Blood Red (82 page)

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Authors: Vivi Anna

BOOK: Blood Red
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The horses whinnied and stamped their feet nervously.

Wolf looked down at the ground, noticed dark spots in the dirt, and stained leaves. “This is where we fought the guard.”

Red nodded. “Yes, the blind gate is near.”

Hans looked around him, his neck twisting back and forth. “Where? I can’t see it.”


Blood Red

“That’s the point. You will not find it by looking.”

Red clicked to her horse. They went farther up the path. She was a mere few feet from the others when she felt a cold draft. She stopped, backed up the horse, then went forward. Again, a frigid air moved around her. It seemed to swirl around her like thick gray smoke. Red peered straight ahead but saw nothing.

She backed up an inch, just out of reach of the cold air. She looked again. She saw nothing. She moved to turn around when in her peripheral she saw a white pillar. She turned back, but the image vanished.

The others watched her as she backed her horse up again. She stood in the middle of the path and turned her head to the side, then to the other side.

“What is she doing?” Junior scratched the thick beard on his chin.

“I think she found the gate.” Wolf grinned, and kicked his horse. He rode up to where she was.

Red turned to him as he neared. “I found it.”

“I knew you would.”

“Back up and go behind me.”

Wolf backed up his horse and maneuvered behind her.

“Turn your head slightly to the left and look past me.”

* * *

Wolf did as she said. He turned and tried to look past her. He saw nothing, just Red sitting regally on horse.

He narrowed his eyes, willing them to see past the 163

Vivi Anna

view. He was about to give up, when he saw something shimmer behind Red. At first, he thought it a beam of sunlight. Then it solidified and became a tall alabaster stone pillar. Then he moved, and saw there were two of them. They were only six feet apart.

But they were there. They had found the gate to Grimm Castle.

Wolf turned in his saddle. “It is here.”

The others rode up beside him. They looked to where he pointed.

“I don’t see a thing,” Hans complained.

“Because you are looking with your eyes,” Wolf explained.

“Well, that’s just stupid. What else are you supposed to look with?”

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