Blood Moon (Moon Books) (8 page)

BOOK: Blood Moon (Moon Books)
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I moaned softly when our skin connected. I didn’t think I’d ever felt anything so perfect. We ground our pelvises together, hard erections leaking all over the skin of our stomachs. Noah trembled and propped himself up on his elbows, cupping my face with his hands.

“I’ve loved you for so long,” he murmured and kissed me with velvet soft lips. “It almost seems like this can’t be real.”

“I know what you mean. Part of me feels like if I close my eyes you’ll disappear.”

“Not going to disappear. I promise.” He rubbed his nose against mine in a gesture so sweet and tender it made my breath catch in my throat.

I pulled him close and whispered, “I love you” in his ear before I wrapped my legs around him and arched up so he could feel just how much I wanted him.

Noah tilted my head back. “You ready?”

I gulped and nodded.

He leaned forward and licked my neck like he had earlier that day. But instead of pulling away, I felt a short sharp jab, then the most incredible ecstasy imaginable engulfed me.

Noah groaned against my skin and if anything the feelings intensified. Lust and love careened between us making both of our hearts pound violently in our chests. My toes curled into the sheets and I arched off the bed, moaning wildly and clutching at any part of him that I could reach.

It only lasted ten seconds but by the end I was so close to coming that I was incoherent. Noah drew away, licking the small bite marks gently. He looked just as shaken as me.

I reached up with a trembling hand and pulled his mouth to mine. I felt primal and heated. It was hard to breathe with our lips suctioned together but I didn’t care. His tongue claiming me made me groan. He touched me everywhere, his hands sliding up and down my arms, nails scraping lightly over the nerve-filled skin on my lower back. I shivered violently and ground my hips against him hard. He hitched my leg up over his hip and brushed his fingers against the soft skin of my entrance.

“I need you, Noh.”

“Need you too.” He slipped a hand between us and gripped my throbbing shaft. I was so turned on that I could barely stand to be touched.

“Inside. Please.”

“Now?” His body quaked over mine.

I couldn’t talk anymore so I just nodded.

He crawled on shaky legs to his nightstand, pulling out lube and a condom. I could see through my haze of need that he was nervous. I loved that this was so important to him. When he got back to me, he leaned over and brushed his lips against mine. I nipped at his lower lip gently and rubbed my cheek against him. His hands trembled slightly as he poured lube onto his fingers.

The relief I felt when his fingers slipped into me was immense but short lived. I sighed and arched my back, pushing against the pressure of his hand, wanting more. I reached blindly for him and spread my legs wider, needing his body.

“Please,” I repeated. It was all I needed to say.

He sat back on his heels, reaching for the condom. I heard him fumbling with the package.



“Have you ever done it without one?”

“No. I never actually needed condoms, but it always felt like it would be too...intimate or something.”

“I haven’t either.” I reached up and took the condom from his trembling fingers. “Maybe we can be each other’s first after all.”

He nodded, smiling and I threw the unwanted package to the floor.

I reached for the lube myself wanting to touch Noah and get him ready like he’d done for me. His sharp intake of breath when I wrapped my slippery fingers around his shaft told me that he was just as insanely turned on as I was. To tease him, or maybe because I couldn’t stop touching him, I stroked the slippery lube up and down his thick length, taking way more time than necessary. I ran my fingers around his sensitive head loving the way I could see him lose control. I couldn’t wait to taste him, too, but that would have to come later. Neither one of us were in any condition to prolong the torture.

When I couldn’t stand it even a second longer, I slid my hand around to Noah’s hips and pulled him in between my open legs.

“Love you,” I said one more time as I guided him to my entrance and lifted my hips into his thrust. He came into me in one slow perfect slide, filling me and making me cry out.

“Oh, god, I love you too,” he breathed into my ear. “It feels so different!”

“Better?” I asked grinning.

He laughed hoarsely. “Uh, yeah. Just a little.”

I laughed with him, out of happiness and pure joy, then I wound my legs around his waist and lifted my hips again. With a low groan, he started to move.

I couldn’t handle the pleasure. It was too much: the way Noah breathed against my neck, whispered in my ear telling me how amazing I felt; the touch of his hands all over me, threaded in my hair, cupping my face, hooking behind the back of my knee. He slid out slowly then slammed his hips back into me at the perfect angle to make me scream. He seemed to know exactly how I liked it. Funny, since I hadn’t known exactly how I liked it best until Noah did it that way.

I swore and moaned, gripped his ass with my hands and pulled him as close to me as I could get. I was going insane. It felt so damn good.

Finally, when I thought I was going to blow into little pieces all over the room, he leaned close and delicately sank his teeth into a fresh spot on my neck. For just one second the whole world seemed to stand with its breath held, then all of a sudden my body exploded into an orgasm stronger than anything I’d felt before. Right before I blacked out completely, I heard Noah’s stunned cry of completion.

* * * *

The first thing I noticed when I had recovered enough strength for rational thought was that Noah was licking at the two places he had bitten me. I wondered if it might help them heal, or maybe they still tasted like blood. I didn’t care. Even after the intensity of the past hour, that little touch was enough to send shooters of wild pleasure rocketing down my spine. I moaned quietly and pulled on his hair.

“You’re awake,” he whispered and lifted his head to smile down on me. He went to disentangle us but I held on stubbornly with my legs. “Aren’t I crushing you?”

“No. We’re practically the same size. And even if you were I wouldn’t care. You feel too good.”

He smiled softly then brushed his lips across mine. “So do you.”

“You know, it’s never felt anything like that before. Not just the biting part but the other...” My face turned red. I needed him to know how important it was to me, what we’d just done. I unfortunately had to spit it out and talking about my emotions had never exactly been my strong suit. Luckily Noah knew what I was trying awkwardly to say.

“It hasn’t felt like that for me either. Like we said earlier it was the first time either of us really meant it. I had no idea what a difference that would make.”

“I felt like...”

“Like a virgin, touched for the very first time?” He started laughing before he’d even finished the sentence. I laughed too.

“Shut up,” I mumbled pushing on his chest and giggling.

“I know how you can shut me up.”

I rolled my eyes at him but kissed him anyway. It’s not like he needed to ask.


I woke slowly and stretched in the dark. I had no idea what time it was. I didn’t even know what day it was. Day and night, time in general had come to mean so little to me in the past few weeks. I didn’t care about anything outside of our little warm cocoon. Only Noah’s concern about my parents (and my annoying human stomach) had forced me from his bed at all. Who needed sunlight when there were endless hours spent loving the guy I’d dreamed about since forever? What importance did regular patterned days have when there was a whole new world opening to me that I would have never believed existed?

I shivered when I felt a soft wet tongue trailing between my shoulder blades to eventually end with a sweet kiss in the fine hairs on the back of my neck. I arched back and moaned and was rewarded by warm breath bathing the curve of my ear. The same soft tongue licked tenderly, soothingly, at the sensitive place where my shoulder met my neck. I felt a gentle suction and I trembled, reaching to pull on his head, encouraging him.

“I’m not going to bite, baby,” Noah whispered. “You need to heal. We’re already going to have a hard time explaining this one to your parents.” He licked gently at the newest little bite mark, which had landed quite a bit higher than the others.

I chuckled and quaked at his touch, wiggling my butt against the warmth of his hardening flesh. “Maybe it’s a hickey,” I suggested laughingly.

“Apparently you’ve forgotten what a hickey looks like. I’ll have to remind you.”

He rolled me over and covered my body with his.

I laughed for a second until his hands stopped tickling and started stroking and touching. When his lips joined them, I moaned and held onto his head. He teased me forever: little nips and licks on my nipples, the insides of my thighs, my hipbones; just enough to make both of us squirm. The sound of Noah breathing hard made my heart pound. The look on his face, love and desire mixed with a little bit of awe nearly made my eyes well up. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. He sucked forcefully on the crease between my thigh and my torso. I writhed on the sheets and laughed breathlessly because I was so turned on that I couldn’t manage to do anything else.

When I thought I might just keel over and die from wanting him so badly he finally took my painful aching shaft into his mouth. A wild keening sound came from my throat that I’d never heard before. Noah moaned and took me deeper into his wet heat.

I hadn’t learned to handle it yet; the incomparable pleasure that was Noah’s touch. Even after days and days of practice it still drove me absolutely crazy. He used his mouth in ways that I would have said were impossible, bringing me to the point of oblivion and back over and over. When he slipped a finger inside of me, I started to moan and plead, begging him to take me, to end the exquisite torture.

“I need you. Shit! Oh...I can’t stand it anymore. Fuck me now. Please, Noh...” I barely recognized my own voice.

“Not yet,” he murmured and turned me onto my stomach. His sweet soft tongue licked down my spine, punctuating the journey with hot little biting kisses. The wetness combined with his breathy whispers made me arch my back. “I love the way you move when I kiss your back,” he whispered against my skin. “It’s so sexy.”

I moaned in agreement. I could barely hear him, but as long as he kept doing what he was doing I’d agree with anything he said. He settled in between my thighs, licking and caressing the skin around my entrance. I groaned, clenching my fists in the sheets. I was panting and moaning and undulating my hips, sure that I’d lose it at any second. The moment before it was too late he turned me gently, brushing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and reached a shaking hand up to touch his face.

“I love you. I need you.”

Noah nodded and reached for the lube, slicking himself up and pausing at my entrance.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, rubbing my foot on the back of his leg and pulling insistently on him.

“Nothing. I just feel so lucky.”

When he said what I’d been thinking just minutes before, my throat tightened and I had to fight back tears. “I know exactly what you mean.” I lifted my head and kissed him softly.

He slipped his hand under me, and never breaking contact with my lips he pushed slowly inside, groaning. I shivered and wrapped my legs around his waist, gripping the bottom of the headboard with my hand.

“Oh god, Noh, right there!”

He moved his hips in small circles, rubbing against that perfect spot again and again and making the sexiest moaning sounds I’d ever heard. I couldn’t talk, I could barely breathe. I never wanted him to stop.

Suddenly he froze.

I was spinning in bliss and didn’t realize what had happened until I heard the distinct slamming of the front door echo through the empty house.

Noah growled, irritated, and pulled out of me gently, looking worried and insanely frustrated at the same time. “Shit!”

I looked at him with wide eyes.

“There’s only one person besides me and Mrs. Clooney who has a key,” he said slowly.

“And Mrs. Clooney always comes in the kitchen door,” I added. We looked at each other in dawning horror. ‘Shit’ didn’t even begin to cover it.

Grandfather was home.

“Noah, what do you want me to do? I’ll help however I can.”

“I don’t know what to do,” he answered. “I guess I’ll have to distract him. I don’t want him asking too many questions. At least it’s night and I don’t have to worry about the damn sun.”

“It is?”

“Yeah, it is. I’ve screwed you all up, huh?”

“I don’t mind. What the hell is he doing here, anyway?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. He never comes here. One thing we do need to do though.” He leaned in towards my neck, brushing it softly.

I giggled instinctively. “What are you doing?” I pushed at him but panted a little when his lips attached themselves to my skin. “This isn’t the time for—”

His reply was muffled by my neck. He was sucking right in the spot where the new bite mark was. I was still so trembly and excited that the pleasure-pain sensation made me groan.

He surfaced.

“What did you say?”

“Grandfather can’t see those bite marks. I’m trying to cover them up.”

“With a hickey? I’m going to look like a seventh grader after a school dance!”

“What’s the matter?” He grinned quickly, humor flashing through. “It was your idea!” Then he sucked for a few more seconds and inspected his work. “There. You can’t even see them now.”

Noah gave me one more slow, sexy kiss then hopped out of bed and started dressing quickly. He pulled on a t-shirt and jeans and attempted to finger comb his hair, which was still messy from me pulling on it. I felt a hot tightening in the pit of my stomach when I looked at him. He was so beautiful...

Then I remembered that it was panic time. I slid off the bed too and started rummaging around for jeans and a shirt. Finally, I found the black button-up that had been draped across the chair in the corner since the first night we went to the bar. I put it on hastily and popped the collar up a little to hide the mark on my neck.

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