Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2) (24 page)

BOOK: Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2)
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Sarah breathed out a sigh of relief too, feeling her own body relax along with Charlie’s. Charlie made a whimpering sound, low in her throat and then shuddered, lowering her face.

“I, . . . I don’t like men. I thought for a moment when Sarah’s dad stood by me, it was that other man who took me. I keep thinking about it. I keep thinking that he’ll come back for me,” Charlie whispered, sounding like she was close to tears.

Race put his pizza down and moved to stand by Agnes. Charlie flinched but swallowed and tried to straighten her shoulders.

“Charlie, I’m your father’s cousin, which makes you and Sarah cousins too. I won’t hurt you. I promise you that. Look around this room. Zane is your friend. Sarah is your friend. We’re all your friends here. All of us went out into the forest to find you and bring you to safety. You matter to us,” he said softly.

Charlie’s shoulders starting shaking and her face collapsed as horrible wrenching sobs tore through her body. Agnes immediately pulled the thin girl into a maternal hug, crooning softly to her and rubbing her back. And then Race put his hand on the side of Charlie’s face and closed his eyes. Within seconds, Charlie had stopped shaking and her sobbing quieted. Race stayed where he was though, sending soothing, healing energy into Charlie’s damaged soul.

Sarah felt Zane come up behind her and put his arms around her shoulder
. I hate that Charles and Mason can do that to people. I hate that they can tear down and terrorize anyone they want to. It makes me sick.

Sarah reached her hands up to grasp his arms and leaned back against him and felt cocooned in warmth and safety.
We’ll have to be the ones to stop them.

Zane nodded and kissed her temple before pulling back. Charlie was blowing her nose and Gretchen was patting her back now as Agnes made her a cup of hot chocolate. Francis stood back watching silently though. Sarah frowned and sent her thoughts over to her grandmother.

You know, she’s just as much your great-granddaughter as I am.

Francis’s eyes glittered as she turned to stare at Sarah.
It’s hard for me to get past the fact that Charles is her father.

Sarah shook her head sadly at her.
Try. She needs you

Francis sniffed and looked away for a moment. Then she walked slowly over to Charlie and patted her on the arm stiffly.

“Charlie, I’m your great-grandmother. You’re under my protection now. You’re safe from your father here. You have my word on it,” she said gravely.

Charlie blinked at her in surprise and looked at her as if she were a bug. “You’re my
Why didn’t you claim me then? We’ve both lived here in the same town all this time. Why did I have to live in all those foster homes, being pushed from place to place? Why do I have to live with my senile great aunt? Where have you been?” she demanded, her voice rising almost hysterically.

Francis raised her hands up and her pale green eyes turned bright with emotion. “I found out about you when Sarah went to school and declared there was a witch there. I had no idea that Charles had a child and that she lived here in my town. If I had known, then you better believe that I would have cared for you.”

Charlie unclenched her fists and stared at Francis suspiciously. “Why didn’t you know?”

Francis lifted a helpless hand and looked away. “That’s a good question. I saw your birth certificate just a few days ago. When your father lived here, long ago, he hurt many people. People died. People I loved and cherished died. Charles was so busy causing havoc and destruction that it never occurred to me that he was involved in a relationship with anyone. I never heard any talk that he was. Tell me though child. Who is your mother? And where is she?” Francis asked gently, moving closer to Charlie.

Race and Gretchen stepped back, but Agnes bustled in and put a mug of hot chocolate in Charlie’s hands. Charlie smiled shyly at Agnes before answering.

“She’s still here.
Sort of.
She lost her mind before I was born. She lives in a care facility at the edge of town. Her name is Teresa Prescott. I have all of her high school yearbooks and journals and pictures and stuff. She was completely normal until she got pregnant with me and then it was like her mind just left. I go to visit her once a week but she doesn’t know who I am. She just walks around the care center all day, every day, like she’s looking for something she’s lost.”

Francis whipped her head around to stare at Race. “Race, do you remember this girl? Do you know anything about Charles’s relationship with her?”

Race looked down as he thought about it. “I’m sorry, I don’t. Charles and I had grown apart by then so he didn’t confide in me. The name kind of sounds familiar though. Was your mom a cheerleader?” he asked curiously.

Charlie nodded sadly. “Yeah. My favorite picture of her is where she’s at the top of this pyramid and she’s grinning like she’s the happiest person in the world. Six months later, she was like she is now.”

Race nodded sadly. “I’m sorry about your mom Charlie.”

Zane grabbed another slice of pizza and grabbed Sarah’s hand, pulling her over to the table to sit with him.

“So you and Charlie are cousins. I should have seen it,” he said with a teasing smile.

Sarah rolled her eyes and picked a pepperoni off his pizza and popping it into her mouth. “This is all kind of weird though. I went from having one strange icky aunt, to having a dad, a grandmother and a, um, . . .
cousin,” she said softly.

Zane shrugged. “I can beat that. I went from having my own little family, to gaining a gorgeous girlfriend, her over protective father and her ultra over protective grandmother. I think I win,” he said, smiling warmly at her.

Sarah grinned back and shook her head. “I think we both win,” she said softly, studying the interesting angles of his face.

Zane stared at her and then smiled. “Maybe you and I should build a bonfire on the beach tonight, just the two of us? And then you can tell me all about how fascinating my face is.”

Sarah blushed, shaking her head at Zane who looked absolutely serious. “Stop reading my mind,” she ordered sternly.

Zane leaned over, brushing her hair off her shoulder as he leaned in close to her ear. “I don’t even have to try. It’s like whatever you’re thinking about me, wraps around me and I just know. I’m not even trying Sarah. I promise,” he said, kissing her cheek.

Sarah licked her lips and looked away.
How embarrassing
. She turned around to stare at everyone standing around the counter though when she heard Charles’s name come up.

“What do you know about your father, Charlie?” Gretchen asked her softly.

Zane turned around in his seat too, forgetting his pizza.

Charlie shrugged and hunched over her plate. “Nothing really. His name, Charles Langford, is on my birth certificate but that’s it. He never married my mom and she could never tell me anything about him of course. It’s weird to know that I’m named after him.”

Race smiled sadly at the young girl. “I like your name. It’s your own.”

Charlie looked up at Race and tilted her head as she looked at him. “Does my dad want me now that he knows about me, or did he just take me to get to Sarah?”

Francis stepped forward into the circle of the conversation and shook her head. “Charlie, there’s no knowing or guessing about Charles’s intentions or motives concerning you. We do know he attempted to take you. Child, you must know that he’s not the type of man to want a normal, loving, good father daughter relationship with you. If he did want you, it’s most likely because he wants to take your power too. He’s my grandson and he just threatened to kill me a few days ago,” she said quietly.

Charlie looked horrified and lowered her head for a moment before looking back up at her grandmother. “I guess it would have been nice to believe that maybe someone wanted me. No one ever has,” she said quietly.

Sarah felt her heart break for the girl and realized that Charlie and Lash had a lot in common.

“Nonsense. I want you. Everyone here in this room wants you here. We’re your family now Charlie. I understand that your life hasn’t been ideal. But I think there’s room in everyone’s hearts for you. Am I right?” Francis asked gazing around the room.

Charlie’s eyes were big as she glanced quickly around the room, looking even more surprised at all of the warm and welcoming smiles aimed at her. “Oh wow. Really?”

Gretchen moved forward and pulled Charlie into a warm hug. “Welcome home, dear.”

Agnes came forward next. “Everyone needs a family. This one’s yours.”

Race moved slowly towards her, not wanting to scare her. He reached out and barely touched her shoulder with his hand and said, “Think of me as your uncle, Charlie.”

Charlie looked over her shoulder at Zane and Sarah who were staring at her with smiles on their faces. “What about them?” she asked, blushing as she obviously thought about everything she’d done to Zane.

Zane stood up and walked over to her, holding out a hand. “I’ve never had a younger sister before. It might be nice.”

Charlie grinned happily as she took his hand. Sarah walked forward more slowly as she glanced around the room and back at the hopeful girl standing in front of her.

“I know what it’s like to feel all alone in the world. I know what it’s like to have someone who is supposed to care about you and protect you, try and harm you. And now I know what it’s like to have a loving, strong and good family. It feels great Charlie. I’m glad you’re my cousin. I’m glad you’re here.”

Charlie walked the few feet to stand in front of Sarah, smiling shyly. “I’m glad too,” she said and awkwardly put her arms around Sarah as if she’d never hugged anyone before. Sarah hugged her back tightly and surprised herself when she felt a tear run down her cheek.

“Group hug!” Zane yelled and threw his arms around the two girls. Gretchen and Agnes ran to add their hugs to the group, followed much more slowly by Race and Francis who looked uncomfortable. Sarah and Charlie giggled happily underneath all the arms.

As everyone let go and pulled back, someone cleared their throat loudly by the door. Everyone turned around to see Lash leaning against the doorway looking surprised.

“What is going on here?” he demanded with a bewildered smile.

Charlie was the one to speak up. “Turns out I’m part of the family. Sarah is my cousin, Race is going to be my uncle and I have a real grandmother. Cool huh?”

Lash stared around the room and looked a little jealous. “Yeah, cool.”

Charlie smiled at him. “You just missed the group hug, but I’ll give you one if you want?” she said, almost sounding like she was flirting with him.

Sarah and Zane exchanged raised eyebrows and grins as Lash blinked a few times in surprise. “Uh,
, sure,” he said and walked over for a quick hug.

The rest of the evening went by fast. It was decided that Charlie would continue living with her aunt until Francis could talk to her about changing guardianship. Charlie seemed really excited about it. Beatrice showed her a guest room down stairs by Francis’s room that would be hers if everything fell into place. Lash offered to give her a ride home leaving everyone else to wander off.

“Time to turn in,” Zane said, looking at her in that smoky way of his that curled her toes.

Sarah finished putting the dishes away and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Remember the rules my most beautiful boyfriend.”

Zane smiled and continued to stare at her. “Maybe some rules are meant to be broken,” he offered, standing up and walking slowly toward her, looking determined and gorgeous at the same time.

Sarah bit her lip and scooted backwards. “I happen to agree with these rules.
For now
,” she said as Zane trapped her between himself and the counter.

Zane nodded reasonably. “For now . . . is that for the next few minutes now, or the next few months now?

Sarah smiled and slipped her arms around his waist, giving in and leaning her head against his chest, sighing deeply as she enjoyed the feel of his hard muscles and soft t-shirt.

“Maybe the next few seconds,” she muttered softly.

Zane laughed softly and kissed the top of her head. “
, I’m reading your thoughts again Sarah. And the answer is yes.”

Sarah looked up, groaning in frustration. “
! That’s so annoying.”

Zane grinned and shook his head. “I told you, it’s all you. I have nothing to do with it.”

Sarah glared at him and moved out of his arms, walking out of the kitchen. “I’m going to bed Zane. I’m just so tired all of a sudden. Try not to wake me up when you come in later. Much,
later,” she said snottily as she ran lightly up the stairs, two at a time.

Zane grabbed her from behind, turning her around. Because she was two steps above him, she was slightly taller than he was. She smiled, liking the change.

“Don’t be like that. At least give me a good night hug,” he pleaded.

Sarah gave in easily and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly and feeling his soft wavy hair with her cheek.

“Zane, Francis wants us to check all the windows tonight. Come on,” Race said firmly, standing at the bottom of the stairs, glaring at Zane’s back.

Zane pulled away from Sarah with a sigh. “No problem Race. Good night Sarah,” he said formally with a wink and then turned to join her father.

She went to bed with a grin on her face, falling fast asleep before Zane crawled into bed an hour later.


Chapter 18 - Darkness



Sarah woke up the next day feeling even better and stronger than the day before. She turned on her side and stared at Zane. Zane was lying on his back with his eyes closed but turned his head towards her and opened his eyes slowly.

“Okay, okay, stop shouting. I’m up now,” he said sleepily.

Sarah propped herself up on her arm and smiled at him in confusion. “I think you’re still dreaming. No one’s shouting.”

BOOK: Blood Rush (The Lost Witch Trilogy #2)
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