Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series)
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“Please, don’t take my shoes off.  I’m in a lot of pain and I’m scared it will hurt more,” I said, trying to keep my voice from quivering with the pain I felt. “I’ll do it myself as soon as my head quits spinning.”

“Nonsense, Skye,” he said in a soothing voice.  “I need to see how bad the damage is.  Hold still for me, love, and I’ll try my best not to hurt you.”

I felt the stranger’s cool hands on my upper thigh as he slowly slid them down to my knee.  His hands made my skin tingle and electric jolts went up my leg and settled into my lower abdomen.  I gasped in surprise and squirmed a little. 
What the hell was that? 
This man was barely touching me and it shouldn’t have affected me that way. I felt myself blush in embarrassment and I hoped that he hadn’t noticed. 

I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and focused on the soft flutters of his fingers as he examined me. He moved slowly down my leg, past my knee, to my calf muscle.  The tingling feeling intensified once again and I squirmed in my seat, attempting to quiet the returning jolts. 

“Be still, love,” the stranger whispered softly. He moved his hands down to my ankle and an odd warm sensation started to travel up my leg. I immediately bolted upright. 

“Whoa, okay…um…yeah.  Thank you, but I think my leg is okay now, sir,” I said hurriedly, needing the stranger to stop touching me.  I didn’t understand what was going on, but a stranger’s touch shouldn’t have felt this good.  My hormones were suddenly out of control.  It was making me self-conscious and slightly uncomfortable.

“Trust me, Skye,” he whispered seductively, close to my ear.  I suddenly grew calm and allowed him to gently lay me back down on the couch.  I can’t explain it, but there was something that felt familiar and safe about this person.  I trusted him all of the sudden and it felt right.

“Okay,” I said, relaxing and closing my eyes.  I heard him chuckle lightly as the door to the office flew open and Dan rushed in.

“Skye, doll, are you okay?” he asked kneeling beside the couch and grabbing my hand. 

“I’m a little light headed and my vision is a blurry, but I’ll be okay, D,” I said quietly.  “Did you find someone to cover my tables?”

He shook his head and chuckled.  “Busted up all to hell and still worried about her tables, can you believe that Jameson?”

“Jameson?” I heard myself whisper in shocking recognition. I mentally put a face to the voice and it made sudden sense to me. 
Oh my gosh, it’s Jameson Doyle, musical genius and object of my hard core crush.  And he was just touching my leg
, I thought silently.  I felt my face flush hot at the memory of how his touch made me feel, and I tried hard to calm my rapidly increasing heart rate. 

“Aye, love.  I was just walking in for a pint when I saw you take a tumble,” he said, pulling up a chair and sitting by my feet.  “You’ve got a nasty cut on your right eyebrow, you wrenched your knee, and your ankle is all swollen up.  I don’t think you broke anything, but you’re going to be sore for a few days.”

“Thanks for bringing her back here, Jameson.  Tell Nikki to get you anything you want.  It’s on the house,” Dan said while brushing my hair back from my face and examining my eyebrow and forehead.  “I’ll get your stuff and have Roger drive you to the hospital, doll.”

“No, D., please,” I pleaded. “I just want to go home. I really hate hospitals.  And besides, I’m starting to feel a little better already.  I just need some aspirin and ice.”

“I can’t leave right now, doll.  We’re absolutely swamped.  Is it okay if Roger takes you home?” he asked, gently.

“I’ll run you home, if you’d like, Skye,” Jameson offered.  I looked over at him as my vision slowly began to clear.  Jameson was in top form tonight.  He had his hair stuffed under a grey oversized beanie and he was wearing a white Rancid t-shirt and faded blue jeans.  His eyes were bright, and his smile was captivating. 

“Yes, please, Jameson,” I said with a lopsided smile.  I closed my eyes, sighed and prepared myself to sit up, hoping the pain would be as minimal as possible.  I reached behind my head and pulled out Jameson’s jacket.  I opened my eyes to hand it back to him and saw him standing over me. 

“I’ll take that, love,” he said softly as he took the jacket and placed it on the back of his vacated chair. 

Dan looked back and forth between Jameson and me.  He had a confused look on his face, but shook his head and seemed to put whatever the thought was aside.  “Promise me that you’ll call me tomorrow, Skye,” he said, standing, and sounding a bit worried. “I mean it.  I want to make sure that you are okay.”

“You got it, boss man,” I said, giving him a small, reassuring smile.

“And don’t bother coming in either.  You need a few days to rest that leg,” Dan ordered.  He walked to the door and turned to nod his head goodbye to Jameson.  “You take care of her now, Micky.  If she changes her mind about the hospital, you’ll call me?”

“Aye,” Jameson said, nodding his head in confirmation.

Dan walked out the door and Jameson turned back to me.  “Are you ready to go, love?” he asked softly, his eyes warm and enveloping. 

“I am,” I whispered, eager to be alone with him.  I was remembering our earlier interaction and felt myself blush.

“You’re absolutely ravishing when you blush, Skye,” he said, smiling, as he slowly pulled me into a sitting position.  “How does your head feel? Are you still dizzy? Have any nausea or pain?”

I sat for a moment, looked up into his beautiful light green eyes, and shook my head slowly.  “No, no pain or nausea…though I’m still a little light headed.”

Jameson patted my good knee reassuringly, walked over to my messenger bag and took it off its hook.  He swung it over his head and across his body as he lithely walked back over to me.

“How did you know that bag was mine?” I asked him.

Jameson froze for a second and then rubbed the back of his neck.  “Oh, um…well, I thought I had seen you carry it once before…a couple of weeks ago.  I saw you leaving here one night after you got off work.  Some of my mates and I were having a beer at the bar with Dan.”

“Oh,” I said, surprised.  “I don’t think I’ve seen you hanging out here before.  I mean, I’ve seen all your shows here, but…”  I blushed and promptly shut my mouth.  I didn’t want to seem like I’d been noticing his every move while in the bar…even though I pretty much had.  Jameson was completely gorgeous.  There is no way anyone could not notice him.

He smiled and politely looked at a picture on the wall to his left while I stealthily tried to hide the blush with my long hair.  I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. “So, um, how are we going to do this?” I asked.  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk yet.”  I looked down at my ankle and knee and cringed when I noticed the swelling.

Jameson gave me a sly smile and winked at me.  He bent down and scooped me up quickly, carrying me as he did before in his arms.  I felt no pain when he moved me, and I was very grateful for it.  He turned around to leave and stopped by the chair he had been sitting in.  “Grab that for me, love?” he asked, motioning with his head at his jacket.  He gently dipped my body enough so I could reach over and grab the black leather jacket. 

He walked quickly to the exit and allowed me to reach over and open the door for us.  It was teamwork, getting to the car, and we worked well together.  He walked over to a black sports car located in the very back corner of the dark parking lot and deposited me on the hood.  He took his keys from his pocket and pushed a button.  The trunk popped open and the roof immediately started to fold down into the trunk.  He put my bag into it before the trunk closed itself up.  I looked over at Jameson, impressed. 

“Nice car,” I said, smiling, then teased. “Do I get to drive us home?”

He smiled and laughed.  “Let’s wait a bit on that, shall we?  After all, you can’t even walk yet, love.”

I stuck my bottom lip out in a playful fake pout, and laughed.  “You’re no fun,” I teased.

Jameson walked up to me, his eyes locked on mine.  He made a place for him to stand between my open legs.  He looked deeply into my eyes, smiled, and reached around behind my head to gently grab a handful of hair at the base of my neck.  He leaned in close, tilted my head back, our noses almost touching, and whispered softly.  “I assure you, love, I can be very, very fun.”

Oh my god
, I thought.  Butterflies fluttered furiously in my stomach and my heart started pounding in excitement.  I took a deep breath in through my nose.  Jameson smelled so damn good!  His scent was absolutely intoxicating.  I looked into his green eyes and felt like I was drowning in hot desire.  I wanted him to kiss me so badly.  I remembered the way he examined my leg while we were in Dan’s office.  His touch was electrifying.  I had never experienced anything like that before and I wanted to feel that again.  For some reason, Jameson set my hormones on fire and I needed to feel his cool skin caress my hot, bare flesh.  

I decided to throw caution to the wind.  I wanted him.  I leaned in further and wrapped my good leg around him.  “Why don’t you show me just how much fun you can be, Jameson” I said, boldly taking off his beanie and sliding my hands through his hair.  I leaned forward and softly bit his right earlobe.  He sighed and let out a low, rumbling growl. 

He pulled me away from his ear and captured my awaiting mouth with his.  His lips were soft, wet, and hungry.  His tongue probed along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, meeting it with mine. A jolt of familiar electricity went through my body and I moaned, shamelessly grinding up against him.  His kiss was perfect, his hands masterful.  He gripped my ass and pulled me tighter to him.  I felt his excitement and in turn, got more excited myself. 

I hadn’t been with anyone since Jesse and I was utterly attracted to Jameson.  I’m not a fast girl, but at that moment, I would have done anything if only I could have taken him to bed.  I ran my fingers through his soft, silky hair and wrapped my arms around his neck.  He lifted me with ease, cupping my buttocks with both hands.  I wrapped my other leg around his waist and cried out in sudden pain.

“Oh, shit, Skye, your leg.  I’m so sorry, love,” he said, quickly setting me down on the hood of the car and stepping a few feet away.  “I got carried away.  Please forgive me.”

“Are you kidding, Jameson?” I said gently, chuckling a little.  “There is nothing to forgive.  That was amazing.” I crooked my finger at him and motioned for him to come closer.  “Besides, what’s a little pain when I’m getting so much pleasure?”

A hungry look entered his eyes.  He walked up to me and resumed his spot in-between my legs, mindful of my injuries.  He softly kissed a trail across my injured right eyebrow and forehead.  I closed my eyes and sighed.  His soft kisses felt so good.  I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss.  This one was soft and sweet.  I could tell he was being very careful not to get carried away again.  I didn’t want him to feel bad about my earlier pain.  It was my fault, not his, and I wanted to make sure he knew how bad I still wanted him. I wasn’t afraid of him hurting me. 

I deepened my kiss and grabbed a handful of his thick brown hair.  He let out a soft grunt.  “Skye,” he moaned, hungrily kissing me back.  Another electric jolt went through my body; this one sending tingles straight to my lower abdomen.  I gasped at its unexpectedness. The tingling sensation grew as his hands explored my body.  I wrapped both legs around him, ignoring the pain, wanting to fuse my body with his.  I reveled in his powerful arms, his probing kiss, and his intoxicating scent.

He reached around, grabbed my ass and lifted me to him.  I was losing myself to this beautiful man.  “
Láithreach bonn
,” he growled, half breaking away from our kiss.  A powerful surge of electric tingles suddenly filled me and settled in-between my legs.  I tore free from his mouth, and threw my head back, crying out, succumbing to the unexpected ecstasy.  His mouth found my neck and he hungrily kissed it, licking and gently biting all the right spots.  The waves died down, and he withdrew from my neck and kissed my swollen lips.  He tasted absolutely divine, salty and sweet.  His tongue gently probed my mouth, finding mine and entwining with it.  The kisses grew softer and I regretfully pulled away from his mouth, one hand still clutching his white t-shirt.

“My god, Skye,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He gently set me back down on the hood of his car and I unwrapped my legs from his waist.  “You’re amazing, love.  I didn‘t want to stop.  You taste so fecking good,” he said leaning in and kissing my clavicle.

“Right back at you, handsome,” I said, a lazy, content smile in my eyes and on my lips.  “Though I can’t believe we just did that out here in the parking lot.  What if someone saw us?” I said, looking around.

“Relax, love.  I would have heard them if someone were out here.  We are all alone,” he said, pulling me into a hug.  “But, what if someone had come around while we were…engaged?  Are you shy, my beautiful Skye?” he asked sweetly, putting his finger under my chin and tilting my face up to meet his.

“Yeah, kind of,” I said, blushing.

He threw his head back and laughed.  “I love your innocence,” he said, lightly kissing my lips.  “Shall we take you home now, love?” 

“Yes, please,” I said, letting him pull away from me. 

He opened the door to the passenger’s seat of his BMW z4 sDrive35i roadster, then came back for me.  He lifted me in his arms and gently deposited me on the seat.  He leaned over and fastened my seat belt for me, gently shut my door, and walked around the convertible to his.  Jameson hopped in, without opening the door, and pushed the ignition button to start the car. 

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