threw his arms around Cael’s neck, petting his head and murmuring softly. “You’re so precious. So, so precious.”

“Get off.” Cael pushed Dex away from him. “So are we going to Dekatria tonight or what? I need alcohol.”

“Of course we are,” Ash replied, throwing an arm around Cael’s shoulders. “First drink’s on me. What do you say?”

Cael perked up. “I say awesome!”

“Hey, I’m cute, too,” Dex protested as they followed Ash and Cael to the bullpen. “Why don’t I get a free drink?”

Ash flipped him off, calling out over his shoulder, “You’re not cute, Daley.”

“Screw you. I’m fucking adorable!”

Sloane leaned into Dex, whispering. “I think you’re cute.”

Dex smiled at him and batted his lashes. “Do I get a free drink?”


“Damn.” Dex craned his neck and waved his arms. “Hey, Rosa! I have to ask you something.” He ran off and Sloane chuckled, hearing Dex calling out after her. “Where are you going? I want to ask you if you think I’m cute. You do, right? Rosa?”

Well tonight should be interesting to say the least.

Chapter 5


This wasn’t going to be an interesting night. It was going to be horrifying.

“Oh no.” Sloane tried pushing Cael back out the bar’s entrance, but Rosa and Letty were crowded around him with Hobbs blocking the doorway. “Get out. Everyone out!”

“Why?” Cael stood on his toes, trying to peer around Ash and Sloane.

Damn it, there was no time. “Just get out—go, go, go.” He grabbed Ash’s arm, hissing in his ear. “Threat Level Fuchsia. Fuchsia!”

Ash’s eyes widened and he turned to usher everyone back out. “Shit. Everyone out before—”

“What?” Dex swept past them, God knew how, slowing when he saw what Sloane had been trying so hard to avoid. He turned and threw his arms up with a loud “whoop” in victory, followed by a sing-song, “Karaoke night!”

Ash delivered a punch to Sloane’s arm. “What the fuck, man? You couldn’t have said something sooner?”

“Damn it, Ash.” Sloane rubbed his arm, glaring at his best friend. “I didn’t see the equipment until it was too late.” He returned Ash’s punch to the arm. “You’re the one who wanted to come here.”

“I didn’t know they’d started doing that shit. Now what?”

“Now we get drunk. He’s already checking out the playlist. It’s too late.”

Ash thought about it for a moment. “We could knock him out.”

“That’s your answer to everything isn’t it?” Sloane lowered his voice to mimic Ash’s growl. “Dex is singing in the shower, you want me to knock him out? Dex is eating gummy bears during the briefing, you want me to knock him out? Dex is napping during the assembly, you want me to knock him out?” Sloane shook his head. “How can you knock him out if he’s already out!”

“Chill, man. Don’t get your fucking panties in a bunch. I suggest you skip the beer and go straight to the vodka.” Ash strolled over to the bar and held a finger out to signal one of the barmen. “Also I could have woken him up and then knocked him out. Just saying.”

Sloane chose to ignore his friend, offering a noncommittal grunt when Bradley, the handsome Therian bartender with an armful of tattoos and tight black T-shirt, greeted him with his cheerful smile. Bar Dekatria was a Therian and Human friendly bar that had quickly become a team favorite, especially for Dex. It was less than a fifteen-minute drive from THIRDS HQ. The place was tastefully decorated in a classy retro-style with rich dark woods, dark accents, a black, tufted leather bar, and leather seating, and had a spacious dance floor opposite the bar that Dex always managed to hijack along with his male and female groupies once he’d had a few drinks in him. The guy was a total lightweight when it came to booze.

“What’ll it be, Sloane? Beer? Or my ‘It’s Going to be One of Those Nights’ special?” Bradley leaned on the bar, his eyes sparkling with mischief. By now, Bradley had come to know Sloane and his team pretty well, and he had a bad habit of finding Dex amusing, among other things. The bartender had no sympathy for Sloane whatsoever. Bastard.

Sloane shook his head pitifully. “Karaoke night? Really? How could you do this to me?”

Bradley let out a pleasant laugh. “I’m sorry.”

“No you’re not,” Sloane muttered. “You just want to see him shake his ass.”

“He’s actually a good singer. At least this time he’ll have lyrics to follow when he’s too drunk to remember them. Besides, who doesn’t want to see your boy shake his ass?” Bradley gave him a wink and called out over his shoulder as he walked away. “I’ll get you that special.”

Bradley seemed to have gotten it in his head a few months ago that Sloane and Dex were meant to be together. Little did he know, they already were. Sort of. Sloane tried not to put a name to whatever it was he and Dex shared. All he knew was that for all his griping and grumbling, he liked being with Dex. He liked who he was around him, liked how Dex made him feel, and the sex was damn hot. Things were good between them. That was enough for him.

“Here you go.”

Sloane lifted the tall shot glass with the foggy concoction, a mix Bradley had put together just for him. “Should I be worried you refuse to tell me what’s in this?”

The speakers came on, along with the small stage’s spotlights. Crap. It was starting. He threw back the shot and shook off the sweet, tangy taste before placing it on the bar’s sleek black surface. “Better give me one more,” he wheezed. “And a beer.” A minute later, Bradley returned with his order, and Sloane made quick work of the shot. He thanked Bradley before making his way over to the small cluster of tables his team occupied in front of the stage Dex was walking up to. His partner took the microphone, that cheeky thousand-watt smile aimed at the growing crowd.

“Hi there,” he said, his voice throaty. The regulars who were already familiar with his antics cheered and applauded. Wherever his team went, Dex seemed to pick up a fan following. Something about the guy fascinated Humans and Therians alike. Sloane was still trying to work out what it was. Especially since the guy was… well, kinda weird. Then again, crazy had a way of attracting crazy.

“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Agent Dexter J. Daley, but you can call me Dex when I’m not on duty. I am literally, licensed to kill.” He held a hand up to stifle the cheering. “Don’t let that scare you. That’s just the day job. At night, I’m—” Dex grinned wide and wriggled his brows. “—licensed to thrill.”

Sloane covered his face with his hand and groaned. He should have had at least two more of Bradley’s “specials.” Maybe three. No, four. Oh, sweet Jesus, what had he gotten himself into?

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